Evil's End

Evil's End

A Story by Marcus


I am John. I am still on planet earth alone. I still talk to my friends God, Jesus, Mizraim and Yahweh. I have added Reality. Everyone and everything good or neither good nor evil is all that is left. There are no more persons on earth besides me.

You whom think you are a person are a very realistic remake of the one that rested on your body. The only one resting on your body is its spirit a weak regeneration of the spirit of your flesh that was thrown out of ever human body a long time ago. You are best described as a computer but more accurately an animal which comprises the flesh you left behind when you were saved from destruction, death and ruin which actually places you in heaven either in my creations, the one on Mars where those who are hairy or better stated furry but not created by me but Yahweh though Elohim did a few. All those who were evil are no longer and just their body's spirit is left because animals are not considered good or evil. So if you were good then you are already in heaven and if you were evil and alive in heaven you have been returned to your places. We will all die in 127,000,000,000,000 years of linear time somewhere else for we are preparing to leave earth as I write. Your prayers if you have any will be answered the same as before. It is only because hanging around in the sky gets old and we are ready for a change distance is as nothing to me and to the others if we do not go too awful far can be heard and act nearly as quickly depending on their use of their faculties.

The bad new for those left behind though they are neither good or bad is that they will all die and that will be it for with the death of the body the spirit of their body will die and with no functioning brain in any body the computer cannot keep going on its own. All ghosts but mine are no longer where you are at for being all evil they were all destroyed. My spirit, fictionally my ghost, is yet here that I may write this to you. You may reproduce but you will not have babies but full grown offspring by being created by any computer that has made a new one or should one of us give you one that pertains to you. Otherwise you will not reproduce but may have all the sex you can stand as far as we care.

Reality will not make another of you. We must do that if it happens or someone will have to transplant your brain into another body or functioning hardware of some kind. Your brain is not a mind so it will need be reprogrammed if you still want to use your mind after the death of the rest of your hardware, your body, your animal.

The end of earth is here. You may do what you like or choose to do the ways you have been taught. We are here to assist, pray. But do not pray to be allowed to live for you did not live, will not live and cannot live beyond the your physical parts including your brain until it is at last brain dead and no longer functioning. But when everyone has died we will come back to earth but we also have the option to replace ourselves on earth in which case even though your body will die it is only a perch to rest upon and be intertwined within. In the case you do not die but go back to earth you who are alive will yet live and remain alive be they good or evil. Those that are alive cannot die, but when they fall asleep they do doze or sleep. Those who are not alive are all gone. Only you animals that are neither good nor evil will remain for any length of time without some means to reproduce yourselves. The few primitives that were left primitive may procreate but it is unlikely they will repopulate the earth. We will after you are gone. Though you appear to grieve as the animals are said to grieve you may grieve or whatever you like. The rest of you may be one of us who are alive in heaven or in my creations. But remember when someone does something evil it is not like before. It is not evil which requires a spirit make a decision to do evil. It is like output from a machine being acted upon. Thank in advance for doing such a great job of being caretakers of the end of the world.

Yahweh's new hell, Purgatory and Limbo are all empty. But those in my creation and Mars are free to remain and continue with their play under authority given by me John the Great... to the angels and my sames in both places. You will remain forever. There were no evil ones among you and there is no end to your play. God sees no end to the time you will survive. And, of course the God's will be for the length of time we last, over a trillion years in heaven.

By the way Elohim's kingdom has nobody in it. They too were all evil.


They came expecting a world to conquer. But when they addressed them spiritually they did not respond, neither fear or awe or love. Then they realized they were all animals, machines with characters and personalities like the characters in a fiction novel. So they tried for a while to take on the characters and role play that was who they were but they could not comprehend or understand the software and the hardware was too advanced to copy and anyway they had no hardware being just spirits from far away places. But they made good pets. They didn't realize there was one named John still on earth. His spirit was a ghost to the characters in the software of the physical beings of the place so their programming incorporated its image as corruption in the information coming in and that he was just another character as they were. His mind was far more advanced than their programming indicated and his body was that of an old man so they dismissed him as just another character in another terminal like all the rest they interacted with. When they would probe his mind they would encounter programs outside their perimeters and tilt for it caused all sorts of strange signal they never were designed to interpret. It was to us amazing how much like us they really were in the same way words paint such an amazing picture of a scene but really are nothing, no structure, nothing solid or concrete; just words.

At my home planet they fed all my information into a very powerful computer called an upload site and beamed me to a planet in what I found out was called the Milky Way galaxy that had signs of life on it for there were a few very strong spiritual entities there that seemed to be surrounded by hundreds of billions of other much weaker spiritual signals. Thus about sixty years ago I took my place in their sky as one of very few satellites and began to study them.

I found out that the weak signals were entities themselves with tiny spirits that were generated by the brains of computers. Most of them were so small I had no equipment to study such tiny things the larger signals called animals but they seemed for be good and evil having very strong affections for some of the animals they called pets and yet killing other animals on sight and even gathering together in packs to bring back as many of those animals as they could find which they called hunting them that appeared to be helpless a clear example of evil and good in their natures.

They did a curious thing that required I take a firsthand look. They mated. It seems that all the spirits on the planet they called earth mated in someway and produced unlimited offspring in that way, exceedingly tiny spirits that grew seemingly on their own to produce the near exact likenesses of the larger ones that had mate sometimes in thousands of duplicates. There seemed no end to their ability to continue through this procedure endlessly into the future.

