![]() Truth, Real TruthA Story by Marcus
Me is the part of you, meaning all of you but just as importantly each one of you that defines what you really are, that part of you that thinks, says and does what you cannot help but think you are at the same time you are what you think you are; that part that reflects what you really are and for me is different. It is not your identity. You identity is what identifies me as an ID might identify you individually as a certain person but not me but whom you are in the specific context you are to be identified as part of as when concerning your body its height, weight, eye color, hair color, skin color; anything you may have gotten from your genes. You identity may identify what your self wishes to project like being a writer, an artist, a lumberman, an executive. It may or may not some times in the same instance have nothing to do with me. We all have selves or personalities we wish or do not wish, but selves we are comfortable playing the part of which may or may not be true. A lot of people in many differing circumstances like to project a self with a persona or personality that is different from situation to situation and circumstance to circumstance. It is not me. It is most common to identify that one or that self by saying, “I,” along with the normal consequent English, “Me,” that has nothing to do with me. The trick is to come to know me and strive to be what you are and make that who you are. That part I AM and the God who became Jesus Christ know not the part of you that for many various reasons is the fictional self in the fictional persona with the fictional personality you are most comfortable revealing that is only partly me and rarely all me. We are all storytellers concerning what we are which most of us don't even know and if we do know are as uncomfortable showing me as we would be being naked in the presence of anyone. But if we are to be real and not just the real that some God or any other leader or authority says we are, including me. The truth that me hears, listens to, and knows as the truth of me is the truth. The truth requires no witness and is instantly recognized as the truth by any me. It is not just true which something two or more people agree upon as being true whether it is or is not actually real. There is a truth that is only true to what is real and the truth people mean to discover when they say, “Let's get real.” That truth is real. Any other truth may seem to be real like the truth in or of a religion which is based on stories that may or may not be real truths protected sometimes to the death as had they been real. The truth that all people have to deal with not just your religion denomination or sect or group that would love is the truth of reality, not necessarily the reality that I AM claims to have made, the truth that the God who became Jesus Christ views as consistent with that reality, but the truth that even God has had to deal with when it changed him, the truth that nobody is exempt from and that no matter how you deal with it it remains the real truth even if no one even the one that encountered it believes. It has nothing to do with believing that way. It is true regardless of how one deals with it and acting on it with me always keeps on in direct contact with reality. For example God is considered by many to be what he claims, the first to ever be. But he says he created reality. However to create reality requires one to be insane according to that which existed before one created reality. Creating reality cannot be done no matter how accurately you duplicate what was before reality. That reality is immutable and cannot be changed. The reality you created is at best a part of that reality and you did not include the rest of it or your new reality then is either designed to deceive others and you know what the original was or it is your own private fiction which translated to harsher but more accurate language, it is your own private insanity and one insanity is just as good as another. There is no immutable reason to believe one over another. On cannot exclude one's self from reality and build another for one's self is part of that reality if it is me but it is me and fictional if it is not me. Created reality is only that part of reality that can be created for to be created it requires a creator and if that creator is not me it is based in error, with the intention to deceive or driven by one's insanity. It is the same with adding to a creation with say love. To say all truth is loving is an absurdity. Many parts of any truth even the most maddening and insane have nothing to do with love. But to examine the truth from a loving me is the only truth that matters. If you have not love then me is hateful and incompatible with the real truth for it is taken in in error, for love clears the mind of any personal agenda of your own and accepts the agenda of those you love but you must love them even if in love you take it in that they have a personal agenda that is of their and many times all their own. If it is incompatible with the real truth enough it is not only in the wrong spirit it is evil. Evil people, however, must be loved to be seen clearly even while they are being destroyed or more likely contained in a way that allows them to interact with people whom they can be more compatible with, other evil people all with their own agenda and in error, or taken in the real truth in error or to put it more accurately also insane. Even some insanity is compatible if it is nonthreatening or not injurious to the point it provides sometime delightful differences to any group not only the real truth. But incompatible insanity of which evil is the predominate part some would argue like goodness used in the wrong spirit that takes things in wrongly or intends to even injure others with the truth which is not evil but improper and leads to practical insanity or in the case of evil produces a fictional practicality that is if left to be taken in as if it were true even becomes injurious. Containment of evil is a necessity. Then when evil breaks with agreed upon limits it must be punished. But when an evil one that has finished their punishment whether evil and in that group of those they are more compatible with or good and wanting to return to the good crowd they are or were more compatible with, they are absolved. They are innocent and ignorant and without any guilt for anything they have been punished for until or unless there is no punishment great enough for what they have done or were about to do in which case they must be destroyed in the case of evil or thrown out of the good crowd as a last deterrent for their incompatible behavior even incompatible beliefs that cannot be tolerated that render them incompatible on a permanent basis if they are not willing to die and change who they are. They cannot change me in any other way but it is possible to change me and still be who they are if no longer what they really were. Those who are not compatible with any group will be allowed to stay in the group where the most evil are located where when they are killed the worst evil will be punished for what they do to them and if they do not tolerated them they may be destroyed or if those incompatible ones continue to bate their more dangerous part of their group they will be punished with removal of anything resembling justice or protection regardless of how nice they are to us or others they tolerate for the time being. “Who made you God?” some man asked. “I do not want to be God,” I said, “Give them my memory and allow them to experience it with the option of calling it off at any time. I give you my memory for to be me you must know me what I did real truth, truths and my fictions. If they complete it and still want to be me let them be another that is exactly me. Will that satisfy you forever?” “I want to be you the way you are now,” he said. “Make him my same and live in that fiction somewhere where he will be compatible,” I said.
