a night with arthur

a night with arthur

A Chapter by John A. Hill

A Night With Arthur

I pulled into the school parking lot and parked in the back fifty. I had changed back into my normal school clothes. I don’t think Anne will dig it too much, but I wasn’t about to mess up my nice stuff. As I was walking down to the front door Anne called me on my cell.

"Hey babe, I’m walking towards the front door as we speak."

"I see you." Anne said and hung up.

As we walked up to each other, I wasn’t sure what I should do. Was Anne comfortable showing public displays of affection?

"Hey." she said as we met.

"Hey." I said not sure what to do.

We both kind of smiled at each other and looked at our shoes.

"I’m sorry," I said, "I didn’t know what was okay in public."

"I was kind of thinking the same thing. I wasn’t too sure what you would be okay with."

"I don’t care. This is going to be my last quarter here."

"What’s wrong?" Anne asked with concern.

"I’ll tell you in the truck. Come on, I’m ready to have something fun to do."

"You’re really enjoying the idea of me moving in aren’t you?"

"Of course I am." I said as we walked back to the truck.

As we headed to Anne’s apartment, I explained the whole situation with my history paper. But I did not tell her about what had happened between me and Tammy; I figured there was time for that later.

"So are you going to meet with his boss?" Anne asked.

"I don’t know yet. In truth, I feel like dropping all my classes and saying the hell with it."

"Don’t do that Pip; I would miss you too much if you didn’t come to school."

"I’m not. But I don’t think I’m going to go during the summer."

"That’s fine, neither will I. we can spend the summer together."

"I would like that. Maybe we could find some use for those jet skies of mine."

"You have jet skies?"

"I do."

"Oh my goodness, I’ve always wanted to ride one of those things. You have more than one?"

"Yeah, one is small and fast, the other is huge and meant for three. You know me and speed. The big one is fun for doing crazy stuff on."

"You can’t do crazy stuff on the little one?"

"I can, it’s just more fun to do it on the big one."

Tammy was still at school when we got there, to which I was grateful. It didn’t take long for us to pack Anne up. She didn’t have to bring any furniture with her. Just all the stuff she kept in her room

As we were putting the final stuff in the truck Tammy came home. She didn’t seem happy to see me, something I understood. But what was a bigger shock; she seemed upset that Anne was moving out. I sat in the truck while they talked to give them some privacy.

"You’re moving out? Why?"

"Because I’m not happy living here."

"But I thought we were best friends Anne."

"Tammy, we haven’t been friends in a long time."

"What are you talking about?"

"What am I talking about? Tammy have you said anything nice about Pip since you found out about us? Or had anything nice to say about anything I’m interested in?"

"I wasn’t serious about any of that Anne; you should know me well enough to know when I’m kidding around."

"See that’s just it Tammy, I do know you well enough. And more often than not you can be mean spirited about things."

"So you’re just moving in with her?" Tammy asked pointing at me.

"Actually yes."

"Why? You hardly know her. Am I really that bad of a person?" Tammy asked sounding like she was starting to tear up.

"We’re just two different people now Tammy. We want different things out of life. I’m sorry, I have to go." Anne said and walked away.

As we drove off I didn’t want to say anything. I felt like I had been the reason for a break up.

"That girl is something else." Anne said.

"Why do you say that?" I asked.

"She so dramatic. She could care less if I move out, she’s just butt hurt because I beat her to it."

"I’m sorry." I said only because I didn’t know what else to say.

"Don’t be. I’m not, Tammy‘s a b***h." I laughed, then Anne did and that was then end of that.

Because I didn’t have food in the house for Anne to eat, we kind of dropped her stuff off inside the front door and went to the grocery store. We got all sorts of things I never thought about. Like ketchup, and salt. I was horrified by all the vegetables she had gotten, but she got other things that I figured I would have to try. Like ice-cream and fruit popsicles.

It was late by the time we got everything put away and Anne moved in. The stress of the day seemed to wear on both of us so we were both eager for sleep.