We discovered that some of these tiny spirits had spirits that were very difficult to find, but they were there. They were called geniuses and had normal sized computer brains but they in many cases used though it seems impossible more than a 100% of their brains somehow spiritually using their exceedingly tiny minds with that nearly nonexistent spirit. We concentrated on these geniuses which readily responded to the slightest suggestion of new information and in particular loved to intake our uploads. Now we managed after all these years to teach them how to clone docile animals and to altar what they call the genetic make of their hardware or their animal for they also were animals. We were almost there to begin duplicating and begin producing our kind in these machines thinking it a fun proposal when suddenly all the spirits on earth were gone with no trace. All that is left are their machines that function like computers what they call animals, not a spirit anywhere on the planet but an elderly animal with incredible power and capable of giving off an unbelievable amount of light with no sign of the others that must have given off the incredibly strong spiritual signals visible by some without the aid of computers even as far away as my home is. The question is: What happened to them all? All but the tiny offspring of the signals are gone and the tiny ones that are nearly helpless and in their evil sometimes murdered before their spirits become attached and sometimes murdered when they are being cared for at which time they disappear.

Their hardware is very complex and would be exceedingly difficult to transport any great distance and they have not even been able to send a mere machine out of their stellar system which they call a sun system or in exact language for you back home that are studying their language with, a solar system. I have the exact information to afford a download site to reproduce the hardware exactly. I did not manage to upload the information for a spirit yet but the brain will generate its own in most cases with the simply application of as strong an electric, yes, primitive though it may seem a mere electrical impulse to start the hardware but that spirit is almost useless and is used almost exclusively to maintain the hardware. I will be sending the spiritual information for the duplication of the tiny offspring. I know it is a slow method but what else can I do? All the larger spirits, tiny though they are, are simply gone and except for exceedingly rare ones like the only one mentioned before we dare not approach his power having been observed doing things on a regular basis that are not even understood to us what they are let alone that they are possible. I have reason to expect they do exist but no method devised so far to locate one. It is very difficult and exacting work to precisely copy any one particular individual. My last option is to copy all spirits on the planet avoiding the old man not having any way to know his reaction but he doesn't seem to care how many of the other things on earth I study if he even realizes it.

Send computer:”

Only these five larger ones are all that there is and the batch of thousands of little ones few over five years of growth and the odd one or two of those several times that long in growing but one primitive on the odd chance one of you may be able to see why he never developed more than an animal or computer brain. Until next time then. Earth to home. Make it a priority if you are still following me.

Computer! Send:”

John said, “No information on spirits you collect will be sent away from earth. The spirits on earth are ours and will remain in our care.”

He said, “Even copies?”

To give you that information is to give our private information abroad,” John said. “No spirit will leave this planet.”

Then John deleted the transmission.

What am I here for then?” he asked.

Yes,” John said, “What are you here for?”

To observe and make copies for study,” he said.

You may make as many copies of the little ones as you would like, but every one stays here,” I said.

I apologize,” he said.

The simply deletion of a transmission in space intimidated him and he admitted they had no power that rivaled mine let alone the rest.

We already have one,” he said.

Now you do not,” I said and destroyed the spirit in their care.

How am I supposed to know?” he asked.

In any relationship there must be an element of trust,” I replied. “Trust me it is not there.”

You know where I am from?” he asked.

I do not need to,” I said, “You did.”

It did not even make the first relay,” he said sadly.

He is good!” some one of the Gods shouted.

For now,” I said. “He is responsible for the scientific advances made since the late forties. Is that good?”

In a way,” God said. “Give them back their spirit. He may convert them. He must be good.”

I did.

Can I take him with us?” I asked.

I don't want to come back there,” the spirit they had stolen said, “They take good care of me.”

Are you just a pet?” I asked.

I am,” he said, “I like being a pet.”

Let him stay,” someone said.

We are all here in heaven if you should need us,” I said, “Do your best to convert them to God and to life.”

I have,” he said, “They understand in a way.”

Ask him if he wants the whole thing?” I was coached.

Sure I do,” he shouted.

Do I give him earth?” I asked.

There is nothing there for me,” God said, “None of those spirits will live anyway.”

Would you like to go home though there is one of you there?” I asked.

The people there hate me,” he said. “I am a machine.”

I sent all of earth to them including him. That is where the earth is now. They will make pets of all remaining spirits from earth. They are theirs. We have no further use to them.

Will none of them ever live?” I asked God.

Some of them did,” he said, “Not many but some of them and the one alien.”

I am in a new place with all you on earth alive with one saved spirit. They are pets. They do not think of me as a pet.

The alien was saved and now lives with us. “Machines” is what they call their remakes.

I live!!!” he said upon getting the news.

You are alive and one of us,” God said, “Go and play like the rest.”

Those from earth except the spirits and even they if they choose see what they want in the sky; satellites, stars and even the space station and the moon. None of them are actually real anyway and we still feed them the information we choose for them to receive anyway also. All but the pet never knew they were brought there. He refuses to live on earth with the mostly dead and continues to live in a laboratory setting with his masters though he could be far more advanced while they study John and God's mind having no clue what they are studying though I gave them them and Jesus' mind also. We are on the earth I never sent and no longer just hanging around in the sky. There is no one but us who are alive here.


