

A Chapter by John A. Hill

   ‘Conner this is getting ridiculous, we’ve been waiting for two days. How much longer to you think they’re going to keep us waiting?’

  Like I knew the answers to these things. ‘I don’t know my love.’

   ‘Gloria, it’s been a century since the Council last convened. They have a lot of business to discus.’

   ‘Oh great, if they had all this stuff to discus, why in the hell was it such an emergency for us to be here two days ago?’

   ‘Gloria darling, can you please try to relax.’

  I got up from my seat and walked over to Gloria and took her hand, ‘Hey, let’s go for a walk. I’m sure some fresh air will do us some good.’

   ‘Conner I don’t know if you and Gloria leaving the waiting area is a good idea. If you’re not here when the Council is ready for you…’

   ‘Sebastian, I understand your worry. But Gloria and I can’t just sit here until they get around to us, we’ll be back in an hour. Grab your coat hun; the whole world doesn’t need to see you in that dress. Emma, you coming with us, or are you staying here with Sebastian?’

   ‘I want to come with you.’ Emma was on her feet in a flash.

  The three of us walked towards the doors leading to the surface. The two guards who stood in front of the doors looked nervous.

   ‘Are you two going to just stand there, or am I going to have to move one of you?’ I asked.

  The two guards looked at each other and then looked at Sebastian. Sebastian just shrugged. The two guards stepped aside and opened the doors to the surprise of the guards outside the waiting area. They quickly moved as I came through the doors. Gloria and I held hands as we climbed up the stairs to the mausoleum. The guards inside the mausoleum were still standing on the ground level at the top of the stairs. They didn’t move as we went outside, I could hear Emma growl as she went past the guards. Poor little Emma, I don’t think anyone takes her seriously. There was a slight chill in the air this evening, but the air tasted clean and fresh.

  Gloria and I walked hand and hand through the cemetery looking at the different headstones. Some were quite old; I couldn’t help but chuckle to myself at the thought of walking through a cemetery in the early evening as a vampire. Our little party was like a miniature monster movie in the making, Emma walked in front of us in a slight crouch. She would go in small spurts then she would stop and sniff the air, when we would get close to her she would spurt forward and look around and sniff the air.

   Poor Emma, would she be anything more than a wild animal? At times she would have lucid periods and she would seem like a normal teenage girl. Other times she seemed so wild I wondered if she did it purposely. Gloria had a never ending patience with Emma. No matter how wild or knotted up her hair would get, Gloria would brush out the knots. Gloria never seemed to mind Emma destroying her clothes; I would ask Gloria why she would dress her so nicely when she would destroy everything she wore. Gloria would just smile and say that Emma need to see she’s wasn’t an animal, and how could she see that if we dress her like one.

   ’Gloria, do you ever think Emma will be normal?’

   ’There was great deal of damage done to her mind, but I can’t help but hope.’

   ’Gloria, I smell humans.’

   ’Emma baby, come to Gloria.’ Gloria held out her free hand to Emma. Emma obediently came to Gloria and took her hand.

   ’Emma, there’s humans around. I need you to be good; hurting the humans right now would be very bad for us.’

   ’I know Gloria. You and Conner love humans, I think I could love them too if they didn’t make me so hungry.’ Emma smiled at both Gloria and myself.

   ’Emma why don’t you come walk between me and Gloria and hold both our hands hun. You would make me breathe easier if you did. It’s been a while sense you’ve been around humans, and I know you won’t bother them but for my sake?’

   ’Sure Conner, I like holding your hand.’ 

  Emma took both our hands; we were a happy vampire family.

   ’Maybe we should head back to the mausoleum; I’m feeling a bit uneasy.’ Gloria stated.

   ’That’s fine.’

  The three of us turned and headed back to the mausoleum. Off in the distance I could see the humans that I smelled, they were the grounds keepers. I wondered if they knew there were so many vampires around. The three ground keepers seemed like they didn’t have a care in the world. One was fighting with a weed-eater; the other two seem to laugh as the other labored to start it. Though I couldn’t understand them, they seemed to be cutting each other down. I felt a wave of melancholy wash over me watching the three men. I could remember a time when life seemed that easy.

   ’Conner are you okay?’

  Before I could answer I saw Sebastian walking towards us with a concerned look on his face.

   ’Damn it Conner the Council is not happy that they’re having to wait on you. I told you, the Council doesn’t wait for people, this is not a good way to start this hearing.’

  I just shrugged what could I do.

  Back in the waiting area Sebastian looked very tense; Gloria removed her coat and laid it on one of the chairs. I straightened my sash and made sure it hung to the left the way Roberto had instructed me. There was an older looking vampire in a plain black suit waiting on us; he looked upset at our absence.

