

A Chapter by John A. Hill

  Gloria hit me like a train; she wrapped her arms around and squeezed me with her little delicate arms. Still holding my sword I wrapped my arms around her, as we held onto each other we started to sink. I found it a bit difficult to hold on Gloria and my sword and tread water at the same time.

   ‘Gloria, let go so we can…’ that was all I got out as we went under water. She gave me no hint that she was ready to let go as we sank. Finally I just pulled her from me and swam up to the surface holding her hand.

  When we broke the surface I said to her and nodded towards the shore, ‘Baby can we get out of the water please?’

  Gloria nodded and we swam together towards the beach. As we walked up the beach Gloria held on to one of my arms with both of hers. She laid her head against my arm and walked as close as she could to me. Walking like this was a bit difficult because are feet kept tangled up, Gloria did not seem to mind because she was so upset with losing me at sea.

   ’Conner what happen to you, where’d you go?’ Gloria asked.

   ’When that wave hit us, I was knocked unconscious I think because the last thing I remembered was Sebastian saying “I’ll see you in Scotland” then the next thing I knew I was hundreds of feet underwater and alone. How many of them ran off?’

   ‘They’re all here. We’ve all been here a week waiting, Butch was starting to get irritated and said we should just go on without you and attack Cline. I told him no, and Sebastian and Pablo wouldn’t agree to it. The Southerners won’t do anything without Pablo and the rest are too scared of Sebastian.’

   ‘How long did it take for everyone to get here?’ I asked.

   ‘We all got here more or less on the same day. Conner where have you been? After that wave hit us I popped up and saw the Southerners and swam to them. I saw Sebastian and Emma go over the top of a wave right after the Southerners grabbed me but you never surfaced.’

  Gloria stopped me and hugged me. I stabbed my sword into the beach and held her back. We stood there for a few minutes just holding each other.

   ‘I was so worried about you. I knew how much you hated the idea of swimming and then that happened, I thought I lost you.’

   ‘You didn’t lose me; not even the Atlantic Ocean could keep me from you.’

   Sebastian and Emma had jumped off the top of the bluff some fifty feet above Gloria and I and landed right next to us. Emma hugged both Gloria and myself. I looked at Sebastian and one side of his mouth curled up in a smile.

   ‘I was starting to get bored. Took you long enough to get here, what have you been doing? Don’t tell me you couldn’t find Europe, it’s pretty damn big to have trouble finding. Even for you.’

  Good old Sebastian.

   ‘When I woke up I was all alone. It took three days for the sun to break through so I could find east. How about we get off the beach, I could sure use a rest.’

   ‘Sounds good, for crying out loud you two he’s fine.’ Sebastian said trying to pry the girls off of me. They finally relented and we headed around the eastern side of the bluff to find the path to the top.

  When I got the top I could see a path going back into the forest, as I followed Sebastian I held Gloria’s hand. We walked together like we did back on the sidewalk a few days before I was changed into a vampire; Gloria had been telling me about how she became a vampire. And I was so worried that she was going to kill me. She had asked that night when she came out of the blue if I was planning on jumping in front of a bus because I told her I did not want to die. That sure seems like a life time ago, but it was only a year and a half.

   Time seemed so strange now. It seemed like it stopped, I didn’t even wear a watch anymore. I didn’t see much point in it. I didn’t work anymore; I didn’t go to school anymore. Gloria and I didn’t even celebrate Christmas last year. In truth I didn’t even think about it passing until now, I wonder what that’s like for Sebastian.

   ‘Hey?’ Gloria said to me looking up into my eyes. Her eyes were so bright red; I couldn’t remember the last time seeing them took my breath. They were so bright and so beautiful, what was happening to me? Had I forgotten how incredible Gloria was?

   ’What’s wrong my love?’ she asked me.

   ’We didn’t celebrate Christmas last year.’ I said with a hint of sadness.

   ’We didn’t, did we? I guess I kind of forgot about it.’

   ’Christmas?’ Emma said spinning around and looking at us, ’I love Christmas can we celebrate it this year? We could get a big tree and everything.’

   ’Emma baby,’ Gloria said compassionately, ’we don’t have house to put it in; anyways I think we missed it this year.’

   ’Oh.’ Emma said hanging her head.

   ’Emma,’ I said not wanting to see her looking so sad, ’next year, we’ll do all of the holidays. Once we deal with all this madness and we get settled again, I don’t care what time of the year it is we’ll do a Christmas okay?’

   ’Do you mean it Conner?’

   ’Damn right I do, we’ll make Sebastian play Santa Claus.’

   ’I’ll play what?’ Sebastian said looking betrayed.

   ’Santa Claus. You’re always complaining about being bored, I bet you haven’t played Santa before.’

   ‘I just hope we all live long enough to see Sebastian play Santa.’ Emma said suddenly sounding her true age.

   ‘Well I ain’t planning on being on no one’s burn pile little lady.’ I said trying to reassure her. But my words sounded empty even to me.

  As we walked into our little make shift camp Butch jumped up off the ground, ’About damn time, can we go already?’

   ’Hold your horses Butch, I just got done swimming here from damn Africa and I’m a bit tired.’

   ’Africa, how the hell did you end up in Africa?’ asked John as he leaned against a log. Tabitha was sitting next to him with her normal looking friendly smile.

   ’Or are you being facetious?’

   ’No I was in was somewhere in Africa. It took me three and a half days to swim here.’ I explained.

   ’Conner, what happened to your pants?’ asked Tabitha.

   ’I don’t know, I lost them when that big a*s wave hit us. I had to steal these.’ I said.

  There were small chuckles around the group.