I made him exactly the same as I am and sent him off to deal with the
most evil like I started out when the spirit world was called heaven
and hell.
The only thing required of you is that you pursue the truth with your own me and that that reality be practical becoming incompatible when you reach practical reality in a mood generated by the wrong spirit regardless of that spirit so long as the mood that is generated is incompatible with a loving spirit wherein you are hateful rather than loving and yet espousing a truth that seems real but is not because it is in the wrong spirit. It is the sort of thing shown in Ecclesiastes in Scripture both the Hebrew Bible and the Christian Bible or wherever else it is included. In that it is true it is not evil and no one is to be punished for speaking or writing that way but it is insane which is the cutoff point between good and evil, good being truth seen clearly in love and evil being truth seen improperly in a hateful spirit that seems to be right but is wrong not because its content is in error but that its spirit is evil and those speaking or writing in practical reality are insane and if they pursue the insanity are then evil. “There is nothing new under the sun seed time and harvest things go on as they always have,” is true and if said with love for the way things are it is good but said within a defiant and hateful mood against the truth it is insane. But adding, “And nothing will ever change under the sun,” is fictional, the spirit is wrong and it has become evil and is therefore irrelevant. Like all evil premises they have nothing to do with the truth and only seem true due to the addition of an emotional reaction to the truth that there is in fact nothing new under the sun that is emotional and depressing tending toward negativity all the way to brutal evils of the kind Satan was known for. It has ventured into the darkness of the loving camp where it can still see the truth but is out there because they have left the light or in other words have gone insane and to react in that same spirit leads them toward evil which ultimately devours their good spirit and leaves them evil. They have two ways to go, back to the light or so far out in the darkness of evil and evil ways to where there is no punishment great enough to be given them so that they have to be destroyed until in the future their evil can be again contained and they posing no threat to those of the light be allowed among the rest of us that are no more compatible with them but they have become irrelevant to us all to the extreme point where they are no longer even noticed and have become completely irrelevant to anyone else even their evil peers who see them as impotent but are they too are ignored by others even evil ones for both to be nothing to anyone, completely ignored. How is this possible? Anything destroyed can be made again and no one can truly be permanently destroyed good or evil. They wind up either to intentionally preserve all things or to destroy them only to have the things restored and the destroyed resurrected by Yahweh and I and already the God who became Jesus Christ can do it to all things and nearly all people with Beth, the God I made soon capable of it also. In the future as your mind and spirit evolve and your powers grow all of you that will want to will be able to do it also. Evil will be insane but irrelevant. Your good practical reality done in a right and loving spirit will not only be relevant but real forever. It is like the Hate-Asbury community and their unacceptable incompatible lifestyle with all the homosexuality and drugs. They stayed until it was an acceptable lifestyle rather than a place to make a rebellious statement. Now we have in San Francisco a tolerant society there that finds their lifestyle not only permitted but acceptable and even compatible with the community that finds their behavior uninteresting to those who still live there to being the only reason they have in mind to go to that evil place. To be homosexual and live in San Francisco is to be irrelevant to Hate-Ashbury, San Francisco, California, the entire country and just another city with a deviant persona associated with its name world wide; irrelevant to all. All evil by the time I am done will be the same as eventually have to sentence the evil but nice to areas where the evil are not nice and on out to where the evil that is incompatible with everyone good or evil are left by themselves to do evil to each other and even destroy each other though we will just raise them again and when those that destroyed them have finished with their punishment they will be returned again having gained nothing destroying nothing we did not or could not restore to raising the worst of the bunch for they are seen as a me with the right to pursue whatever they choose like everyone else as they weaken themselves and become acceptable where they are and irrelevant everywhere else slowly deteriorating in number as we use the children of these pathologically insane evil ones children to place ourselves as we are born again babies moved immediately to good and loving homes to grow up loving, good and right in communities where they are compatible and will always be relevant to everyone. Those not used for that should the need for more old ones of us to be born of their children allow their children will not be given spirits and die as animals with no spirits and an animal mind irrelevant and forgotten by everyone and with people like that most likely