Running South

Running South

A Chapter by John A. Hill

  We had been running for over eight hours. We were not in a dead sprint, but I had no idea how fast we were going. If I had to guess, we were running close to sixty m.p.h. If that were true I estimated that we were somewhere in Oregon.

  Sebastian was leading the run south; a few hours ago I came up beside Sebastian and ran beside him. Gloria and Tabitha were running behind us. John Barleycorn and Ed ran behind the girls and Emma and Andrew took up the rear. Andrew had complained the first few hours of the run about being out in the sun. Finally I got tire of it and threaten to chop him to pieces if I heard anymore from him. Every once in a while I would hear him grumble to himself because he would step in a hole or trip over a root.

  We had been following the Cascade Mountain range all the way down to where ever we were; from time to time we would hear traffic on a distant highway. The farther we traveled the less the snow cover was, not that my bare feet really care about the amount of snow on the ground. Boredom was starting to get the best of me so I started listening to the conversation Gloria and Tabitha were having.

   ’So when you were out did you try it?’ Gloria asked Tabitha.

   ’No.’ she said with a sigh, ’I came really close though if that counts. John thinks I’m being silly, but I don’t care.’

   ’You’re not being silly. Once I understood what I was I just did what I thought was natural.’

   ’But you don’t think feeding on humans is natural now?’

   ’Now that I’m with Conner I don’t, but our situation is different. Conner doesn’t, so I don’t. Emma will feed on a human any chance she gets, but she’s good about trying not to feed on them.’

   ’You don’t let her feed on people?’

   ’Has Conner told you what happen in Spain the last time we were there?’

   ’No.’ responded Tabitha.

   ’Emma doesn’t feed, she frenzies. She won’t just feed on one person and leave. She’ll feed on a bunch of people, then when she’s full she just tear people apart for the sake of it. Ask Conner about it.’

   ’Oh my, what happen if you do mind me asking?’

   ’In truth I don’t really know, Conner was a little shifty on the details. But anyways, Emma tore up a slaughter house.’

  Tabitha laughed right out loud, ’Wow, I have a monster movie family living next door.’

   Tabitha paused for a minute, ’I mean I used too. Gloria what are we going to do?’

   ’I don’t know, Conner will figure something out. You said you got close?’

   ’Yeah, John knows I’m a little squeamish on hurting people, so we went to this sawdust floor bar.’

  Gloria snickered.

   ’Shut up.’ Tabitha rolled her eyes and went on, ’Anyways John went into the bar first to look around to make sure there were enough people in it that we wouldn’t stand out to much. His signal to me was if he didn’t come out within five minutes I was to follow him in.

  ’Well he didn’t come out so I went in. Gloria let me tell you, I was scared to death going in there. I know that sound silly but I felt like I went into the bar to find someone to have a one night stand with.’

   ’Okay, now you are being silly.’ laughed Gloria.

   ’Do you want to hear this or not?’

   ’Okay I’m sorry. I won’t say another word.’

  Tabitha went on, ’So I went into the bar right, I’ll tell you what, I almost passed out. I haven’t been in those kind of close quarters with humans since becoming a vampire, the bar was packed. There were no empty tables, not one empty stool at the bar. I’m talking standing room only.

  ‘Even though the music was really loud, I could hear everyone’s hearts beating. It was like a jackhammer in my head Gloria I couldn’t believe it.

   ’After the fainting feeling passed, I just wanted to go crazy! But I controlled myself, I have never heard in the news about huge massacres and I wasn’t about to become the first one to do it.’

  Tabitha laughed at the idea of slaughtering all those people, but in truth killing large groups of people was not something we could have right now. It would show weakness and lack of control, and we did not need anything happening to encourage someone else to come after us.

   ’But anyways, once I was under control again I tried to make it to the bar. There was this guy who was trying to be nice, or trying to get laid who moved so I could sit down at the bar, I smiled and said thank you and sat. He tried to start up a conversation with me, so I just played like I couldn’t hear him over the music. Eventually he got it though his head that he got conned out of his seat.’