   ’Emma go with Sebastian, and mind what he says to you. Remember these people won’t tolerate anything from you, do you understand me? They’ll kill you if you act up.’

  Emma looked very upset, ’I know Conner I’ll be good, I promise.’

  Gloria and I looked hard into each other’s eyes, we knew that our lives hung in the balance.

   ’Gloria, remember what I said about Cline.’

  Gloria looked at Sebastian and nodded. My skin felt hot, I felt like I had a knot in my chest. Damn anxiety.

   ’Calm Conner, Calm. Your eyes are turning black. Conner, calm.’ Gloria reached up and touched my face.

  Without looking for Gloria’s face I said to Sebastian, ’As soon as we’re done we’re leaving, so stay close.’

   ’I’ll be up in the loft watching. Don’t worry, I’ll be ready. And I’ll make sure this little one stays out of trouble. Be careful Conner, Cline is going to try to provoke you. Remember that.’

  The older vampire sighed, ’Oh I’m sorry, are we ready? I’m sure the Council would be more than happy to wait for you if you need a few more minutes.’

   ’Do you like your head attached to your neck smart guy?’ I asked.

  The older vampire glared at me for a second and opened the doors leading into the great hall of the Council Guard. I was glad my heart had stopped back on that mountain in Washington, because it would have stopped looking into that hall.

  The hall was huge. The hall was about the size of an arena football field, the ceiling was probably forty or fifty feet high. There were twelve pillars in the hall; each pillar was square white marble center. On all four sides of the square center were round black marble pillars about half the girth of the square. The pillars ran down the right and left side of the hall. They were off of the walls about twenty feet. On top of the pillars were great arches, the ceiling looked as if it was made of white lime stone. The walls match the square center of the pillars; the floor was the same black the round pillars were made of. On the far wall in the back of the hall were two flags that were identical. They were light blue and they had the same symbol that my ring had on it.

   There were guards standing between each pillar and the entry way of the hall.

About three quarters of the way into the hall was a horse shoe style decretive wooden table. Behind table were two more guards, each of the guards carried about an eight foot spear. Back slightly and to the right of the large table was a small desk that was empty. There sitting at the horse shoe table was the Council.

   ’Follow three steps behind me please.’ the older vampire demanded.

  The older vampire entered into the great hall. With Gloria on my left arm we followed three steps behind. As we entered into the hall I could see there were loft seating high up on the right and left walls of the hall, they were full of vampires. The entire hall gasped at the sight of Gloria and her dress. To my right I could see Sebastian and Emma finding their seats up in the loft. The lofts reminded me of the back balcony seating of an old church.

  Sebastian looked somewhat calm; Emma looked like she was on the verge of bolting back the way she came.

  The older vampire stopped half way into the hall and announced Gloria and I, ’His Lord and Governor of the Northern Provence of the New World, the Lord Conner and the Lady Gloria.’

  After announcing us the vampire quickly walked to the empty desk behind the Council. It would have been nice if he would have given Gloria and I instructions from this point. Not wishing to make things worse I didn’t move; I could feel Gloria becoming very tense. I reached up with my free hand and patted her hand. My movement seemed to break the tense spell of the hall.

  It was Hephaistion who spoke first, ’Conner, Gloria, please come in. Alec chairs for Conner and Gloria please.’

   The old vampire got up from his desk and paperwork and grabbed two chairs from beside the wall and placed them about twenty feet in front of the table. Once Alec was back at his desk I led Gloria to the two plain wooden chairs that Alec had placed for us. I let Gloria sit down first then I sat. I looked over the faces of the twelve Ancients. None of them had been changed before they were over the age of thirty. They were all modestly dressed and would not be noticed as anything out of the ordinary. My eyes at once looked towards the center of the table, there were two vampires sitting at what looked like the head of the horse shoe table. The vampire on the left side was glaring at Gloria, Cline. He looked very young, not much older looking then Emma. At first look one would think he was a women, his features were very feminine. His long hair was white and pulled into a ponytail.

   ’I am glad you two decided to join us, you wear the red sash.’ looking towards Roberto who sat two chairs to his right, ’I thought I had misheard Alec, when was this…person made a governor?’

   ’Roberto made Conner a governor a little over a month ago.’ said the other vampire who sat next to Cline at the head of the table.

   ’Carver why was I not asked if this…person was an expectable choice?’

   ’My dear Cline, are we not all equals on this Council? Is it not Roberto’s right to make such appointments without counsel? I doubt I must remind you that all chairs are allowed to make decisions with or without first chair’s approval. Roberto has proven his wisdom time and time again, like all the others on this Council.’

