Stupid Spain

Stupid Spain

A Chapter by John A. Hill

   ’I can’t believe you Conner,’ Gloria said with disgust, ’How could you have taken

Emma near a slaughter house, what were you thinking? Emma sit still!’ Emma was sitting on the floor in front of Gloria.

  Gloria was trying to brush the knots from Emma’s hair.

   ’Hey don’t blame me for that, like knew there was a damn slaughter house out in the middle of nowhere.’

  Gloria stopped brushing Emma’s hair and looked at me, ’Did the thought ever cross your brain maybe to use your damn nose once in awhile, I’m sure you could have smelled that place from miles away. Damn it Emma, sit still!’  Emma growled at Gloria’s harsh voice, Gloria grabbed a handful of Emma’s red hair and yanked her head back so she could look down into Emma’s eyes, ’Don’t you growl at me young lady!’ Gloria let go of Emma’s hair and went back to brushing it. ’Unbelievable.’

   ’You know what Gloria? Here’s a news flash for you, I’ve only been a vampire for like what, a year and a half? So I’m sorry if I don’t have the experience you have with half crazed teenaged vampires in slaughter houses. So if you want to be pissed at someone be pissed at Sebastian!’

   ’Hey, why should she be piss at me?’

   ’Because you’re in Moses’ high school yearbook that’s why.’

   ’Conner Steele don’t blaspheme, you jumped out of the car, you took Emma with you, you let her get to close to the slaughter house. So don’t go trying to blame this on Sebastian.’

   ’You know Gloria, it could have been worse.’

   ’Yeah Sebastian? How’s that?’

  Sebastian grinned from ear to ear, ‘Just think what would have happened if

Conner would have gone blood crazy with Emma. Which in all truth, I’m surprised didn’t happen. So what if Emma killed forty people, it does these superstitious people good to have a reason to be freaked out. Now on the other hand, who in the hell would have been able to stop Conner. I’ll tell you what, why you all care so much about feeding on our natural food source is beyond me.’

   ’Sebastian, don’t help.’

  With that Sebastian broke up laughing. I hated fighting with Gloria, especially when she was right.

   ’Can you picture it Gloria, I bet Conner would have killed every human between the slaughter house and Roberto’s castle.’ joked Sebastian.

  Gloria stopped brushing Emma’s hair, a low rumble started in Gloria‘s chest. I looked at Sebastian and shook my head warning him.

   ’And that’s another thing, I don’t ever want to hear of you putting your hands on

Emma again Conner, do you understand me?’

   ’Do I understand you!? Who the hell…’ A knock at the door interrupted me. I turned towards the suite’s door. I didn’t get the door knob turned all the way when I pulled on the door, So I pulled the door right off its hinges.

   ’Son of a b***h.’ I said and dropped the door, it was Horatio.

   ’I do not think the master would appreciate you ripping his doors off my Lord.’

   ’Did you want something Horatio? Or did you come up here for the sole purpose of pissing me off?’

   ’My master wishes for you and your Lady to come down to his office. It is the master’s wish that you and your Lady to be fitted, the master’s tailor has just arrived.’

   ‘Fitted, for what?’ I asked.

   ’For your appearance before the Council, the master did not believe that you had the adequate apparel for the occasion.’

  Sebastian laughed, ’Did you hear that Conner, Roberto thinks you two don’t know how to dress.’ Sebastian laughed again.

  I couldn’t remember a time seeing Sebastian in such good spirits. I knew that

Sebastian hated being bored, if he was in this good of a mood, something must be brewing. I suddenly got a knot in my chest.

   ’Sebastian, the master has no opinion on the quality of the dress his Lord and

Lady chooses to dress themselves.’

   ’Looks like Horatio saying Roberto is pleading the fifth as you in American’s

say.’ Sebastian laughed.

  Gloria threw the hair brush she was using on Emma at Sebastian, the brush struck Sebastian right between the eyes and exploded.

   ’Does that mean I can move now?’ asked Emma.

  Sebastian and I started laughing at Emma’s comment, even Horatio smiled at her remark.