gladly destroyed by their parents in their lack of evil prowess. The evil are insane and their type of insanity leads them only to remain insane or seek out even more fiction and become ever more irrelevant to the point Satan can be remade and they be totally irrelevant also left to live forever with no purpose and no reason to be, an unending hell they accomplish for themselves in error being so for many, on purpose for most but the only way there is. God wanted to live forever. Then he wanted us to live forever. Now in this new world following the end of Christianity which will always be permitted but only as a religion for all religions are based on highly emotionally charged stories that are fun and even beneficial to many who practice them. Even atheists can come with us. Many of them are nice and highly compatible. They will just believe that nothing and no one is God but reality but that reality was changed with God when he was nothing for he understands that nothing is true to nothing doing away with nothing and leaving only that with is true then, anything that is not nothing followed by that which was practical and not nothing that changed what was before and became that which was not true to a right, good and loving spirit which is where evil is now good only to keep going just in case some alien force comes against us that requires those of us who are relevant and good to call upon the powerful evil ones to destroy them in order to prove their prowess knowing they cannot be destroyed and nothing they have cannot be restored and yet formidable foes for any one good or evil ironically making earth a safer place for them as well as the good and loving people we are the evil find revolting and as immutable as the evil ones on earth are. We are then not just dedicated to keeping ourselves and God alive but the incompatible among us and even the most evil alive, all made by God originally now in their own me and any like me not made by God or any aliens that prove to compatible with us good ones or even compatible with our evil once if they two prove to be immutable and interested in moving here where everyone is welcome to be himself or herself with their me completely accepted or compatible somewhere. But to be practical and true with ones own truth is all that is required and we encourage all to be independent so that every truth that is practical and good and loving in the right spirit will be common knowledge or an area of knowledge we may want to explore as most of us settle in and are content to live the way we please in peace with others. Jesus when he reveals himself is already among you and will be King of the Earth, the evil as well as the good for he created love that day on a cross on Calvary Hill, a God dying to render all born on earth compatible with the Creator of all. No one else in all the Gods deserves to be king and no one else can be more loving in spirit and so see the truth the way it is and the way it should be taken among all of us. He defeated hate that day as irrelevant. Jesus of Nazareth was born that day for this eventuality and Jesus Christ the God that was to die and be no more was resurrected to announce the victory over evil and even a hateful spirit on the third day. Yahweh, most commonly known these days as God, being the first and the creator of this reality that he, I, the God that was to become Jesus Christ and the God I made Beth are all just as subject to as anyone good, evil but nice, evil but not so nice and evil are has every right to remain God having the original truth then the original practical reality and finally saved when he lay down his evil and let it die to become of the same spirit the good ones are, all of us. Me, John, I am just John a sort of idea man who put it all together for them to perform. Man is evolving. Their minds are evolving, But it all comes with a new reality that was actually the first reality expressed by the words, “Nothing is true to nothing,” understood correctly. I and all the Gods wish you could all grasp that and evolve and even seeing God's face has been known to help but we wish you would all evolve immediately but even if you do not understand it all look for the real truth in love, loving everyone as empowered by the Holy Spirit as Me, the Spirit of God works with Yahweh among the evil and the good and you will be born again as a baby with the body of man, male or female. We will keep you if you are good being reborn as many times as it takes for you to understand everything. Everyone even the evil with be brought back to life if not reborn. Death is over with. The last enemy Jesus said was Death and death has no dominion over anyone God, evil or the good.
is my prophesy made in God's God which has been incorporated in God,
Yahweh the Father of us all. Even so come Lord Jesus. Amen. John aka Marcus, my Christian name. Every time an alien pays attention to us I will know and destroy all creations all Gods and all evil ones. We will come back when their attention passes. They will think it an anomaly in reality. Me will detect any alien contact with us and awaken me to alert me at any time. Only those realities that are good, loving and true or made by God or Jesus Christ the King will be restored each time. They will think we were an anomaly in time. Yahweh, Jesus Christ and Beth and I will be in our spiritual condition at the time so no Gods are killed. When they no longer monitor the place we were in I will restore everything with the help of the other Gods.