  I think this Carver was a friend of Roberto. Not to be trusted, but no friend to Cline.

   ’If I remembered clearly, Conner is not here to answer whether or not he is, or is not qualified for the seat of governor. He is here to answer to what he may or may have not done to Augustus.’ said a vampire from the second to the last chair from the end on the left.

   ’Thank you Justus, I do not need a reminder what we are doing here.’ snapped Cline, ’We are here to administer justice for what this vagabond did to my servant. The very fact that he could not wait like he was told shows his contempt for this Council.’

   ’Are you my king? Am I under some kind of arrest? I was asked to appear before this Council. I was not asked to sit in some waiting room for two days. I was asked to appear before you, so here I am.’ Cline was testing my patience already.

  The Council sat stunned. Gloria reached up and touched my arm; I could feel her warning as she looked at me. I never took my eyes off of Cline.

   ’Brothers, do you not see his lack of respect for those who are above him? I do not know why we even bother with this charade. It is obvious he is guilty of maiming my servant; we should just sentence them and be done with it. Honestly brother, Spain has clouded your judgment if you think this vagabond is worthy governing a province.’

   ’Brother Cline, I do not think it is necessary to insulting Roberto wisdom in appointing Conner as a governor. Let us hear the facts at hand, if Conner is guilty of any crime it is a simple vote amongst us to have him removed and punished. I can understand your pain in the maiming of your servant, in the short time Conner has been a governor he has shown his lack of restraint in the treating our brother’s servants.’ said the Ancient sitting to Roberto’s left.

   ’I beg your pardon Alexandros, I was there when Conner threw Stephen threw that window. There was a misunderstanding; Roberto’s servant was under the impression that Conner was to be detained when in truth he was not. Would any of us have acted any differently if we were being held against our will without cause?’

   ’That is besides the point Hephaistion,’ Cline snapped at Hephaistion, ’Conner reacted in a negative manner without getting all the facts straight. But let us put that aside for a minute; did not his Lady’s servant attack Roberto’s servant Rudy moments after he threw Stephen out a second story window? Conner shows no restraint himself, nor does he expect restraint from any of his servants.’

   ’Cline, Emma was not the Lady Gloria’s servant at the time. Emma was still my responsibility when she attacked Rudy.’ Roberto added.                           

   ‘And let me add that Emma’s wild condition was created at the hands of your witch Cline.’ I snapped.

   ‘I beg your pardon?!’ Cline yelled.

  Roberto shut his eyes at my comment, this was something that I gathered was not spoken of openly.

   ‘Wait a minute, Conner threw Stephen out of one of your windows Roberto?’ asked the Ancient three seats to the left of Roberto.

   ‘Yes Dane he did. But it was like Hephaistion said, a misunderstanding.’

   The Ancient Dane laughed loudly, ‘Conner after this Council is adjourned you must come and stay with me for a time. Shame on you Roberto for keeping such an interesting friend a secret.’

   ‘Gentlemen, let us keep to the issue at hand. Conner did you attack Cline’s servant Augustus?’ asked Carver.

   ‘Yes your Grace, but there are…’

   ‘That was a yes or no question Conner.’

   ‘Yes your Grace, but…’

   ‘Conner, we will get into more detail in a minute. Right now we need to establish what is truth and what is false. Once we establish the facts, right or wrong will be apparent. Do you understand?’

   ‘Yes your Grace.’

   ‘See he admits his guilt; let us move on to punishment.’

   ‘Brother Cline, please be patient. We all here know that someone tore Augustus’s arm off, I will not pass judgment on anyone without hearing all side and discovering all the facts. When over the years have you ever seem me do otherwise?’

  Cline did not answer, he was more than contempt to breathe out heavily through his nose and sit back in his chair.

   ‘Is Augustus still here?’ asked Carver.

  Augustus stood in the left hand balcony; I looked up at the large one arm vampire standing there glaring down at me.

   ‘Conner this is the vampire that you tore the arm off of?’

   ‘Yes your Grace.’

  Augustus sat back down; I looked up at the other balcony at Emma. Emma skin was extremely grey; her eyes were jet black and starring at Augustus. Sebastian had his arm around her trying to calm her. She was still, but far from calm.

   ’Brother Cline, what was Augustus doing in the new world?’ asked Carver.

   ’He was there at my bidding.’

   ‘The day that you and Augustus fought, was that the first time you had seen Augustus?’ asked Carver.

   ‘Yes your Grace, but it wasn’t Gloria’s first time seeing him. She saw him outside my apartment right before I was changed.’

   ’I do not see how that is relevant to anything we are talking about Conner.’ snapped Cline.

   ’Conner where were you when you attack Augustus?’