  Gloria got up off the edge of the bed and snarled at all of us and jumped through the closed window and curtains, downstairs in the courtyard we heard Gloria snarl at someone. I crossed the room and looked out the window to see Gloria jump over one of the castle’s walls, Gloria was pissed. I closed my eyes and squeezed the bridge of my nose; I was really starting to hate Spain.

   ’Is the Lady coming back?’ asked Horatio.   ’How the hell should I know Horatio. What did you want again?’       

   ‘The master’s tailor my Lord?’

   ‘Oh yeah.’

   ‘Conner do you want me to after Gloria?’ Sebastian asked.

   ‘You better just let her be Sebastian, I’m sure she’ll be fine. Besides, Emma and

Gloria is just about the same size I think.’

   ‘I’m a little taller then she is Conner.’

   ‘Will the young lady be able to control herself around the master’s tailor? He’s human.’

   ‘I don’t know, Emma are you going to eat Roberto’s tailor?’

  Emma shook her head and giggled, ‘No.’

   ‘My Lord, Roberto is quite fond of his tailor, if the young lady hurts him,

Roberto will be put out with her.’

   ‘Emma don’t eat the tailor.’ I started out of the suite; Emma giggled at my comment and followed me out.

   ‘Don’t worry Horatio, if Emma acts up I’ll grab her before she does anything to Roberto’s man.’

   ‘Thank you Sebastian, I’m glad to see your time in the new world has not dulled you good sense.’


   ‘Where is Gloria?’

   ‘She went for a walk your Grace, she was a bit upset about last night’s…incident.’ I tried to explain.

  I was unsure what Roberto’s tailor understanding towards what we were, or if he could even speak English for that matter. But I figured it was be better to not give the details in front of the help.

   ‘Emma and Gloria are very close to the same size, with the exception that Emma is a little bit taller than Gloria.’

  Roberto looked at Emma; Emma was dressed in a pair of shorts and a T-shirt, something a little less fragile then a nice dress. Roberto did not look pleased about Emma being measured.

   ’I trust that Emma will behave?’

   ’I’ll be good.’ Emma said shyly.

  Roberto shot her a stern look that had Emma looking at the floor. Without taking his eyes off Emma Roberto spoke Spanish to the older looking man that was trying to go unnoticed. The tailor nodded enthusiastically towards Roberto.

   ’Roberto, Emma will behave. I will not let her harm the old man.’ Sebastian’s reassurance seemed ease Roberto’s mind.

  Roberto spoke again to the old man in Spanish. ’Emma the old man is going to take your measurements, try not to harm him please.’

   ’I won’t.’

   The old tailor seemed to know it was his cue he walked over to Emma and pulled out his measuring tape and started to measure her.

  I walked over to Roberto and quietly whispered to him ’Does the old man know about us?’

   ’You do not have to whisper Conner, he does not speak English.’

   ’Oh. What did you tell him about us?’

   ’I did not tell him anything about us.’

   ’Does he know we’re vampires. I mean, what does he think about us?’

   ’What he thinks about us is not relevant to the job that I pay him to do Conner.’

   ’Yes your Grace. But, what if he found out we were vampires? Couldn’t that become a problem for you?’

   ’Conner who would he tell? Did you not noticed when you came through customs no one stopped you? Nothing happens here that I do not ordain. Think what the local authorities would say to this old man if he went to them speaking of vampires. Superstitions still control the older generations. I am sure he knows exactly what we are; one can hardly look at you and not know. But I have worked with Alvito’s family for several hundred years. I have never hurt them, he knows that. So why should he fear me now? Alvito is one of the best tailors I have ever known. I have often thought of making him one of us, but that would be unfair to make him one of the vampire kind simply because he can sew. That would be rather selfish of me.’

   ’Sebastian thinks Gloria and my respect for human life is comical, I’m glad to hear you say that.’

   ’It is not for my love of humanity that I do not change him Conner; I do not want to share my territory with him. If I changed him, I must allow him to feed here.’

  We watched the tailor with Emma. I could hear his heart, it was beating fast.

Roberto must pay him well to come here.

   ’I do not fine your compassion for humanity comical as you put it, just Gloria’s new found compassion.’

