

A Chapter by John A. Hill

  I was rather surprised when I saw him. Roberto stood about five foot eight; he was slim and looked no older then Gloria. He was dressed like a nineteen century gentleman; Roberto was wearing knee high riding boots, tan riding breaches.

Roberto had a matching brown vest and jacket over his white shirt. His white neck cloth looked if he were human would be uncomfortably tight. His hair was brown and cut short. The curls of Roberto’s hair reminded me of that of a small child’s.

 When Gloria and I entered the room Roberto smiled and laughed. Roberto’s laugh sounded like a boy who’s voice had yet to break.

   ’Here they are! My little outlaws.’ Roberto clasped his hands together in front of his chest. ’Horatio, you found them!’

  Horatio walked around in front of Gloria and me and formally introduce Roberto.

   ’Your Grace my I introduce to you the Lord Conner and his Lady Gloria. Lord Conner and Lady Gloria, His Lord and Grace Roberto of the Forth Chair of Council Guard.’

   ’Your Grace.’ I said bowing as I had seen Horatio do several times. When Gloria saw me bow she did a curtsey towards Roberto.

   ’Wonderful, simply wonderful. Are they not Horatio?’

   ’That they are your Grace.’

   ’That will be all Horatio, please check on Lord Conner’s and his Lady’s accommodations please.’

   ’Yes your Grace.’

  Horatio bowed low, took a step back and turn and walked from the room and shut the door.

   ’Let me look at you two, my little outlaws.’

  Gloria and I stood very still as Roberto walked around us. Roberto stopped in front of me, he seemed to scrutinize every inch of me, ’Conner, how did you come to be?’

   ’Do you mean a vampire your Grace?’

   ’Yes, who made you? Oh, where is my manners, let us sit.’

  Roberto clapped his hands twice and moved back to his desk. Suddenly both doors opened and the two butlers entered each carrying a large, high backed dark leather chair. I smiled, they were very similar to the ones I had in my office back in Washington.

  The butlers placed the two chairs in front of Roberto’s desk and left quickly and shut the doors behind them. Gloria was still very jumpy; as a result her skin was graying. Roberto motioned towards the chairs for Gloria and me to join him. Gloria grabbed my arm with both of her hands and followed me towards the chairs. We stood in front of the chairs and waited for Roberto to sit. Roberto smiled and sat, once he seemed comfortable Gloria and I sat.

  ’Your Grace was asking about how I was changed to a vampire?’ I asked.


   ’Gloria made me.’

  Roberto smile, ‘My dear Gloria, how I wish I knew your secret.’

   ’I, I don’t understand?’ Gloria had stumble out.

  Gloria was so frightened, she could hardly speak. Roberto’s smile faded slightly and looked to me and smiled, ’Horatio, bring Emma please.’

   ’Gloria dear, you are perfectly safe here, you have no reason to be afraid. I knew when I first met you, you were something special. Now that I see Conner I know that I was right.’

   I suddenly heard screaming and crying. Gloria looked at me in terror and was about two seconds from full fledge panic. I looked at Roberto in alarm.

  Roberto smile, ’Do not fear.’

  I could hear the screaming and what sounded like a struggle coming down the stairs outside of the large room. Suddenly both of the large double doors opened and Horatio came through and had what looked like a small girl by the hair.

Horatio half dragged the wild girl into the large room. The girl could not, or would not stay on her feet. She flung her arms and herself wildly at Horatio.

Horatio never seemed to lose his cool composure dealing with what I could now see was a small child like vampire. Horatio threw the small girl to the floor in the middle of the room. She tried to scramble out the way she came in. Horatio stomped hard on her back with his foot and pint her to the floor. She cried out but Horatio yelled out at the small vampire.

   ’Enough with your foolishness! Shall you have me call for fire again?’

  Horatio stood above her with his foot on her back.

  With a small voice she spoke, ’No.’

  Horatio took his foot off of her. Gloria and I had turned in our chairs as we watched Horatio as he brought the small girl into the room. I was surprised when

I caught a glimpse of the girl’s face, she looked no older the fourteen or fifteen.

Gloria had gasped when she had seen the same thing I had seen. I turned back to look at Roberto.

   ’This is Emma. Cline’s witch made her a few decades back.’

   ’Ava.’ I said.

   ’Yes, Ava made her because she wanted to try to graph Emma’s skin onto her own. With the help of Augustus, they would pull Emma’s skin right from her body. A few years ago Emma escaped from Ava.’ Roberto sighed heavily, ’But

Emma’s mind is not right. Augustus killed Emma’s parents right in front of her.

So that, and with the torture she has endured has made her quite feral.

  ‘I was quite upset when Sebastian had caught her last year. We have laws against making children vampires. Emma was fourteen when she was bit.

Now, she looks as if she is a grown woman, but she is nothing more than a child with the broken mind.

   ’She is too wild to be free. Emma was destroying whole herds of live stalk across

Spain. I sent Sebastian to find out what was happening across my lands. Imagine my reaction when he brought home this.’ Roberto nodded at Emma.

  Emma was curled up on the stone floor in the fetal position. I looked long and hard at the child, she was about the same size and build as Gloria, but her skin color was closer to mine then Gloria’s. Her hair was not quite as long as Gloria’s and it was dark red. Emma was in a dirty red T-shirt and torn up jeans. Her hair was a rat’s nest, and she was bare footed. Gloria swallowed a small sob. Gloria’s eyes shot to me, what could I do? Then she looked at Roberto.

   ’Remind you of anyone Gloria? Go ahead.’ He nodded at Emma.

   Gloria rose from her chair and walked over to Emma, she kneeled down next to her. Gloria very carefully and gently reached out and touched Emma on the arm.

Emma screamed as soon as she was touched but she didn’t move. Horatio started to move to quiet Emma but Roberto raised his hand to still Horatio.

   ’That is all Horatio, I am sure Gloria will be able to handle her.’

   Horatio bowed and left the room, the doors shut behind him.

   Emma continued to scream Gloria reached out and started petting Emma’s hair, Emma wouldn’t stop screaming.

   ‘Shh, shh, shh, shhhhh, come now little one, I won’t hurt you.’