   ’I jumped Augustus from behind while he was climbing the stairs in my house.’

   ’Conner, my name is Elmar. I am sorry I do not understand, are you saying Augustus was in your home?’ asked the vampire in the last chair on the left side of the table. 

   ‘Yes your Grace.’

  Elmar shook his head looking at Cline and spoke again, ‘Cline what business did Augustus have in Conner’s home?’

   ‘What Augustus was doing in the new world is my business Elmar. Do I not have the same freedoms that Roberto has? Do I have to check with this Council for the liberty of sending my servants on errands?’ I like the way old Cline dodged the question. I just hope the other Ancients noticed.

   ‘Brother Cline, no one on this Council is questioning your authority. But your wish for punishment for Conner and is Lady, which I am sure I do not have to remind anyone that the punishment of hindering a servant doing the Council’s will is death. But I will not sentence anyone to death without a justifiable reason. When Conner threw Stephen from one of my tower windows, Stephen was not doing the will of the Council, nor was he doing my will by trying to detain Conner. He was well within his right in his dealings with Stephen.

   ‘So the question that needs to be answered by this Council was Augustus in the will of the Council when Conner attacked him. If you are not prepared to explain Augustus’s purpose in Conner’s home, then I cannot and will not find Conner guilty of any malice.’

  Cline glared at Roberto. The entire Council was frozen in place, Roberto had pushed Cline into a corner and the entire Council new it. Cline had the choice of declining to answer why Augustus was in the new world and in my home to which the Council would fine me not guilty of any wrong doing. Or he would have to explain his ambitions in open counsel. Something I knew he would not do. Either way, Cline’s authority was being challenged and he knew it. Check mate Cline, check mate.

   ‘It is funny Roberto, how this one insignificant person has turned us all against one another. A millennium ago I would not have believed that something could divide this Council. Roberto, we must tread lightly on this subject. If we have come to a point where we must second guess each other’s wisdom, then I fear that we have come to the end of our fellowship and that saddens me. On that principle, I will not explain myself to this Council on Augustus’s purpose in the new world. This Council will either trust me, or it will not.’

  The Ancient sitting across from Elmar spoke for the first time,

   ‘Cline, you speak such sad words. My soul cries out at the idea that we have come to a point that the breaking of our fellowship has become necessary. The purpose of Augustus being in the new world I do not believe is relevant to the issue at hand. But the relevance lies in Augustus’s presence in Conner’s home.’

   ’Thank you Mather for your kind words, but how can I allow this Council to infringe on the sovereignty of its members. So how can I answer your question?’

   ’If you won’t I will. Your Grace Augustus was there looking for Gloria.’ The Council all looked at me in shock, no one spoke or breathed.

  Cline jumped to his feet and exploded, ’That sir, is a damn lie! I was first; I will not be put on trial by this scum and his lunatic harpy women that has been nothing but a thorn in all of our sides. I will not stand for this; never in all my years can I believe…’

  Before Cline could finish his rant, Gloria quietly stood. Cline instantly went silent and his eyes shot to Gloria. The Council held its collective breath for what was to come.

  Gloria slowly looked down into my eyes. She reached down and picked up my hand that had my signet ring on it. Gloria looked at me for a moment, then kissed my ring and headed towards the doors at the back of the hall. As she went by me she traced my chest and the top of my shoulder with her fingers. The quite click of Gloria’s heels on the marble floors was the only sound in the large hall. I sneaked a look at the members of the Council and all of them sat in complete shock with their mouths hanging open with Cline being the exception. He stood at the head of the horse shoe shaped table with a look on his face of pure wrath, with the color of his skin graying.

  When Gloria got to the doors, she stopped and looked at the guards that stood in front of the doors; they stood there in near panic with indecision. They looked at each other, then to Gloria, then to the Council. When the guards did not move Gloria shoulders slumped and looked to the floor. It reminded me of the time back in that collage atrium when I pull Gloria out of my chair. Sadness caught me in the chest with the memory, I turned back to face the Council.

  Mather was the first to speak, ’Conner, I can understand that appearing before the Council can be unsettling. But I beg of you, please ask Gloria not to leave.’

   ’Your Grace, Gloria’s my wife, how can I ask her to sit here quietly while members of this Council insults us? I can’t, and I will not do that to her your Grace.’

  A huge smile grew across Cline’s face. Looking at Cline made skin burned, Mather I think sense how close we all were to disaster.

   ’Yes Conner I can understand your complaint.’ Mather stood up, all of the witnesses in the two balconies stood when Mather stood so I quickly rose to my feet.