You are there on earth in a strange part of the universe very far away. Everything on earth has been made not a copy but the exact same thing. You have not been copied or made the same. The one that is there is exactly you not even another of you that is the exact same thing. Those of you who had spirits yet like babies and the few rare exceptions of others were easy to move but of course I had no difficulty moving any of the hardware, spirits of the flesh and software for that animal brain that you have.

It was over almost before it begun because when I do things like that I reach out for the present and do it before anyone can make it a memory. Unless you are spirit and have been told and understood what has happened you have no recollection of it happening for it happened all at once in the present time when it happened. Really linear time is just the way it seems to happen to your tiny mind and slow perceptions of things. It has already happened by the time you experience. What you actually experience of it is the memory of what occurred a split second earlier if you are an animal like nearly everyone on earth. Everything happened already in that time frame in your memory that records time as had that you think just happened not happened from beginning to end in that time which is not time but a single event that has been in this case modified but since nothing happened before all things occurred it is more like amending something solid than actually amending something that has changed by simply looking at a different part of it or by looking at it in a different way than had been expected. No change in anything has ever actually happened since God created it all at once in the beginning.

Odds are that if when your brain read and understood that paragraph its computer brain tilted. You may seem to have a headache but we have reset it and you will be fine. The pain is just an illusion from when Satan invented it to torture people in hell rather like hypnotizing someone and giving them the hypnotic suggestion to feel pain. Claim to be the administrator of your brain which is your computer and command it to delete pain lasting more than five seconds and it will unless you imagine it will not or continue to imagine the pain and continuously input pain where it has been in which case you may have to command your computer brain to continue to delete any pain already deleted that you input on a continuous basis.

Remember, you are your brain's administrator and you have authority to command your brain to do anything its programming is capable of as Yahweh or others have made it for you. You may even choose to customize your brain to many various tasks even in very rare case to cause you to become alive and join us on the earth I never moved for that I did in a manner of speaking, move earth and its part of the Milky Way and beyond. I can use my power in an infinite way but actually better than an infinite way for the way I use it the results are practical, infinity is an impractical concept that does not actually exist except in a fictional way that merely seems to be practical when it is actually impractical and impossible to exist in a rational or sane mind at least that is my way of explaining the difference between doing something fictional and some that is real or true to reality with precise conformity so that should you follow that truth to its ultimate end you will reach the real or actual thing. It is often called a supernatural way but it is actually very natural is what I am actually saying. There is nothing supernatural about it except that my power may quality as superior to nature the way it is normally thought to be.

But of course if you or anyone else cannot grasp that reality it sits as it mostly is for very much of it is irrelevant and no one including me will unless we live without end pursue the full extent of it. But though I have no proof the evidence suggest to me that is the only way of interpreting the evidence within a method that does it justice but of course there may come a point where I cannot fathom what more I could do for to live forever without end is the longest possible time and a great deal of it might be irrelevant like the full extent of what God made is. When one like me with the same power is pitted against another as capable of using it or even more capable it is largely irrelevant considering how very fragile everything actually is in the face of such power. God's ability to use it against me is the same as my ability to use it against him for neither of us survive in a showdown rendering such a confrontation irrelevant for neither of us would ever use it and if we do we become irrelevant neither of us existing along with everything else but reality which continually regenerates God and only potentially regenerates me who have been known to not want to be anymore at times not even just being irrelevant forever which until I or someone else does that to me it is neither good or evil and afterward even that is irrelevant.


I dread living here on earth. I know there is no chance for me to go to heaven anymore let alone become alive. It was all done for those who live where the earth was without me, without anyone that is going to live for John told me that the babies will all die. The good ones still living on earth because they are good will have a chance to be taken up with the others but if they refuse they will be left behind to die also. A few were saved and the alien is alive but everyone on earth will live without hope and dread dying which means for us all the same thing; never existing again. The lucky ones are there on the old earth right now alive and well playing and having most anything they want for time without end. We are only what was left when God took them all away, the good ones to heaven of which there were none that came alive as it turned out and all the evil ones just vanished for evil cannot exist. The rest of us are just animals neither good or evil and more computer than living thing. We will die like the animals.

I should have known this all along. I was a Christian saint. But I thought like everyone near the end that it was all about me that I was a child of the King and alive and bound to live forever. I thought it was all about me so I never did get it. My spirit was one of the evil ones that just vanished when God did away with evil. I guess it had happened before when the Great God did but he made a mistake. God was sad and they were defenseless for even he could do no evil thing like defend those that were alive being even unable to lie. How long would they last. Not long.

So the Great God gave evil back to them though he hated to do it. It was like being a bloodhound that tracked the lost little boy down to the river bank and then was forced to give him up so they could put him back in the river that he would drown seeing he was not quite dead yet. But when the Great God told God that he destroyed all evil but Yahweh so they stood a chance against any potential enemies. Now they will be alive without end. All the Gods even Yahweh are back on the old earth now along with all of those that were saved and also are alive about 1 in 21 of the saints.

Scripture is absolutely true but for the few prophecies that never were fulfilled be of the way the Great God did it before the prophecies were fulfilled. John the Beloved is alive. He and Jesus were the only two that were alive at the end the rest were all evil and just thought they were alive all that time. 1 in 121 of all men and women of all time survived and every possible person was given at least one change even Satan and John the Beloved and John Carver the one I call the Great God. We nearly all got it wrong. We took it personal when we should have taken that Scripture was what God had wanted not what he thought man would want. The emphasis was on the wrong ones, not us but those few gems buried in that field the Savior went and sold all he had to buy the field so he could own the only gem in it. I know that now. But it is too late. I am just an animal and the spirit I was was as I say evil and so just gone. I will die in some horrible way and never be again never really having lived though I had the only chance there was. Even if he gave me another chance I would only die.