  Gloria looked over her shoulder at me, her eyes were afire. Gloria scooped

Emma up off the stone floor and held Emma balled up against her chest and rocked Emma like a small child who had fallen and was being consoled by a loving parent. Gloria continued whispering to Emma and little by little she calmed. Emma turned her face into Gloria and moaned and sobbed. I guess that was as close as a vampire could come to weeping.

   ‘Horatio, can you show the Lady to her room please?’

  Horatio opened the door, Gloria picked Emma up and followed Horatio. Roberto never rose from his seat, so neither did I.

   ‘That must have been like looking into a reflection of the past for Gloria.’

   ‘Why do you say that your Grace?’

   ‘About twenty some years ago Gloria was really causing trouble here in Europe.

So I sent Horatio, Sebastian and the other two you saw to catch Gloria. When they caught her, they brought her here to me. She was a bit unsettled like Emma just was. But anyways, how the long years make it hard to keep a single train of thought, you were going to tell me how Gloria made you as you are. Gloria’s resourcefulness surprises even me.’

   ’Forgive me your Grace, but I don’t understand.’

   ’Come now Conner, how was she able to make you so pure?’

   ’Pure your Grace?’

   ’You have no idea what it is I am talking about, do you?’

   ’No your Grace.’

  Roberto leaned back in his chair. He placed his elbows on the arms of his chair

and folded his hands up by his chin.

   ’Interesting, interesting indeed.’ Roberto nodded his head while he thought.

‘Tell me if you will about your change, the details of what Gloria did?’

   ‘Gloria didn’t do anything your Grace; I was being careless and scraped the back of my hand on Gloria bottom teeth pointing a bird out to her.’

   ‘Interesting, so it was just a scrape when she wasn’t expecting it?’

   ‘Yes your Grace.’

   ‘Gloria’s mouth would have had very little venom in it then. That would explain it then.’

   ‘I don’t understand your Grace.’

   ‘Conner you’ve must have wondered why you looks so different then all the other vampires.’

   ‘Yes your Grace, but until today, I have only known two other vampires other then Gloria, so I always figured there was something wrong with me that made me look like this.’

  Roberto laugh startled me.

   ‘Something wrong with you? No Conner, there is nothing wrong with you, you are perfect. The last vampire that looked as pure as you was the Queen Mother.

How long did it take for you to change?’

   ‘Nine days your Grace.’

   ‘Nine days!’ Roberto almost shouted. Then recomposed he quietly asked again,

   ‘Nine days? Conner I don’t even know what to say to that. The longest transformation I ever heard of was Augustus. And his was only five. Are you sure?’

   ’Yes your Grace.’

   ’Nine days, amazing. It must have been quite uncomfortable for you. That is the reason you are so pure, the long transformation, it was caused by such a little amount of poison in your system. Your body fought it for a long time, your body must be very strong.’

   ’Yes your Grace. Your Grace?’

   ’Yes Conner?’

   ’Who’s the Queen Mother?’

   ’Gloria did not tell you? I shall have to have a word with her about that.’

   ’Your Grace?’

   ’All vampires are supposed to share our history. It is the only way we can protect ourselves. To teach the lessons of the past.’

   ’I beg your Grace’s pardon, but Gloria’s creator didn’t teacher her. I don’t think he even meant to make her.’

   ’The mystery of Gloria deepens. Please Conner, go on. I have always wondered about her creator and the matter of her creation.’

   ’A vampire tried to feed on her and didn’t care for how she tasted your Grace.

He dropped her and kicked her into the woods and left her for dead.’

   ’I see, that would explain the reason for her wild behavior. Conner you have no idea at how wild Gloria was. We could not even control her with fire like we do

Emma. The only reason I did not destroy her when we captured her twenty years ago was the amount of havoc she seemed to cause, she made the Council crazy. I just enjoyed her entertainment too much, in truth I am quite surprised at how calm she has become.’

   ‘She still has her moments you Grace. The morning we left for Spain she got out pretty out of control. If it wasn’t for the fact that we were in our house, I don’t think there would have been any stopping her. She loves that ridiculous house too much to wreck it.’

   ‘Your house, hold on a second, you have confused me Conner. Augustus, did he not attack you in the open?’

   ’No your Grace, he didn’t get a chance to attack.’

   ’Now you have me completely confused. Please if you will, at the beginning.’

   ’Yes your Grace. Gloria and I were lying in bed when we heard someone down stairs. I jumped off our bedroom baloney and came back into the house through one of the open doors on our patio.’

   ’Stop right there Conner, you and Gloria have a house? A permanent residence someplace?’

   ’Yes your Grace.’

   ’We shall have to come back to that later, I was not informed you had a residence. Please continue.’

   ’Yes your Grace. When I came back into the house Augustus was climbing my stairs going after Gloria. That’s when I pulled him down off the stairs and held him down. Gloria came down the stairs, when he saw her he kind of went nuts. So

I ripped his arm off and threw him out of the house, then I burned the arm. It wasn’t till she saw John Barleycorn that she went crazy.’

   ‘Gloria has never been a fan of his!’ Roberto laughed at his remark.

   ‘Conner, this is a real problem, having Augustus in your home.’

  I did not respond to Roberto’s comment.

   ‘Your Grace?’

   ‘Yes Conner.’

   ‘Who is this Cline?’

   ‘I sure would like to know who it was that changed Gloria. I may have to have

Sebastian look into that.’

  The doors opened behind us. Roberto smile, so I turned and looked and there in the door way was Gloria and Emma. The difference in Emma was staggering.

Emma was wearing one of Gloria lose fitting red summer dresses. The dress stopped right above Emma knees. Gloria had also combed out all the tangles in

Emma long red hair, her hair was tucked behind her ears, it flowed down her back. Emma filled out Gloria’s dress nicely, but in her face you could tell she was still a child.

  Gloria had Emma by the hand, ‘It’s okay, they won’t hurt you, I promise. Conner will protect you from anything as long as you behave. It’s okay, Come on.’

  Gloria started into the room and Emma followed a step behind never letting go of her hand. Gloria sat back down in the chair beside mine. Emma sat down on the stone floor between Gloria and myself. She clung to Gloria’s leg with both her arms and laid her head against Gloria’s knee. Emma did not speak, Gloria stroked her head.