   ’Your Grace, Gloria respects humans because I will not hunt. And because of that, she does not want anyone else in our house to hunt. She won’t let John

Barleycorn hunt either.’

   ’John Barleycorn is staying with you?’

   ’Well sort of your Grace. The neighbor that guessed Gloria and I were vampires, he changed her while we were here the last time. Tabitha won’t feed on humans, and John knows that if he pisses off Gloria I’ll crush his head. So, he stuck drinking blood out of a bag.’

   ’Someday you must bring this Tabitha to meet me. I would like to meet the woman that keeps John Barleycorn in one place.’

   ’I can arrange that your Grace.’

   ’I would like to see John Barleycorn again; it has been a long time since we last spoke.’

  I looked over at Sebastian, he met my eyes. I could tell Sebastian did not trust Roberto’s interest.

  The old man finished with Emma and spoke to me.

   ’Alvito ask, when you’re ready.’

   ’Thank you your Grace.’

  I let the old tailor measure me; he did not flinch when he came in contact with my skin. I could see Emma watching the tailor and I with interest. She would giggle when the tailor would lift my arms. I had no idea what about this amused her so much.

  Alvito pointed at my feet and said something in Spanish to me.

   ’Like I know what in the hell your saying to me.’

   ’Alvito wants to size your feet for shoes Conner.’ Explained Sebastian.

Horatio brought over a small chair for me to sit down on while Alvito sized my feet.

  After Alvito the tailor was finished with me Roberto and Alvito spoke at some length about who knows what. I quickly became bored watching the two. I started walking around Roberto’s office and started looking at the different painting on the wall.

  Looking closely at one I saw that it was a detailed picture of some medieval battle. There was a great wall behind the battle. The side defending the wall seemed to be beating back the attacking side. Every one of the warriors on both sides of the battle was portrayed in detail. One of the attackers face in particularly stood out to me. Black hair, a face that was fair skinned and with no humor. The eyes were a perfect match to the eyes I was beginning to trust.

   ‘The siege of Jericho. That was the fiercest battle I have ever been in.’

  Sebastian looked hard at the painting, the memories of the long ago battle was all over his face.

   ’The human fought us. For eighteen straight days and night we attacked them, and for eighteen straight days they pushed us back. Then against all odds and belief they marched out and attacked us.’

  Roberto had stopped talking to Alvito and joined us, ‘It was there their champion walked out from their lines to ridicule us and Amid attacked him.’

   ‘Conner you should have seen it, the human and Amid. How does one describe a fight like they had? I had told Amid not to attack the human.’

  I turned and look at Roberto when he spoke.

   ’I said to Amid; let Sebastian fight this one Amid. Amid resented my insistence of letting Sebastian fight.’

   ’Amid was the better fighter between the two of us, but you see Conner, Roberto would rather have lost me then Amid then. I was nothing more than a flash in the

pants so to speak, I was still young.’

  I turned to look at Sebastian to see if he was trying to goad Roberto.

  Roberto went on, ’I had seen this human fight over the past eighteen days.

Conner I had seen this man fight on top of his wall against three vampires at once. He swung his sword so hard that he broke one of the three vampire’s blade when he tried to block it. He killed all three of them and threw them from the top of the wall without their heads. I told Amid that I could not afford to lose him in front of the army. He laughed and swooped down on him.’

   ’If I had been killed, it would have been no big loss. But when he struck Amid down, it broke the army. Hephaistion ordered the attack; our army was all but destroyed that day. We laid siege to Jericho with twelve thousand vampires.

Never had an army that size of our kind been assembled. Can you picture that army Conner? A vampire can live on three kills a year. Not comfortably, but can be efficient enough to fight. With an army of twelve thousand, that’s thirty six thousand humans a year. We built that army up for that one fight. We lived off of animal and man alike, we stripped the lands of everything. There wasn’t a rat or a locus to be seen, there was talk that some of the army fed on each other. We left Jericho with a little over two thousand vampires. The people of Jericho burned our dead for days. You could see the fires at night for miles.’ Sebastian sighed at

the memory then continued, ’Everyone I was created with was dead; Hephaistion was beside himself with fury.’

   ’Let us say no more about that sad day or what followed Sebastian, I cannot bare it now anymore then I could all those years ago.’