   ’So why didn’t you feed on him, he would have been an easy mark?’

   ’He smelled funny. Like stale cheese burgers and piss beer.’

  Gloria laughed at Tabitha’s assessment of the guy’s flavor.

   ’I started to get frustrated, hearing all the hearts was making me hungry as all hell.’ Tabitha made a slight gagging sound in her throat, ’But then I said screw it, we didn’t have all night for me to be so picky so I got up and started looking for John. He was sitting in the back of the bar like he didn’t have a care in the world; I smiled at him and started walking towards him. Then it hit me, the sweetest smell I think I have ever smelled in my life. It was like the purest dark chocolate I have ever smelled. But it wasn’t like chocolate, it was better.

   ’I’m making myself hungry thinking about it,’ Tabitha sighed, ‘It was the waitress that I smelled. She smelled so yummy Gloria, I couldn’t believe it. I laughed right out loud when it dawned on me what it was I was smelling. I thought to myself, great I have a lesbian appetite.’

  Everyone on our party with the exception of Andrew laughed at what Tabitha had said. I guess I wasn’t the only one listening to Tabitha’s first real hunt. I looked back over my shoulder at Tabitha; she looked at little embarrassed over her story.

  Gloria had to goad her on to get her to continue, ‘So, what did you do?’

   ‘Well I walked over to John and told him that the waitress smelled wonderful, he had said he noticed. He asked if I wanted to try on her and I told him no.’ Tabitha sighed heavily, ‘I just couldn’t see ending her life, she was so young and pretty and had her whole life in front of her. She made me think of you Gloria.’

   ‘Maybe you should stick to bagged blood Tabs.’ Gloria said, ‘So did you all leave after that?’

   ‘No, John got her to come outside and he fed on her.’

  Sebastian laughed at Tabitha and said, ‘Lot of good your compassion did.’ then Sebastian laughed some more.

   ‘Shut up Sebastian.’ Gloria snapped, which in turn only made him laugh more.

   ‘Damn it I need a rest!’ snapped Andrew from the back of the line.

  I found it hard to believe that he was tired, but the boredom of running convinced me that I could stop for a bit. I slowed to a walk and looked around a bit. Everyone else stopped as soon as I slowed, Sebastian stayed with me.

   ‘I’m still amazed by Gloria. Did you know that Conner?’

   ‘Why do you say that?’ I asked Sebastian as we walked on a bit.

   ‘When I caught Gloria twenty some years ago, it took three of us to get her back to Roberto. And now when I hear her compassion for insignificant things, it makes me wonder about myself. Are the things I think insignificant truly unimportant? When I see Gloria I see a happiness I’ve never possessed.’

  I looked at Sebastian for a bit, he just looked in the direction that we had been running.

   ‘Conner you know what it means to be as old as I am?’

   ‘That you’re old?’

  Sebastian and I chuckled a bit and he went on, ‘Outside of the Ancients I believe I’m the oldest living vampire. There are none left alive that fought for the Ancients in the Nephilim wars, I am all that is left. Horatio is the only vampire I know that is even close to my age, and he isn’t even close.’

   ‘Sebastian, what are we talking about?’

   ‘I don’t know.’ we both laughed again.

  Sebastian went on, ‘I see you and Gloria together and it makes me sad I think.’

   ‘So look for someone to be with Sebastian.’

   ‘I’m three thousand years give or take a few hundred years older then anyone I know, you don’t think that would be weird?’



   ’You and I are vampires, we’re carrying swords that were made with vampire flesh, I won’t even go into how gnarly that is. We’re rounding up other vampires to attack a four thousand year old pervert and then if we don’t die in all that we’re going to take on the Eastern Empire? And you’re asking me if dating someone three millenniums your junior is weird?’ we both laughed at my assessment.

