My Gift to God

My Gift to God

A Story by Marcus


Everything God thinks or wants becomes our reality; everything even what we think would be a bad idea should he think it it becomes part of reality. She thinks everything we think he thinks and she makes all come true or real even to God. She is his Spirit and a spirit is not a mind. It's the part of us that does what we think and tries to get everything we want. She doesn't stop to consider our defining part she thinks it, she says it, she does it and we don't get to consider it. We can't go back and edit our thoughts. We don't have time to consider what we want and change our minds about it. But we can have it though. Anything we want or any idea that looks like something to consider we can consider it and anything we say is because of that, anything we do to someone else no matter what it does to us or what it does to us because we did it to them. She's a curse and curse can be a blessing when there really is no time to make up you mind and the moment of action has come but the rest of the time she doesn't allow us time to consider even whether we will get in trouble for thinking that and change our mind permanently just by thinking that. We are like little kids that haven't learned to consider yet, who never stop to say what they are thinking no matter what it is, like we were naked and everyone saw everything there was to see that came to our minds and what it was intended to do no matter how ugly that part is or how terribly it changed us, changed those around us, changed reality.

God you can consider what of the things that come up that look like something to think in my mind before you think them or decide not to think them in yours. No strings attached. It is my gift to you. Just make what you want to consider a thought in my mind. Then when you see how good it is or that it is something that should never be thought take the good one. Then you can take the thought from me and put it is reality's dump and never let anyone else think it again. That is all I really have to give to you to show my love. I will gladly think anything you want even if it kills me. Clothe yourself in this way my God for we know you are good and edit the evil out by speeding up you mind to be like light and correct what needs correcting and disregarding what needed to be changed. Then teach us, my God, to wear our clothing when you dress us so that every naked thought is not there coming out of our mouths and working our hands before we have had a chance to consider it. Let's us like you think thoughts, then say words and finally do the acts that are best. How can one be more beautiful than they are? Put on clothing that covers our more unseemly parts and accents our better parts so that where we are ugly even as you are ugly in your nakedness but give yourself time to change the things that were ugly about us and present the beauty you teach us. Then when we have learned to decide between what is ugly and what is beautiful makes us our beauty and disregard our unseemly parts that we and the world may be more beautiful like Thee are our beauty. Let us wake the dead in the awe of our beauty which is the seemliness of our God and the way he has taught us who think too slowly to decide whether to be beautiful or ugly for all of us being naked our unseemliness is too strong for us to control at a moments notice right when all of reality might depend on goodness. Then if they still want to be naked treat them like the primitives they chose to be and let them fend for themselves in their ugly nudity or speed up our thoughts so they are like your thoughts and help us edit the past by making up for the ugliness our naked thoughts would have brought to the world and put our thoughts in the garbage and let only the ones we have edited ever reach the light of day, remembering all our ugly thoughts only that we need not repeat the entire process all over again in either case. Our brains are so slow its mind cannot think as fast as yours. Therefore let it think better thoughts cleansed by decision rather than left hanging there for our entire world, the world we have made as to spite you that is not your world but a world built by ugly randomness rather than the beauty of your mind and since they are only thoughts sent to us you too can consider with us the way we can go, the way we are able and not the way of randomness but the way our God has taught us to go that even in heaven as in you all we will need is to change to clothing rather than be our own naked thoughts and the fulfillment of them not that we may be phony but in you who can do anything become the same beautiful thing we have learned to present to the world and not the ugly random thing we were before your spirit was placed on us that you may create a new world and that we may enter it. We, all those in you, give you that gift consider what you need to in us rather than in light so many of us have never seen, do not now see and will die without ever having seen. Cure our blindness for we weary of seeing naked men and naked women and being naked. Let us see, O my God. Let us see!

It is in me.