  Over the next few hours we talked about our experiences when we got scattered during the storm. The South Americans became a beacon for the group. John and Tabitha were able to get to them and hang on. Butch, Chloe and Tom were able to stay together. Allen and Trevor within a few hours of being scattered by sheer luck ran into Sebastian and Emma. Poor Ed was in no better shape than me, he was the last one to get to the beach where the group had gathered.

  Much to my surprise no one had lost their weapons during the storm. Several of the group who thought the idea of tying their weapon to themselves with a cord was a stupid idea and childish, but after making a land fall were grateful that I had made them do it.

  Gloria had said that it was the army in me that made me say to do that. I don’t know if that was true or not, but I remember someone that couldn’t remember to keep his weapon with him so his chain of command made him tied it to himself so he wouldn’t lose it.

  The group had thought it was quiet comical when I told them about coming ashore in somewhere in Africa and getting shot at. Of course it had been Sebastian who asked if I had gotten my new pair of pants before or after that. When I told him it was before getting my new pants everyone laughed a lot more except for Gloria who had told everyone that it wasn’t funny which only made everyone laugh harder.

  I just looked into Gloria’s bright red eyes as they laughed and smiled. I could tell she didn’t care for everyone laughing at me not having pants and getting shot at. I just shrugged and told her with my eyes not to worry about it.

  Everyone broke into their own separate conversations. The Southerners spoke in Spanish with an occasional word of English.

  Tom and Chloe sat together quietly; I could tell they were terrified being here in Europe. I know they’ve heard the stories about the Ancients, from what I had gathered pretty much all vampire feared the Council, and here we were getting ready to attack one of its members. The thought made me smile.

  Pablo suddenly spoke to Sebastian in Spanish, the two of them in such close proximity worried me a little. The idea of having one vampire working with another that had killed his wife made me uneasy.  But for the most part they had made a truce between them that seemed to work, but that did not relieve the anxiety I felt when they were near each other or talked to one another.

  Sebastian shrugged his shoulders at Pablo and spoke in a neutral tone. I had been around Sebastian enough to know that whatever it was that Pablo had asked him was a question that Sebastian thought was a non-issue.

  Pablo sat for a moment in deep thought and then spoke to me, ’Conner, did you really throw a chair at Cline at your summoning?’

   ’Is that what you asked Sebastian?’

   ’No, he asked if I really thought we had a chance against Cline.’ Sebastian explained.

   ’And you had to tell him about the chair didn’t you?’ I asked.

   ’I figured that would answer his question better than anything.’

   ’Conner, they did not try to kill you? I find that hard to believe that you could throw a chair and the First Chair of Guard and live.’

   ’I thought there was going to be a fight Pablo when he threw the chair, but even I was too stunned to move. Then Conner threatened to kill Cline I thought we were as good as dead, but they let him and Gloria walk right out the door.’

   ’I find that hard to believe.’ replied Pablo.

   ’Can someone please fill in what the hell you all are talking about?’ asked Butch.

  Pablo glared at Butch for a second and said, ’I don’t understand how you managed that my friend, perhaps it has something to do with you pureness.’

  I shrugged my shoulders at Pablo’s assessment.

   ’I don’t know if that had anything to do with it Pablo, but I bet what it was more than anything was the fact that Conner attacked Augustus, ripped his arm off and then shamed him by letting him live.’ Sebastian explained.

   ’You what?!’ asked Pablo in an elevated voice filled with surprise.

   ’Who the hell is Augustus?’ asked Butch trying to understand what we were talking about.

  Emma snarled wildly at the name of Augustus, her snarl made everyone jump. There was a burning hate towards Augustus because of the horror that were inflicted on her at his and Ava’s hands.

   ’Emma, please.’ Sebastian said gently, ’Your time for revenge is coming.’

  Emma started growling to herself as she paced back in forth just outside the circle that had started to form around Pablo, Sebastian and my conversation.

   ‘Can someone please tell me what you all are talking about, please?’

  Ignoring Butch Pablo continued, ‘You fought Augustus?’

  There was more snarling from Emma at Augustus’ name. Gloria looked annoyed and said to Emma, ‘Emma could you do something for me please?’

  Emma stopped growling and looked at Gloria filled with anger.

   ‘I’m sure Conner is famished with everything that has happen, could you be so kind as to catch him something to eat please? It would me a lot to me.’

  Emma bared her teeth and ran off into the woods.

   ‘Would someone please tell me who the hell Augustus is and what’s the big deal about Conner throwing chairs?’ pleaded Butch.

   ‘How has it been possible that your uneducated kind has survived this long?’ Pablo asked Butch as he shook his head.

   ’Would you care for me to show you?’ asked Butch with a smile.

   ’Pablo!’ I snapped, ’Us Northerners have not been taught the ways of Europe and our history, and antagonizing those who have never been taught does nothing to help us. So if you have nothing constructive to say to Butch then be quiet. And as for you Butch, if you give us a second and shut your mouth and listen you might learn something useful.’

  Butch looked as if he was going to say something more but Sebastian spoke before he had the chance, ‘You’ve heard of the twelve Ancients of Europe?’

   ‘I heard there’s some old b******s in Europe you don’t screw with.’ replied Butch.

  Sebastian continued, ‘Well those twelve old b******s as you put it are the Council Guard. Outside of the Queen Mother, they are the oldest of us. They’re over four thousand years old, they basically made the vampire world the way that it is today.’

  Butch let out a huge laugh, ‘Don’t tell me you all believe in all the crap about there being this mysterious Queen bee vampire that started everything do you? You do don’t you?’

  Butch looked around at the faces of those of our group, when none returned his joke he looked at John Barleycorn, ‘John don’t tell me you believe in the Queen boogeyman do you?’

   ‘I know that the Council Guard does in fact exist, I’ve met several of them over the last few centuries. Conner and Gloria were summoned to appear before them concerning an assault on one of the Council member’s servant Augustus.