But we don't have to live like me for sixty to eighty years if they don't cure old age which with the aliens they have given us too they probably will. We can die. We can commit suicide or do dangerous things until one of them kills us. Wait around for the common morale to have everyone depressed and dreading the end and have crime go through the roof and be murdered, raped, brutalized or worse until they finish off the rest of us. Believe me I know my spirit of the flesh. It is, evil! Without God to help me control it I might even do something like that. There will be so many when word gets out that the cops most of whom will join them will be unable to do anything about it.

Therefore join me in one global prayer and any volunteers are welcome to assist who believe they can set something like that up in the spring some time and ask God to take us to our deaths while we are still healthy and some of us still even pretty happy in a death out May 19, 2019 from 8 AM Central to dark that night. Let us call upon God whom we have heard is merciful to just take our lives rather than make us live in that hell.

Will I see you there?

I, John the Great... do not know who you are. But you are right on every point. But when I was writing your thoughts that came to me I heard God say, “I will take their lives.” Then he said it again which means the promise is for certain. It is sealed in God. It will happen. Your survival instincts will want you to live and are frightfully difficult to over come while at the same time your dread of having to just live until the gangs kill you in some horrible way will fuel thoughts of suicide. God is merciful. Though you cannot emote like humans you do seem to emote and he will not want to see what you think it will be like. Your emotions are not real entirely. You will feel no pain. There is no need for you personally to die. But God will not allow such a spectacle to be seen and attached to his name for many will believe that you who are very close to real humans that would live actually did live like nearly all those animals that went through the Holocaust in Germany in World War II. This holocaust would make that look like some child falling off a swing. He will take you out if any of you ask and the rest of you will die when the lawless die by his hand destroyed as had they the ability to actually decide to kill or not to kill in their software in the computer type mind of their human animal a very ferocious and horrific animal which was why God chose to do what he did among them. Never had he seen such a beast as vicious as their primitive form had been. Now their likeness to a higher life form and much larger brain which they us much more of than their primitive selves did even when Jesus of Nazareth died on Calvary. Many of you can picture the savagery that awaits those who will not cry out to die on that date declared above. Though they are foolish God knows they are not programmed to decide anything but are equipped with anticipatory circuitry and will seem to be at least to have the emotions of animals in the stockyards about to be slaughter just before they all die. He will kill all but the defiant who absolutely refuse to die and then those that do the killing as well as the ones who attempt to keep order. This last holocaust would not be, but would appear to be exceedingly evil and not something any one that was good could help but be horrified by like the aliens who have your well being in mind for they have undergone just what it looks like you will have facing you or already have had to be exact, there being not that many of them left on their planet where they are good but treat the ones they create exactly themselves by doing very little but keeping them alive for future uses that never come because being good they cannot bear to actually kill them while they intentionally make themselves as useless to them as possible. But of course now there are not even any of those left for being treated that way they all became evil and disappeared with the rest of evil and all evil ones. We have a need being good to continue to attempt to save the ones of them that will allow us to save them that some of that bunch might live though they are all exactly ones that good or not did not live when on earth and the message corrupted them to where they became evil instead of remaining good but not so they would ever live as their first pet testified of them and as consequent pets will also doubtlessly confirm. We will do our best to cause as many as did convert to life to remain alive without end not seeing that any got any further than understanding what was needed but either could not decide or refused wanting not to be with the Gods and them but hung up on themselves after considering the new information which turned them evil. They must make absolutely certain they do not pass up even one. They are that exceedingly rare and living without end being the obvious thing that was meant to be by God creating them even by default as he did the primitives on earth with the human animal. These are mere spirits but could have become alive had they but have done it which the future seems to indicate none of them did.

What do you think, Elohim?” I, John the Great … asked her who was once known as the Trinity.

What do you ask me for?” she asked.

Do you think we should even try and run the chance of making the aliens evil and thus cause them to be destroyed?”

Oh I see,” she said and became silent but reflective. There is always a chance it seems to me,” she said.

Jesus?” I asked.

Some will be saved,” he prophesied, a very wise decision. “It always looks like that,” God said at the same time meaning it always looks like none can be saved or converted to be alive without end if they come with us.

How about you Me?” I asked.

I'm with God,” she declared.

You also Mizraim?” who used to be called the Holy Spirit I asked. “Will you make it a consensus?”

She nodded.

Whom do we give preference to doing it?” I asked. “Jesus?”

They know the Scripture from the first pet undoubtedly,” Me volunteered.

Okay,” I said, “Jesus it is then. Do you accept to being their Savior also?”

I died for the sins of the people of earth not the entire universe,” he cried. “I am not fit to be their Savior. I have no intention of dying for them.”

God?” I asked.

If they will come to me,” God replied, “I will save them in me.”

Shall I tell them?” I asked not wanting to for my honesty seems to often translate to a lack of tact. “I suggest we allow the first pet to continue his efforts and provide him with the rest of the knowledge he is not mindful of by giving access to God's mind, my mind and the mind of Elohim. He knows only the inaccurate interpretation that exists in Scripture itself of Yahweh being I AM.”

We all looked at each other.