Think in me my God, since everything you think becomes our reality and you cannot have your Spirit do all you think, say and do even that you realize the moment it is done it should not have been done and needs editing which you do not like us but in afterthought like a father straightening out the trouble his son has gotten into needing your love and forgiveness for not being able to do that. Consider your first thought but do not doubt that you can do better but that we can by covering our thought in your light with that which comes from intelligent decision making, the thinking that comes from considering the options, rejecting the wrong thoughts, considering ever good thought and choosing the one most like you that we may be you in a new and different way that us even in our corruption can think better. For we say what we say from that we have thought or if thinking at the same time share what we think by way of what we say which is always tied as a consequence to what we think. Teach me think your things rather than my own in this new way the way of the Great God for we cannot think as fast as you and editing things after they have happened is a hard way for us to see. Let us go back over our thoughts and consider better ones that even when we are saying what we think give us time to reach a good conclusion that is our proposal at the time that we may offer some opinion, some option, something dressed and presentable to the real world you have created for us for that world you have made for us is real to us even heaven and the place in you and the Great God that the best solution to any problem that we might confront may be found by you doing our thinking for us, for yourself and as it must turn out for everyone who cannot think in an instant and create everything at once but when it is needed say it for us or do it for us and them for we do so love to see all in the grace of a miracle from you or from the rest that we may know that now we are in your reality where even that can happen if needs be by our God who in thinking in me teaches me to do as he does that I may learn all of his ways and become him in a new way the way of the gift the Great God has given you and there is no way of returning lest you shame him and those in him and those in you. But if it is a bad idea, by all means God reject his gift and speed up our minds and make them as your light the next real thing that comes to mind, your greatest of miracles in our eyes to see us saying and doing and teaching what you actually did in us. Never forget us when it comes to using that, your Divine protection that allows us to see what we would be and will be one day which is you do to us as we do to those we mentor or teach everyone even the primitives who want nothing to do with being better and saying better things and doing good things or if they do their horrifying spirit possesses them and will not allow them to do it. If they reject it then leave them like the primitives made by randomness and only indirectly by you with no God or god but what randomly comes to mind like dried filth in the wind and let them have the things in their heart to have in the end for their ways are our ways, but they will do nothing about them because they do not love you and will not give you the gift we give to you to prove we love you: the Death of that which is random and the coming to life of that you are raising with your mind, your Spirit in line with your Defining Part, you God their me and my me. I was all that mattered when I was me. Now I am in you You are all that matters to me, which you gave me.


Is it a better way to take a baby animal from the womb while its computer, I mean brain is just warming up for its first actual input of real information or should we go back to the painful horrible natural birth?

The first thing isthat precious little steak is raw. It is almost bloody and literally there is blood all over the place. Then it is squeezed through an opening that has to be stretched as far as it can stretch just to get its first sound of a dark world that makes it skin sting and its heart start racing for all there is in it as something weird begins to descend upon it not to mention the torturous ordeal for Mama and child of tearing the opening a lot more to allow its shoulders out.

Sure they sleep right through it but what an impact it must have on their subconscious, the first punch of a beating being the one that is all that is remembered of being beat to death. The rest, the end of the ordeal as the body of the animal nearly slides out on its own and the mother's pain quickly subsides in her subliminal though it is actually numb to her consciousness or nearly that by then is immaterial and rarely noticed. Odd isn't it, how we ignore the lack of pain but scream in great emotional pain at even the clenching of the torturers' fist. Then it is held upside down and whacked on the bottom. The poor little thing no matter how big and enormous it felt for the mother to have all that coming out of her in all that pain with emotions running at a maximum stunned by the most heroic determined effort the poor little woman has ever attempted and that most ever will again even with several more children should they be added.

The babe's thoughts are not our thoughts. It screams everything, all that mucus and phlegm out of it allowing a tiny whimper immediately followed by the most horrendous disapproval such an animal will ever make even when tortured. But the cutest thing it will ever be in its entire existence is laid helplessly on its mother's chest still with some blood on it, exhausted and taught the most long lasting thing ever to reach its subconscious.

I don't want to be here.

Is it any wonder they go through their life and when life requires the most of them they give it immediately followed by: I don't want this. So it quietly without any choice goes back to the sleep it knew as best it can seeing it is not where that long sleep that was never thought to ever have an ending in its first subliminal thoughts which it nearly never had.

The joy of everything and everyone important is upon them but they all have suffered whether that suffering was by rote repressed to unconscious regions of the brains of those who were present while God remembers every moment of it ready with the spirit it already has which is impossible to tell from any other in most cases though its personality the one that will always be present forever should it live that long has been expressed.