   ’Amazing no? With love, Gloria has done what we could only do with fire. Now my young ones I must ask you to take your leave of me for a time, I must think. I did not think that this affair with Cline had come to this point.’

  The doors behind us suddenly opened, standing in front of either door was Roberto’s two butlers. I guess we were being dismissed. I rose to my feet, Gloria had a more trouble standing with Emma holding onto her leg. But Gloria being an example of long suffering reassured Emma that there was no fear and helped Emma to her feet. Gloria took her hand, I bowed to Roberto, took a step back a turned and headed towards the door. Gloria and Emma quickly followed.

  Horatio was standing in the middle of the foyer waiting for us. As we passed through the doors the two butlers closed the two large doors.

   ’My Lord, I am at your service. You are free to explore the castle if you wish, or walk outside the castle’s walls. But if you wish to go outside the walls, I must request that you take Stephen and Rudy with you for protection. It is not safe in

Spain for the Lady Gloria to walk around free, it would be rather unfortunate if something happen to her while under the master care.’

   ’I can really use a walk Conner, this place is difficult for me to be in.’

   ’Yes, Roberto had told me that you hadn’t had a good experience here in the past. Horatio, I think we shall walk.’

   ’Yes my Lord.’

  Horatio snapped his fingers at Stephen and Rudy. Horatio led our group up the stairs. In the castle’s courtyard I saw Sebastian washing the Roles-Royce. Horatio snapped his fingers and Sebastian drop put the water hose that he was using to wash the car and walked over to Gloria and I.

   ’My Lord, you colored contacts will not be needed around the castle’s grounds.

So if you wish to remove them you may.’

  I didn’t even wait to ask why did not need them. I just pulled them out an placed them in their case, Gloria sighed as removed hers.

   ’Sebastian, the Lord and his Lady wish to walk the castle grounds, would you be so kind as to walk with them please?’

  Sebastian nodded his answer.

   ’My Lord, will you be requiring my services?’

   ’Well, I was hoping you could answer some questions I have after talking with his Grace. I was hoping that after speaking with to him I would understand more of what was going on, but I now I seemed to be more confused than when we got here.’

   ’I will answer what I can my Lord, but I must remind you my Lord the master does not keep me in his counsel.’

   ’Oh this has nothing to do with your master’s thoughts.’

   ’Then I will be of what service I can to you my Lord. Shall we?’ Horatio asked motioning towards the main gate.


  As we walked in the shadow of the main tower I was amazed by the beauty of the country side. Stephen and Rudy which ever was which walked on our company’s flanks. Sebastian walked behind our group. Horatio and I took the lead, Gloria and Emma walked a few steps behind us. Though Emma was clean and dressed nicely, she moved more like a wild animal then a person. Slightly in a crouch, her hands in a low ready; her head would whip from side to side trying look for any possible dangers. Her movements made me think of what a feral cat would have looked if put on a leash. She made no attempts to run, but at all times she remained at arm’s reach from Gloria.

   ’I can remember my Lord when there was a time when the Lord’s Lady was like

Emma. I have never seen the Lady’s eye color. For they were always black with

anger. I must say I was quite surprised when the Lady got off the plane.’

   ’How did you know that we were coming?’

   ’We were told by a friend.’

   ’John Barleycorn?

  Horatio did not answer.

    ’So how did John manage to get his arm back from you?’

    ’The master made me return it. John was rather upset about his arm.’ Horatio smiled.

  Horatio was an interesting fellow. He seemed quite reserved, but I had no doubt that under his gentle demeanor was a great ferociousness. Horatio would not flinch at ruthlessness. This was not a vampire I would want to cross.

   ’Horatio, Roberto mentioned something about a Queen Mother? He had said that I reminded him of her, who was she, the Queen Mother?’

   ’The Queen Mother was the first vampire my Lord. Have you not heard our stories my Lord?’

   ’Gloria and I have never been taught.’

   ’How much of the Christian lore do you know of my Lord?’

   ’None really, I wasn’t raised to believe that way.’

   ’A fool in his heart, my Lord.’ Horatio said more to himself then to me.

   ’Says there’s no God.’ Gloria finished.

   ’My Lady Gloria, I was not aware that you taught the Bible.’

   ’I was raised in church.’

   ’Then it looks as if today is a day for all to learn. Before the time of the great flood, there was an abomination that walked the earth. They were created when the fallen angles of the most High God had children with the daughters of man.

They were great warriors, giants that walked amongst men. Powerful and wicked.

I have known much wickedness in my eleven hundred years. But nothing equals that of the Nephilim.’

   ’Where the Nephilim the first vampires?

   ’No my Lord, they were their own kind of wickedness.’

  We walked in silence for a while, there were birds flying high in the sky. With my vampire eyes I could see the birds in great detail. I had no idea what kind of birds they were.

   ’Because of the wickedness that plagued the earth the Most High God destroyed the earth with the great flood. He washed all the wickedness of man away with one stroke. But because man survived, God did not remove the choice of sin from man. So the abomination that is the Nephilim survived.’

   ’Horatio, do you really believe in Noah and the ark? The flood and all that nonsense?’

   ’Of course I do my Lord.’

   ’Did you believe that before you became a vampire Horatio?’ Gloria had walked up beside Horatio, Emma scurried a step behind Gloria.

   ’Yes my Lady. Did not John Barleycorn tell you how I came to be?’


   ’I was sent from Rome to what is now Prague in the Czech Republic to build a church. Unfortunately for me, I tried to build it right above catacomb where the

Great Council meets. They were not pleased at my intrusion.’

   ’Why would Rome send you?’ I could not fathom what his answer could be.

   ’Because I was one of Rome’s chief architect. Rome knew I took my vows seriously, they could trust me not to steal from the treasury.’

   ’Steal from the treasury, you were a priest?’ I was shocked.


   ’Wow, Can you believe that? Why did they make you a vampire?’

   ’My Lord, as his Grace Cline said, the best way to deal with the local witch doctors like Horatio is to make him one of us.’ Horatio’s manner seemed to become very low.

   ’Do you miss being a priest Horatio?’ Gloria asked.