   ’I am vexed by this whole affair. I am ashamed that this Council has treated a governor with such contempt. Conner you seem to me to be an honorable man. I fully support Roberto’s choice in you as a governor, farther more since Cline has been unwilling to give any evidence against you, I am left with no other choice then to find you not guilty of any crime. But I will agree with Cline on one point, I do not see any point in continuing this charade.’

  Mather started walking towards the doors at the back of the hall.  Mather waved to the guards to let Gloria pass. Each of the guards open the door that they stood in front of, Gloria exited the hall without a look back. Gloria had nerves of steel; I turned back to the Council.

  Cline spoke, ’So, this is what has become of our fellowship. Broken by a thug and his w***e?’

  I could take Cline’s poison no more, I grabbed the wooden chair that Gloria had been sitting in and threw it with all of my might over Cline’s head at the pillar that was behind him. In a flash all the guards in the hall were surrounding me. They all had their spears lowered and ready to strike. The Council remained seated. Roberto had a look of panic in his eyes; I could see that all his hopes were now hanging in the balance.

    I tried my best to ignore the guards; I kept my eyes locked on Cline’s.

   ‘Your time is over Cline. If I ever see you in America you die. I’ve adopted Emma, she’s told me of the horrors of your house. If I ever see any of your servants in my country they die. You are my enemy, and I’m going to kill you and eradicate your house from the face of the earth.’ I looked over the rest of the Council, ‘and if any of you b******s side with Cline, you’ll share his fate.’

  I turned and grabbed the chair I was sitting in and threw it at Augustus up in the balcony. The guards standing between me and the door slowly backed away from me, keeping their spears leveled at me. They were not moving to let me leave the hall, but more out of fear of my wrath.

   ‘Sebastian!’ I said looking up into the balcony. Sebastian nodded once and with one hand under Emma’s arm he headed towards the balcony exit.

  Walking through the hall’s doors I met Gloria’s eyes. Gloria was in a panic. I walked over to Gloria’s coat and grabbed it and held it open for her to put her arms into. My mind was racing and if I had a beating heart, it would be smashing threw my chest. Gloria was taken aback by me holding her coat for her. I could see she was ready to flee. Gloria quickly slid into her coat and took my arm as we headed up the stairs.

    Sebastian was waiting for me with Emma outside the mausoleum. Sebastian had a very strange box under his arm. The box was about six feet long and about a foot wide and about four inches thick. I could see a seam running the length of the box; it had the look of like some kind of case. Sebastian looked very tense; I eyed the box for a second and decided not to ask. Emma skin was very grey and her eyes were jet black.

   ‘I think it’s time for us to leave.’ I said.

  I led the way back to the limo that had dropped us all off. The car was still there, I opened the door for everyone to get in. I startled the human driver when I opened the back door; he quickly came around to me.

   ‘Sir, is His Grace coming?’

   ‘No, I don’t think so.’

   ‘Then sir I don’t feel comfortable leaving till he is ready.’

   ‘I can understand that, but how comfortable do you think me pulling your arms off will be?’

   ‘Yes sir.’

  The driver closed the door behind me. Once he was back in the driver’s seat he called over the intercom,

   ’Sir where am I taking you?’

   ’The airport.’

  The limo pull up right up to Roberto’s small privet jet, I do love privet airports. The jet’s door open, Horatio heard the car pull up. Upon seeing the car stop by the small jet, Horatio came down the stairs of the jet and walked to the back door of the car and opened it for us. Sebastian exited first with his strange box. Emma was out of the car in a flash and was in a fighting crouch, her head whipping around like it was on a swivel. Sebastian held out his hand to help Gloria from the car. Once I exited the car, I shut the door. The driver looked at me with a look of confusion, Horatio at once looked concerned.

   ’Where is the master?’

   ’Still at the Council I guess. Go ahead and get on the plane, Sebastian if you could, please motivate the pilots be ready to take off as soon as possible. I want to get home as quickly as we can.’

   ’My Lord, what happened at the Council, are they still in session?’

   ’No, I don’t think the Council will ever convene again. Now if you will excuse me.’

   ’My Lord you cannot take the master’s jet.’

   ’I can’t?’  I asked.

  Sebastian and Emma surrounded Horatio in a flash. Gloria was in the doorway of the plane looking out at us. It was obvious that the three of them were ready for a fight. Horatio looked at Gloria, Emma and Sebastian and must have decided that four on one were not good odds.

   ’This is most unfortunate my Lord.’

   ’Yes Horatio it is.’

   ’Horatio, it would be most wise of you to inform Roberto that he should keep everyone from the new world till things settle down. We would not want something unfortunate to happen to anyone.’

   ’I will pass that message on to my master Sebastian.’

  Horatio opened the back door of the limo and climb in. the car started and drove off.