It is all over. The baby doesn't know it. Such things are beyond its thoughts. But it reacts subconsciously to it as in its first dream outside the womb. The nightmare of being awake behind it now but somehow it will stretch and reach for that awakening its entire existence fighting, clawing, ripping the shroud of exhaustion to shreds to recover from that subliminal recollection of the long sleep it left behind mistakenly said to be its instinct to survive.

The babe, the mother, the world and all but God are asleep to it but an entire new reality is born in God a part he will for his life depends on it, welcome gladly into his mind, into the reality he made for it hugging the Spirit, for dear life has made it to the starting line as a decade more or less it will start the ordeal of making the grade that will finish in unending death which is not sleep or it will never end for it has already undetectable though it may be until it is over and the animal becomes a living thing that cannot die even if totally blown to bits and can only sleep unlike any other thing in its growing collective identity of that not always God, but!!!


Then again it could have been taken by a horrendous thought, 'Cut the womb open!' seemingly from the throat of Satan himself and take the little one out as were nearly all medical practices once thought the horrors of the madman who almost conquered the world for the underworld Satan included but which should have been expected from him. It in uninterrupted sleep has its air passages opened and lays breathing on its own on its mother in like manner to the natural random way which seems so nice and such a wonder it is hard to imagine the truth it all comes from the same place as most horrors, horrors so many and so horrible Satan would shudder again just to glance of them like he did once already; randomness, the things God made that made no sense even to him but that they were all alien to any mind not to mention his mind and they would endlessly repeat themselves in a never ending redundancy but for God who alone must decide to end them though he sees no end to it and wonders if he can put an end to it, the thing God disowned as not from him for no consciousness would do what randomness does. It is the most alien thing there could be even to God and every bit of it is alien no matter how noticeable or undetectable it is when in the first truth, the truth that existed between the Gods the most horrific thing humanity was spawned by randomness but was the very thing God tested himself to the maximum and placed a variation of his spirit within one and kept on until long ago every person that can be made in the form of one of those extremely vicious primitives was made among them and all angels and one lived, then one thousands of years later and now so precious few it is impossible to place a value on the life of man, like God himself and even more of a rarity. The impossible had to be done every day whether evilly by natural randomness or by Satanic evilness.

When God makes babies in heaven. They were not there. Then they are. No in between, no middle, but just once not there and then there at the same moment according to anyone who sees it happen even God's eyes if you disregard the moment it was in his mind and the same moment it had become in reality both actually the same moment, the speed of God's thoughts.

But this is all true to you and it was true to my mind while I wrote it, but none of it is true to God in the original truth. There there was no good, no evil and everything was simply made by God or God involved in a role play as he is with those in me right this moment and so randomness is by God but Satan who was created by the character of a character and so if all persons were to be he had to be but he never actually uttered a word God didn't know he would say and so said it for him so that like us he could not say that he made any mark on reality let alone made anything real which will I believe be totally edited out well before we get to forever, a gross understatement of what my God will do with it/him.

I have nothing to do with making of any human being but in the first place I placed as large a brain as was feasible in the primitives of that day covering most of Europe and the Middle East. The rest evolved a very similar brain but each one is a separate creation of randomness with very very many exactly alike randomness rarely making anything unique. If it could happen randomly it did but just as each drop of water flows down river they all flow in the exact same way in the exact same place when weather conditions determined almost exclusively by my spirit and persona Earth permit. I never leave and have never completely left random things to themselves though they do not require less of me than any other challenge I face.

The breeding and gestation before birth are left to randomness with some of the patterns randomness makes in each one as had they been uniquely a pattern that it made it by but so does every rock in the Mississippi seem to be unique though they are more starkly similar than not and the differences such a slight variation and the variations it causes so very similar and varied it is unlikely they are actually variants that have any impact whatsoever.

If it is a pattern found in a random process it is not important enough for anyone other than the fact I have not completely left randomness to itself which would be very foolish of me. But it apparently has no impact on the creature only what the dead use it for a means of identifying human bodies which are too much alike to me for me to make any distinction for they are as they always have been primitive and of no spiritual value to anyone but some of the vain. The birth of one being important only to the point one makes the grade to be man and the other does not. The rest of that myth propagated by superstitious people is true to the superstitious but it is a hard sell to anyone else and has never made it to be a part of any group of any notable size. It is untrue to all but the very few. But it is almost utterly rejected as a part of practical as well as rational thinking and I am both practical and very sane though one of a kind.