   ’Normally being summoned to appear before the Council means you’re going to be put to death. Even a vampire as powerful as Conner should fear the Council, but instead of being intimidated by them, Conner threw a chair at oldest of the twelve.

   ’Even you laughed at the idea someone would come back from Europe when I told you that Conner wish to gather everyone once he returned. Do you remember that Butch? You laughed and said that no one comes back from Europe.

   ’But to answer your question about the Queen Mother, I do not know if she truly exist. The only one of us who has lived long enough to have known her outside of the Council is Sebastian here.’

   ’When Gloria and I were staying with Roberto, him and Hephaistion spoke a little about the Queen Mother.’ I added in support of what John was saying.

   ’So you believe in this Queen Mother Conner?’ Butch asked.

   ’I have no doubt that she existed. For one Sebastian has talked about his experiences with her, and the members of the Council have no reasons to make up stories. They are…mythical in their own right. They don’t need to impress anyone with old wives tales; their very presence is impressive enough.’

   Butch leaned back against a tree and though for a bit before he continued, ’Okay I don’t doubt that there is some Council in Europe, but I find it hard to believe that there’s this one vampire and she’s the mother of us all. It just seems, I don’t know…like bullshit.’

   ’I can assure you the Queen Mother is no bullshit.’ said Sebastian, ’I do not know if she still exist, but I assure you that she did at one time.’

   ’What makes you such an expert on her?’ asked Butch.

   ‘That’s because Butch, Sebastian was created in a time when she was the head of the vampire world. Sebastian was created to fight in the Nephilim Wars. He knew the Queen Mother, and play a part in her being overthrown.’ said Gloria with such a tenderness.

  Gloria knew that talking about those dark times paid a toll on Sebastian. Sebastian sighed at the distant memories that still haunted him over the long years.

   ‘I guess we’ll see.’ Butch said without much enthusiasm.

   ‘Well if you live past next week, you may see something that may change your thoughts on the matter.’ Sebastian said with a sigh.

   The different groups drifted from us and broke into their own conversations on whether the Queen Mother was real or not and our chances on beating Cline. Sebastian, Butch, Pablo and I sat together in a small circle; Butch placed his hands behind his head as he leaned against his tree.

  I found Butch somewhat intriguing; here was a man that had the vampire good looks but looked more human then vampire. I had never seen a vampire with a beard before, his was down to almost his large stomach.

  I examined his acid drawn looking arms and couldn’t quite understand what it was I was seeing. The colors seemed almost translucent as he moved in the different light.

   ’Butch what’s up with your arms?’

   ’What about them?’ he said taking them from behind his head and looking at them like he had no idea what it was I was talking about.

   ’The colors, what makes them do that? Changing colors like they do?’

   ’Oh,’ he said with a laugh, ’Back when I was a human I was a biker, convicted felon, a real bad boy type if you get what I mean. Rode with motorcycle gangs. I was a master of arms if you can believe that.’ he said with a sense of pride. ’Anyways, they used to be tattoos. I was sleeved up both arms and all over my chest and back. I got most of them when I was in the penitentiary.’

  I laughed, our group keeps getting better and better, ’So how long have you been a vampire?’

   ’Hmmmmmm, I don’t know,’ he smiled at Gloria and continued, ’How long has it been since you changed me Gloria?’

   ’WHAT?!’ I said in shock, ’Gloria, you made Butch?’ I asked.

  Gloria snuggled her head into my shoulder in embarrassment.

   ’Dang,’ I said, ’Small world isn’t it? I hope you don’t hold any ill will against her.’

   ’Against Gloria, are you kidding? Her making me into a vampire was the best thing that ever happened to me.’

   ’I’m surprised Gloria didn’t kill you, so did you get full or something Gloria?’ I asked nudging her face that was still buried in my shoulder.

   ’No!’ she snapped, ’some jack-a*s stopped me from feeding; I only got two good pulls from him and someone interfered.’

   ’Really,’ I asked, ’Who?’

   ’Him!’ Gloria said throwing a pinecone at old John.

  I laughed right out loud at that, ’What did you do John chase her to Spain or something?’

   ’Nah, I didn’t chase her that far back then. I wasn’t in my normal territory; I saw her and chased her off just because.’ John said reminiscing back at the memory.

   ’That’s why when John told me a couple weeks ago that you needed everyone gathered up I did what he asked.’ said Butch.

   ’Because he saved you?’ I asked.

   ’I didn’t try to save him, he got away before I could come back to finish him off.’ John said with a smile, ’How after all the blood he lost and with all the venom in his blood stream he was able to get away is beyond me still to this day.’

   ’Oh that’s easy, I was drunk!’ laughed Butch again, ’I cussed a bunch, stumbled out back from behind the bar, got on my bike and road home.’

   ’I’ll tell you what Conner, when I got back to the bar, I couldn’t believe Butch was gone. He wasn’t hard to follow, there were seventy plus miles of blood drops on the freeway back to his house. By the time I got there he was already changing. He had a good dose of Gloria’s venom.’ John explained.

   ’How come you didn’t kill him once you found him?’ I asked.

  John shrugged his shoulders, ’Conner you’re not suppose to kill someone who’s changing if they’re not a threat of being discovered by others.’

   ’I didn’t know that. Did the Council mandate that or something?’

   ’No, that’s just one of our rules I guess. Just one of those polite things to do.

   ’John sat with me for the two and a half days it took for me to change. After I woke back up he explained what I was, what I had become and the rules that I needed to follow so that the rest of them didn’t have to come and kill me. He told me don’t ever go to Europe unless I wanted to die. He said that we weren’t welcome there and to not think I was mean enough to go where I wanted.