   ’I guess not, nothing about us is normal. I guess under it all I still think like the human that I was all those long years ago.’

   ’Well there you go, think like the human when you try to date. Get a car and go to the drive in or something. Can I ask you something?’


   ’Was there someone you had in mind on trying to date?’

   ’Well you know, I have a few in mind but nothing I want to talk about now.’

   ’Hey do you smell that?’ I asked Sebastian.

   ’Vampire.’ we both said.

   ’Hey let’s go!’ I yelled to the rest of our group.

  Everyone sprang up except Andrew and came over to where Sebastian and I were standing. John was the first to notice the scent, ’That smells like Jason. He was here, oh if I had to guess four or five hours or so ago. I wonder what he doing out here, Jason normally stays in the Mid West.’

   ’Who cares why, let’s go. Andrew get off your a*s!’ I turned and headed down the scent trail, the rest fell in behind me.

   ’John up front, and move your a*s!’ call Sebastian over his shoulder at John, ‘Emma, if you would run beside John and cover him please, something about this I don’t trust.’

  John easily passed me and took the lead in the chase after Jason. Emma was right on his hip as we ran. The trail headed somewhat to the west, I noticed as the sun looked like it would set in the next few hours. I fell back to run with Sebastian, for the most part we ran in a single file.

   ’What’s up?’ I asked.

   ’I don’t know, I have a warning on my heart. I don’t know why, but I feel leery.’

   ’John, how abnormal is it for Jason to be out here?’ I asked, ’Everyone stop!’ I shouted.

  Our small company came to a screeching halt. I turned and walked back to Andrew.

   ’If I have to ask you to keep up or get off your a*s one more time, I’ll do it with my sword. And anything that I remove I burn. Do you understand?’

  Andrew looked for a second at his axe. It looked to me like he was contemplating whether he could take me in a fight now that he was armed.

  With a lightning speed, I cracked Andrew in the mouth with the back of my hand. Not hard enough to hurt him, but with enough force to get his attention.

   ’If you’re planning on using that, then use it. Otherwise say yes Conner, you won’t have to say another word.’

  Andrew looked at me for a second and said, ’Not a word.’

  As I walked back up to the front of the line, Sebastian whispered to me, ’Just kill him and be done with it.’

  I didn’t answer Sebastian; I knew that Andrew had heard Sebastian. Let Andrew chew on that thought for a while.

   ’John, go.’ I said nodding down the scent trail.

  John turned and headed out at a quick run. Emma was right next to him with her head flipping back and forth scanning for trouble. I was right behind them with Sebastian in tow. Then came Gloria and Tabitha, after that came Ed and Andrew in the rear, like always. I bet I was going to kill him before this was over.

  After a few minutes John looked over his shoulder at me, ’To answer your earlier question, I wouldn’t say it is abnormal for Jason to be out here. It’s just abnormal for him to be out here now.’

   ’What the hell does that mean? I asked. 

   ‘Jason comes west from time to time. Jason’s weird about some things, he doesn’t like walking on snow. He says that it gives him the creepy crawlies. Like fingernails down a chalk board.’

   ’That makes no sense.’ I said.

   ’Jason’s weird like that. Nothing he does make much sense. For an example, he doesn’t like being outside on Tuesdays.’

   ’What? I asked chuckling.

   ’That’s Jason for you. At first glance you might think he’s mentally slow, but he’s not. He may not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but he’s not slow. When roused, he has an uncontrollable anger.’

   ‘How do you think he react to being drafted?’ I inquired.

   ‘I don’t know to tell you the truth, with Jason it’s always hard to tell. He might jump at the chance to fight with someone. He may just try to run away when you’re not looking, he may try to fight on the spot. I’ve known Jason for about two hundred years, and he’s still a mystery to me. When it come to vampires he still relatively young. He’s older then you and Gloria, but still a pup in my eyes.’

   ’You’re still a pup in my eyes.’ add Sebastian.