The one thing that Anne said on our way home that made me excited about tomorrow, she saw a SUV she wanted. A Cadillac Escalade, why she would want one of those things was beyond me. But I was determined to get it for her as a surprise.

When I woke the next morning, Anne was still sleeping. The sun was just coming up in the east and there were ugly clouds threatening rain by the afternoon. I got up and quietly got dressed and went into my office.

It had a nice view of the Strait; I had my desk place in front of the window. To the right of my desk I had my copier and my fax machine. To the left I had a seventy-five gallon salt water fish tank. The tank made the room extremely peaceful with the sounds of the water pumping through the system.

The first thing I did when I sat down was to look up and see if I could fine one of those Cadillac’s that Anne had liked. I was in luck, the local Chevy dealership had a brand new one in the color that she liked. I quickly shot an E-mail to the sales department telling them that I intended to buy it as soon as they opened, and they needed to contact me as soon as it was possible.

I also looked into get my boat out of storage; I had a thirty-two foot cruiser that I had put dry-dock over the winter. I was thinking it would be nice to have it brought up here and moored so we could take a trip to the San Juan Islands.

I checked my E-mails; there was one from my stock broker Ian. He was trying to reassure me that this stock I had bought last month would be fine, watching that stock going up and down about gave me a headache and I was fed up with it. I told him if it dropped five points again in one hour he was to sell it.

It was about then that Anne came in, "Hey Pip, what are you doing?"

"I’m taking care of some business stuff. It’s what I do on Tuesdays."

"How long do you think you’ll be?"

"I don’t know. Probably most of the morning, I don’t have much to do, but I have to make some conference calls today. So that’s what will take the longest. Waiting for them anyways."

"Oh." Anne looked kind of sad hearing that I would be stuck in here for the morning.

"Don’t worry baby, it won’t take long. Why don’t you take a bath, and make yourself some breakfast and explore your new house?"

"Okay." Anne walked over to the fish tank and looked at the fish swimming around the tank’s reef. "Don’t take too long, I’m going to be lonely."

I smiled, "Promise. We’ll do something fun when I get out of here."


I couldn’t believe they wanted me to come back to Paris. I found this powerful vampire living here doing God knows what, typical. I never should have joined the Brotherhood. I rolled out of bed and looked around the crappy little hotel room.


I’ll go back, but not before I pay that little creature one last visit. I pulled my sword out of its sheath and looked at it. I turned it slightly to look at its edge.

"We’ve been away from battle too long." I said to my sword and returned it back to its scabbard.

I walked into the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. The passing years had not been kind to this old body I thought looking at all the scars I had. I looked at my face; the first battle I had ever lost was to a female vampire. She had bit me right on the face and took my left eye and left me with an ugly scar.

"So many years ago."

After I showered I opened my laptop and looked for a flight home. After talking to an airline I had a flight to the East Coast Thursday evening. Then a day layover in New York, I would arrive in Paris Saturday afternoon. I shot Sebastian an E-mail with my flight info so he could have his car waiting for me.

Two days sitting here in Oak Harbor with that creature and not being able to kill her. I couldn’t understand what had happened to the Brotherhood. I could remember back before I joined hearing the valor of their warriors. Now it seemed that they were content to do as little as possible.

On a regular basis I had to remind myself why I had joined. But now I didn’t really care. The Brotherhood had lost their will to fight. Something I would never lose as long as I could swing a sword.

I sat down at my computer and brought up my Brotherhood files for here in the States. The closes Hall was in Seattle, I pulled out my phone and dialed the number there. Though it was Tuesday morning, I figured someone had to be there.

"Seattle." answered the voice on the other end.


If one finds himself in the darkness…" I said in Latin. Latin was the language we used to identify ourselves to one another, though no one seemed to speak the language anymore.


Then a friend offers him a brother with a lamp." said the voice on the other end of the line. He had responded with the answer to the code when a brother was in trouble. The code was taught to all new members, though none of them really understood its meaning.

"I need a brother’s help." I said.

"And this is?" he asked.

"Brother Arthur from Paris."

"Arthur the One Eye?" he asked in shock.

"The one and the same. Who’s available to come to Oak Harbor?"