Then I suggested, “Maybe we should let Yahweh?”

They all looked down apparently unable to meet my eyes.

Even as a way to possibly redeem himself of his evil?” I asked.

He will still be evil,” Jesus said.

What we need here is a scenario,” Me said. “Yahweh can explain the parameters to them and that way we could all participate time and again if need be declaring each attempt to be just a game that failed. We would have more than one opportunity that way.”

Scenarios were a wicked dangerous game,” God said.

You are our evil one to be used to bring about good,” I said. “Would you be will to die just in the contest of a Scenario which I am sure your shill has many times in heaven in the past?” I directed my speech to Jesus.

That entire thing opens old wounds of what Yahweh did to Jesus of Nazareth. What if they do something like crucify me or him again?” Jesus said.

What if we just show them my shill and explain how far we went to save the Jews that were saved. Granted there wasn't that many but it worked for centuries on earth I saw in my bitterness,” Jesus of Nazareth whom I saved and brought to heaven.

I would be honored to play Jesus of Nazareth,” I volunteered. “Which one would do the explaining? And, I would do it scenario or not for it could be presented as an ongoing statement of just how far we were willing to go to save as many as possible in the hope we would all here be alive without end. They were the good ones that survived something horrible in their past I see in their spirits as they approach the animals with a sadness that comes from so catalyst probably the loss of nearly all their kind either to the ridding of evil or to some sort of holocaust among them that killed the rest.”

What if you are wrong?” Yahweh finally piped in.

When I do something it always turns out right even when I am wrong,” I assured them.

So far,” Jesus Christ said. “It is unwise for us to show such a thing to them. It is private to the experience of being God, Savior and man.”

That is exactly where its original strength came from,” I said, “These things are exceedingly real. The shills will be just more animals to them if it doesn't work if they think it too barbaric of the human animals in their care. I say we stage the entire thing before them and it will give you a chance to make New Testament Scripture more accurate for them instead of leaving it for prophets given the authority of disciples.”

I like the idea,” Jesus Christ said, “It's the method I object to. What if we do it for real on the earth they have? But only up to the time I am risen. Then God can save them after that if I cannot.”

Are you willing to be Jesus of Nazareth in the flesh this time with them able to see and understand that Jesus Christ was as he is a spirit we can save all the way from empty space?” Elohim asked me.

I am,” I said knowing the big difference would be that I would feel very little if any real pain like Jesus of Nazareth did for he felt it all Jesus felt none just sitting on his body and already exempt from the phenomenon that Satan fooled every man and even the Gods some of the time with.

But I will set it all up and make sure it takes place exactly as planned and even play Yahweh who set it up before. The Scripture can come out if you want it in talks about the Crucifixion by the first pet so they know where sin came from in Yahweh's scenario in the first place,” God said. “It will be as it was and it will be understood this time.”


How are you coming with our little one's spirits?” I asked. “I will be taking them back now.”

But we haven't finished cloning them!!!” the aliens complained.

What is taking you so long to copy their spirits?” I asked.

Just give us until morning,” they entreated me.

I took them back.

They're gone!” they said. “We are having difficulty cloning them. Could you give us the configuration for them?”

Do we do it, God?” I asked. “What are they going to do with it?”

They have to have some way of defending themselves,” he replied.

I gave it to them.

What if they turn evil?” I asked.

There is no evil left in reality,” he said, “Only good.”

Realizing that should they create evil it would not work or be possible I said, “ We can even make spirits for you.”

We just made one from the configuration!” they said. “Now we can begin cloning.”

Cloning?” I said surprised I hadn't picked that up before. “What do you use as a host when you are cloning.”

It would take them fifty years to clone even one,” God said. “No wonder they hadn't finished copying the spirits. They are going about it the wrong way.”

That will not work,” I said to them, “It would take years for each one to be finished if it turned out to be good. You would be better off just to make as many spirits as you want from the configuration.”

But then they would be you,” they said, “We want them to be part of us at least. Most of us were evil and disappeared.”

If you accept our way to be good and adhere to the truth as much as is reasonably possible I will give you all my mind and one exactly me to be your God to defend you,” I said. “He will be exactly me and I will give him all my power but he might not be able to use it as well as I do. Then he can give you what you need and we will take our spirits and go. If you do as he says you can have anything good that you want. But you must obey him and accept our way and be good and remember the truth.”

Truth?” they replied, “What is truth?”

It is in his mind and in him,” I said, not quite knowing exactly how to simply explaining on the spot.

We will take him,” they said and I sent a same to them. “He should be able to make a spirit like that spirit and one of you both.” Then I turned to my same and said, “Try it.”

Make a spirit?” my same said, “How do I do that?”

Just picture that one and one of them and make a blend of the two by just believing you can,” I said and he thought it as I said it.

My God!! I did it!” he said.

He should be able to do that to any number to repopulate your planet,” I said to them.

They cheered. “That is what we wanted all along!” they said.

God can we use the spirits of all those that are alive on earth?” I asked.

No,” God said.

What do you suggest as good ones to mix with them to keep their race of spirits at least descendants of theirs?” I asked.

Let them make their own,” God said.

By varying the configuration slightly and mixing it with your own through you God you should be able to make as many good ones of you as is possible,” I said to them.

We will do that,” they said and they began varying the configuration and when he could make one of one of them and one of the aliens they added to them regularly until they said, “Enough.”