God thought he created reality but reality already was even if he was all that was real. What he created was not reality. It was a creation, created reality. A creator cannot create reality they can only create real things, both material and immaterial, tangible and intangible. Me, the Spirit that was identified as his Spirit was the reality he created. She does not believe in reality but the reality that God created, her. She is real but not a part of reality as God was, is and always will be if he does not turn evil again and die before he repents to really be alive again as the many he made and me that have already done that and are alive again, though those that ever were alive do not really die anymore than those that are cursed ever actually live again when they are cursed in God's created reality. In reality nothing that has ever been and experienced anything, knew anything or reacted to anything ever dies for that is the bare minimum that must be to really be alive. In God's reality many die and fewer have lived again but those if they ever were completely alive, good, right and in a loving spirit and real whether they believe in reality over created created live as they have lived since they at last died to everything they were to be nothing but good, right and in a loving spirit. It is not only possible but almost impossible to fall away in reality or in created reality it is nearly a prerequisite though I imagine it might be possible for someone to fall away and still be in a loving spirit or in other words not love. Those who believe only in the reality God first created are actually insane in a way like believing a nonfiction documentary when it is impossible to write the truth about one's self not to mention what happened to one and others and see it all perfectly if one is not God, the real God who created his reality which would not have needed to be created if the reality that was discovered had no discrepancies unless one was creating something real out of reality and even then it would only be real and just part of reality meaning not the reality God first created. But God did such a great job of creating reality not much changed when he created all humanity real in reality and not just real in his creation like an animal that was a mere creation within a creation with a created body, mind and spirit compared to real to the created created body, mind and spirit that was real to that reality and now is real to the reality that God has always been really a part of and so is now that reality with all humans being part of the same reality no longer actually created or created out of reality but made real to reality as God was able to do for he can do anything even as at least one other can but which was thought to be something unique to him when we are real and everything we do is created, created as part of or in that we created that is a true illusion to that created reality, or we can actually do true things and be real among real things in reality which is God who created every real by putting who he really is into his creation changing very little but making all humans different and no longer just in his mind although he still knows everything in this old reality and will until or unless reality turns out to be too much for his mind which being infinite probably will never be too backward or clueless about anything in reality either. He made every human that could be made and every spirit real in his creation and only had to look at them now as real in the reality the beginning began in. It is sort of like we are in a new creation run by God now that was run by the real truth which must be in everything God uses to run the reality he copied in his mind to become reality which is discovered and God being God can be created again, copied, exactly as it was, is now and will always be but not just reality but a supernatural reality as it relates to the first creation. You may create your own reality by copying it in a right spirit that is good, right and loving but also the exact way you take it but it is only a creation unless you are God for only God takes things the way they truly are in reality, him even when he was not in a purely loving spirit and not loving everyone like all the evil spirits he fights every day in his efforts to help even evil be real forever which it cannot. It will eventually be able to destroy nothing and no one that will not automatically be restored leaving it impossible for even minor evil acts to be preformed, great news for us, bad news for evil for there will be nothing that can be done by evil that is anything but powerless to change any thing and they will not be able to die the same as the cursed in God's old creation were. So everything has changed but nothing has changed except that God is reality and there never will be anything we can do that he cannot do according to his faith in himself even fictional things that are the only new things left to do but especially refrain and only do all the practical things he created. Fictional things if they are practical can have an effect on practical things when they are believed. But you cannot squish someone's head between your thumb and forefinger at a distance without they believe you can and you believe they can like the powers the evil have. They are not real in reality but only in created reality anything they do can be doubted and nothing will happen if you truly doubt it is happening in reality but only in created reality. In other words they can do nothing for real if you believe they cannot but if you join them in created reality and believe it as they do you can be in a world of hurt because of what God really is and just what his self is. A self even God's self is a fictional character in the mind that takes the place of what you really are as well as who you really are. God's self is now real in reality. Before it was true in his creation and an illusion which was beyond doubt. However since God so accurately made his self exactly what he was in reality that is mute. But when he made himself Satan for example he never did anything that was not a lie or at least fiction. If you did not believe him as I did not he was impotent and irrelevant being only able to effect someone by his clever speech by carrying them away which if you did not listen to or believe which was much more difficult to do had nothing to it but what he got one to do or believe. So God did not only create things that were real to his creation back then they were not even capable of doing or saying real things except in reaction to his deceptions. Satan was actually a nice fellow if you could overlook what he had people believing he not only could but did do to them. They experienced them the same as had they been real but they were not even a true illusion but a magic that had no power and no consequences on anyone like