"There’s a Brother Ryan, he’s in Bellingham."

"Where’s that?" I asked not knowing the area."

"About an hour from you Bother Arthur."

"Get in touch with him, give him my number and tell him he’s needed."

"Yes sir. Shall I tell him anything?"

"Yes, tell him to get his a*s here."

"Yes sir."

I hung up and waited for this Brother Ryan. Ten minutes later Ryan called.

"Bother Arthur? This is Brother Ryan it’s an honor sir.

"I need you in Oak Harbor, how soon can you get here?"

"I’m on my way now sir, so in about an hour. Where are you?"

I told him the name of the motel I was at and hung up. I guess we’re going to get to see what these American Bothers were all about.


At nine sharp the Chevy dealership called me back.

"Hi is this Pip? My name Ted Hancock I work in sales here down at the dealership. You’re interested in the red Escalade?"

"Yes this is Miss Alexander, and yes I am."

"Hello Miss Alexander, please excuse me. How can I be of service to you today?"

"I need you to tell me the bottom line on that Escalade."

"Well I would love too. Do you have your own financing?"

"I’ll be paying cash for it."

"Oh, okay. That will make things easier. Let me run some number and I’ll be right back, can you hold for a moment?"

"Actually no. I’m very busy, just give me a call back when you have a final price

and I’ll give you my card number. Let me give you my fax number and you can send me everything that needs to be signed. Car you deliver it to my house?"

"I believe we can, you do not wish to test drive it?"

"No, the car is a present."

"That’s very generous, I take it it’s a surprise."

"Yes." I said and then gave him my fax number.

It took about twenty minutes for him to send everything over to me. An hour later I gave them my address and instructed them not to knock on the door, but to leave the keys in the ignition.

Around eleven I had finished my office work and went to find Anne. She was down stairs working on some homework in front of the fire place. She had all her work spread out on the coffee table and was sitting on the floor in front of the couch. I came and sat behind her and rubbed her shoulders.

"Are you done up there?" Anne asked taking a break.

"Yes I am."

"Cool." she said closing her book, "Let’s go jet skiing."

"I would love too, but remember we’re getting the door fixed?"

"Oh yeah." Anne said sadly.

"Why so sad?" I asked.

"I don’t know, I’m feeling cooped up for some reason."

"Well don’t worry, it won’t take Dave long to fix the door. If you want we can go look at my boat, I’m taking it out of storage and having it put in the water up here for the summer."

"You have a boat too?"

"Yeah. I figured after school got out we could spend a week or two up in the San Juans or something. Would that be something you would like to do? We could shop?"

Anne smiled widely and got up from the floor, "Anything we can do together I will love. But spending a week on a boat sounds good." she said sitting in my lap.

Anne looked into my eyes, and of course there was a knock at the door.

"I think things are against us today." Anne said dropping her head.

"I laughed and sighed, "I’m willing to bet that that’s Dave."

I rubbed Anne’s back and she unwillingly got up. Anne walked with me to the front door. It was Dave of course, he was smiling and happy as usual, Dave looked to be in his early thirty’s. He was in his construction worker’s pants and a plain black shirt.

"You got a new car." he said pointing over his shoulder with his thumb.

"What?" Anne said looking out passed Dave.

"A new car." Dave said.

Anne looked outside to see her bright red new Escalade. Anne looked at Dave, to me, back to the new car.

"Are you serious!?" she asked going outside to look at it.

Dave and I followed her, "That’s Anne Dave, my girlfriend." I explained.

"You bought her a car I see."

"Yes I did." I said.

"Pip you shouldn’t have." she said looking upset.

I walked over to her and smiled, "I should have, I love you and want you to have nice things. Plus, that thing will pull our jet skis better then my truck."

Anne looked like she was going to cry and gave me a huge. Though she didn’t understand it, I had a need to get her things. And she had better get used to it. I’ve been alone for a long time and it was nice to share with someone.

"Dave, let me show you the bathroom." I said letting go of Anne.

We walked into the house and up stairs to the master bedroom.

"What happened to it?" Dave asked looking at the empty doorway into the shower.