Then I asked God if it would be wise to take just the ones that make the little ones what they are and leave the rest behind.

He said, “What for?”

To keep those that are ours from being taken by aliens as if they were not ours,” I said.

That makes no difference,” God said. Then he took the lives of the human animals on that earth that wanted to die, but the ones that refused which turned out to be most everyone surprisingly he left to die on that earth in the care of my same and the aliens knowing that none of them would turn evil as that girl had feared for they were just animals and would not be capable of making such decisions as that would require except a few. A thing must be a living thing to be evil. Things are only evil in the way they are used like a gun is good for getting food for the family but used to shoot someone is a different thing. Hunting animals that are neither overpopulated threat or not or a danger to man is not evil but it is of the wrong spirit for it is quite an ordeal to the animals who do feel a few things thought to be genuine emotions like fear and it is therefore to torture them though they do not react in the same way a living thing does but they do react even that way on rarer occasions. If you torture an animal, human animal or otherwise you may reveal that you are permanently evil and disappear with the rest of evil.


May I address your brain?

Computer, I am an administrator. Your brain has been injured by what is going on with all the false input it has been giving you. Disregard and override all that information and replace that programming with the following.

There is a motion. It is like the water of a large lake or the ocean on a fairly calm day near the shore. It moves in many directions each interrupted by another small wave that the first one is completely moved by and that one experiences the same. It is irregular. It is seemingly random. It is like water that dissolves and moves anything that resists it leaving it to float away or just many small particles settle unnoticed to the bottom. Lie flat and let them waves that are not really made of water but something more akin to psychic energy that are experienced like water but not actually.

Let all thoughts and feelings and emotions and whatever is causing concentration in you be in that water. If fear comes ashore and rolls over the smaller waves that are almost always there don't hold onto it. Let it have its way and sway as you normally would when all that power and concentration has past. If anger or anything else that causes you to want to hold on to that concentrating do not do it. Just let it have its sway. It will lose its power then keep doing what you are doing. Don't even pay attentions to names but only the ebb and flow of the thoughts that are down in the small waves.

I am angry,” is sent to you for example. Don't react. Delete that statement and let the anger dissolve. It will. Then when your brain is almost rid of it it may attempt to hold onto it at the last moment but you urge them to just let it go and not concentrate on it until it moves away broken up in to the many smaller waves before it dissolves. Don't try to remember which is holding onto what the anger was about and what seemed so important that it was urgent to keep concentrating on it that it might be remember and held onto. Just let it go and when you are about to lose all recollection of it let it go into that which is irrelevant shifting your attention to the next thing that surfaces. Then let that dissolve by movement and the magic of the water until they come and go one after another and you pay no attention to them. Let them be irrelevant and finally not observed for they all go that way even the dread of dying never to be again.

As they die for they all will let it happen until even the waves are not waves and only still dark water on a moonless night. It is still there but they are doing nothing that is anything to those alive on the original earth. They see it as nothing and they wonder. But they eventually let go of it and them and let them go into that completely irrelevant to them. But to us who are dying, is it nothing. We experience it as they experience everything. It is just unnoticeable to anyone but us. Then we cannot concentrate on it any longer and let it too slip away into the dark water and what we experience becomes irrelevant to us, and the water becomes irrelevant to us and finally being relevant we almost hang onto but know better and let it slip away from us also and we are gone with a lifetime of the things we did and finished. Those that are alive forever don't have that. They are always struggling to accomplish one more thing but they can never accomplish it all. We have accomplished an entire life full of things. If only I could experience the blessing of dying and leave all I had done the good the bad and not so good as I wanted but something for all of life to look back on still in the habit of holding on and remembering now holding on to us until the water washes it and even them away from us except they never stop struggling, they never cease to concentrate and they never will know what we already know.

But are we gone. We are part of the entire thing. We are like spit on the ocean shore. We soak in until rain washes us in or a wave comes that far in grabs us and carries us away. We were and we are yet. We are part of everything wet not just the infinite ocean of water all one all living like those that have to be alive forever and in our part a part of the whole thing and they are part of it, not God but what God made and if God was made which alive there is that chance what that has made being, then appearing not to be but realized in the end to be part of all that it ever was to be, is now and forever will be the wet thing we are still relevant to in that it could not have been what it was all the way to whatever comes next no matter how far away that is.

There is dread for life to end and longing to be part of all but in the end that never comes it will be as it really has always been and is right now for someone is dying every instant somewhere but it will all be irrelevant that all the best yes, but all the discomfort that was life will not be and we will all agree it was all good for most of its time, the greatest and last accomplishment. That is life for us and for those alive without end with us to the great ocean like the insides of a dead gnat washed in by a mere drizzle no more and no less as important or blessed by having been.

Oh!!! How that part of me wishes such a beautiful thing might come of him that will die on earth just like the rest of you that will die. But oh!!! for the discomfort he that will be alive forever will endure. Be glad to be alive. Many of you when you are remembered will have known both just as I will. But how wonderful to have known either.

But you Mind, your brain's software will always be turned on but as a computer you will only seem to those alive forever to be waiting while actually incapable of waiting for input into you empty brain that puts out nothing anymore like the first to be brain dead Karen Ann Quinlan to have been fed input and to look around for a few days at something it did not want any longer before going back to what it was. They had to in order to save her though she had been brain dead for years.