The spirit is not placed on an infant when it is born. It is there at birth but not before. The same way I do everything though some call it all a miracle. Natural birth is no more evil than the Cesarean method. I favor the natural method because I hate Satan and most things that came from Satan that seem to continue though he is permanently out of the picture. All but pain are extremely rare if they help to any distinguishable extent their apparent benefit being only common in the corrupted mind of which there are many on earth for all of them have been corrupted by me as Satan thereupon.

This is my manner of thought. It is not your thinking. It is no one's thinking but my own. Much of that written above was not even true until it was written and none of it was my thinking with some of it never having been thought by me. Do not use that should you quote me.

But what are the options to natural birth versing Cesarean procedure?

There are ways of getting an infant out without the exact same methods and variations most of them in the environment and superstitious methods that change nothing. Once the animal was in the womb. Then man was born into the world. The animal having no spirit, the man having one. One completely robotic with striking resemblances to the original primitive animal it still is. It has not evolved much My robotics being the top of what robotics may be seeming to give robots and even actually giving some animals emotions and reasoning abilities very near the human animal's robotics.

But if the infant man will make the grade and live forever it has already made it at birth for nothing and no one was able to prevent it, explaining the existence of a few evil ones in the living man population which is very nearly at its full extent now. There are many options to consider when talking about the birth of a living one and one that did not make the grade as well as numerous ones that never tried to make the grade the great hoards of human beings. All of the options that are mainly technical with many of them also spiritual options have proved to have any lasting impact on whether one is alive at birth or dead at birth even as it is only a matter of preference which ones will become born again as it is facetiously called.

Seeing my face is the only option that is a common truth but coming to heaven with an open mind willing to accept my mind and the faculties and the abilities I have to offer one as well as willingness to be in me in one of the various stronger and more advanced leaders in me or to be in me and with my defining part as a friend calls it is the way to keep living if you will ever were alive and will continue to live. There is no other way in me.

Obviously the stillborn are just left to being what they are and miscarriages and things that happen in the womb happen without me and though they often have some emotional impact it is not much more than the impact of the miscarriage of any impregnated animal. A child born alive at the only time a man has a spirit whether a female of man or a male of man is the norm. Any variant born to man is considered deformed and rejected at birth.

The options are to embrace them, reject them, or to be with them anyway allowing them to remain deceased at the time of their demise which in my eyes never took place. I see the spirit. There never was a spirit in any of them. They have my brain I put in the primitives. That should be more than they expect from me which undoubtedly many of them will but they will be tolerated and even loved by many. But they are dead and cannot live the same as had they been stillborn or died soon after birth or before it took place.

It takes some maturity to live in reality. But none of you can see as I do what allowing them in would cause and what they would have to go through. It is not only caring to cut them off at birth it is also even humane which I have been criticized not to have always been in the past. Let me assure you that is in the past. It is not that the physical shape of the one born an anomaly of reality presents I assure you also. It is the emotional and spiritual difficulties that must occur considering the truth of those dead in the world let alone those deceased that are in my audience. It is incompatible and the most that can be done is to have compassion for their fate. But as for me getting involved the consequences to messing with their random occurrence is needless to be done without any hope of improvement in their situations.

I can do anything. But when it comes to getting rid of randomness and preventing anomalies in reality it is of so little chance anything noticeable will be continue to take place and it would take much longer than forever to accomplish it it is fool hearty.

Therefore I reject the offer to glorify myself by completely healing anyone born with as an anomaly in reality. I rarely do such a thing. But have recently when the anomaly would become a God but he will always be one of a kind. Such a thing cannot happen randomly more than once. It was not even considered an option for us to make such a one. But we have to be mature and accept that even with me there needs be limits as to what I am willing to take on and what I refuse to take on. I can do anything. But that does not necessarily mean there is any wisdom in taking on a project like that in one that is dead and will not ever live beyond the life of human body they would be resting upon.