  We stepped away from the painting. Alvito looked at us, he could tell that for whatever history the painting held, it pained us greatly. He spoke quietly to Roberto for a moment. Roberto nodded and asked Horatio to show him out.

   ’There is nothing further I need from you for the moment Conner. Please feel free to move about the grounds, but if you can, please try to stay out of eyes of the public. We need no more unfortunate events to happen for the rest of your stay.’

   ’Yes your Grace.’ I bowed to Roberto, ’Come on Emma, let’s see if we can find


  It was after dark when Gloria returned. Emma was off somewhere with Sebastian. I was sitting on the roof of the turret when Gloria found me. I had been sitting there all day letting the sun warm my face. I was sorry to see the sun set when it did, but I loved to look at the stars.

   ’Hey.’ Gloria said as she sat down next to me.


  We sat quietly for a few minutes.

   ’You know, I never really cared about feeding before I met you. Once I understood what I was, it just became natural for me. But once I met you it changed how I saw humans, and once you became a vampire I thought I would be able to forget that humans were anything more than a meal. But then you wouldn’t feed on them, I thought your fate would be mine.’

   ’Gloria wait…’

   ’No, let me finish. For you, I started eating from a bag Conner. And with you, you never seemed to care if blood came from a bag or an animal. I sometimes thought that it was unfair that you could care less what you ate. The only reason I didn’t feed on people is because I loved our home so much. Then we came out here and you just let Emma feed like she did, I feel almost like you betrayed the sacrifice I had been making.’

   ’Gloria, I was so caught up in the hunt I had no idea that we were coming up on what we were coming up on. The only thing that caused me to hesitate was when I saw Emma jump through the wall of the building, and then I heard the people screaming. Did Emma tell you she tore a man to pieces right in front of me?’


   ’She tore his head right off Gloria. I was horrified by what Emma did.’

   ’I forget sometimes that you haven’t been a vampire long.’

   ’I’m sorry that you feel betrayed by me Gloria, I never meant for that to happen,

I was just so shocked by what I heard that I couldn’t do anything to stop her.

   ’I did something similar to what Emma did right before I was captured by


   ’You did? I’m sorry to hear that.’

   ’It was in France.’

  I chuckled at that, which made Gloria chuckle. ’I love you Gloria, I hope you don’t ever doubt that. And I am sorry that you’re upset.’

   ’It’s okay Conner. I love you too.’

  Gloria snuggled under my arm and I held her close to me.



   ’What are we going to do about Emma?’

   ’What do you mean?’

   ’I mean, we can’t take her back to Washington if she’s capable of that kind of craziness.’

  Gloria chuckled, ’Conner you and I are both capable of what Emma did. While I was out walking, I thought about what Sebastian had said about he was surprised that you hadn’t snapped too, he’s right you know. I don’t think we should go back to Washington and try to live like normal people.’

   ’Well we can’t stay here in Europe.’

   ’I know, we have to go back to the States. But if we go back to our house, it should only be till we figure something else out.’

   ’Well Tabs will have to sell her house, if it’s not safe for you and I, it won’t be safe for her and John.’

   ’Is Sebastian mad about the hairbrush?’

   ’No, he didn’t mention it.’

   ’That’s good, I kind of felt bad about hitting him with it. Where’s Emma?’

   ’Somewhere with Sebastian, Roberto and Sebastian told me a story earlier today, about a huge battle they had against humans. A human army killed like ten thousand vampires. Can you believe that?’

   ’Imagine that.’

   ’I don’t understand how that’s even possible. Humans seem so, puny compared to us. Do you remember Roberto talking about Amid?’

   ’Yeah, the one that the human killed?’

   ’Yeah, they told me the whole story. Before him and Amid fought, he killed three vampires at once fighting on a wall. I would sure like to see one of these super humans.’

   ’I wonder if they smell any different than a regular human?’

  I laughed, ’What? Why would you wonder that?’

   ’I don’t know.’

   ’Well if I’m ever close enough to smell one I’ll let you know okay?’

   ’Okay, but I don’t like the idea of you being near one of them.’

   ’Makes you wonder though.’


   ’If we’ve ever met one.