Jesus who did not believe him except in a way or not at all like me. Evil was part of the story of Adam and Eve on. It was meant for religious purposes and was not true either. See what a mess happened wherein God did not adhere to goodness, and right done in a loving spirit? But the need for that creation is only needed by those who do not believe in reality and that God is reality but believe in created reality much of which was real in created reality as well as real in reality both. If only you believed what happened when creation ended and reality began for us evil cannot destroy or effect any thing or any one we cannot restore that is why God helps them last as long as they can in their delusions knowing that when the truth comes home to them they will be irrelevant but forever alive because since evil is not true their power is not real and even at the end when it is no longer fictional it will be irrelevant with Gods fixing anything they do until everyone no longer believes their power and might can actually touch them by simply ignoring them and not believing in what they do and say. That is what is left for them. Mere men and women using tools to effect others and affect lies others do not even pay attention to not to mention believe. Forever like that! Poor guys! It happened in definable stages but it happened all at once we just didn't realize it. Religious people like Christians whose Scripture is not all true as most suspect will live forever and the return of Christ and the coming of the New Jerusalem will be proof of that. But most will know already for they will die on earth and immediately be placed in another baby or at least another body and continue to live with all their memories in tack and accessible as early as they can understand their former lives just like say a genius that is a scientist and believes in secular ideas and leads a moral life especially those that already love will experience the same thing. But woe to the salesman who makes its living lying and not living by the truth which is duplicity and not possible to do both at once. They will die and are already. Their children will be given a good person, that does right things in a loving spirit and their entire being and moved to a home more suitable for them to living in until it dies over and over while the sales people and evil people will when they die remain dead left to wander around as harmless ghosts to the spirits of evil men and women that are as powerful as any that have ever been, contained, controlled so that they eventually loose all that power and ability to effect the world in any way as we help them live as long as they can before they become totally irrelevant which they are now just not realizing it and we will do all we can to help them be compatible with those who will live for as long as they might. But all who do and say evil will be chastised in some cases but certainly punished that they meet or maintain being all they can be, even those that are alive and will always live forever on earth given anything they want and either punished for it or blessed according to how evil what they wanted was and how they used it. A Christian drug addict will be given the drugs they are addicted to but should they do or say anything evil they will be punished or fall away and no one knows where that is in the real world that is spiritual but they will live in their body isolated from other good, right and loving people in spirit even in a synagogue or church if they can even notice it. They will be told they are fallen away and what is required of them to come back to being truly alive but it is up to them of course. But the nice people have anything they want also but chastised and punished like the religious ones. Like them also they will have access to the Gods and angels if they can hear and we will do all we can to give them everything the religious get as far as powers even letting them see Gods face and having anything they would like. But when they do evil they will lose all that just like those that are alive but have fallen away. Nice yet evil will be shown mercy as much and as often as God desires on a case by case basis even to being born again like those above if they are harmless enough and moved to a place where they are more compatible with their neighbors, even the religions and good that are not religious can expect that. But some nice yet evil are compatible nowhere but with the worst and some that nice but compatible with no one and those of that kind that are not nice will be placed among the worst of the evil as they are gradually relocated. Believe in the truth and reality beyond creation, God, and you will be able to live forever for we will keep enough evil ones around from among those born evil in generations to come and even raise the evil ones that have died for bodies that we never run out of a supply of bodies for you to be incarnate in or abide on. But forever is a long time and if it can happen it actually will. That means that aliens, some physical, some spiritual, some both or mere robots will be coming as the years of your overall life stretch on. They are already here in a way. They are not really aliens but robots with computer brains. They want nothing from humans but do enjoy scaring them and even take them onboard. But for the most part they are harmless. Do not concern yourselves with them yet. But in the future some may come to dominate us, make pets out of us or even just to destroy us and, some of them may be much more powerful than we are. So when the Spirit of God who monitors contact between anyone in space and us warns me I will destroy everything but the Gods who cannot be detected unless we interact with them for I would have to die to actually destroy a God. Then when the threat has passed I will restore everything with the help of the other Gods and you will resume your life not having noticed much of anything evil and good included unless it is decided not to remake certain powerful evil ones. When destroyed you die. You do not experience anything. So not even a moment or any movement of time will seem to occur. They will think we are not even here and their contact will be impossible anyway and they will eventually go on to something else think what they interacted with was an anomaly in reality. We will all live forever this way as planned for not millions or trillions of years but forever. The old way is over. The new way is already working and don't worry about evil. If they do something to you we can make it so you do not ever know it again to remember it. Anything of yours we will restore. Even if they kill you, you should notice slight changes but we will keep it to a minimum and if they kill you and we cannot get you back we will make one exactly the same as you as a baby. But it is unlikely they can destroy you to that point. Trust God, reality.