   ’Yes, very much so.’

   ’Horatio, please continue, after the flood?’

   ’Yes my Lord. It took about a century for the Nephilim to return. I do not know the name of the one, or if he was the first to return, but the one who name is not known was the father of our kind. He came out of the land Jericho, he found the Queen Mother in her father’s camp, and they were part of some nomad tribe out of the region of Ar. He took the Queen Mother out into the wilderness in the middle of the night and there he violated her chastity. In his wicked passion he bit the Queen Mother on her breast. There the abomination of the vampire kind was born.

    ’After her change, the Queen Mother returned to the camp of her father.

The hunger over came her and she killed her whole tribe. The Queen Mother was heartbroken at what she had done. So she went to Jericho to find him to take her revenge. But the land of Jericho was full of the wicked Nephilim.

   ’So the Queen Mother fled into the wilderness. There it is said she wept for an entire year. Then the Queen Mother got up from her hiding place and roamed from place to place feeding. After a time, she met the most beautiful boy. His name was Cline; Cline fell in love with the Queen Mother. He worshiped her beauty; he swore that he would kill all of her enemies if she would just love him.

   ’The Queen Mother thought of what he had said and wondered if she could make Cline like her, so she bit him in the way that her enemy had bit her. Cline was the second vampire.

   ‘The Queen Mother took Cline to Jericho to find her enemy, but when Cline saw the Nephilim, he was afraid and told the Queen that they needed help. The

Queen Mother and Cline wondered to faraway lands to find the perfect humans to be turned into vampires. The Queen Mother created eleven others. The Council

Guard was created. His Grace was the fourth of the twelve to be created.

   ’The twelve, led by the Queen Mother found the Queen’s enemy and struck him down. But the Queen’s wrath was not satisfied by his death, she swore she would destroy every Nephilim that she could find. A war started, the Council Guard created several other vampires. The fighting between the vampire Guard and the

Nephilim was horrible. The Council Guard new the dangers of the Nephilim and believes their wickedness could arouse the wrath of the Most High God. So the vampire kind fought the Nephilim for four hundred years. Many a vampire had died in the fighting, and there seemed no end of the Nephilim.’

   ’These super human could kill vampires Horatio?’

   ’Yes my Lady. The legends say that the Nephilim could inspire man kind to go beyond what was physically possible for them. Humans have change a great deal sense the world was young. There was a time when normal humans could meet and challenge the strength of the vampire.

   ’The memory of the master is long; it reaches back almost forty two hundred years. He was witnessed to all that I have told you but the making of the Queen mother and the three vampires before him.’

  I could hardly believe living over four thousand years.

   ’Horatio, you said the war last four hundred years?’

   ’Yes my Lady. Then the Israelites came out of Egypt with a mighty hand. They crushed the Nephilim without mercy, so the Council left the region. They wanted

no part of the Israelite‘s God. They did in a matter of weeks what we could not do in four hundred years. So the Council moved into the Mediterranean. There they witnessed the rise and fall of the Greek civilization. The Council resided there till the Roman conquest one hundred and forty six years before the birth of our Lord and Savior.

   ’The Council did not wish to fight with the Romans, so they moved farther west and divided up the territories of Europe between them. So for the last twenty one hundred years the Great Council as met and ruled here in Western Europe.’

   ’Is that why we weren’t bothered going through customs? Because of the Council’s influence in European governments?’

   ’My Lord, the Council does not influence Europe, They are Europe.’

  I turned suddenly in the direction of Emma. Emma was growling and looking back towards the direction of the castle. There by the castle gate was a vampire,

  Gloria held out her hand to Emma, ‘Emma darling, come to Gloria.’

  Emma did not hesitate for a moment; she quickly took Gloria’s hand and hid behind her in a crouch. We all stopped walking and turned to look at the stranger.

   ’That is another one of the master’s servants. Come my Lord, the master wished to speak again with you.’

  Gloria and I sat again in the high backed leather chairs in Roberto’s museum like room. Roberto was sitting behind his large desk, the Ancient looked very grave. Whatever was on Roberto’s mind could not be good, Emma again clung to Gloria’s leg.

  After a long tense moment Roberto spoke, ’Gloria, you took your contacts out.

Your eyes are very pretty, I believe this is the first time I have see your eyes some color other then black. Your red is much nicer then the green contacts you were wearing. Why is it that you wear them?’

   ’To fit in with the humans.’

  Roberto smiled, ’That is right. You live amongst the humans as one of them.’

  Roberto’s smile faded again and his face looked grim once again.

   ’I trust you used your time well Conner and took the time to learn our history from Horatio.’

  Horatio was standing off to the left of Roberto’s desk.

   ’Yes your grace, our history was all that the Lord Conner and myself spoke about.’

   ’Thank you Horatio, that saves me time, I am not the teacher that you are my old friend.’

  Horatio bowed to Roberto but said nothing more. Roberto rose suddenly to my surprise, before Gloria and I could get to our feet Roberto waved at us to remain seated. Roberto walked over to one of the bust on display, he reached up and touched it gently.

   ’This was Amid. One of the most ferocious vampires I have ever know.’

  Roberto brushed the side of the bust face with the back of his hand.

   ’Amid was struck down by a human. Amid had caught the unknown human in one on one combat, Conner I have never seen anything like it. The match between the two last half the morning. It was the first time I had seen a human in single combat with a vampire. It was like the human could read Amid’s mind.’ Roberto’s voice seemed to break at the memory, ’With a back swing of the human’s sword he took Amid’s head. He burned Amid there on the grown in front of us.’

  When Roberto turned, I could see that even though four thousand years had passed, the memory was still very painful to him. Roberto composed himself and walked over to us, Emma hid her face from Roberto in between the arm of the chair and Gloria’s leg as he passed by her to me. Roberto stopped in front of me, looking down he took off his ring.

   ‘Conner, I Roberto here by commission you Governor and High Protector of the Northern Provence of the New World.’ Roberto handed me his ring, ’In you the

Great Council Guard will trust to govern and protect, to enforce and punish all who would seek to disrupt or destroy our way of life.’ Roberto sighed deeply.

  Then he returned to his chair and sat.