  John ignored Sebastian’s comment and went on, ’All I can tell you about Jason is that it should be intrusting.’

   ’Do you know where we’re at John?’ asked Gloria from behind us.

   ’No clue.’

   ’Great.’ I said flatly.

   ’I think we’re somewhere near the California and the Oregon border. But until we hit some civilization I can’t be sure. I normally don’t travel through the mountains.’ John concluded.

   ’Why?’ I asked, ’It seems it would be ideal for staying away from humans.’

   ’Why on earth you would want to stay away from them is beyond me. Unlike you all, I won’t think twice about feeding on people.’ John replied.


  We stayed on Jason’s trail as the sun was starting to set. John did not think that Jason would travel at night, but Jason didn’t like running in the snow either, so he wasn’t sure what the deal was. But from what I could tell the trail was getting stronger as we ran, which in turn made us run faster.

  Sebastian uneasy feeling did not disappear, which made everyone uneasy to which I was grateful. Nervous people ran faster. Andrew had not complained since our last confrontation, I guess with the sun setting he was at last feeling relaxed.

   ’Conner did I ever tell you about the time I was pressed into the British Navy?’ Sebastian asked.

   ’Pressed, what’s that.’ I asked

   ’You know, pressed. Like being drafted?’

  I chuckled, ’No you didn’t.’

   ’It was not long after the American Revolution. The British and the French were at war again. The wars between England and France for the most part were caused from Cline’s boredom. Both countries are within his territories.’

   ’Really? I didn’t know that.’ I said.

   ’Yeah, sometimes he would take command of some ship of the line as some nobleman. He loved to watch two ships engaging each other at close range. I got to tell you Conner, a hell of a way to fight.’ Sebastian just shook his head at the memories of ship to ship fighting.

   ’Anyways, I was in England walking along some beach, I was looking for something to eat, and this press gang walked up on me.’

   ’What’s a press gang?’ I asked.

   ’A press gang is a group of guys that look for people to serve in the King’s Navy. A ship would pull into port, and a small group of men would sneak around and look for able body men. If they found one they would basically arrest them and bring them back to the ship they were on and force them into navel service.’

   ’Damn.’ I couldn’t imagine it.

   ’Have a wife and kids at home, wife sent you to fetch some eggs from the next house and you never come home. Anyways I was bored more then I was hungry so I let them take me aboard as a pressed soul.

  ’The H.M.S. Lilybird. She was a seventy-four gun ship of the line. It had close to six hundred hands aboard. The bottom gun deck had twenty four pounders on it. The upper gun deck had twelve pounders and the upper works had nine pounders.’

  Sebastian smiled at some distant memory, ’I was placed on one of the twenty four pounders on the lower gun deck; I became quite popular with my gun crew. A twenty four pound gun weighs several tons, and I could man handle the gun by myself. Though I never did, my gun crew could tell that I was as strong as an ox as they would say.

   ’I did all sorts of things on that ship, but for the most part I was up and down the riggings, letting out more sail, reefing the sail, did a lot of scrubbing the deck. If I wasn’t on watch, I was doing gun drills. Watching the men amazed to me, the conditions they worked in and the abuse they took. There was no justice for those men, if you defended a mate being abused you were flogged, I saw a lot of flogging on that ship.

   ’I always gave my food and drink rations to the men on my crew. It didn’t take long for rumors that I was some devil there to hunt them down, to drag them down into the deep. My gun crew buddies would stick up for me, but I think it was because I would give them my food and rum rations.’

   ’Did you feed on the crew at all?’ I asked.

   ’No, well I did on one of the officers that was a horrible tyrant. He had two of the members on my gun crew flogged because they were laughing at another crew’s clumsiness. So I did the entire ship a favor by throwing him over bored and fed on him.

   ’The entire ship knew I had something to do with his unfortunate disappearance. It was so widely whispered that I threw him overboard that I was question by the captain about it.’

   ’How long after the flogging did you kill him?’ I asked in wonder.