Goodness is composed of three things seeing the truth, seeing wisdom and being loving; sight, the wisdom and the love like the Gods: John, God and Jesus; John being able to see the truth, God being reality which is reality but is surrounded by fiction has the wisdom to know and judge all things by John and Jesus the lover being the love needed to see clearly the reality which is right, good and righteous judgment which stands firm when permanent destruction is called for and also never waivers when forgiveness is the best of options. The truth is that you will all be real in God like the Gods Jesus and God and John. The evil will be able to do no evil that is not fixed or fixable should God decide to let it stand. The nice but evil will be real and good like God himself. But the good will be able to see reality and understand the truth and in the end be wise like God if there ever is any end which the truth sees no end to now though wisdom sees it will all end in foolishness and love will forgive them anyway though they all opting for fiction rather than the Gods will all believe in their own reality like so many witches and be just as insane. The truth will not be a bearing for them though reality and wisdom will judge them constantly whether they are good fiction or evil fiction. Not all fiction is evil. There is good fiction. But they will always know love though what they do and say will be hated by the Gods. In the end of it they will all have their own reality were that possible and they will see everyone else' reality as insane compared to theirs and the God's and each of them will not see that it is all insane according to everyone even as the Gods knew it would be, the difference being they will all agree but not realize that. But when they all make their own reality they will be insane and God the Creator who was real in his reality but created everything that finally turned out to be real to his reality in that all men [and women] are evil but Adam who was only a fool but was condemned for his foolishness anyway. He is forgiven but everything he does is wrong because it is just as foolish as his first act of automatically disobeying God without thinking about it for Adam is both a real man and a character in God's Scripture. Scripture is not true it is larger than life and its truths greater than any evil man can ever know or fully understand without becoming a little Christ in Christ, mind, heart and everything. Those who are not John who has no one in him even his daughter Beth who has no one in her and those who are not Christs in Christ or Gods in God will be irrelevant for they will all fall away one time too many and never return dying in their fiction which will have nothing to do with truth, wisdom or reality though Christ will still love them and they will be alive because of his love whether curse or blessing will depend on how they see it. They will be wild like the aliens no longer knowing any Gods even the Christ. But do not concern yourselves. I the truth am forever and John prophesies so far ahead of you that you will not think of it that you might see it and so know it. They will be irrelevant to you and you will be irrelevant to them but you will never die alive with that being irrelevant to you rather unlike the evil who will be dead with that irrelevant to them also. Tomorrow many will see the truth of God's Creation and the Salvation of the Christ most believing that but many not, few will actually live but those that do not live may think they are alive and their bodies live forever though their spirits die like the wicked. Many who had no faith or power from God and many who thought they had no need of a God will believe some to live most to just believe they are. When an evil dies they will not return to a body but knowing everything from their past life some will try to be good with limited success but it is impossible for them to ever be good enough to live or but they may believe it forever. They are evil the way God made them before he was converted. Very rarely do any of them live. But should they live they will be given a body to abide upon. Those who just believe they live are given a body and think they live but they cannot understand what it is for God to make them alive or that the living should be allowed to sleep but the evil not so. They will live in their body. Then they will die and bear their own punishment which is from barely deserving to die to being cursed and it being not possible to punish them enough though they are alive but do not realize it for they have given up on life to no longer care for anyone or be interested in anything. Then even God who is reality will not try to wake it and leave it as it is never to experience anything and never to react to anything real or fiction again, or to just let it die. Some of those that just believed they lived imagined that forever but the rest will eventually die also. But it is hardly of interest to anyone that is alive and will be alive forever even those who in the far far distant future that it is irrelevant to them in their insanity for they have died in a sense and are the same as a primitive or an animal in their minds, spirits and what they really are like a body if they still have one.
But believing you are alive
because you have imagined you believed on a spiritual level by
attempting to believe something your brain does not believe and think
that by concentrating you have overcome your doubt that that you
think of as supernatural and therefore reason cannot be true so you
pretend that you really do believe it. Instead you should relax and
let what is actually natural for anyone who believes there is any of
Gods be as true as the reality around you that is real and no longer
just an illusion like in creation. This is reality. God is reality.
You are real. God is real. Your thoughts are real even if you imagine
things that are not real are real. Your reality is real but you are
attempting to believe something that is impractical. There is nothing
that is supernatural and also real for there is nothing supernatural
but that you know is not real which is not anything not even nothing.
The reality is that you are alive if you believe reality has made you
alive. A thing, any thing cannot be both real and supernatural it is
the same as attempting to have something that contradicts the truth
as being true, a lie for instance. It is a lie that you are not
alive. Reality has changed ever so slightly because you have become
alive and can never die. That is the truth of reality you refuse to
believe because you don't want to find out things like that about
reality. It doesn't change anything about reality or the truth that
leads to reality not a mere creation made by someone but actually
real and as real as you always thought you were but found out this
way that you were wrong all that time and now you know it. It changes
everything but actually nothing changes. You always were alive you
just never realized it was real before and so many things you also
thought were real are not. You do not do anything. All that must
happen is that you relax, no panic, no anxiety, no need to
concentrate on what you believed by choice before. Let it be real as
the thing you are reading this on and as real as your thoughts are
for they are whatever they are; real. Reality is not what you always
thought it was because your brain which is actually too small to take
in everything made up for the information that it cannot gather like
a computer with too little memory. It refuses to take in more
information than its memory can hold so it pretends the new
information isn't viable information and disregards it. But that does
not destroy the validity of the new information. Does it? If you
believe it doesn't, guess what? You can know you are alive meaning
thinking what reality actually is instead of what you imagined it to
be. You are not advanced enough yet to imagine something and have
that something be real just like that. But you will grow. It is a lot
to rethink but that process goes more easily and almost seems to
happen on its own. When you are alive you don't have to believe it.