"I shut it a little too hard." I explained.

Dave smiled at my comment and headed back down stairs to get his tools.

When he got back upstairs he asked, "Can you help me with the door, it’s kind of heavy."

We carried the large door up and set it in the bedroom so Dave could prep the hinges. It took about an hour for him to get the door hung and to get everything cleaned up. I thanked him and handed him a thick envelop.

"You don’t have to do this Pip. By the way, I took the stop out so it will swing in and out." he said taking the envelop.

"Thank you. I know how things can be for you Dave, I just want to help."

"I really hate to take this from you but I will. I could really use it."

"I know you can, that’s why I’m giving it to you."

He smiled and said, "Well, maybe you should tear your house up more often then."

Anne looked confused at our conversation but didn’t say anything. We said our good-byes to Dave and he left.

"Would you like to drive your new car?" I asked.

"Yes!" Anne answered, "But I wished you would have told me that you were getting me it."

"You would’ve tried to talk me out of it."

"Your right, I would have." Anne said back quickly

"That’s why I didn’t bother telling you. Let’s go, the keys are inside."

As we drove off Anne was in total awe of the SUV. She had a huge grin on her face as we drove. I thought the rig was nice, what really mattered to me was how much Anne liked it.

"So what’s the deal with Dave?"


"Yeah, why’d you give him all that money?"

"Dave’s a vampire."

"He is?" Anne asked in surprise.

"Yes, he’s a lower vampire. In truth you could hardly call him one. He wouldn’t be able to survive in Europe. He was one of the first ones I met here in America."

"How old is he?"

"Around two-hundred or somewhere around there."

"What do you mean he’s a lower vampire?"

"Dave has really deluded blood. He’s more human the vampire you could say. And what sucks, he really doesn’t fit in, in either world. Not quite human, not quite vampire.

"See as vampires change someone, and that someone changes someone and so on, the vampire blood deludes."

"So the great grandchild of a vampire is weaker than the older?" Anne asked.

"Yeah. Dave isn’t even capable of flight like I am."

"Really? I thought that was kind of standard."

"Oh no. I’ve yet to see anyone here in America that is capable of flight. Vampires like Dave are easy prey for stronger vampires, and the Brotherhood kills them without effort. So Dave has to be very careful to go unnoticed by the world."

"For him, this is his first try at being human. I got him a birth certificate and social security number to help him get started."

"How did you meet him?" Anne asked

"A while back he wanted me to kill him."

"Oh my goodness."

"I wouldn’t do it of course. But we talked for a long time and I explained to him that I wanted to build a house here on Whidbey Island. I got him everything he needed to learn construction. Then when he knew enough to build a house himself we came to Oak harbor together."

"Was he the third person you got close with?" Anne asked sadly like she already knew the answer.

"No you blockhead," I said with a laugh, "You were a few nights ago."

"Oh." Anne said and started to laugh, "This car is really nice Pip, thank you so much for it."

"You’re welcome."

"I wished you didn’t though."

"Well you better get used to me buying you nice things." Anne frowned and sighed, "Pull over for a minute." I said to Anne.


Anne pulled over into a parking lot and put it in park.

"Listen to me please," I said, "Everything I have has no purpose. In truth, I’ve thought about getting rid of it all and going back to the wilderness. To give up on the world. I bought two jet skis in the hope that I could share one of them with someone.

"I’ve had them for two years and have hardly ridden them, my boat? That’s been on the water maybe four or five times. Nothing I have has had any point until you came alone. When we first met, I dreamed of you sharing everything with me.

"Do you understand why I want to share with you? It’s all been for you, though I didn’t know who you were when I started. Without you it’s all for nothing!" I said getting wet around the eyes.

"That’s so sweet." Anne said getting mopey too. She reached across the center console and we hugged and wiped each other’s tears out of our eyes.


There was a knock at the door, I walked up to it and looked though the peephole. There was a younger man dressed in black; I looked at him with suspicion for a second.


If one finds himself in the darkness…" I said in Latin thought the door.