   ’John said that there was vampire armies there and they would kill any vampire from the States without question. He also said to stay clear of South America because there were vampire cannibals there. I could see there being vampire armies in Europe because of how old it was, but the cannibal thing I didn’t believe. But I didn’t go poking my nose down there to see if he was fibbing.’

  Butch cracked his neck, ’That sure was a long two and a half days.’

  I breathed through my nose and shook my head.

   ’What? It was and if any of you think changing was easy you’re a damn liar.’ Butch said.

   ’That’s not it Butch, it took me nine days to change.’ I said.

   ’Sucks to have been you Conner.’ Butch said with a bit of awe.

   ’Can I asked you all something?’ Sebastian said out of the blue.

   ’Hmmm?’ I mumbled looking at Sebastian.

   ’Are we going to talk about how everyone of us were changed, not that I’m not interested in your stories. But you all remember Cline right? Because we’re about a day’s run from him, and I’m sure he hasn’t forgotten about you.’ Sebastian said nodding at me.

  Just then Emma dashed into our little camp. She had her sword drawn and was carrying something in her other hand.

   ’Do you know him?’ she asked dropping a severed head on the ground right in front of Sebastian, ’Sorry I didn’t bring you anything Conner, I got sidetracked.’

  Emma suddenly had everyone’s full attention. They bombarded her with questions about the severed head that she had brought back to camp. The question ranged from who was he to where’d he come from and how did you find him.

   ’Quiet!’ I snapped at everyone, ’Sebastian?’

  Sebastian picked up the severed head and stood up. He held onto the head by the hair and brushed the dirt off of its face.

   ’I do not know his name, but he’s one of Cline’s. That much I’m for sure. Emma, where’s the rest of him?’

   ’Back that way,’ she said thumbing back over her shoulder, ’about five or six miles back.’

   ’Jason, Trevor, Butch head back down the trail and bring his body back here on the double. Don’t let anyone see you, if you do kill them and bring them back too.’ I said quickly.

  They nodded and took off back the way Emma came in.

   ’John, do you think he’s a scout or something?’ I asked with a bit of concern. I would hate to think he knew we were coming and was sending out scouts to look for us.

   ’I don’t know to be honest. When it comes to the practices of the Ancients I’m at a lost. I don’t come to Europe unless I have no other choice. What do you think Sebastian?’

   ’Well,’ Sebastian rubbed his chin for a second, ’this guy is a foot soldier; he might be out on his own hunting. He could be running patrols through Cline’s territories. Or, he could be on the lookout for us. Either way, it won’t be long till his absence is noticed.’

   ‘How long do you think?’ I could see Emma finding this guy could definitely speed up our time line.

   ‘If he was feeding, I know Cline doesn’t like his people being gone more than a week.’

   ‘If he was due back today, how long to we have before they start looking for him?’ I wondered.

  Sebastian thought hard for a minute and said, ‘A day or two. Three tops.’

   ‘Then what.’ asked Ed.

   ‘Cline would send out a hunting party to kill him.’ replied Sebastian.

   ‘Sebastian how is it you know so much about Cline?’ asked Gloria.

   ‘That’s easy; I use to be one of his assassins.’


   ‘Yes Conner?’

   ‘What will happen if he was a scout?’

   ‘He’ll be given an extra day, then Cline will send out a hunting part along the route he was suppose to have run.’

   ’So I take it if he was a scout he has a certain time frame to run his route?’ I asked.

   ’Most definitely.’

   ’So if he was due back today, we have until tomorrow to attack?’ I said.


   ‘And if he was looking for signs for us?’ I asked.

   ’Then the moment he wasn’t supposed to be back and if he sent no word?’ asked Gloria.

   ’Then Cline would assume the worst.’ I concluded.

   ’Right.’ Sebastian said in agreement.

   ’That seems like a bit of an overreaction to me.’ Ed said.

   ’You do not make an Ancient wait and wonder Ed. To do so would mean your death. With Cline, anything you do could mean your torture and death. This guy is going to be missed.’

   Butch and company came back with the body and dropped it on the ground.

   ‘No sign of anyone else.’ Butch reported.

  I looked at Sebastian, he shrugged and I said, ‘Burn him.’


  Sebastian and Butch quickly burned the unknown vampire. His body fried like burning bacon grease, the thick black smoke rose up into the evening sky like a smoke signal to all to see. Sebastian walked away from the burning vampire and walked over to me. We stood staring out at the ocean watching the waves break on the beach.

   ’You know that everyone within ten miles can see that smoke.’ Sebastian said with indifference.

   ’Yeah I was just thinking that. But I would rather burn him then have to fight him when we get to Cline’s rat hole. What can you tell me about his place?’

   ’It’s up in the Alps outside of a small vacation town called Chamonix. On the outskirts of the town is an old dirt road that runs up into the middle of nowhere. Cline’s fortress is for the most part built into the side of a mountain. It has a wall that a vampire could easily jump over. There’s a large courtyard within the wall. The place reminds me more of a mausoleum, well the front of the building does. Inside is very luxurious; it has several ballrooms and other such rooms that have antiquities on display. One thing we have to our advantage is that Cline’s fortress is not definable.’

   ’Really,’ I was rather surprised at Sebastian’s assessment of Cline’s fortress, ’I wonder why he would want a place that was not easily defended.’

   ’That’s because no one in their right mind would attack him.’ Sebastian said. 

  We laughed and looked out at the ocean.  

   ‘You know, if someone sees that smoke from across the water they’ll know it’s from a vampire being burned.’

   ‘Which means they’ll come look.’ I added.

   ‘And if that guy was running patrols, then that will mean someone will report it back to Cline.’ Sebastian speculated.