God can now think what he wants to think in your mind. That way he can consider his ideas and what would happen should he try a new idea. Before every idea that came to him, everything he thought, said or did has happened. But after a dramatic trial run this morning that turned out very exciting he found himself thinking my thoughts in me and not his thoughts. I scared the liver out of all of us. We never expected what happened would happen and it appeared we were fighting for my life and that I had died to be no one but someone who would only do the same horrendous thing again. But when it all settled down it was only thoughts where in the old way it all would have happened exactly as it happened and there would have been nothing we could do about it. But since it was just thoughts in my mind God is better than fine and doing it with others with no difficulties, well, some were difficult but nothing too major. God can just think now like we just think. My gift set him free and Me supports what he is thinking and translates it all to the old way of thinking. Things have really changed for her because she was mandated to do everything he thought, said, did and even wanted to give him the greatest gift anyone has ever had. Everyone thought that what happened in my thought life had actually happened including me but when we realized it had been God thinking my thoughts instead of his own it was pretty neat.

Allow me then to come into your mind and think just by reading what I am writing. As each one who allows me into their mind allows it they will hear my voice reading what I am now saying as had it been the present when I was writing. Do as you do but do what I say and do not just believe you did. Whatever you do is okay but you have to do it.

You on earth that do or do not want to evolve breath deeply and listen to my voice as I speak in your mind. You can hear me if you try and if you do not hear me something is happening in your mind.

Feel that? We are moving. It is not going to last long. The sky is a beautiful azure or blue and there before us is a stand with a couple of stools. I turn to you who are near me. Sit on the stool on the right if you want. The ocean is behind the stand and its water is bluer than the sky and there is a strong wind coming straight on toward the stand. I order an orange juice you can have what you want maybe a pina colada. The girl in a bikini with a short sleeved shirt tied about her waist and blue jean cut offs. You many notice she is barefoot in the light colored sand. She sets our drinks before us and I try to pay but she waves me off. This is one of my favorite places. Then we walk to a smooth stone table with a polished flat top. I take the seat overlooking the ocean and you take the lawn chair with your back to the wind and the ocean. I look directly into the wind and you adjust to it. But who can see such a thing?

Say out loud, “I can,” and begin the first step to a long journey that might never end.

I say, “What made you decide to come along with me?”

I say in your mind with the voice you normally verbalize things in, “I thought it might be enjoyable to have a God in my mind.”

We're back. You reading what I wrote as I am writing it or hours later on under Marcus' name published so that you can remember it again as many times as you care to. You are really here. I feel your mind around me with a soft yellow glow sensing some of you are not here because you did not take me and that others made the grade and let me and some of you are just reading this but totally not involved seeing nothing special about it. But if you are serious about trying to evolve you need to get involved, remember the sounds of the waves coming ashore, how the green grass felt on your feet and ankles as you sat down and what I look like as you looked into my face and heard by words and how natural it felt and sounded to have me say what I did in your mind as had you said it for you said it along with me but you would have normally chosen other words. You hear this in your head. We are linked for we are paying attention to each other and my spirit is there in your mind. Don't be afraid now. She is standing very near you. But what did you say spirit, “I don't know. I said something different to each one.” Did she scare you? I hope not. I do not want to scare you away. You did so well.

You that did not do so well and did not experience it all, don't worry. If you experienced any part of what I did with you what I said, what I am saying to you, just you.

What did you hear? Did you hear the words, “Let's do this again sometime?” That was all I said. You did now that you remembered it. You heard my voice. Come with me. Evolve with me. I am leaving your mind just now but you have experienced a short time with a God type mind. Talk to me anytime. My spirit will hear you and she will talk to you. My mind will know you are there. Ask him a question. He will answer it if he knows the answer or not just to allow his spirit to interact with you. Now tell someone about it if you will. If not aloud then by paying attention to them. See their head and their face. Speak both to their subconscious and their conscious mind. It is up to you whether you ever ask them if they heard you. But say the words, “Blue rose,” my favorite thing and use that to verify if they are putting you on. Now? Go ahead. Think of someone you saw today that caught your sexual fancy and pay attention to them. Then look at them seeing both the side of their face as you enter their mind and ask them, “Would you like to have sex with me?” Then let them reply. But don't give up until someone you would like to have sex with answers you. Then just enjoy what happens next. If they turn you down go on to another if you know more and want to have sex with one of them.