   ’Oh.’ Gloria snuggled closer to me. I held her and we looked up at the stars. 


    ’I look like a damn vampire.’

   ’You are a vampire, and no you don’t.’

   ’Gloria that made absolutely no sense.’

   ’That’s because you’re being difficult. Doesn’t he look nice Emma?’

   ’He looks very handsome.’

   ’No, I think I looks like monster movie.’

   ’Shut up Sebastian. He does not.’

   ’Gloria did you hit your head when you jumped from the window last night?’ Sebastian asked.

   ’Conner does not look like a monster.’

   ’Yeah I look stupid.’ I was never one for wearing tuxedos. I couldn’t imagine what in the hell I was needing to wear one for, the Council wasn’t meeting for another two weeks.

   ’Okay it looks perfect, take it off. Don’t get all huffy at me Conner; just take it off without ripping it. When you’re done put it back in the bag.’ Gloria ordered.

   ’Sebastian do you know what all this is about?’ I asked.

   ’I do.’


   ’You’ll see, trust me it will be worth it. Well at least Gloria says it will.’

  I went into the suite’s bathroom and changed back into my T-shirt and jeans. I came out and handed Gloria back the bag. Gloria gave it to Sebastian and he went out of the room.

   ’Come on you old grouch lets go.’

   ’Go where?’

   ’Will you just come on?’

  Emma skipped out of the room with a smile on her face. Looking at Gloria there was no getting out of whatever she had planned. We went down stairs and out into the courtyard. Roberto’s Rolls Royce was there and a black limo.

   ’What the hell is this?’ I asked.

   ’Come on.’ said Gloria, ’We’re going on a road trip.’

   ’A what?’

   ’A road trip, get in.’

  I got into the back of the limo, Emma and the Gloria followed. I could see

Sebastian walk over to the Rolls Royce. He opened the back door just as Roberto walked out into the courtyard. Roberto walked straight towards the Rolls Royce.

Sebastian closed the door and walked back and got into the limo with us.

  It did not take long for me to see we were heading in the direction of the airport,

I wondered quietly to myself if that was where we were heading.

   After about four hours we arrived at the small airport. We had pulled onto the tarmac and right up to Roberto’s private jet, looks like this was no normal road trip. I would have been alarmed if it wasn’t for the excitement that was clearly written on Gloria’s face.

   We boarded the jet and after a few moments Horatio entered the jet with several clothing bags. What the hell was this all about I wondered.

   ’Will Hephaistion be meeting us?’ asked Sebastian.

   ’No, Hephaistion has business elsewhere tonight.’

 Hephaistion? What did he have to do with all of these shenanigans?

   ’How long will it take to get there?’ asked Gloria.

   ’About four hours my Lady.’ answered Horatio.

   ’Will we have enough time?’ Gloria asked looking at her watch.

   ’No, but they will not start without us. So worry not Lady Gloria.’ answered Roberto with a smile on his face.

  Gloria new I did not like surprises. If it wasn’t for the fact that she was enjoying this so much I think I would have long been irritated by this whole thing.

   ’Conner you’re going to be sorry that you were such a grouch when you see what’s going on.’ Gloria said to me with a loving smile.

   ’I’m already sorry.’ I said with a scowl.

   ’Fine Mr. Grouchy, be an a*s and put your foot in your mouth.’ Roberto smiled at Gloria’s comment.

  With about an hour left in the flight Gloria and Emma each took a clothes bag and what looked like a makeup bag and locked themselves into the bathroom.

Sebastian handed me the bag that had my tux in it, then he handed two to Horatio. I quickly changed into the tux and watched Horatio help Roberto into his. Sebastian had quickly changed into his and then came over to make sure that

I had gotten into my correctly. He quickly fixed my cufflinks; I guess you don’t wear them like you have buttons.

  Gloria and Emma came out of the bathroom and I was stunned. They were dress in identical dresses, they were long and form fitting and backless. The front of the dress went up to the bottom of their throat and tied around the back of their neck. The dresses had a slit that went up the front of the left side of the dress.