There was a momentary pause then came the answer, "The friend offers him a brother with a lamp." he said in English.

I pulled my sword and swung the door open and grabbed him by the neck and yanked him into the room. I placed my sword point right to his throat.

"It’s supposed to be said in Latin." I said angrily.

"My apologies Brother, it’s me, Brother Ryan. I couldn’t remember how to say it, and I knew a response was supposed to be instant."

"You should have been taught it when you were a first degree!" I said not lowering my sword.

"I’m sorry, we don’t use it here. Mostly we just say it in English because no one can get it right."

"As a Brother you should make they say it right you idiot. If you were in Europe, you would have been killed for what you just did," I said letting him go, "Shut the door."

I turned and returned my sword to its sheath and set it down on the dresser.

"So what’s going on?" Ryan asked.

"How long have you held the title of Brother?" I asked rudely.

"Three years Sir."

"In that three years have you ever seen battle Ryan?"

"No Sir."

"Have you ever seen a vampire before?"

"I’ve see pictures of them."

I quickly looked at the young man to see if he was making a joke.

"I meant no offence Sir. I was just being honest."

"You don’t seek the creature out here?" I asked.

"No Sir, we have no tracker here. In truth, I don’t think we have one in America."


"Has your Hall or Brothers ever kill a vampire before?"

"There’s a story that they did a long time ago, even before I was a first degree member."

"Well you’ll be little use to me then." I said gloomily.

"Shall I call the other Brothers to come?"

"No. I don’t have time to wait for them. I’m attacking the beast in her home tonight."

"I wish I would have brought my weapons with me." Ryan said.

I shook my head, "A vampire always has their weapons with them." I said touching my empty eye socket, "Besides you would hinder me more than you would help me. All you’re going to do is drive. I may have to make an emergency exit from her house and will need an escape plan."

"You don’t think you’ll be able to kill it?" he asked.

"I’m going to attempt to get her when she’s sleeping. She won’t be alone, which makes her all the more dangerous. A vampire protecting a lover can become more than a handful. If I am not able to catch her by surprise, we’re as good as dead."

"She sounds powerful." Ryan said.

I went over to my laptop and brought up the file on Nelix, "You might want to read this, this is the one that created the one we’re going after tonight."


Anne and I drove down to Everett which is north of Seattle about an hour to make the final arrangements to have my boat shipped up to Oak Harbor. She couldn’t believe how nice the thing was and was looking forward to going on our cruise.

I made sure the boat went in to get serviced. I got the oils changed in the engines, had what was left of the old gas siphoned out and replaced with new stuff. I also made sure that the thing was detailed and washed inside and out. Even though it was covered all winter, it had a moldy smell in it. Anne didn’t mind, but I sure did.

By the times we got back to Oak Harbor we were famished. Anne made herself a chicken salad and I, a three pound beef roast that I had put out to thaw the night before. As we sat down to eat I started feeling embarrassed as I watched Anne use her silverware.

"What is it?" she asked mid bite.

"I’ve never eaten with someone before." I said looking at my plate. Anne had laid out a steak knife and a fork and I had never used either before.

"I’m sure it’s no different than eating by yourself hun." Anne said trying to reassure me.

"Well, normally I use my fangs to tear the meat up. I’ve never used utensil before."

Anne laughed, "Baby just eat the way you normally do, I won’t mind. I promise. You know this is something you’re going to have to get use to if I’m going to live with you. I’m going to see that side of you."

I sighed, I knew she was right but the thought of me tearing into the roast still made me self-conscience. I figured whatever and picked it up with my hands and let my face change. I had taken about three bites when Anne started laughing.

"Why are you laughing at me?" I asked.

"Because you remind me of a cave women." then she really started laughing.

"Shut up." I said and took another bite.

After dinner Anne and I cleaned up the dishes, took a long hot, candle lit bath.

We talked softly to each other about dreams and our cruise to come. After we went to bed, we made passionate love and went to sleep holding each other. Nothing could ruin this moment I thought as we drifted off to sleep.


"Here’s the place, pull over." I said to Ryan.