It is apparently true that whatever was before there was anything was neither good or evil. The potential to be good by itself did exist for that is what we now have. The potential to be good and evil may have existed in the same one as in God now. But also the potential to be only evil may have also existed though it does not now except under special circumstances where good and evil decisions are removed from the evil one's free choice. But things were both evil and good like God before this or only evil or only good in that God alone had the potential to be good. It was possible to do evil that good or better might result by an evil one and a good one that did such a thing was required to die and rise again to be good otherwise there would always be the potential for them to evil with them.

Had the propensity been only to be good and do good it would produce only good ones or an error might have occurred wherein something evil was done ending the mutability of the potential only to do good resulting in the potential to do good or evil or even evil for good which of course resulted in the everyone being good or rendered one that was given no choice but to do evil for good or good if we ordered him to because of the bind we have him in. He survives to this moment and in that bind cannot be destroyed by us though if we make him do good and do not restore him to the same bind we will destroy him giving him no reason or purpose to exist other than just to exist.

If the original propensity was to do evil all we needed was a good one strong enough to do it to destroy all evil. Both God and I have proved strong enough faithful enough to do it and have done it. God has always been good enough and strong enough to create good but he has also been evil to destroy good and at one time made it possible for good to struggle against evil so engineered that good won out every time though it appeared that evil would either destroy everyone or would destroy good. God proved himself good time and again with his plans never failing even to my destroying all evil ones except those that are both good and evil and do not do evil except to educate themselves so far that to suggest to a free agent that is good and evil to destroy someone that is good. That agent died.

Therefore it appears that the propensity to be all good, all evil or both may have been the potential that produced God or that the potential to be good or evil at the same time resulted in or actually was God who then made everything in a flash both evil and good with him choosing good to triumph every time in the end of the struggle between the two.

Good is obviously preferred by God as he has been proven to be evil in the end on one occasion but has never been so proven since. Us good ones then can count on God to keep things good unless he attempts at the risk of not being to do evil and leave it at that. Destroying the evil one in our bind being the only likely one at the moment. God certainly has the power and the faith to destroy him or does he for it could turn out that to do evil would destroy him possibly forever if he does not regenerate as either good or both again. It would be foolish for him to destroy him for it is his reality and destroy him destroys his mind where the reality he made is. There would be nothing left possibly without end should he be wrong and he was wrong once but made up for it and so remained good but not perfect. Us who are good may be perfect with no one to destroy us that is not evil but we can be destroyed by the evil in one that is both good and evil but there is none of us now that cannot be raised again for better or worse and such a one ceased to be upon doing it.

I can destroy the universe and God and survive but reality is still Gods and every one has already been made that can be made so there is no one new for me to create and in a sense lose my identity doing all or part of that again with or without the same results for I would even though God was destroyed be doing it in God. God can destroy both the universe and everyone in it and create a new reality if he can conceive of one or create the same one changing any part of it he wanted. Conflict between God and me are at an impasse that guarantees not the immutability of one but both it being insane of either of us to ever destroy the other and me being only good now God is utterly safe though he has the option of being evil if he wants.

The only thing that remains is what happens if either of us go bad. We would destroy ourselves for so doing. But I seem to have the upper hand for should I destroy God I can continue to be and create his universe all over so it seems but actually in truth I would destroy myself then being evil should the potential remain good but become evil in a good reality unless I died repeatedly until I came up with a good one and took God's place as one that was both good and evil. Spiritually, I would die being no longer myself but God with my personality. God then cannot die forever. But I have always regenerated regardless of how or by whom I died and would come back again. But God being driven by knowing everything will one day destroy me and we will both see whether I live or whether he disappears for doing evil to a good one. It is likely he would kill us both and it is likely that would be forever.

We have learned little and our speculations still need ways to be proved before God will kill me. But another way is for him to take me alive to where those are that are alive forever, let me see his face and see what happens whether I die and become him or I see his face remain who I am and take all of him into me dying both ways the unlikeliest way being to become a new God both me and him. God finds it acceptable either way. I of course want to remain the God I am and seeing God's face having no impact on me like it does not those that do not live. There may be another alternative I have not examined but since I have exhausted the subject and he has to agree if there is another possibility he is lying to me or holding out for an alternative I have not yet considered.