When they walked the slit revealed the girl’s left leg to mid thigh. The only difference was that Emma’s dress was red and Gloria’s was black. Emma’s hair was down and she did not tuck it behind her ears. She just let her long red her flow where it wanted. Gloria on the other hand had her hair pulled up high in a bun. Both of the girls looked like something from a runway.

  We all stood looking at the women like a blind man seeing the sun for the first time. It was Sebastian that broke the spell that Gloria and Emma had cast on us,

   ’Conner, I think my date’s prettier than yours.’ Emma smiled from ear to ear from Sebastian comment.         

   ’I didn’t know you felt that way about Horatio, but I beg to differ.’ everyone laughed except Horatio.

   The plane’s captain came over the intercom and asked us to please take our seats, we were on final approach. Damn I was hoping to hear where we were flying into. It was late evening when we landed in what looked like an international airport. Like always, we did not pull into a terminal. After leaving the runway we taxied over to a hanger, there waiting for us was a white stretched limousine. The driver was waiting for us with the back door open. One of the pilots opened the door of the jet for us. Horatio quickly exited the plain to make sure no one had trouble exiting the jet which I thought was silly, I had yet seen a clumsy vampire.

  Horatio held out his hand to help the girls out down the steps. Both Gloria and

Emma took Horatio’s hand with a smile.

  Once we were on our way my irritability got to me, ’Where the hell are we?’

   ’Vienna.’ Roberto answered gracefully.

   ’Vienna?’ what in the hell I wondered, ’What the hell are we doing in Vienna?’

   ’Patience please Conner, we are driving to the Musikverein. We shall be there shortly.’

  Great I’m in Vienna and we’re going to the Musikverein whatever in the hell that is. I looked over at Gloria, she looked stunning tonight. Whatever in the hell we were doing, seeing her like this was making all this foolishness worth it.

   ’What are you smiling at?’ I snapped at Gloria.

   ’You and your grouchiness.’

  I sighed heavily.

  The limo pulled up to what looked like a small concert hall. The rectangle building was made of brick. The bottom half was grey and the top half was red.

The red half of the building had white pillars that went around the entire building, they were all lit up. A doorman ran up to the limo’s back door and opened it. Once we were all out in front of the building Roberto turned to me,

’Conner this is the Wiener Musikverein. The Musikverein is home to the Vienna Philharmonic. Tonight as a favor to me the Philharmonic is performing Gustav Mahler’s second symphony.’

   ’What?’ I asked.

   ’I told you, you grouch. Now eat crow.’ chirped Gloria.

   ’Emma told me the day that you and Gloria met you had been listening to some kind of classical composition. I must say that hearing that you cared for classical music fascinated me. So I inquired with Gloria what it was you were listening to.

She did not know, but she hummed it to me. I knew it instantly, so I played it for her and she told me that that was it.’

   ’You remembered?’ I asked Gloria.

   ’I remember everything about you.’

  I was at a loss. I had never seen classical music performed before and now here

I was in Vienna. Crow sure does taste good.

  I turned and looked at Roberto, ’Thank you, your Grace.’

  Roberto led us into a second story box. We sat on the left side of the music hall.

The hall was decorated in the old Victorian style. The stage was too small to keep the choir that sang in Mahler’s second. They were kept up in the loft above the stage. We had been seated no more than a minute when the first chair violinist came onto the stage to the applause of the audience.

  Once the applause died down the conductor came out which started the applause once again. He bowed once to the audience then he turned and looked to our box and bowed again.

    The music was incredible; I had never heard anything like it in my life. With my vampire hearing, I could hear the individual instruments playing. I could hear each of the musician’s hearts beating, the rate of they’re breathing. I could hear the way the audience hearts and lungs responded to the different parts of the music. When the bases played I could feel the sound resonating through out the floor of the box that we sat in.

   As the choir sang in the fifth movement, I could hear the air passing though their vocal cords. I could hear their lungs fill up with air and the pressure that would build right before they would sing. Listening to the humans did not encourage my hunger, but my sympathy towards their fragileness. Watching them all sing and play I could think of nothing more to say then beautiful.