   ‘And then Cline will send a hunting party to see why someone was burned in his territories without his okay.’

  Sebastian and I turned and looked at each other and smiled, ‘Are you thinking what I’m thinking?’ I asked Sebastian.

   ‘If your thinking that right now would be a good time to attack because some of his soldiers are going to be out looking at our camp fire, then yes.’

   ‘Hey!’ shouted suddenly at the group, ‘Let’s go!’

The startled group jumped onto their feet at my sudden outburst. Weapons were drawn in fear that someone was getting ready to attack.

  Butch was the first to get up to me and Sebastian, ‘What’s up?’

   ‘We’re leaving.’

   ‘What, right now?’ Butch asked.

   ‘Right now!’ I said, ‘Hey let’s go!’

  I turned and jumped off the bluff down towards the beach. Sebastian did not hesitate in following me. Gloria and Emma were in a flash right next to me and Sebastian.

   ‘Conner what the hell is going on?’ Gloria asked nervously.

   ‘We’re getting out of here before a hunting party comes to look at that.’ I said pointing back at the smoke rising above the bluff.

   ‘Oh.’ Gloria said with worry.

   ‘Sebastian, take us across and lead us in.’

  Sebastian smiled and jumped some fifty yards into the water; once everyone was in I took up the rear. Sebastian led our group down into the Channel under water. We did not surface till we walked up onto the beach, we were in France. There was something final about our course of action running up the beach. We were here; we were making our way to the Ancient’s fortress. When we got there we would attack, it would be victory or death.


  We ran in two ranks. Sebastian and Emma were up front, then it was the Southerners. Juan and Maria, then Jesus and Louie. Gloria ran next to Pablo, then John Barleycorn and Tabitha. Next came Tom and Chloe followed by Ed and Trevor, then Jason and the always quiet Allen. Picking up the rear was Butch and I.

  Night had fallen and Sebastian had made sure that we stayed clear of all humans. From time to time we would run across the scent of a passing vampire but John assured us that the trails were old enough not to have to worry about them. Hearing John not worry put me at ease, John was one of the biggest worry warts I knew and if he wasn’t concerned, I wasn’t going to be.

  Sebastian led us quickly but safely though France. We made one quick stop so he could give me an idea what he was doing. He had led us into Northern France and was going to come at Cline from the north, not that that mattered much to me. I wasn’t familiar with France so I didn’t know much about the ground that surrounded Cline’s fortress.

  We stopped right before dawn. The sun had yet to come up, and there was a thick fog that hung in the air like a blanket. I could hear water dripping all over the place from the fog’s condensation. The scent of vampire was heavy in the air, there was scent paths crisscrossing all over, I felt a heavy knot in my chest. It was a familiar knot; it was the calm before the storm of battle. It was coming and everyone could feel it.

   We circle up together and took a knee; it reminded me of my old high school football team as we huddled together after practice or a game. We kneeled quietly looking at each other’s faces and waited for someone to speak.

  It was Sebastian that broke the silence, ’The road that led up from Chamonix is over that way through the trees about a half a mile,’ Sebastian nodded off to the right, ’Cline’s fortress is up it another mile or so. What do you have in mind Conner?’ 

   ‘I’m thinking if it is at all possible, we need to be able to get into the courtyard without being seen. Once we’re in the yard we find and capture Cline. I’m thinking once he ours, if anyone of his people are still alive they’ll flee.’

   ‘You’re probably right.’ Sebastian said agreeing.

   ‘What will we see once we hit the court yard?’ I asked, ‘I don’t want to get in there and wonder now what?’

   ‘Nothing, once you’re over the gate there will be a little garage off to the left where he keeps a car, but other than that nothing. Directly in front of the wall’s gate across the courtyard is the door entering into his compound.’

   ‘How big is the courtyard?’ I asked wanting to get as much info on the lay out as I could.

   ‘Half a football field maybe.’

   ‘Okay, that’s good. Tom, you and Chloe are going to hang back and keep an eye on the outside and make sure we don’t get any stragglers trying to join the fun.’

   ’Just the two of us? Not that I mind, but we’re not good fighters. I don’t know what good we would be other than a speed bump.’

   ’You won’t be alone, Gloria and Tabs will be out her with you.’

   ’What?!’ snapped Gloria, ’I’m not letting you go in there by yourself.’ Gloria said angrily.

   ’I’m not going by myself Gloria, everyone else is coming too.’

   ’That’s not what I mean Conner and you know that!’

   ’Gloria, keep it down. Everyone, get ready to move.’ I ordered.

   ’Conner no.’ Gloria pleaded.

   ’Let’s take a walk.’ I said to Gloria.

   ’Conner, don’t go far.’ Sebastian warned.

   ’We won’t.’

  I took Gloria by the hand and we walked quietly out of the group a few yards.

   ’Conner I can’t let you go in there without me.’

   ’You can and you will. Gloria here in about two minutes we’re going to be in a fight. And in three I could be dead. The last thing I want to be thinking about when we’re fighting is if we lose, you could be captured by Cline.’

   ’I’m not going to be captured by Cline and don’t you even say I know you’re not because you’re not coming.’

   ’Gloria listen to me,’ I let my eyes rest on Sebastian, ’I have no idea how things are going to play out in there. Do you understand?’ I said not taking my eyes off of Sebastian.

  Gloria followed my gaze on Sebastian’s back. The thought that Sebastian could be false never crossed her mind as the realization that we could be walking into a trap. That Sebastian could be the bait that Cline was using to bring us right into his hands.

   ‘It’s been too easy getting here hasn’t it?’ Gloria said, ‘I’ll watch the perimeter. What are you going to do Conner?’

   ‘I’ll fight my a*s off, if things go badly run Gloria, run like hell.’