   ’Conner, I am trusting you more than anyone sense Amid, I do hope you do not disappoint that trust.’

   Horatio stepped towards me, the doors into the room opened. Horatio motioned us towards the door, looks like the meeting was over. I stood and bowed towards Roberto and headed out of the room. I could her Gloria and Emma a step behind me. Once we were through the double doors Stephen and

Rudy closed the doors. I looked at Gloria and shrugged.

   ’Now what?’ I asked.

   ’I don’t know. I guess we go up to our room.’

  To my surprise, the room we were given was an actual bedroom. The room had its own modern bathroom, a closet and a king size bed. The bedroom was located in the large tower, on the wall opposite of the door had a small desk and chair which I parked myself at. Gloria sat cross legged on the bed facing me and Emma was curled up in a ball behind her. Poor Emma, what is she going to do when we went back to the States.

  I sat looking at the ring that Roberto had given me. It was a solid gold signet ring. The signet was a eagle claw surrounded by a wreath, it reminded me of the wreath that surrounded the star of a Sergeant Major’s rank in the army. I place the ring on my index finger on my right hand. I held my hand out to look at the ring and shook my head. Damn it, I wonder what head ache this ring will bring.


   ’Yes my love?’

   ’What do you think it will mean?’

   ’What, being governor?’


   ’I don’t know. If I get a chance, I’ll ask Horatio.’

   ’He scares me.’

   ’Gloria, Roberto said you were a bit wild, like Emma.’

   ’I was nothing like Emma.’ Hearing her name, Emma snuggled closer to Gloria.

   ’What are they going to do about her Gloria.’

   ’I don’t know Conner.’

   ’You were saying, you weren’t like her?’

   ’Conner, I wasn’t wild like Emma, Emma’s been brutalized. Cline and his witch, if I ever see her, I’m going to tear her eyes out. Conner for the last forty years, I’ve just tried to survive. When they brought me here, I thought they were going to hurt me, or worse.’

   ’John Barleycorn call you a tornado.’

   ’Conner I don’t know what you want me to say.’

  Emma started growling at Gloria irritability. Gloria reached back a stroked Emma’s hair to calm her. Poor Emma, she was more animal then person.

   ’Will they end up destroying her if they can’t control her?’

   ’I don’t think so; they’ll just imprison her again.’


   ’Conner, Roberto and his friends have been around for thousands of years. They know how to deal with vampires. They know how to burn you without scaring you.’

   ’It’s just hard to imagine some place strong enough to hold one of us.’

   ’Conner I don’t think you truly appreciate our situation. We’re in prison right now. Held by Roberto’s will. He doesn’t need strong tall walls.’

   ’That’s silly Gloria.’

   ’Oh yeah? Fine let’s go home right now, we’ll leave now and take Emma with us.’

   ’We just can’t leave right now Gloria, Roberto…’ She was right.

  We were prisoners held not be chains or walls, but by a will. I never would have thought about it like that unless Gloria had said something.

   ’To hell with that, I ain’t no body’s prisoner!’ I said jumping out of my chair.

   ’Conner, what are you doing? Sit down!’ Gloria quietly snapped at me.

  Emma was on her feet in a crouch and snarled wildly at the door.

   ’Conner see, you’re upsetting Emma.’

  I walked over to the door and swung it open, there standing by the staircase like statues were Stephen and Rudy. I came out of the room into the little hall and walked towards the stair case. Once I got within a few steps of them the older looking of the two raised his hand for me to stop.

   ’The master requests that you stay in your room for the present.’ The older looking vampire said with some strangely accented voice.

   ’Really now, well Heckle and Jeckle, does that mean Gloria and I are under some kind of arrest?’

   ’It mean that the master wishes you to stay in your room.’ replied the other vampire.

   ’What if I have to go take a piss? Hmmm?’

  The two vampires looked at each other like they did not understand my question.

  Then the older one replied, ’The room that the master has given you is sufficient for your present needs.’       

   ’Listen Heckle, that is your name right?’

   ’Actually my name is...’

   ’I don’t give a s**t what your name is chuckle head. I’m going down to talk to your master, then I going home. I ain’t yours or anyone else’s prisoner, do you understand me? And unless you’re prepared to stop me, you best get out my way.’

   ’We are prepared to carry out the will of the mast…’

  I did not let the older vampire finish, I felt a heat burn through my entire body. I reached out with the speed of light and grabbed the younger vampire by the neck and threw him into Gloria’s and my bedroom. I turn to face the older vampire to attack him next, but the sound of the younger vampire going though the bedroom window and yelling as he fell to the ground below brought me up short.

  The older vampire and I stopped and looked at each other for a second, Gloria was beside me in a flash. She was in her leap frog crouch ready to strike. Emma did not wait to see if we were going to fight the other vampire. She came around me like lightening and attacked the older vampire. She hit him square in the chest and they went backwards down the stairs. Both of them were growling and snarling as they rolled down the stairs.

  Gloria looked at me and hissed, ’Conner what the hell is a matter with you? Are you crazy? You don’t fight with one of the Ancient’s guards in his own house!’

   ’Who’s fighting? I just threw him out window; it’s not my fault if they think were fighting.’

  I started down the stairs with Gloria in tow, we caught up with Emma and the older one at the bottom of the stairs. Sebastian was on Emma like a serpent strike; he grabbed Emma by the hair and wrenched her off of the old vampire.

Emma cried out as she was torn free. Emma thrashed like a wild animal in Sebastian’s grasp.

   ’Sebastian, I’m going to give you about three seconds to let Emma go, or we’re going to have ourselves a rowdy-dow.’

  I could see that my skin had turned dark grey; it felt so hot I thought I would spontaneously combust. Gloria growled beside me. The younger vampire came through the tower’s courtyard entrance. The older one was on his feet ready to strike at me. Three other vampires that I hadn’t seen before came up the stairs from Roberto’s Great room. Two others, one being the vampire that had asked us to come back to the castle earlier came from somewhere upstairs.

  Sebastian still had Emma by the hair. No one moved, not even Emma. Gloria and I were surrounded by eight different vampires.

   ’Time’s up Sebastian.’