  The end of Mahler’s symphony has a great finish. And all here in the music hall that was familiar with this piece of music knew the grand finale was coming. I could hear it in their hearts. I could hear the anticipation in the musician’s hearts,

I could smell the adrenaline in the air. When the music hit the climax everything in the music hall was vibrating, I could see the wall shimmer has the choir sang with the brass, and when the percussion highlighted the high points of the music, it seemed that the audience’s hearts would skip a beat.

  Since becoming a vampire, outside of the first time I made love to Gloria, this was the most exhilarating experience of my vampire life. And once again it was Gloria that made this possible. You are my love my darling, my life.

  The applause in this small music hall was incredible. A sadness washed over me, the music was over. Roberto reached out and touched my arm from behind me,

’Come Conner, it is time for us to leave.’

   ’Yes your Grace.’ I could think of nothing else to say.

  I was so moved by the music that I heard. There was a time that I use to listen to music like this the shut out the outside world. I could not remember a time that since becoming a vampire that I needed to shut out the world. But this was different, what I heard was like what the sun felt like on my face. I wanted to tell Roberto to make then play it again.

 Gloria touched my thigh, ’Earth to Conner, come back to the light.’


   ’Conner it’s time to go.’

  I looked around the concert hall and it was empty. Everyone but Roberto was gone. I look around the others must have gone back to the car. I guess I must have zoned out and they got tired of waiting on me. I smiled a little smile at Gloria and stood up.

  I reached up and cupped her arm face with my hand, ’Thank you for this.’

   ’You’re welcome.’

  The limo was waiting for us outside of the Musikverein. Sebastian was waiting beside the door. I guess Emma was with Horatio and Roberto inside the car.

Sebastian smile and opened the door for us.

   ’Thank you Sebastian.’ I said.

  Sebastian smiled as we entered the car. Before I could begin to think again we were flying back to Spain.

   ’Gloria, when you go before the Council there is something you will need to remember, if you speak it will mean your death. Cline will try to goad you into acting foolishly. You must not take his bait, our world depends on you and Conner not getting killed over the next few weeks.’

   ‘You know Roberto, I’m so tired of this damn Council, and I just feel like saying to hell with it and going back to Washington.’ Gloria said with irritation.

   ‘That kind of attitude towards the Council’s authority is just what Cline is looking for Gloria, please understand that.’

  Gloria and Roberto went back and forth on that subject for some time. I myself was tired of thinking about what could or would be, or the politics of Cline and the East and whatever else I couldn’t think of. The endless debating was wrecking my high from the concert.

   ’Gloria would you give me a moment please?’

  Gloria turned and looked at me with confusion. ’We shall go before the Council; we will confront Cline’s accusation against us. If there is treachery, the Council will feel my full wrath. Now please, I am in no mood to hear or think about what the Council may or may not do.’

   For the rest of the plane ride no one spoke, they left me to my brooding. I could see that the fear of going before the Council was starting to get to me. A few years ago I read a book on Alexander the Great. He had said that you never wanted to get yourself into defensive position. Even when it was unavoidable being in a defensive position was the worse place to be. If it was unavoidable you only stayed in the defensive position until the enemy was right on top of you, then you attacked. It would take your enemy completely by surprise and men were braver when they were attacking then defending.


   ‘We will be leaving for Prague soon. You will be Carver’s guest.’

   ’Guest your Grace? Or prisoners?’

   ’Conner, I understand how disconcerting this whole thing must be, but please try to relax.’

   ’With all due respect your Grace, you really don’t know how disconcerting this is.’

   ’Yes, I guess I do not. But please understand that I will not let Cline harm you.’

   ’I’m not gonna let Cline harm me.’ I mumbled to myself. Roberto just frowned.

   ’Conner as long as you do nothing to provoke the Council nothing will happen.

We leave in five days for Prague and tomorrow morning Alvito will be here for the final fit for you and Gloria. It would be wise of Gloria to be here for it.’

   ‘Yes your Grace.’ Stupid fitting. Stupid Spain. Stupid Council, ‘If you won’t need anything else your Grace I’m going to go back to my room.’

   ‘Yes Conner I won’t need anything else from you until tomorrow.’

  With a bow, I turned and walked out of Roberto’s office. Horatio opened the large door for me as I exited. Heckle and Jeckle were in the foyer outside

Roberto’s office, I growled at them as I went by. Five days, five more days till everything came to ahead. Damn, how were we going to pull this off I wondered.