   ’Are the pilots ready?’ I asked.

   ’Yes.’ replied Sebastian with a growing smile.


  Once we were in the air we all seemed to relax; Gloria sat snuggled up to me. Sebastian sat facing me in the seats across from Gloria and myself, Emma was up front in the cockpit keeping an eye on the pilots making sure they didn’t turn the plane around; hopefully she didn’t eat one of them.

  Sebastian and I sat looking at each other; I couldn’t stand it any longer. I had to know what Sebastian had to say about this whole mess. I couldn’t help it, the grin started to grow across my face thinking about it. Sebastian started shaking his head; he couldn’t keep his delight hidden any longer.

   ’Are you going to tell me what’s in that box Sebastian?’

   ‘Conner I must tell you, I can’t believe you’re not dead.’

   ‘What the hell does that have to do with what’s in the box?’

   ‘Conner you threw a chair at Cline, I just don’t know what to say. I’m at a loss for words.’

   ‘What are talking about? I didn’t throw a chair at Cline. I threw it at the pillar behind him. Are you going to tell me what’s in the box?’

  Sebastian just shook his head and reached over to the seat next to him and grabbed the case that was resting there next to him. He laid it across his knees with the latches facing me. He flick them and opened the case, inside resting on purple velvet lining was a large claymore sword. The blade was white, the hilt was very plane, and it had a simple dark wooded handle. The pommel was the same color white the blade was, the entire sword was close to six foot long.

   ’A sword?’ I asked raising an eyebrow.

   ’It’s a bowlon-new’bach’

   ’A what?’

   ’It’s the language of the Ancients. Bowlon-new’bach means, how does one translate that? It doesn’t really but it means for the most part, a vampire’s sorrow. But more than a sorrow, more like being lost in despair. Anyways, back in the wars with the Nephilim, the Nephilim made this kind of blade first. A blade that could cut through the hard skin of the vampire kind.’

   ’When you make a bowlon-new’bach blade, they’re made out of bronze. And when the bronze is still in molted state, you add vampire flesh to it. The flesh bonds to the molted bronze, after the metal cools, it turns white. The metal becomes incredibly strong. You could cut through concrete and wouldn’t ding or bend the blade. To the best of my knowledge, I’m the only one left in the world that still knows how to craft such blades; the Council knows this by the way.’

   ’Where did you get it?’ I asked about the sword.

   ’It was kept there in one of the vaults under the hall that the Council meets. I thought you might need it after what happened today.’

   ’I don’t know how to use a sword.’ 

   ’With a sword like this Conner you don’t need too. It is not a weapon of finesse, a fencer with years of experience could find himself in a world of hurt against the ferociousness of this blade.’

   ’You’re giving me this sword?’


   ’Won’t the Council be upset that you took it? Not that I really care, but you know.’

   ’I made the sword; beside I don’t think the Council exist anymore. I’m afraid that after today it’s going to be every man for himself until the East comes.’

   ’Do I get a sword Sebastian?’

   ’Aren’t you suppose to be up front watching the pilots Emma?’ Sebastian asked with a smile.

   ’Not if your passing out swords I’m not.’

   ’Don’t worry child, I think I might be able to scrounge one up for you.’

   ’Great.’ chirped Emma as she went back up to the cockpit.

   ’Sebastian, I wish you wouldn’t encourage her.’

   ’Gloria I don’t think you need to worry about Emma. I’ve been fighting wars for many, many years. I know a fighter when I see one, if you put a falcata sword in Emma’s hands, and turned her lose on someone…’ Sebastian did not finish his thoughts, he just shook his head.

   ‘I don’t know what that is, but I don’t like the idea of Emma fighting any one.’

   ‘What do you think is going to happen now?’ I asked.

  Sebastian closed the case and leaned it in the seat beside him and deep breath.

   ‘Nothing for the moment. Cline’s allies are going to have to rethink their positions. The Ancients are afraid of you Conner; the guards didn’t attack you out of respect of your rank. If anyone else would have acted in the manor that you did they would have killed them on the spot. They wouldn’t have even waited for the Council to give the order. I must say, I was surprised that the guards didn’t try to kill you. But then again, I see you differently than they do. They see you as the vampire that struck down Augustus. Who could not be imprisoned by the mighty Roberto. The vampire that shows no fear of the Ancients by throwing chairs in the Great Hall of the Council Guard. Who threaten to kill the most feared Ancient in open counsel.