   ’Conner if your room was unsatisfactory, I have other rooms in the castle that you could have chosen.’ Roberto said climbing the stairs. All of Roberto’s vampires took a step back away from Gloria and I and bowed to Roberto. Gloria relaxed somewhat when she saw Roberto, Sebastian and I did not. Sebastian was an old warrior, not even the presence of his master could relax him when a threat such as myself stood four feet from him. Sebastian had Emma’s hair with his left hand and held her between me and him.

   ’Let her go Sebastian’ Horatio commanded.

   Horatio had entered the tower from the courtyard door, Sebastian complied at once. Once released Emma turned on Sebastian to attack him. I reached out and grabbed Emma by the arm and yanked her back from Sebastian.

   ’No you don’t.’ I said pushing her over to Gloria.

  Emma snarled at me as a shoved her but to my surprise she made no attempts to attack me. Emma hid from Sebastian behind Gloria. She remained in a crouch, never taking her eyes off of Sebastian. Sebastian nodded towards me and took several steps back.

  I had not noticed a second vampire had come up behind Roberto. His dress surprised me, he looked as if he was wearing a Roman soldier kit, the armor was black. His dark red cloak that matched is black armor perfectly; He looked as if he was in his early twenties. He had short blond hair, bright red eyes. He was about the same height as Roberto, but built more like a fire hydrant.

   ’Truly Roberto, I should visit more often. Where do you find such fascinating friends?’ said our newcomer.

  I did not relax. Gloria moved over behind me, she reached up and touched my back. Roberto and his friend came up onto the landing

   ’Hephaistion, Conner the newly appointed Governor of the Northern Province of the New World, who does he remind you of?’

  Hephaistion walked over to me and looked me over, Emma growled behind me.

I looked at her over my shoulder and shushed her, Emma hid her face in Gloria back.

   ’The Queen Mother.’ He answered with out looking back at Roberto. ’How did this happen?’

   ’His female Gloria, you remember Gloria do you not Hephaistion?’

   ’Yes, I seemed to remember having that certain rodent problem.’

  I exploded; with a flash I grabbed the Roman looking vampire by the throat so quickly and violently his knees buckled under him. If this a*s thought he would insult my wife to my face and walk away, the years had dulled his mind.

   ‘Conner!’ Gloria shrieked.

  Several things happened at once, Emma screamed, Roberto laughed and the rest of the vampires in the small room snarled violently. It was Roberto’s voice I heard over the snarling. I was moments from being torn apart and I knew it.

   ‘Stop!’ Roberto shouted.

  Gloria had her back up against me; Emma was trying to get in between Gloria and I to hide.

   I had several vampires with in arms reach of me ready to strike. I still had this Hephaistion on his knees in front of me by the neck. My eyes were locked with Sebastian’s.

   ‘Conner please.’ Gloria whispered.

  Laughing Roberto walked over to me and said gently, ‘Let him go Conner.’

  I let Hephaistion go. Hephaistion gasped and stood up laughing.

He took a few steps back from me and said to Roberto, ‘He even has the Queen’s temper.’

  The other vampires did not relax.

   ‘Gloria, can you and Emma please go back up stairs, Hephaistion and I have some things to discuss with your Conner.’

   Gloria looked around at the very angry vampires that surrounded us. Roberto clapped his hands twice, all the vampires except Horatio relax and filed out of the small foyer into the courtyard, Roberto and Hephaistion went back down stairs.

  Horatio smile at me and said, ’Hephaistion my Lord, His Lord and Grace, the Third Chair of the Council Guard.’


   ’Go up stair my love. I’ll be okay, if not you’ll know.’

  Gloria gave me a kiss and took Emma up stairs by the hand.

   ’The master is waiting for you my Lord.’

   ’Yeah I know Horatio, thank you.’

   Horatio helped Hephaistion out of his armor and sat in the chair that Gloria had sat in. I had waited patiently in my seat, and waited for what ever craziness that I knew was sure to follow next.

   ‘That will be all Horatio.’

   ‘Yes your Grace.’ Horatio closed the door behind him.

  Both of the Ancients watched me. Meeting their gaze made me uncomfortable, so I looked at the floor.

   ‘Conner, this is Hephaistion. He sits on the Council with me.’

   ‘Your Grace please except my…’

   ‘Conner you need not apologize to Hephaistion, he was goading you.’

   ’Yes your Grace.’

   ’Roberto, when I heard that Augustus was mauled I found it hard to believe, now seeing and feeling the strength of this young one the story was no exaggeration. So young Conner, you tamed the wild one?’

   ’You Grace?’

   ’Gloria, and it is I who should apologize to you. I meant no offence, I have had to chaise Gloria from my lands more than once. I was here when Roberto captured here, I have never seen one like her. Beautiful and wild. A very dangerous combination.’

   ’Your Grace, His Grace Roberto told me that Gloria was a great deal like Emma.

I have never known Gloria to be like that except a few days ago when a certain

John Barleycorn paid me a visit.’

  Hephaistion laughed, ’Old John is still kicking around is he? I have tried to get old John to be in my service for centuries, he’s quite obtuse. Tell me if you will of your troubles with the brut Augustus.’

   ‘Yes your Grace.’

   ‘You shall love this Hephaistion.’ Roberto added.

   ‘A few nights ago, Gloria and I were laying in out bed back in Washington, when we heard a noise down stairs.’

   ‘Hephaistion, they have a permanent residence. Have you ever heard of such a thing outside of nobility?’

   ‘No Roberto. What is your home like Conner?’

   ‘Forgive me your Grace, do you wish for me to tell you about Augustus, or my home?’

   ‘Both of course. Start with your home if you will.’

   ‘Yes your Grace. It a large home in a suburb of Seattle Washington. Two stories, three car garage. Five bedrooms four bathrooms. It has a basement which works out perfect; we keep our safes down there and the refrigerator that we keep our blood supply in.’

  Hephaistion interrupted me, ‘Where you keep your blood supply, you don’t hunt like the rest of us?

   ‘No your Grace.’

   ‘It must have had something to do with taking nine days to change.’

Hephaistion said laughing.