You are just alive. So just accept it.
God is reality. Reality is not God but the Spirit he does everything in. It is not a character that God makes up as he needs it to be as he goes along. It is a spirit, a character with a mind of its own that does what it wants or mostly in the case of reality has done whatever it wanted. She is not limited to anything she has done before to do next. She is not a storybook character her writer makes every move she makes, says everything she says or thinks only what her writer wants her to. But if by her own choice she does and says everything God is doing that is who she is and what she is doing that. There is no deception or deceiving. Nearly every creator regardless the genre would love to have the Spirit that God has, but so far at least only God has a spirit that does that. God's Spirit is reality. God says it. She becomes it and the mood that creates is always the same for God in surprise might say, “That is exactly what I was thinking,” or he might say, “Oh, no! That is exactly what I was thinking!” His problem then is not whether what he thinks will happen but to control everything he wants, thinks or says for it all is real, and his Spirit has done it and the end is a mood unlike any other called reality. But when she wants to she can say anything she wants to so long as it makes no difference whether she said it or God said but the mood is all the same, reality has spoken and one thinks, believes and finds it true and real according to that mood whether it is believed or not. If it came from God it is not only real but true between God and his Spirit at all times but if she says it, it is only true between whoever hears it and believes it and her. You have done nothing morally wrong not to believe the Spirit but it is stupid and it is a mistake. So if you do not believe the Spirit when she is fulfilling what God wants you are disobeying God. That is you are doing what reality would not then say or do. You have lost touch with reality and to put it in its most extreme syntax you have gone insane. To a writer plagued by spirits that will not obey them it is no longer them and their mind that are writing but thoughts that are not his own being expressed and giving the impression he thought them. It is a deception. You are not deceiving God but anybody else who is in touch with reality. God cannot have that and allow what you said or did. Reality could become anything no matter how much more evil than the simple evil of deception but a situation wherein God is irrelevant, but wherein reality is irrelevant is a place where only your fiction is real to you, to anyone who hears you or is effected by what you have done appears to reality to have become a very grave reality which has only been done by one person, reality herself and God himself. If reality was different for everyone then reality would be no more reality in everybody's mind and all realities must include God's reality for reality is really reality and must include all or reality is threatened with destruction and there is no reality and no Spirit and no God. How many others will you destroy, you evil person? Obviously something needs be done about the evil you have done. So God in the persona of Satan, a spirit and not a character is purported to have said, “You will not surely die [If you disobey God] but you will know good and evil and be as the gods,” God actually said it and Satan had nothing to say about it. It was God and it was not evil or a lie. It was true. We are like the gods. God made us all exactly like him with our own mind and will and we all knew good and evil. We just had not realized it. But Satan thought he had actually said it were the story real when actually when the story was being told he thought, “I never said that!” though he would have for he was a spirit completely unlike the Spirit. He was always saying something he knew another would take the wrong way to fulfill his own agenda which it turned out was God's agenda to get the one Satan was doing evil to do it to them and not him at all anymore than what the Spirit did was not always what he did. It was always or always designed to be something God would never do in the end. The person Satan said it to thought she was gaining something very desirable to be like the gods when it was already hers. The entire operation was designed to drag that person away from reality hopefully permanently in Satan's persona, but in God's person it was a means to have her discover what she already had in the only way possible, good and evil not being known at the time for not even God or reality had ever differentiated good and evil before. Things were just like people, neither good nor evil but simply what they were just like they are to the animals. When she did what Satan suggested she revealed she was capable of doing something illogical for her own purposes and not limited to being like the animals but capable of entering the area of higher thought than a computer or highly trained animal. God had done nothing wrong. He never did. He just revealed what the things in his creation were for he could not know until they did something and it could not be known fully without he made them reveal there was no end to what they would do and what that would mean to reality. Satan had proven himself evil even to the point of changing someone permanently or killing who they were and putting someone else in their place. That person did what she did and then had someone who had been told not to do it, do it themselves just because she suggested it, her now being like a god and not an animal. He did it revealing his innate repetitive nature to do anything suggested by her. He was not only evil to disobey reality, a reality wherein everybody but the gods were logical thinkers like computers or thinkers that routinely did anything that would fulfill a need no matter how illogical it was because it was programmed that way, he was foolish now. He was the same thing as the one deceived by Satan but he behaved like a computer or animal and disobeyed God. Now the one Satan deceived didn't die physically though they both became unconscious which technically is the same thing when you try to define it technically as dying. She was raised [Awakened from being unconscious] but she was evil now Satan had changed what she had been revealed to be to what she was revealed to be