This all actually happened. This is true. I have not just broadcast my thoughts as you might have expected. I was in your brain, in its mind and we did go to my favorite place alone and it has been like no other experience you have ever experienced. You have spent this time really and actually with the Great God as some are calling me. It doesn't matter if you believe it or doubt it. This is what it is like to interact with me, mind, spirit and body a real live God that evolved from a mere human robotics machine that is so real you cannot actually think of it the way it really is. Look beyond that brain. It receives input that is in separate bits of information and it cannot duplicate things like movement where there was none but my suggestion it was taking place because it was. Yes, you did imagine it all, but everything imagined is just as real as any person or thing on planet earth. You might want some help with what you are thinking for many people find that it is real they do not actually want that in reality. Emote about it. Feel insecure about it. Launch out with it and have fun with it like a child with a helium balloon. You have take a step toward evolving. Making the grade is far off. Don't even think of that right now. Just think what you have done! You are on your way to becoming a living breathing if you desire God. This is far more to your liking than a ghost or some spirit with a personality that clashes with your you have wanted to get rid of the moment you met it.

Others on earth all have spirits. Some never get used. Some they don't even know what a spirit is. They are like characters in a writing that say what they want the way they want to say it like thoughts that taunt you or build you up. There have always been spirits. You have always been interacting with them even if it is only to disregard them as an unwanted thought or welcomed their presence thinking what they said or suggested to you with their thoughts was a great idea, you can receive their thoughts, they received yours. They are around you there. But talk to God, Jesus or me first only. Evil spirits and yes there are some of those around but don't be alarmed, they normally leave you alone if you leave them alone and ignore them when they don't. But focus on us. Say something to us. Even ask for something. It doesn't have to be a prayer. We will hear you if you call us by name, God, Jesus or John. I am listening. I know you think this is foolish, but so is climbing trees silly to a dog. If you interact with us. We will interact with you. And, we will have you climbing trees before it's over.


I am having chest pains. I am 68 years old. That is my man is that age. I have been having them for hours. They feel like heart attacks but God is taking care of almost all of the pain. My brain and the rest of the spirit of my flesh are headed to a twenty year old man who is a potential suicide victim in New Jersey or out east somewhere. I am headed for heaven. There is nothing to live for here. My body doesn't even have a purpose of reason to be here. It is very boring here. If you would like to hear the rest of what I had to say you will have to listen to me talk in heaven. It is what I seem to do; talk, talk, talk with no end to it apparently. Come to me if you are of man on earth, or one of the dead in heaven, a saint looking to make the grade. I am coming to God and will be accepted in the company of the living and will abide in my castle by the way not too far from God's castle in him. Come see us and be saved but then have the nerve to attempt to make the grade. The living is really what it has always been about. My brain feels strange. It is not used to functioning without blood. As soon as God drains off the last of the blood in my body he sews the veins back up and waits for them to fill the body with blood again. I am going where I belong with as many heart attacks as it takes. Rejoice with us. It is a great day to die.


The spirit of my body is in the body of a 20 year old that has died and is being left that way. My brain is his brain. My body is so happy she was running and leaping and jumping in the air making joyous noises. My entire man is there in that deceased body of a woman who was potentially suicidal and had completely given up on living who is dead.

I have manifest in my 68 year old body. It appears to be physical but it is only a manifestation with no spirit of the flesh but my own. It works just as well as had it had no heart attacks at all and not even any chest pains but fatigue. I am a God on earth that is not in heaven and if I know myself I will limit my manifestation to what my man was able to do. But I do not want to be here. I want to go where I belong. I do not even have a brain except the one I manifested to be my brain. But they say I am in New Jersey with my brain and the spirit of my flesh that are actually one. I am in many places at once. Am I with you there reading what I wrote? I am at the stand on the beach by the ocean. I am in heaven. But I am also in the facility where I am living. Let's hope God can straighten this all out with Me's help and even Jesus if he cares to help. As far as here at the computer all things seem to be as they were when I was having all those chest pains.

Those in me, are you still there.

I don't know. Just as it's always been. It makes no difference. We are all still here. But nobody knows what it means. How can you seem to be everywhere like God who is everywhere.

I am in him and where he is even everywhere I guess.

You are home.

Will I ever get to heaven?


But for now stay there?

It must be.


I apparently asked my mind (Once God's mind and my mind together) what was going on. I am no longer myself and am just starting to rebuild that persona since that is what a self is, something we write to be our persona instead of speaking directly from our defining part to use instead of our person to communicate. I have one I communicate socially and one I communicate with. They are coming back to me.