  Gloria nodded, but I knew she wouldn’t. If things went badly she would try to save me and be taken alive to be tormented by Cline.

  Gloria gave me a big hug. Holding her she whispered to me, ‘Be careful Conner, I don’t know what I would do without you.’

  I pulled away from Gloria and walked back to the group John and Tabitha said their goodbyes and she joined Gloria. Tom and Chloe gave their good lucks and goodbyes and joined Tabitha and Gloria.

   ‘Pablo, you and your group will stay together. Once we jump the wall count to ten and come over. If there’s anyone in the yard we’ll give them a right left punch so to speak. If there isn’t anyone in the yard follow us through the front door and go a different direction then us and kill anyone you find. Except Cline’s witch, I want her alive.’

   ‘How will we know what she looks like?’ Pablo asked.

   ‘You’ll know her when you see her, trust me on that.’ Sebastian said.

  Pablo nodded and said, ‘I understand.’

   ‘Sebastian and Emma you’ll be with me, you too John, your with me. Butch, you can handle Allen, Ed, Jason and Trevor right?’

  Butch didn’t answer; he just smiled from ear to ear.

   ‘Try not to bunch up when we get to the door. I’m going to slammed into it like a freight train and hope it opens. Sebastian, is the door reinforced?’

   ‘No, it’s just a large door. You could just kick it I’m sure and it would open.’

   ‘Nah, I would hate to get my foot stuck.’

  There were a few chuckles at the thought of me getting my foot stuck.

   ‘Sebastian, how many do you think Cline will have there guarding him?’

   ‘Ten or fifteen maybe.’

   ‘Is that with or without the possible hunting party?’ I asked.

   In his normal reply to thing he thought trivial he shrugged his shoulders, then chuckled and replied, ’Does it really matter?’

   I snickered and answered, ‘No, I guess not.’

   ‘Stupid devils, the bunch of you.’ Jason said shaking his head in regards to Sebastian and my joke, ‘I can’t believe I got myself into this.’

   ‘Don’t worry Jason you didn’t, I did.’ Sebastian said with a smile.

   ‘Can we go please?’ I asked.

   ‘Let’s do it.’ replied Sebastian, ‘I almost forgot.’

   ‘Forgot what?’ I asked with I bit of worry.

   ‘Augustus. Even with one arm, he will be beyond me so watch for him. He should be your number one target, because if he isn’t stopped this is going to be very short offensive.’

   Sebastian sneaking came to an abrupt end when we headed out, he shot right towards the road with break neck speed. It was all I could do to keep up with him. I was slow as a human and I was slow now as a vampire, figures.

   As Pablo ran past me he said, ‘Come on Conner, hurry or the battle will be over before you get there!’

   The road went to the left on a long bend; as soon as we came around the bend I saw the Cline’s fortress. The wall was stone and it looked about what I imagined it did by Sebastian’s description. My heart dropped in my chest as we came up towards it. My vision started to get that tunnel vision that I got when things were about to get out crazy. I took a deep breath as the first of our group cleared the wall. I drew my claymore, took a deep breath and jumped.

  As I few over the wall I saw several things at once. One, that there was none of Cline’s people in the yard. Two, that Sebastian had ripped the front door from its hinges and was entering the building with Emma right on his heels. Third there were two windows on either side of the front door about thirty feet up.

  Butch and I hit the courtyard at about the same time, ’Butch window!’ I shouted pointing up at the right side window.

  Butch did not respond to me, he just jumped and went through the right side window, his team without question followed.

  As I headed towards the door I shouted to Pablo, ‘Pablo left window!’

   ‘Got it!’ he shouted as he led the Southerners over the wall.

  Almost immediately I heard fierce fighting breaking out in the general direction where Butch had gone through the window. It had started.

   John was right behind me and I was right behind Emma who followed Sebastian. I had no idea where he was heading or what his objective was. I didn’t care; I just wanted to find Cline.

  Upon entering there was a large circular foyer, on either side there was wrought iron stair case that rapped along the side of the walls to a second story. In the center of both second and first floor were double wooden doors. Sebastian did not slow to open the doors, he went right through them.

  There on the other side of the door were two vampires with swords. Sebastian did not hesitate even for a second, he attacked the one on the left and Emma attacked the one on the right.

  Emma let out a horrible battle cry that startled the vampire that Sebastian was fighting. The small hesitation on his part cost him his head as Sebastian removed it without mercy.

  Emma’s enemy checked her swing and spun to his right. He was so focused on Emma that when he spun he did not see me jump through the air at him. Sebastian wound up for a blow on the outnumbered vampire but I was faster. I brought the large claymore down knocking Sebastian out of the way. The vampire tried to check my attack, but the power of the swing was too much for him. Knocking his sword out of the way, I hit the vampire on top of his head. The blow was so strong that it cut the vampire in two from his head to his crotch.

  Without a moment hesitation, Sebastian removed one side of his head from what was left of his neck. Emma quickly followed Sebastian’s example with the other half.

  Emma turned and looked at both Sebastian and myself with a look of pure madness; ‘He was mine!’ venom flew from her mouth as she snarled at us.

   ‘Sebastian go!’ I said pointing down the long hallway that we had entered.

  There were paintings that lined each side of the large hallway. Sebastian headed cautiously down the hall; I could hear fighting from two different directions within the fortress. Above us somewhere I could hear Butch’s loud battle cry. It was loud and fierce and full of obscenities. It seemed that the whole upstairs shook with violence as the two separate battles took place.

  There at the end of the long wide hallway were two more doors like the ones that we just went through.

   ‘Where we going Sebastian?’ I asked.

   ‘Cline’s chamber.’

   ‘How far is it from here?’ I inquired.