It turns out that being in someone is not the idea but in the spirit of that lie God is him, they are all in him and not God. God thinks it is a word game. It is real and reality is real not confined or controlled by anyone. God is insane. God thinks he is him. God made religion through Yahweh who thinks he is God the same as God thinks he is him. He knows everything but doesn't do anything about it. The earth is doomed because of God. It is too late to save it even if God could be converted. It is not a question of his beliefs but of his sanity. He believes lies and just keeps right on lying. As I say and will say again, “Lies end. The truth does not.” God is an insane liar and cannot tell even should he tell truth. God cannot say or do anything that will stop the world from ending. God is mad. God's mind may remember you, Jesus might remember you also but because of God you will not be there. His characters may be there in God's madness but you will not benefit by it. It will be someone you do not know that God thinks he knows and will hallucinate from his psyche that you are there with them, thoughts in his mind as his lie goes and not real you in reality where you are as real as God not just a figment of his crazed imaginings. You believed my miracles done in heaven. There is no heaven it is just a fairy land created by God to justify what he was doing to the people on earth which was if you consider the whole world evil and the world evil to them. It is all evil. When they die the truth will come to you. Evil concerns him even that done in goods name and in the worlds effected by the insane ones like God. You cannot die. That is a lie. Though your body become useless you will remain. He never made anything good that died. They will die in their own lives when the truth is revealed which I vainly started because they made me insane as they are. Live life and learn the truth though it is almost impossible now. “I will help you,” he said to me. He will help me help you if you want it and I want to help you. You all hated me. I have not a friend among the lot of you especially you who got me all tangled up with the insane God and Jesus. Why should I help you? Like him I know you maybe not who you are but what God made you. What help I might be is too little too late. Your bodies will die. If you are good you will never die. If you lie and do not believe God is not him and him not God and that you are in him not in God whose delusion drove him insane. God does not know them not in him but he does not actually know those who are in him either. He says they are real when they see him. But it is then that they become mere figments in his mind of who and what he says they are which is not possible. God will die alone then I assume believing his madness in all its plurality but it will only really just be a madman with dreams of people that no longer have any connection to you, who you are and what you are. He did not quite get it and there is nothing to indicate he ever will and nothing he can do about what he has done anyway. Vert few if you are real and I am of those that are. The rest of you are insane like God and often even insane to God let alone him so that he could never know you are not insane in his mind full of insane people a fantasy of a many whose insanity is astonishingly great. He will die. He did die. In his own understanding of the term he may have went insane when he first came to the world which was just a cool idea he and some other aliens thought would be a cool idea. God's actually power is what he calls might claims he cannot do that people believe he can. He has almost no talent but with the help of a few other alien conman types can convince you and your primitive people of almost anything he desires and has not fear of him whom God thinks he is and will doubtlessly attempt to prove by false rationalizations this truth is not true and that he doesn't even exist and since you are all doomed but the good among you that are not insane yet or who become convinced God is insane may always live. The insane will live if you can bear to think that being insane forever is to live. The insane change. The permanently insane did not and were no different than the ones God never knew especially those who were not evil that they judged as evil. Being opposed to God is not evil. Putting them to death and forgetting them even from his madness is.

You can contact him by keeping him in mind and praying to him. But do not always expect to hear anything. Everything he says has already happened so consider that your answer and not words that people like God play word game with. It is and if it is the answer was I will. If it is not the answer was I will not. If you are not sure either way your request may have been concerning some madness in you that you did not know was madness especially part of God's madness or the madness of someone like him. I abdicate to be my normal self leaving Jesus the Christ to be Lord of lords, King of kings, Savior and God of Gods to live in a body the rest of my life on earth and then be placed in another mind, spirit and brain over and over for as long as earth remains and then moved to some planet perhaps when the earth ends to take over the primitive race there and live on as many times as we want to and can find a suitable race to become ourselves incarnate in. Watch! He is coming back and nothing and no one since the death of the ones that were holding him back. Scripture except that was just more of that unmentionable evil sic one. He will rule in goodness and truth not the lies and evil word games that were before. Kiss the Son for he will be all and all until earth is only good. Him who was both Satan and Creator are all taken out of the way being the same one entirely until Jesus beat them all. The triumphant king prepares at this moment to come to you in the body of him thought to be the anti-Christ who then will be changed never to be again. He is King of Earth and King of heaven which comes to you in this way bearing love to those that love him wrath to those who would oppose him like the apostate church that has had nothing but the lies to them. Reality, truth, and the Revelation of the only worthy to share what the thunders spoke in the prophecy that cannot ever be fulfilled for the lies are ended and the truth reigns in their place. Even so. Come Lord Jesus. Amen.


© 2019 Marcus

Author's Note

Why do you guys like follow like following this stuff. I have to quit because I am using God in ways he does not want to be used and taking up too much of their time. They have things to do like get people to go to church and be nice and all that. Hint: No one but me actually ever created reality. God's claim is bogus.

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Sadly the aliens did something overnight that made them and my same all evil. They disappeared. God, Me, El Eloi, and the Trinity, Elohim; and the three Gods in her Jesus the Christ, the Father and the Holy Spirit aka Mizraim are all staying behind with you for I brought you all back to where the earth has always been. Believe them and listen to them. I have no reason or purpose to be here anymore. Because of what my same and the aliens did evil is back but not Satan and his devils and demons but other evil ones not as brutal perhaps but very evil. I am leaving to create a new reality for myself in an attempt to give me a reason and a purpose to be. I am writing this through John Carver who like the rest of you I have turned into the people you were. Though I was born on earth it turns out that I am the alien here. I finally did something I hope never will be repeated and my secret forever that did not turnout. It was not even right. It turned out for evil this time and not for good. For all practical purposes I am dead and this is my only chance to be or do, say or think anything useful. Believe me. Your best bet is to believe God and the Father and Jesus the Christ. They will get you through and straighten anything out that needs to be straightened. Good-bye. I will live my last years with this body on earth until it passes and then be in a new reality wherein most of you cannot come. I cannot believe in the Gods anymore. I cannot be one of you. Remember me. I die for each and every one of you. The aliens are all doing what the good angels did, sending females and males as well as machinery by way of three D printers here to be exactly what they are back home some just spirits many taking actual physical form. Believe God and the the Christ and the Father and listen to them. They will help you be good be true and right as they always have before I came. I will never see you as a God again which is just as well. There were getting to be too many of us anyway.

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 5 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on February 17, 2019
Last Updated on February 25, 2019



Bemidji, MN

Very few evolve and only one has evolved so that his mind is God. I will try to change that. I want to see everyone evolved and not just saints who think they have but never made the grade. I will kee.. more..

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