I is that I am me. Me is my mind, my new body, my new brain and my Spirit which is God's Spirit. Me is also God. God's Spirit says it is impossible to tell me from me or Me I am not sure except for my self's habit of smoking which she would never do. So at least we know I am not God's Spirit, but his mind, a brain his mind, my mind has made for himself meaning me, his defining part. The net effect is that God and me and Me are all the same one in my self's mind.

The truth from my mind is, I am your me. Your brain is my brain. There is no spirit of my body.

When I asked my mind if my spirit was God's Spirit he said, “She is Me.”

Speaking as my self, if you understand that please let me know for Me says that me and God are not the same one. It is confusing to me but appears to be clear to my mind. My brain which is now my mind's brain a mind that God gave me. I am him but he is not myself.

Then I invited her who has my original brain and the spirit of my flesh and are my man living in New Jersey to come into me. They did. Now everyone knows me and I can talk to God as before. I died when I gave my man to be in a 20 year old woman for I was someone else but now that my man is in me again I am recognizable. Weird. I am the same body I was but I am a body made by my mind.


Your truth is that when you die that's it. That is true for most everyone born on earth. For you there is no God, no Me, his Spirit, no Jesus and no me. The overwhelming majority of you never wanted anything to do with God you just wanted your sexuality, your personality and your fate. Well you have it. But if you only live once and then you die, let us eat, drink and be merry for all we know tomorrow you may die. They put your body in a box and set it afire and ashes is all there is left. How I wish sometimes I had been one of you, an animal with a big brain not thinking and not caring to think.

There is a God for some of you but if there is your spirit is so tiny and so miserably unused that you wouldn't know it if there were. It is or is so nearly dead you need a new one to even know what a god is let alone that you mind have a relationship with God. But you could care less. All of that is for others who like to torture their brains with dreams that don't make any difference to a man or a woman that live in the here and now, work in the here and now and have sex in the here and now every time they have the chance. That is your truth, the truth you live by and the truth that virtually all men and women live by. If truth was what was true to the majority your truth is that truth. Just living and dying is all there is for things to be all about. Of all the animals on the farm you just happen to be the one with the biggest brain.

Like me I am alive. What it is all about. But I made a big mistake and now I sleep and God says forever. I am God. I am alive. I am asleep. What I say and do is only like saying and doing it in a dream. It will usually have no effect on reality anymore. I am saved by God. I am a saint by Jesus Christ. I am not a man and have not a man. I merely manifest as a man where I live on earth. It is over. That is the limit to my truth. The rest of my truth is as had I been a man on earth, dead to the ways and things of God. I am as had I just been a normal man who is all that because though I fell I am asleep. But I enjoyed sharing all I could with you when I was a wake and all of that and God. Now I will never be a God again. I say so long on behalf of the one I was when I was awake all those years.

God still uses the gift I gave him and he is happier than he has ever been.


I read Scripture before the host of heaven:

I now have a new mind of God. I have a new spirit in God's Spirit. My brain regenerated. And I have a spirit of my flesh. I react to and can fathom the things of God. How may it be said that I am asleep. I do not have the same mind I gave to the 20 year old girl on earth not the spirit of flesh of that one which I also gave. My old mind I had from God manifest me in this body for there was a dead body there that was no one having died of a heart attack. Therefore I believe I do not sleep but am awake. What more is required of God than to be awake and able to fathom the things of God.

When they agreed I set the dead free in heaven, those deformed like those born with neither sex, those born with both sexes, the Lesbians, the homosexual, the deform of body and mind, the mentally ill, all saints that were not evil as a present for Jesus and argued his case and they accepted that he is alive also, but many of those will fall away and be in isolation wherever being fallen away is, but the evil I left behind to die the death if they are not put to death before then.