   ‘Through those doors there’s a large open area, to the right there’s a stairwell that goes down to a bottom level. I would call that area of the fortress its dungeon. There’ll be different cells and the likes, that’s where we should find Ava.’

  Emma snarled at her name, ‘Cline’s living chamber is down there. If we don’t run into Augustus down there then Cline is elsewhere in the fortress. We’ll know we’re on his trail when we find Augustus.’

  Suddenly the doors opened at the end of the hall way. Eight or nine armed vampires came through the doors, when they saw us they came to a sudden stop. I was grateful that the hall way we were in had a high ceiling that I could chop.

  Sebastian stoped and looked at the vampires that had started walking towards us. I walked slowly past Emma and Sebastian and brought the hilt of my sword up to my face like I had seen movie heroes do since the beginning of time. The very act that I had seen so many times made me smile as I showed them my sword.

  The approaching vampires slowed as I walked towards them with a smile on my face. The knot that I felt in my chest as we approached Cline’s fortress had left me completely, now all that remained was an immense desire to kill my enemy. Their numbers meant nothing to me at this point. I felt strong, I felt invincible. I felt like I did back in Prague when I threw the chair at Cline and no one would do anything to stop me.

  A fire burned in my chest, the last few months of being in fear of what other would try to do, Cline’s obsession with hurting the reason I lived. The destroying of Gloria beautiful stupid house. All who came near me that was my enemy would feel my wrath, my blade.

  As I let the rage that had built up inside of me erupt, I heard again the ferocious screeching snarl behind me and I saw a red flash that even my vampire eyes could hardly track.

  Emma slammed in the group of vampires before anyone could even react. The oncoming group’s attention was so focused on me they did not have a chance to recover from the shock of Emma’s suicidal attack. Two heads rolled before I could even move.

   ’S**t! Sebastian!’ I said trying to break the spell of shock.

  Sebastian moved into the group with furry. Again I was on the tail end of Sebastian and Emma’s attack.

   ’Damn it!’ I said attacking one of the unengaged vampires. He checked my swing twice before Sebastian took his sword arm with a swing of his falcata. I checked my swing as Emma claimed his head. The unknown vampires head flew off his shoulders and rolled back down the hall in the direction that we came.

  I looked around for a new target but the group of what I could now see was eight vampires were all dead. Upstairs I could still hear Pablo’s and Butch’s battles raging.

  I looked at Sebastian, ’By my count that’s ten for us. I wonder how many they have engaged with?’

   ’It’s hard to tell, the two groups could be fighting the same vampires. If there’s someone to put them back together as they fall, a good fight could last a while Conner.’ Sebastian said.

   ’Well we should get these heads out here so no one could just put them back together, John…’ I turned to speak to John and he was missing, ’Where the hell’s John?!’

   I looked in the group that lay around us to make sure he had not fallen without our noticing. When I did not see him I turned and looked back towards the entrance to the hallway.

   ’Damn it, where is he?’ I asked no one.

   ’Good old John.’ Sebastian snarled, ’You can always count on his cowardice to come through in a bind.’

   ’Well Sebastian, go on or look for John?’

   ’We’ll deal with him when this is over.’

  I nodded and went through the two open doors, ’Wait.’ I said turning around.

  I started kicking the severed vampire heads down the hall way through the broken doors at the end of the hallway, Sebastian and Emma quickly joined in.

   ’No use making it easy to put them back together.’

  As we were kicking the heads through the doors we saw John go flying past the open doorway and crash into what sounded like the staircase on one of the walls. Sebastian and I looked at each other and looked back towards the doorway. It seemed like the whole downstairs became unnervingly quite, the battles that raged upstairs seemed far away.      

   Augustus slowly walked past the open door way. When Emma saw Augustus she made what sounded like a large cat roaring, Augustus head whipped in our direction and growled.

  Augustus turned into the hallway, Sebastian and Emma took a few steps back away from me. My eyes locked with Augustus’s, we looked deep into each other eyes in a test of will and strength. Augustus took two steps into the hall, though he only had the one arm he somehow looked more menacing then I ever remember him being. I had only seen Augustus two other times, once was in my house back in Washington State and the other was when Gloria and I went before the Council.

   Augustus was close to seven feet tall and was as big around at the chest as he as he was tall, somehow he looked bigger then I remembered. His skin was a dark grey and his eyes were jet black. His face was full of rage; this wasn’t the face I had remembered. His lower jaw was protruding out a good two inches. He lips were pulled back and his teeth looked as if they were all canine teeth, large, yellow and crooked. I was a bit at lost how he could look so different then the last time I saw him.

  In his left hand he carried a large cudgel. It was made from vampire flesh, it glistened white with the sorrow of the life that once was. Shaped now into the weapon of choice of this large horrid monster. The business end of Augustus’s cudgel was the size of a large watermelon, protruding out from it was large fins that I could see from here were sharp as a razor.

   ’Conner.’ Sebastian said with dread as Augustus slowly approached us.

  Emma snarled wildly at Augustus warning him not to approach which he ignored.

   ’Conner.’ Sebastian said an octave higher showing his fear.

  This was going to get ugly I thought to myself, ’Take Emma and continue on. This is between him and I.’

   ’Conner I can’t leave you with him.’ Sebastian pleaded.

   ’Go! Get Emma out of here!’ I shouted.

  Sebastian did not argue he turned and shouted to Emma, ’Run!’

  Emma did not hesitate for a half a second; she turned and bolted blindly through the open doors. Sebastian followed without a look or a word.

  I swung up my large sword up and motioned Augustus forward. Augustus hesitated for a second when he realized I wasn’t going to run too.

   ’You die now.’ Augustus growled in a deep and evil voice.

   ’No, no I don’t.’ I said in a calm and even voice.