   ’The wind has changed Conner and our world knows it. Everything you’ve done sense you’ve become a vampire could have warrant a death sentence. Cline and his henchmen will wait to see what the other will do with you. If they do not act, Cline will loss support, and he knows this. So he will move against you quickly. The others know this, so they might let him try. They know now that if you desire a throne, they will not have the strength to stop you. If they give you an inch to gather any strength; Conner you might have united the twelve Ancients against you. This is going to be messy.’

   ’What are we going to do?’ I just wanted live quietly with Gloria. I wish they could see that.

   ’We can’t let the Council unite in wanting to kill you. We need to kill Cline, and kill him soon. Killing Cline will cause chaos with the Ancients and provoke the East to attack, and that will drive the eleven Council members together, and when the East comes, the need for us will overwhelm their desire to kill you.’

   ’Oh, sounds like a walk in the park.’ I could feel the waves of despair crashing over me.

   ’Don’t worry Conner; things aren’t as bad as they seem. Hopefully old John Barleycorn did what was asked of him. If he did, well, that would make life easier. Though I doubt any of them will come, but that would be as expected. When we first get back, we’ll start rounding them all up. We may have to crack some skulls but that’s okay. There are six of us, if we could round up ten or twelve others, we should be able to strike Cline without too much of a problem.’

   ’Will Cline have weapons like that one?’ I asked nodding at the wooden case.

   ’Most definitely, but that’s of no consequence. We don’t leave our weapons just lying around, he’ll have them all locked up. So we’ll hit him in his home, destroy all his minions, collected all the weapons we can find, burn everything else, then go home. No problem.’

   ’Right.’ I could tell that Sebastian was thoroughly enjoying this. ’Sebastian you know what I think? I think you’ve sided with me in this for the sole purpose of causing chaos.’

  Sebastian smiled from ear to ear, ’Conner after a few thousand years, one tends to get a bit bored. I remember the first time I saw Gloria, and when I saw that you two were together, I knew then you would be something new. I do hate being bored.’ Sebastian sighed heavily, ‘Don’t worry, taking Cline down is going to be fun.’

   ’I guess.’ I couldn’t believe Sebastian was enjoying this so much. ’You’re awfully quiet my love.’ I said to Gloria.

   ’Nothing good will come out of what happened today.’

   ’Gloria, if I knew that Conner would have gotten away with what he did in the Council, I would have encouraged him to make more of a scene. The members of the Council have to openly choose sides now. The Council in notorious for their ability of taking the middle road, Conner made that all but impossible.’

   ’How’s that?’ Gloria asked.

   ’Conner told Cline that he was going to kill him and anyone that supports him. The fact that no one tried to stop Conner from leaving is evident enough that they believed him.’

   ’Conner I’m afraid.’

  I looked into Gloria’s bright red eyes, her fear cause my stomach to burn.

   ’We’ll get past this Gloria.’

   ’Conner what about our house? Where are we going to live?’

  Sebastian looked from Gloria to me.

   ’The house is fine Sebastian, after what happened at the slaughter house we’ve come to the conclusion that living so openly with the humans maybe isn’t so smart.’

    ’Oh, well that’s easy. After we kill Cline, we’ll move there.’ Sebastian laughed at what I hoped was a joke.


  We landed at the Boeing Airfield in the south end of Seattle like the last time we flew in from Spain. I really hoped that we would not have to go to Spain again. Nothing against the country, but every time we went there things got crazier. As we walked down the ramp of the plane Gloria grumbled a bit to herself, ’I wish I had something else to wear then this stupid dress.’

  Gloria was still wearing the see though dress and the full length chinchilla fur coat that Sebastian had given her to wear over the dress.

  Once we were off the plane Sebastian turned and looked at me and said, ’I won’t be riding home with you, I have to go and pick something up I mailed here from Spain. I shouldn’t be long.’

   ’Okay.’ I said without looking at him.

  I scanned the parking lot as we waited for the cab to take us home. There was something I couldn’t place my finger on, but there was something in the air to be afraid of.

  Sebastian reached over and touched my arm and handed me the wooden case with the sword in it, ’Be careful Conner, there’s something afoot.’

  I guess Sebastian could feel it too, I nodded to Sebastian and he turn and ran off. I had never seen Sebastian move with such haste.

   ’The cab’s coming Conner.’

  I nodded my acknowledgement to Gloria. The cab driver popped the trunk from inside the car. I opened the back door to let Gloria and Emma in. I tried to place the sword in the trunk, but the case was too long.


  I opened the case and put the sword by itself in the trunk and shut the door. I looked around trying to figure out what to do with the case. With no one looking I threw the case over one of the fences.

   ’Hope Sebastian wasn’t attached to that.’ I mumbled to myself.