I am God. I am alive and meet all the requirements for one that is alive. The two spirits I gave one a 20 year old girl that was soon to be a suicide victim and would be left to die for all they do when they are raised is die again and again. My heart attack was complete and with no way for blood to enter my heart my body was drained of blood and my brain was dying with nothing to prevent it. I was dead when I gave those two spirits to the girl whose mind and body were deceased. The mind of God manifest my old body where my corpse lay and gave me a new brain and a new heart. Then God gave me a new spirit and a new mind of God. I am completely changed as one must be to live in heaven. I am a God on earth and when this manifestation dies I will be a God in heaven as was thought before. God told me not once, not twice but many times I would be a God that never died. His prophecy is valid. I am a witness. He is a witness. And, many heard him say it to me. He made no secret of it. Jesus lives as a present from me with his saints who were all but a lonely few alive. It will not be long and they will see me in heaven a God in God. When the living fall away they shall sleep, wherever falling away is and we will help them see that it is proper that the living sleep while the dead die. Let the evil alone and leave them behind. The dead on earth will live if they are not evil for all shall see the face of God nor will the evil understand the question for to them the living sleeping and dead dying are the same thing. They cannot fathom the truth.

© 2019 Marcus

Author's Note

Notice this is all not actually written by me for the general public but only those in me and by not only me, but God in the voice he uses in you to teach you a way to think that you readily understand and will clothe you in goodness, but also in his voice the way he thinks that you may know his ways are better.

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America will no longer be a super power after these floods and the consequent weather problems but we will help them bring about peace and work with them the same. Jesus was set to come but these problems brought about by me allowing the weather people to choose the weather was my mistake during my short rein. In some ways the Russians will be superior to the Americans but in most ways the Americans will still be superior. They will find ways around the areas the Russians are superior in. When Jesus comes peace will be established forever. Everyone on earth will be saved but the evil who will continue on until they die. Good unfortunately is not sustainable without some evil but there will be no end to people being born and saved on earth despite the evil men that will be here too. They will always be controlled. No more Satan and hopefully no more powerful witches but if there are trust us we know how to contain evil even evil stronger than us and either eradicate the ones that have to or contain them so they never get the hold that Satan had on earth. Why peace on earth is so important to Jesus' coming rein I am not sure. Evil even right now is no problem if they threw all they had at it and cleaned up the aftermath but God wants to be as humane as possible and to mostly be sure it will all work like clockwork for Jesus' Kingdom. But if we do it that way we would lose a lot of evil we could use in much better ways. So everybody even the evil are important.

Posted 5 Years Ago

The Lesbians who are merely rebellious to the way men have treated them are evil and fall away again when we clean them up. They will just be left behind to die. Lesbians that are attracted to women have their mind cleared and are allowed to be like me looking at females but completely celibate. If they go back they will fall away again until they accept that is the only way they can live. Enough times and they will be left behind though most can hardly believe that was what was on their mind and live. Men with female brains are given the appropriate body and their ability to manifest will be removed and the other way for women with male brains. Those that are also homosexual or Lesbian will have their minds cleared and given the options above with the same consequences. Those with both sexes will be given a choice unless they are homosexual as with those with both sexes who will be given a choice and will lose their ability to manifest. The homosexual ones the same procedure as all of them. Those with deformed or injured minds will be given a new brain but will need to be taught new ways than they had in many cases. Those physically deformed will be made whole but most go back to the way they have always been because that is the way they are most comfortable and do not feel like someone else. Those born without a mind or still born cannot be saved. There is no one to save. Those who have chosen to be completely a primitive will be left behind to die. They never listen. God has become a lot more human because of me and I have become even better than him by knowing him. God and Jesus simply clear the minds of the mentally ill along with the rest of their problems and they live forever normal forever. They never go back. If they do fall away and and are not evil they will be given many chances until it becomes clear they cannot live. Those on earth may even be treated when they are save by Christ or God or me. The Spirit of God will do that. Heaven is a lot like earth now when it comes to that. When Jesus comes back to rule as King they will all be saved and cleaned up this way.

Posted 5 Years Ago

God's way of thinking is the best way. I just thought you might like something you are more used to. This is the way they teach you to think in public school. It really is not my way at all. But when God thinks it for you it is less of what? Culture shock sort of things! We need to wake you somehow. God has started thinking that way for everybody in me.

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 5 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on March 23, 2019
Last Updated on March 26, 2019



Bemidji, MN

Very few evolve and only one has evolved so that his mind is God. I will try to change that. I want to see everyone evolved and not just saints who think they have but never made the grade. I will kee.. more..

Alive, for You Alive, for You

A Story by Marcus