The sun had been down for about an hour when we left the motel. Ryan had not enjoyed his reading on the history of the vampire Lord Nelix. He had been rather quiet since we had left; it was obvious he was afraid.

"It’s hard to believe there’s a real vampire up there." he said quietly looking up at the house though the windshield.


"Are you ever afraid when you’re fighting them?" he asked.

"Every time."

"Well, that makes me feel better; I think I need to s**t."

I smiled at his fear. It was controlling him, not the other way around. It was a good thing he wasn’t coming with me up to the house. He would be easy prey even for a weak vampire.

"Fear can be a useful tool, if you channel it correctly. If you don’t, it’s more dangerous than the vampire." I figured there was no reason not to teach as we went.

"You don’t seem afraid." Ryan said.

"I’m not dumb enough to show it." I said gently.

"I remember back at the hall, the guys talking about being in war and so forth. They would say they were never scared. I don’t see how that’s possible we your life could end."

"Well, they were either liars or fools. And neither are any good in a fight. I would rather go into battle with a willing coward then a lying fool."

Ryan smiled at my remarks, "We’ll stay here for a few more hours, then I’ll go up

to the house. The lights are out and I doubt they’re sleeping yet. So we’ll give them a few hours to wear themselves out and go to sleep."

"What do you want me to do?" Ryan asked.

"Keep the car running and be ready haul a*s, because you might see me come running. If I do, you’ll know that I’ve failed and I have a very angry vampire chasing me. And if you drive off and leave me, you better hope she kills me."

"I won’t leave without you."

"You better not. I’m going to sleep for a little bit. Keep watch, and don’t fall asleep."

"Don’t think you need to worry about that."

"You would be surprised how easy it is to sleep when you’re scared. If you feel like you might dose off, wake me up."

"Okay. What time do you want me to wake you?"

"Around midnight if I haven’t woke."

With that I tipped my hat and dosed for a time. I figured if he saw me sleeping, it was ease his mind a little. I awoke a little before midnight. Ryan looked tired but less nervous.

"You think you can sleep?" I asked.


"Well try if you can, I’m going to give them another hour or so. I’ll wake you when it’s time."

Ryan nodded and let his seat back. It didn’t take long for him to slip off. I figured as much, sleep came easy when you were afraid.

I let my mind wonder in the memories of fighting flight capable vampires. I knew the secret was not letting them take to the air. Once that happened you were a dead man. That’s how they had killed Nelix; they cornered him in a building and waited for the right moment.

They had tracked him for weeks, waiting for him to make a mistake and corner himself like a rodent. They had lost half their men killing him; he was weak still from changing this vampire. And because of their carelessness she had escaped. I wouldn’t be so careless.

If I was successful in killing her, I would kill the human girl too. I would not

leave anything for someone else to deal with in years to come. I didn’t have a problem killing humans if she still was one. It was her fault for running with the wrong crowd.

At two I woke Ryan up. He lifted his seat and looked around, "What’s wrong?"

"Nothing, it’s time." I said getting out of the car.

Ryan got out too and looked around, "Start the car and keep it running. Regardless, this won’t take long one way or another." I said clipping on my sword.

"How will I know if she kills you?"

"Simple, she’ll come looking for you. Don’t worry about it. Even if you knew somehow I had lost, you wouldn’t be able to get away. That’s why I said don’t drive off without me. As long as you’re alive it means I am too."


I pulled my .44 magnum out of its holster and check to see that it was loaded and place it back. I grabbed my duster coat and put it on.

"I’ll be right back." I said and headed up the driveway.

I stayed as close to the trees as I could as I ran up to the house. It was quiet and dark, there was no sound coming for the house that I could hear. But I could feel the creature was home.

Though I knew that the front door would be locked I tried it anyways. Finding it locked I went around the side of the house. I stumble a bit on the pathway that went around it. Coming into the back yard I went to the pool’s door.

"Bingo." I said quietly to myself as I pulled open the door. I walked quietly around the pool and drew my sword. As I exited the pool into the main house I stood still trying to hear of any movement upstairs.