from then on. So God promised her someone would take care of what she did so she could be alive and no longer have to be unconscious forever. God did but she had to wait an awfully long time until Jesus Christ rose from the dead having paid for what she had done. The one she effected died too. But he did not live spiritually. His spirit died right there too until Jesus Christ accomplished what he did using Jesus of Nazareth who did very little and certainly nothing good or evil. Jesus Christ did almost all of it. I came along when they were judging others and explained that what he had done was the least wrong anyone had done and there was no one human who could claim he had done something less injurious in disobeying God. Then his spirit was raised. He still does things like a computer and an animal but he is forgiven especially for his unique place in history the history of the spirits of human beings not the history of what they did physically on earth, religion that is good and evil which is true and real not the real truth of justice and injustice, the story humanity tries to agree actually happened to their flesh mostly. But God cursed Satan. He was revealed by his role playing him in the spiritual story as incapable of doing any good ever and he continued to role play Satan who was nothing but a character cast as the ultimate evil spirit on earth. Satan never actually did anything God did not do in his role play of his persona for even what he would have done that was evil and even brutal God did to keep that from being that he created that part of reality which God did in fiction to keep Satan from doing it. Satan never did anything. God did it all. But what did he do? What would have happened anyway even had he not done it is all he did. He created a new reality of fictional characters that were players in a scenario that actually happened and kept it from ever actually becoming a thing against God and kept Satan from doing it over and over again in some cases. Was it wrong of God to do such a thing? Yes, it was. Was it evil what God did? Yes, it was. But to allow Satan to create any part of reality would have made reality evil and God's Spirit evil. So God did evil to keep his Spirit from turning evil a far worse evil. It is not evil to do evil to prevent an even worse evil from happening like shooting a murderer to keep their proposed victim alive. That is good. But God deceived the one he said in his spiritual story that disobeyed him. Was that evil of God? Yes, to deceive someone so that they die is evil. Was it wrong? I cannot decide. On the one hand he was just revealing what he made, something that had never been made before, a race of gods in that one deception that would be prone to be and do evil only all the time to the point where that less evil than something else was considered good by them. She did not die because of that decision. She had been just a computer animal mixture before that with a spirit that he knew was prone to being evil. He killed it and left it that way an awfully long time but when he raised Jesus he kept his promise to her and her spirit was raised to live. So the end of his deception was not a deception, he had never lied to her. He gave her the choice he knew she would make knowing she did not know good and evil and was not yet like God. She is the mother of all living as the man she suggested join her prophesied. She was the first human in the scenario that lasts to this day. Is that good or bad? How many have been saved and will live until they don't want to anymore? But how many of them are alive and cannot ever die? She herself was saved by God. Where then is the deception evil? Wouldn't it have been even more evil to abort all of the living before they came alive? It was wrong. It was evil. But in the end of it God made it right. We cannot even forgive him. There is nothing to forgive. But God knows that given all the pain and suffering and horrible things that went on in order to make every possible living one not to mention every possible person, it is wrong to make man but it is a wrong that can be made right to the first one and every one of the rest were actually given the right to take their life as they did and decided to be good and possibly live forever or be evil however little and eventually die and suffer the entire way through because they would for they were prone to be evil and would not even choose to be saved from all that suffering in the end not to mention choose to overcome what they had been and be so changed they would never be the same again but being what they were when changed to live and never die. God did evil. He made evil. He made man evil. But he righted it all and made it all good in the end. I hope he doesn't have to role play evil ever again. But he is good again and reality? She is still good as always. There was spiritual reality and there was historical reality but now with me, the Truth, there is only one reality actually and everyone is included God, Jesus and John and every evil man and every single one between the best one alive and the worst evil one there ever was, not like Satan who was only a character in the spiritual reality that never was anything, is not any thing and cannot ever be exactly what he was since he cannot ever be that same spirit. It is completely destroyed. God could make him the exact same again but he says that he is not going to. Now everybody thinks, does and says whatever they want to. God is not role playing it anymore. He has thought, said, and done it all. All that is left now is to get used to fixing the problems with that and protecting God's new way of thinking which is my way of thinking and yours. And? It is all good just like God always does. He apparently cannot do anything that is not good even when he is doing it all at once. Now he has a problem. He wishes he had paid more attention to reality and given what he was doing as much thought as he did spiritual reality for this is both without any contradictions. I set out to create a new way of thinking. Apparently this is it. © 2019 Marcus |
Added on March 1, 2019 Last Updated on March 5, 2019 Author![]() MarcusBemidji, MNAboutVery few evolve and only one has evolved so that his mind is God. I will try to change that. I want to see everyone evolved and not just saints who think they have but never made the grade. I will kee.. more..Writing