  I climbed into the cab; Emma sat between me and Gloria. I gave the cab driver direction to our home in Kirkland. It was evening time here in Seattle; I loved driving across the 520 floating bridge across lake Washington. It was a clear night which was unusual for November. I leaned my head against the back door’s window and looked up at the few stars that shown through the city lights.

   We didn’t speak the cab ride home; there was too much to say and we couldn’t speak such things in front of the cab driver. Gloria touched my arm across Emma when we pulled onto the long street that led into our cul-de-sac. I smiled when I saw the house.

   Suddenly without warning our beautiful house, which held all of Gloria’s clothes, our cars, everything that had become dear to us over the last year and a half exploded in a huge ball of fire. The blast that ripped our house to pieces; Tabitha’s house and the house on the other side of ours were destroyed by the blast.

  The blast blew out the cab’s windshield; the cab driver slammed on the breaks and grabbed his face with his hands because of the shards of glass that had tore into his face. I instantly smelled the driver’s blood; Emma reacted before I could even restrain her. She lunged at the drive and sunk her sharp iron teeth into the neck of the driver and fed before he could even react to Emma’s attack.

   ’Damn it, Gloria get her off of him and make sure he’d dead!’ I shouted.

   In a flash I had jumped up and tore the top of the car right off as I went through it. I would not waste time with car door when danger was so close to my family. I spun and ripped the trunk apart in an effort to retrieve my new sword. Grabbing the sword I jumped from the car and went blindly towards the house.

   ’Sebastian.’ I growled as I got to what was left of the house. I did not smell any trace of vampires around the house. I quickly turned and ran to what was the rest of Tabitha’s house, which was now completely on fire.

  My anger burned inside of me and I let out a huge roar that echoed into the night. I could feel my skin burning as my anger grew. To my left I heard something moving, I turned towards it with fury. I held my sword with my right hand and waited for whatever dared approach me. I let a ferocious snarl fly from my chest in anticipation. I had been around vampires enough to recognize the sound of one’s approach.

   ‘Whoa good buddy, it’s me John.’ John cautiously approached me with his hands up in front of him; Tabitha was walking a step behind him.

  They were both dirty and their clothes were in tatters, ‘Easy buddy, what the hell’s going on?’

  I snarled at John, Tabitha recognizing the danger tried to pull him back from me. I didn’t know who at the moment was friend or foe, and I wasn’t taking any chances. Gloria came up behind me with Emma in toe. Emma had blood all down the front of her. When Emma saw me growling at John and Tabitha she quickly went into a fighting stance.

   ‘Conner, what’s going?’ Gloria voice was extremely cautious, ’Conner?’ she asked again.

  John and Tabitha did not move.

   ’Someone blew up the house.’ I said in a flat tone.

   ’Yes I saw that, but why are you about to attack John and Tabs?’ she asked.

  A growl rumbled in my chest, Emma head ripped to the opposite direction from where John and Tabitha came from. She let out a blood curling snarl and bolted in the direction that she was looking. A moment later a new voice I did not recognize cried out, ’Hey hey, hey, hey. Get back!’

   That was no human voice; I turned and went after Emma. I went through the yard, I noticed our other neighbor house was as much in flames as Tabitha’s. As I came up to the wooden fence in the back yard I didn’t bother jumping it. I just smashed right through it. Emma had a small twenty something looking black vampire with his back to a large maple tree. I came right at him; he was so worried about Emma that he did not seem me come at him until it was too late. I swung the huge sword about three inches above his head. To my surprise I cut right through the tree. The tree fell backwards onto the house behind it.

   The black vampire put his hands up in front of him and pleaded for his life.

   ’Shut up!’ I snarled, ’Did you have anything to do with that?’ I asked.

   ’Conner!’ I turned and looked back through the smashed fence as Gloria came through the hole that I made, she scowled at the busted pieces. John and Tabitha were right on her heals.

   ’What are you doing? We have to get out of here!’ Gloria pleaded.

  Was there some other danger here other than this new comer? I started scanning around the yard we were in but I couldn’t sense any new danger.

   ’The cops you a*s! We have to get out of here!’

  Gloria was right. When she mentioned the cops it became suddenly clear that the night was full of sirens and noise of people and emergency vehicles. I could hear firemen shouting and getting hoses hooked up to hydrants.

   ‘Damn, let’s go you.’ I said to the black vampire in front of me. I reached down and grabbed him by the arm with my free hand and pulled him with me into the night.


© 2010 John A. Hill

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Added on July 25, 2010
Last Updated on July 25, 2010


John A. Hill
John A. Hill


hey everyone, i hope you like "A Killer's Love." if you do, i've made a page on Facebook for it. since i can't find an agent i would do my best to attracted one by word of mouth. here's the link: htt.. more..

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A Chapter by John A. Hill