   ’The house has beautiful hard wood floors throughout the downstairs. Well, except for the hole that I made in it with Augustus’s head. Gloria has so many clothes that we transformed two of the bedrooms into closets for her. The garage has a patio over it that you walk out onto from the Great living room. Our bed room has its own balcony. The house cost a small ransom every month, but

Gloria loves the house and the neighborhood. She’s become close to a few of the women that live on our street, especially the women next door.’

  Hephaistion looked to Roberto, ’You and Gloria live there year round?’

   ’Yes your Grace, well we’ve lived there since I was changed.’

   ’And Gloria does not get out of control around the humans?’ Hephaistion asked.

   ’No your Grace.’

   ’The humans do not suspect you two?’

   ’No your Grace, well, Tabitha the next door neighbor did.’

   ’She does not now?’ Roberto asked

   ’No your Grace. She wishes Gloria and I to change her.’

  Both the Ancients laughed.

   ’Conner, if you must live with the humans, you must keep a lower profile with them.’ Hephaistion said still laughing.

   ’I will try to do better next time your Grace.’

   ’The province belongs to you Conner, you run it the way you see fit.’

Hephaistion said laughing.

  I didn’t really care for the way this interview was going, when I started scowling the two Ancients laughed harder.

  When the laugher subsided, both Hephaistion and Roberto became very grave.

The two Ancients sat looking at each other; I could not imagine what unspoken words were being passed between them. To know someone for thousands of years was beyond me.

  Finally Hephaistion broke the silence, ’Conner do you know why Augustus was in the new world?’

   ’Gloria your Grace?’

   ’No, Gloria was only a added benefit. Though Cline is obsessed with the thought of making Gloria his slave, which is not his true purpose. It’s to bad that it could not be that simple. As a governor she is your property, as is with all the vampires that live in your province.

   ’Cline has larger ambitions then your Gloria, Cline covets a throne. Cline is the most wicked vampire that has ever lived. He is willing to betray all that we have for this dream of his, to become Great King vampire. He would flaunt what

Horatio would call our great abomination, to live open and be worshiped as some demigod. Cline was the first, the favored of the Queen Mother may she rot where ever she is.’

  The bitterness that Hephaistion spoke of the Queen Mother surprised me, I guess there was a bit more to learn.

   ’Your Grace forgive me, but you’re the first I’ve heard speak with malice towards the Queen Mother.’

   ’The Queen Mother decided that she should be just that, Queen. A ruler of man and vampire. The Council had to rebel against her, so they threw her down. But she was allowed to escaped, this happened around the time the Hebrews came out of Egypt.

   ’Our Council is no longer unified, three of us support Cline in his ambitions to be king. Two of us could careless as long as the Council does not split. The other six myself and Roberto are willing to openly stand against Cline’s ambitions, but to do this in open counsel would mean civil war and the complete destruction of our way of life, which brings us to you.

   ’When Roberto informed me yesterday that he was going to appointed you

Governor of the Northern Provence of the New World I was greatly distressed that he would make such a appointment without taking counsel. But after hearing about Augustus being in the new world, I can see why he did not wait.’

   ’I don’t understand your Grace. What Augustus being in the States has to do with Clines ambitions for a throne? If Cline is such a threat to your way of life why not destroy him and be done with it.’

   ’That is simple,’ said Roberto, ’The East.’

   ’I don’t understand.’

   ’What his Grace Roberto means dear Conner, as long as the Council stands the army’s of the East will stay in the east. But they covet our lands, Cline wishes to break the Council and hide in your province. And while he is establishing his kingdom, what is left of our alliance will be destroyed by the army’s of the East.

Cline is hoping that in our destruction, the army’s of the East will break themselves on us. Then being weaken, Cline will bring his newly made army back and smash what is left of the eastern armies. Augustus is looking for new home for Cline.’

  I just sat back and thought about what Hephaistion had just told me. I felt a heavy weight on my shoulders.

   ’There’s no else that would be better to keep Cline from the States?’ I asked.

   ’Who Conner? Who is strong enough to challenge an Ancient, or crazy enough too?’ asked Roberto.

   ’Making you governor of the new world Conner is all we can do to try and stop Cline. If we attack him here, it means war. If we attack him in the new world it means war. But if Cline rebels against the Council, his responsibilities and his lands he will be a renegade. Before you were commissioned as the governor of the

Northern New World Province, if he left, there was nothing we could have done.

Now there is a ruling power there, if he leaves France for the new world his allies will have no choice but to declare him a renegade.’

   ’But your Grace, if Cline goes to the States wont his allies go with him?’

   ’Maybe, but now I doubt it. Where are they going to go? If they stay they risk getting destroyed here by the armies of the East, if they leave and go with Cline they will risk getting destroyed by you. And if they leave and come back here they will be destroyed by us. The story of the new pure blood that struck down the mighty Augustus will spread like fire. And now that a mighty warrior rules the province that they hope to find refuge. They will have no choice but to support the Council now. My only fear at the moment is that in time your ambitions will grow.’

   ’I wouldn’t worry about that your Grace, I don’t even want the headache of a rental house let alone governing a province. I can’t see myself wanting anything more than what I have to deal with.’

  Hephaistion looked at Roberto and raised an eyebrow, ’Oh yeah, say that after a thousand years.’

  I had no answer to that. I could see the sun coming up in the east. I hadn’t even noticed the sun set. It seemed like in the presence of the Ancients, time flowed differently.

  Hephaistion spoke again, ’Conner if Cline comes to your province he must not be harmed. Destroy all that comes with him, but he must be returned back to the

Council alive and unspoiled, do you understand?’

   ’Yes your Grace.’

  Hephaistion nodded at me, ’So be it. You may retire to your women, oh and Conner? If you have a question or if the need to talk to us arises send a messenger in a civilized way. Throwing the help from your host’s windows is not the proper behavior of a gentleman. Do you understand?’

   ’Yes your Grace.’

    With that I got up, bowed to the two Ancients and headed towards the door.

  Right before I reached it Roberto called to me, ’Conner whenever you are ready to go home let me know, and I shall have my jet take you.’

   ’Yes your Grace, thank you your Grace. As I turned the one of the two doors was opened by Heckle, or Stephen or Rudy, which ever the older one’s name was.