   ’That night.’ replied Sebastian.

  I smiled to myself, I was born too early. But I guess I’ll have the same stories and the younger vampires and they’ll say the same thing.

   ’He was standing right next to the helmsman when I grabbed him. They were right in the middle of a conversation when I grabbed him and jumped overboard. The helmsman said he hadn’t noticed that the lieutenant was no longer standing next to him till he heard the splash. I drug him under and drained him and was back in my hammock before they even knew who was missing from the watch.

   ’Everyone including the captain believed that I had something to do with his disappearance, but everyone was too afraid of me to say anything to my face about it. At least anyone that would matter, they figured they could be next.’

   ’So how long did you spend on that boat?’ I asked Sebastian as we ran though the silent night.

   ’Ten months or so I think.’ he answered.

   ’Were you even in a battle?’ I asked.

   ’We chased a few French frigates, and shot at some French fishermen. I was getting ready to abandon ship and we sailed right up on a second rate ship of the line. The ship was originally British, but it had been captured by the French a few years prior.

   ‘What’s a second rate?’ I asked.

   ’A three decker, with ninety plus guns.’

   ‘Damn, that’s a lot of guns. ‘I said shaking my head, ‘and how many guns did you all have?‘

   ‘Seventy four.‘

  I did the quick math in my head, ‘That’s like ten more guns per side.’

   ‘Yeah, something like that. But the second rate didn’t sail as well as a seventy four did, well that’s what they were saying on the gun deck after we cleared for battle. When the French captain saw us he came about and came right at us. We were completely out matched and out gunned.

   ’Conner, those guys had it together let me tell you, though we had two gun decks and the upper works, twenty fours, twelve and nine pounders, thirty seven guns on the one side. Less than half was twenty fours, and less than half of what was left were twelve pounders. The French ship had thirty two pounders on the lower deck. Twenty fours on the second gun deck, and twelve pounders on the top gun deck. They had forty two pound carronades mounted on the bow and the stern.

   ’The two ship captains let their two ships get right next to each other before they fired. Conner I could have easily jumped from one ship to the next on one leg they were so close together. Both ship’s guns were loaded with two cannon balls each and they both fired all their guns at the same time.’

   ’Dang,’ I just shook my head at the thought of fighting like that. The carnage must have been horrible for both ships, ’So what did you do?’ I asked.

  Sebastian chuckled, ’Nothing, my crew didn’t get a chance to reload. We took a direct shot with a thirty two pounder. One of the two cannon balls hit our canon and sent it flying, the other canon ball hit me square in the chest.’

  I laughed right out loud at the thought, ’Did it hurt?’ I asked.

   ’Hell yeah. Outside of fighting other vampires and Nephilim I’ve never felt pain before, but that damn cannon ball hurt. That sucker hit me square in the chest, I flew across the gun deck and crashed right into the canon on the other side and knocked it right though the hull and few right out over the ocean.

   ’I’ll tell yeah, even though it hurt like a son of a gun, I really laughed as I flew through the air holding on to that cannon ball.’

   ’So what did you do then?’

  Sebastian shrugged his shoulders as we ran, ’I said to hell with that. I didn’t want to know which of my friends were dead after that so I rode the cannon ball till it fell into the ocean. Then I let the ball sink and I swam towards shore. I don’t even know who won, or if the French ship was as damaged as ours was. Didn’t stick around to see.’

   ’That makes me sad for some reason.’ Such a loss of life and for what, Cline’s amusement? Stupid Cline.

   ’Why? Even if all those men lived to be a hundred years old, they would all still be dead today. Conner you worry too much about humans.’

   ’Maybe Sebastian, but you have to remember I’ve been a vampire for what, a year and a half? Most of my memories are of me being human. Can you even remember what it was like being a human? Do you even remember your family’s names? Though I know I will never be a human again, I can’t help but feel sympathetic towards them.’ 