  With a loud roar Augustus rushed down the hallway at me, his speed was incredible. He brought up the large cudgel like a large turkey leg and swung it at me. I tried to block the swing with my sword; the force of the blow was incredible. Though my sword took the shock of the blow, there was such energy in Augustus’s swing that it sent me flying through the open doorway out into the large open room.

  I crashed into the far wall dropping my sword as I fell. Augustus was on me in a flash, he swung the cudgel at my head. I did not know how a vampire skull would do against Augustus’s watermelon looking cudgel, but I wasn’t about to lay there and find out.

  I scooted back against the wall and shoved off of it with all of my might and slid to Augustus’ left. As flew across the floor I saw Augustus smash the floor with a wild swing. The cudgel buried itself into the floor with a solid crunch.

  As Augustus pulled the cudgel from the floor I charged him, I had to get my sword back. I hit Augustus with a lowered shoulder, it felt like I football tackled a seven foot tall stone statue. I bounced off of Augustus but to my surprise he went flying through the doorway that Sebastian and Emma had gone down.

   ’Son of a b***h!’ I said in amazement at the luck of that hit.

  Augustus roared and came running back through the door way that I had just knocked him through. Somehow his bottom jaw looked larger; his teeth were sharper and uglier. He came right at me with his cudgel raised up in the air.

   ’Oh s**t.’ I mumbled to myself when I saw Augustus’s rage. I quickly back peddled to the wall behind me. Seeing that the ceiling was some twenty feet above me, I jumped over Augustus as he swung at me. Augustus’ cudgel hit the wall and bounced and struck him in the face.

  Augustus turned and looked at me and froze, then a burning rage that seemed to come from his eyes shot through his entire body. Augustus looked right at me and howled loudly. I was starting to see why this vampire was so dangerous, he was as dumb as an ox and more clumsy then anyone I’ve have ever seen. And the more clumsy he got the madder he got.

  I quickly scanned the room looking for my sword; Augustus followed my gaze seeing my sword on the ground we both looked at each other.

   ’Oh no you don’t!’ I said as Augustus rushed for my sword, there was no way I was letting him get a hold of it. Augustus was faster to the sword then I was, but lucky for me Augustus was not accustomed to having someone openly fight him. Even though I was right on top of him he dropped the cudgel and went for the sword.

  As he bent for the sword I went for him, I hit Augustus with all of my weight. The sword spun away from us and I quickly jumped on Augustus’ back and went for a sleeper hold.

   ’Go to sleep you big stupid b*****d!’ I yell once I got the sleeper hold in place.

  I rapped my legs around Augustus and tried to squeeze him like a snake. Augustus spun right and left trying to get me off of his back; finally he stopped and looked towards the ground. Two things dawned on me at once, one vampires didn’t need to breath, he wasn’t going to sleep. The second, Augustus was looking at his cudgel.

   ’Ah oh.’ I said.

  Augustus went for the cudgel with me wrapped around his back. I could only guess what he was going to do once he got his hand on the cudgel. As he bent over to pick it up I jumped off his back and shoved him with all my might. Augustus went flying head first into the wall. He was concentrating so hard on picking up the cudgel he didn’t lift his arm to protect his head. He struck the wall and went right down on his face.

  I went for my sword, Augustus was up and moving, he went for his cudgel screaming the whole way. Both of us now armed again we circled each other in the center of the large empty room. I looked at Augustus’ face, as strange as it seemed his bottom jaw looked even bigger. I was going to have to ask Sebastian about that when this was over, did a vampire’s face change if they got mad enough?

   ’Damn your ugly Augustus.’

  Augustus roared a large howl and charged me, so I back pedaled towards the wall behind me and raised my sword. When I was about ten feet from the wall I turned and jumped at it. When my feet made contact with the wall I jumped off it and flew right at Augustus. I swung my sword at Augustus’s head as I came upon him.

  My sword felt as if I hit a concrete pillar, and there was a large clanging sound. I swung myself around when I landed and faced Augustus. Augustus stumbled and ran into the wall I had jumped from. He quickly turned and to my surprise he was not holding the large cudgel. Augustus looked somewhat dazed; when I looked closer at my enemy I noticed two things. One, the reason he was not holding the cudgel was he was missing his arm right below the shoulder.

The second thing was that he was missing the top of his head right above his eyebrows.

  He stumbled towards me like he was drunk, though he snarled and growled when I looked into his eyes I could see that his ability to think was clearly impaired.

  Venom poured from Augustus’s mouth as his jaw shrunk before my eyes, his eyes went from black to a dull red as he stumbled towards me.

  ’Out of all the dumb luck.’ I said to myself shaking my head in wonder at the lucky blow.

  I slowly walked up to Augustus, though I could see there was a burning rage within him I knew there was no fight left in him. He walked towards me like drooling zombie from a monster movie. I let him walk right up to me and looked him in the eyes, and with one sudden swing of my sword I chopped both of his legs off right below his pelvis.

  I kicked his severed legs away from his body. Augustus tried to grab me with is severed arm, with my foot I rolled him over onto his back and looked into his eyes.

   ’You lose.’ I said.

   Sebastian and Emma walked up beside me and looked down at Augustus. With one swing of her sword, Emma took Augustus’s head.

   ’NO!’ cried someone from the entrance of the large room.

  The three of us quickly turned at the shriek. There kneeling on the floor in front Butch and his team was Cline.



© 2010 John A. Hill

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Added on July 25, 2010
Last Updated on July 25, 2010


John A. Hill
John A. Hill


hey everyone, i hope you like "A Killer's Love." if you do, i've made a page on Facebook for it. since i can't find an agent i would do my best to attracted one by word of mouth. here's the link: htt.. more..

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A Chapter by John A. Hill