I moved as gently as I could up the stairs of the dark house thankful she didn’t have a dog. As I climbed the second set of stairs I tried to slow my breathing as much as I could. When I got to the top of the stairs, I stood motionless.

How could a vampire not know I was in her house? This must be one complacent vampire I thought to myself. I could feel the pull of the vampire as I went down the hall to the last bedroom.

To my surprise, the beast and the girl were asleep holding each other. It was

something I’ve never seen before, they seemed so peaceful, so in love. Well, that was going to change here in about a second.

I quickly rushed the bed with my sword raised. The vampire’s eye shot open and shoved the girl out of the bed and rolled off herself, my sword struck an empty bed. I quickly came around it and faced the monster. This was bad I thought to myself. The creature showed me her true face and snarled loudly.

I had to do something quick, I was out numbered and now facing a very angry vampire who wasn’t going to let me live.

"Come on b***h!" I said looking for a place to strike.

She snarled wildly at me but did not attack, this was no armature. I faked left and stabbed for her heart.

The vampire let my sword go by her and she jumped around my sword arm and instantly tried for a choke hold. I turned my head into her arm, keeping my chin down. I saw her sword on a table within arm’s reach, if she got to it I was dead, so I moved back towards her lover.

The lover jumped across the bed to keep her distance from me and the vampire, I could see she was going to get the creature’s sword. This was getting worse by the moment.

"No the closet!" the vampire yelled.

The girl went into the closet and came out with a box. Whatever it was, the creature didn’t need it. And I need to get the hell out of here. I was losing badly; the creature had strength unlike anything I had ever felt before. With one last chance of escape I tried to stab the creature through the gut.

I went through my coat with my stab, but the stab was true and I buried the blade deep. The creature shoved me hard forwards and I almost lost the sword. Holding onto it had cost me. I looked up in time to hit a dresser with my right shoulder, and then something heavy landed on my head.

I thought it was the vampire, but I heard her voice next to the girl across the room. I had to get to my feet, I knew the vampire was now armed and it was time to go. I pushed myself from under what ever had fallen on me.

I saw a bathroom, but before I could start towards it the vampire hit me hard with her shoulder. I hit something hard and felt it shatter. I landed on my back

and slid across the floor as glass flew everywhere.

The vampire was on me in a flash. She chopped down hard with what looked like a hatchet; I got my sword up just in time to block the blow. With her left hand I saw her try to stab me with an ugly looking knife. I let go of my sword and tried to deflect her blow. I leaned my left side up and the deflected knife went under me.

I rolled back onto it and she let go of it and was going to try to hack at me again with her hatchet. I lifted my right leg and booted her off of me. She flew back and slipped on the broken glass. I took advantage of her moment off balance and jumped to my feet. We stood ten feet apart and looked each other up and down. She was bleeding badly from her stab wound.

She stood there in her underwear and a shirt, her left hand on her gut to try to stop the bleeding. In the other hand, she had the hatchet. What kind of vampire keeps a hatchet in her closet? I looked around the bathroom and saw my sword on the floor.

She smiled at me; she knew that was no use. I looked around and saw there was a large window to my right, next to the raised bathtub.

"You won’t get far. You know that don’t you." she said quietly, "I’m going to kill you slow you one eyed b*****d."

Without bravado I reached into my coat and pulled my .44 magnum. The vampire recognized the danger immediately but it was too late. I got two rounds into her before she could get out of the way. The powerful hand gun rocked the bathroom and she flew out into the bedroom.

I started to come towards her to put one between her eyes, but she had recovered from the shots too quickly, she chucked the hatchet at me and hit me in the fingers holding the gun. There was nothing I could do to keep from dropping it, my hand instantly went numb. Grabbing my injured hand with my left, I turned and jumped through the bathroom window.

© 2012 John A. Hill

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Added on May 18, 2012
Last Updated on May 18, 2012


John A. Hill
John A. Hill


hey everyone, i hope you like "A Killer's Love." if you do, i've made a page on Facebook for it. since i can't find an agent i would do my best to attracted one by word of mouth. here's the link: htt.. more..

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A Chapter by John A. Hill