  Sebastian did not answer me. He just turned and watched Emma and John running in front of us, ’Hey Sebastian, I didn’t mean anything by that.’

  He turned and looked at me, ’Yeah I know. Don’t worry about it. I haven’t been human in over four thousand years. I was trying to think on how to think like a human so I could act more like them, that’s all.’

   ’Hey you too,’ John said over his shoulder at Sebastian and I, ’I think we’re just about on Jason, the trail is quite fresh here.’

  Sebastian and I went on full alert, not knowing what has driven this kooky vampire into this less then hospitable terrain. John’s speed was incredible; he pulled away from Emma and us with easy.

  Gloria came up beside me, ’I’ll stay with him Conner, since the rest of you are so slow.’ Gloria flashed me large smile and quickly caught up to old John. Emma snarled in frustration at not being able to keep up with John and Gloria.

   After a few minutes of this new speed, we lost sight of Gloria and John as they ran down Jason’s trail. The undergrowth of the forest was very heavy, and the trees were dense here on the west side of the mountains. As we ran I couldn’t help looking up at the large trees in wonder. I wondered how old they were, how tall, what kind they were. My thoughts were quickly interrupted with the sound of Gloria yelling. Because I was rainbow gazing I didn’t catch what it was she had yelled.

   ’What was she yelling?’ I asked with alarm.

   ’She’s telling someone to stop.’ explained Sebastian.

   ’But she sounded okay thought?’ I asked Sebastian.

   ’I guess.’ he said.

   ’Sorry my mind was elsewhere.’ I said.

  Emma suddenly darted left catching everyone off guard, I quickly understood why when the trail switched direction. I could not find Jason’s trail over the smell of Gloria. My senses were so in tuned with Gloria’s now that her scent overcame everything else.

   ’It seems that we’ve caught up with Jason.’ Tabitha said from behind.

  I could hear John yelling at Jason to stop for a minute, but from the sounds of his responses something more frightening then us kept him unwilling to stop. After a few more miles of running John and Gloria got this eccentric vampire to stop, our little group caught up to him after a few moments.

   ’Look John, I told you to leave me alone, they’re right on my heals!’

   ’There isn’t anyone on your heals but us.’ explained John.

   ’John I don’t believe you, it doesn’t matter I’m not sticking around long enough to prove you wrong.’ pleaded the tall thin vampire.

  We shot into the small clearing that John and Gloria had corralled this spooked vampire in. Jason looked at me and gasped with surprise, then seeing Sebastian his panic became incredibly obvious.

   ’Ack! The devil himself! John how could you do this to me!’ pointing at Sebastian he went on, ’have you lost your mind John Barleycorn? He’s worst then those southerners!’ 

  I looked at Sebastian with a suspicious look, ’Sebastian, why is it everyone has this sort of reaction to seeing you?’ I asked walking up to Jason.

  Sebastian did not respond, he just shrugged his shoulders as I walked by.

   ’My name is Conner, Sebastian is no threat to you,’ I paused and looked at Sebastian for a moment, ’At least I don’t think he is?’ I asked raising an eyebrow at Sebastian.

   ’No, I’m no threat.’ Sebastian said looking the part of complete honesty.   

   ’For some reason I’m not convinced.’ Jason exclaimed.

  Getting irritated I spoke again to Jason, ’He doesn’t need to convince you, I’m the one who you should be afraid of.’

  Jason took his eyes off of Sebastian and looked at me.

   ’Now that I have your undivided attention, what’s all this hoopla about?’ I asked.

   ’What do you mean?’ asked Jason.

  I breathed heavily through my nose, Gloria seeing I was on the verge of losing my temper explained it to Jason, ’Why are you in such a hurry Jason?’

   ’I’m being pursued.’

   ’By who?’ again asked Gloria.

   ’A raiding party of South Americans.’ replied Jason.

  Gloria growled under her breath at the thought of South American. John instantly looked concerned. Ed looked at Andrew, and Andrew shook his head and rolled his eyes. I do believe I just got insulted again.