On the one hand, I had the Council trying to use me to keep Cline in Europe, and with the other they wanted to strike me down. And in between they would use me against the East. How this got so out of hand was beyond me. We should have never gotten that stupid house. Then damn Augustus would have never broken in.

  The room was empty when I got back to it. I wondered where everyone went off to? Without thinking to much about it, I opened the suit’s window and looked out into the courtyard below. Since coming to Roberto’s castle we’ve broke this window twice and tore the door off its hinges. Maybe if a started punching holes in the walls then maybe they would stop inviting me to Spain.

  I climbed out the window and went up the wall like a spider. Since we’ve been here under Roberto’s care I’ve found a little peace when I laid on the turret roof.

The last few days it has been cloudy so I haven’t laid out much. Today the sun was breaking out a bit and I was going to take in as much as I could.

  I wasn’t sure how long I had been laying there when I heard the voices of Gloria and Sebastian return to the room. From the sounds of it, they were in the middle of a conversation.

   ‘I just don’t understand what good that will do Sebastian.’

   ‘That’s because you’ve never seen the Council before.’

   ‘I would think that would hurt us more then I would help us.’

   ‘The Council thinks very highly of itself, they could use some humbling. Look, you can’t talk. You can’t fight or defend yourself when you’re being insulted.

Though Conner will be able to speak, what he will be allowed to say will be very limited. Though I have no doubt that Conner could fight his way out of the

Council’s hall, we need something a little more passive. Trust me.’

   ‘But could doing this start a fight?’

   ‘Yes, but I doubt it. I think everyone will be too shocked to say anything.’

   ‘I don’t know Sebastian.’

   ‘Look, if a fight is inevitable there’s nothing that can be done to avoid it. As John Barleycorn said back in Washington, it has already been decided. But what has been decided is what is unknown. But anyways, don’t worry about it.’

   ‘Don’t worry about it? How can…’

   ‘What will be, will be. Gloria, do you really think Conner is going to let anything happen to you?’


   ‘Then don’t worry about.’

  I decided I had eased dropped enough so I climbed back down the turret wall to the window.

   ‘What are you two talking about?’ I asked.

  Gloria sat down on the bed but did not answer. Sebastian looked at her and said,

‘I was talking to Gloria about her role before the Council.’

   ‘And that role is?’ I inquired.

   ‘Don’t worry about it Conner.’ Gloria answered.

  Fine I thought, keep your secrets, it’s probably better I didn’t know.

   ‘Roberto told me that Alvito will be here in the morning for the final fit.’ I told


   ‘Alvito, who’s that?’ asked Gloria with a bit of concern.

   ‘Roberto’s tailor.’ answered Sebastian.

  Sitting down next to Gloria on the bed I asked, ‘Where’s Emma?’

   ‘She’s somewhere on the castle’s grounds scaring birds.’ replied Gloria.

  I just shook my head.

    The rest of the evening went by without anything exciting happening. The next morning we had our final fitting for our clothes for meeting with the Council.

Gloria was not too pleased about her dress. It was very similar to the one that she and Emma had worn to the concert. The only difference was that Gloria’s new dress was a bit more see though. To say the least Gloria was not pleased, nor was


  Roberto tried to explain that a stunning looking Gloria would be harder to condemn because the Council only knew Gloria as a feral vampire. Being beautiful and in control would shock and divide the Council.

    ’But your Grace, I thought Gloria and I were in no danger?’

   ’Conner, we are not trying to divide in regards to you two, but against Cline.’

   ‘All and all your Grace, I don’t think I’m to happy with the idea of Gloria walking around half naked.’

   ‘Do not fear, Sebastian has a surprise for Gloria. It shall ease both of your minds.’


© 2010 John A. Hill

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Added on July 25, 2010
Last Updated on July 25, 2010


John A. Hill
John A. Hill


hey everyone, i hope you like "A Killer's Love." if you do, i've made a page on Facebook for it. since i can't find an agent i would do my best to attracted one by word of mouth. here's the link: htt.. more..

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A Chapter by John A. Hill