  I turned and walked right up to Andrew and glared right into his eyes. Andrew looked into my eyes and took a step back away from me; I let a quite rumble come up my chest as I stared into Andrew’s eyes. Andrew looked quickly away from me.

  Not taking my eyes from Andrew I asked quietly to no one in general, ’Will someone please explain to me why I should worry about South Americans?’

  Gloria walked up to me and touched my arm to get my attention, ’The vampires from South America are extremely dangerous in large groups, they’re unpredictable and extremely violent Conner.’

  I looked at Sebastian for a second, he just smiled. I was starting to understand what that smile meant, and with Sebastian it was never good.

  I grimaced at the thought, ’How many of them are there?’ I inquired of Jason not taking my eyes off of Sebastian.

   ’Five, four males and one female.’

  Sebastian’s smile grew larger, ’Well then, let’s wait for them and say hello.’

   ’If they were on Jason’s trail, they must know were on it too.’ Ed said with uneasiness.

   ’Yeah that would go without saying.’ added Andrew.

   ’Why Andrew, you wouldn’t be afraid of a few vampires would you?’ asked Sebastian.

  Andrew did not answer Sebastian.

  I thought to myself, Gloria, Tabitha, Emma, Sebastian, John, Ed, Andrew and myself. Eight against five and we’re armed.

   ’Eight against five. Nine, if we include Jason what do you think Sebastian, do you think they’ll stay on Jason’s trail?’

   ‘One can only hope!’ Sebastian said enthusiastically.

   ‘John you’ve thrown your lot in with the devil, I can see it. Why would you get yourself involved with this monster?’ Jason asked John about Sebastian.

  John sighed, ‘Because there is no other choice. We either side with them or its death.’

   ‘Siding with that devil is no better than death, and you know this John Barleycorn.’ Jason said about Sebastian.

   ‘No Jason, there are worst things then Sebastian I’ve learned.’

   ‘I find that hard to believe.’ replied Jason, ‘What could possibly be worse than him?’ Jason asked looking at Sebastian.

  I shot a quick glance at Sebastian and his smile disappeared instantly, ‘The Queen Mother.’ Sebastian said with no humor.

  The Queen Mother after all these years still left her mark on Sebastian. I was beginning to hope that I never met this woman. Sebastian loved anything that would break the monotony of the long years, but the Queen Mother was not something that Sebastian wished to use to pass the time.

   ‘Ha, ha, ha devil. Do you really think your fairytales will be enough to convince me to even consider involving myself in your death wish in taking on the Council?’

  Sebastian started to speak again but I raised my hand to stop him, ‘You’re right, you don’t need fairytales to be convinced to take on the Council.’

  Jason turned and looked at me, ‘You see this sword?’ I pull the large sword from my back, ‘This is all I need to convince you.’

   ‘Conner please,’ John said to me in a calm voice, ‘you know I have no love for Sebastian. Jason you and I have been friends for closed to two centuries. I know you do not give your trust to just anyone, and I’m not asking you to trust Sebastian or Conner for that matter. But I’m asking you to trust me, when we have more time for explanations you’ll understand the importance of our alliance.’

   ’I find that hard to believe.’ Jason snapped.

   ’Well in case you haven’t noticed Jason, I can hear the South Americans coming towards us. They have no chance in a fight with us, which I can promise you, but if you wish to leave I’m sure they’ll be more than happy to keep chasing you. We wouldn’t want to intervene in your business.’ Sebastian said with a smile.

   ’You’re all heart devil.’





© 2010 John A. Hill

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Added on July 25, 2010
Last Updated on July 25, 2010


John A. Hill
John A. Hill


hey everyone, i hope you like "A Killer's Love." if you do, i've made a page on Facebook for it. since i can't find an agent i would do my best to attracted one by word of mouth. here's the link: htt.. more..

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A Chapter by John A. Hill