Horatio was waiting for me in the foyer, ’If you would follow me my Lord.’

  I followed Horatio to the main foyer. Gloria and our suitcases were there by the door that exited into the courtyard.

   ’I take it we’re leaving Horatio?’

   ’Yes my Lord.’

  Gloria and Emma still wearing Gloria’s red dress came down the stairs together.

Gloria was leading Emma by the hand; this was going to be a rough good bye I thought to myself.

   ’We’re leaving Gloria.’

   ’I know.’

   ’Horatio, please try to be nice to Emma after we leave, she can’t help it. You know.’

   ’My Lord, Emma is no longer our concern, but yours. Gloria is taking her with you.’

  Great I thought, what in the world are we going to do with a half wild, half crazy teenage vampire. I am never coming back to Spain if I can help it. Sebastian came up the stairs with a small suitcase.

   ’Sebastian is coming with you to the new world.’

   ’I don’t suppose I have any choice in the matter.’

   ’No my Lord. But be in good cheer, Sebastian is a loyal servant. He will fight to the death to protect you and Gloria.’

  Though Sebastian was going with us he still drove the Roles-Royce back the airport. Horatio rode in the front passenger seat. Emma rode in between Gloria and myself. I had my arm rested on the top of the seat’s back rest. I lightly touched the back Gloria’s head with my fingers. Emma was to my surprise snuggled up to me. She had her knees up to her chest. Gloria was going to need to works on poor Emma’s dress wearing educate.

  Though I didn’t need sleep I was exhausted. What a hell of a time to be a vampire. It was one thing to try to avoid a being caught up in a war, but something different when you were expected to be a major player in a war that was a complicated as this one, and to boot you didn’t even know existed two days ago.

  Governor of a province, what the hell did that mean anyways? How would I govern a province when I didn’t even understand or know the laws that I was charge to enforce. We drove back to the airport in silence.

   ’What are we going to do about Tabs?’ Gloria asked.

   ’I don’t know. I haven’t even thought about it. How much do you know about what’s happening?’

   ’Only that you’re a governor of the States now?’

   ’Something like that.’

   ’Do you not want to talk about?’

   ’It’s not that I don’t want to talk about it, I don’t even know how to talk about it.’

   ’Well don’t worry, it’s a long flight.’ Gloria reached over and patted me on the leg.

  We pulled into a service entrance; the airport had a cart waiting for us. Sebastian put the bags on the cart as we said our good byes.

   ’Well Horatio, I can’t say that it’s been fun.’

   ’It was what it needed to be my Lord.’

   ’Yeah? And what does it need to be?’

   ’Who am I to answer such a question?’

   ’I guess.’

   ’Go with God my Lord.’

   ’That’ll work.’

  I shook Horatio’s hand, we nodded to each other.

   ’My Lady, please take care of Lord Conner he will need you, now more then ever.’

   ’Thank you Horatio. Come Emma.’

  Gloria took Emma by the hand to they went to over to the cart. I shrugged at

Horatio and I went to sit next to Gloria on the cart. Once Sebastian saw that I was situated, he sat in the front with the carts driver. He was a human, he did not seem to notice that he was driving four vampires with the red eyes. Who cares, I just want to get back to Washington state.

  So here I am. Flying in a private jet, a governor of a province, the new guardian of a half crazy vampire child. Let us not forget Sebastian, an old war horse who never spoke. Who just a few hours ago almost tore a castle apart in a eight vampire brawl. And somehow with all of this I have to try to stop a civil war so it world war three doesn’t break out in vampire country. At least we’re flying private.

  Gloria and sat facing me, Emma was curled up in a ball with her head in Gloria’s lap. Emma, what in the hell am I going to do with her? She better not have any trouble drinking bagged blood. I think it would be wise of me to not trust the Council. If war is avoided, I believe the Council would try to end my life.

  Sebastian seemed to read my thoughts. ’Do not trust the Council, especially


   ’Why do you say that Sebastian? Is not Roberto your master?’

  Gloria looked at Sebastian, there was no love lost there.

   ’I am my own master. The Council fears you, or what you might become. The only reason they haven’t killed you is because of Gloria. They know that as long as she lives, you can be controlled. You’ll do anything to protect your way of life with her. Cline will do anything he can to kill her. If he can succeed in killing her, the

Council will not hesitate in killing you; the Council will suffer no rival. Even if it means their demise.’

   ’Sebastian I don’t understand, why would Roberto make Conner a governor if they want him dead?’

   ’For two reasons Gloria. One to keep Cline from taking power. Two when Cline destroys the Council and the East comes they’ll need a secure retreat.’

   ’The East?’ Gloria asked.

   ’The Eastern Empire. Conner I’ve seen them, about eight hundred years ago I think. A very powerful vampire created the Eastern Empire. As hard as it is to believe they made an alliance with a Nephilim. The East will come, it’s only a matter of time.’

   ’What makes you so sure?’ I asked.

   ’Why else make such an alliance.’

   ’You believe Cline will come to the States?’

   ’If he can kill Gloria, for sure he’ll come. If he thinks he can over take you, he’ll come. I know that Hephaistion told you to bring Cline back to Europe. If you do you’re a fool, to bring Cline back to the Council will be mean your death.’

   ’But Roberto and Hephaistion said to kill Cline will mean war.’

   ’War with the East is inevitable. If you can kill Cline, then we shall face the East with the combining strength of eleven Ancients. Plus the strength of your new family. If Cline lives, four of the twelve will flee. The East will come to the ruin of all.’

   ’But if I kill Cline will not the Council come after me?’


   ’Well I don’t see how I’m any better off.’

   ’You must make yourself powerful enough to be able to challenge the combined strength of the Ancients.’

  I just put my head in my hands; I felt a gentle touch on my shoulder. I looked up and there standing in front of me was Emma.

   ’I’ll be strong for you Conner, I’ll fight. You know that I will, you saw what I did to Rudy.’

  I smiled thinking about Emma tackling the elder one of the Heckle and Jeckle duel.

   ’I know you will darling, but right now the only thing I want you to worry about is not killing our neighbors. Okay?’

   ’I won’t, Gloria told me I can wear any of her clothes, and if I hurt the neighbors

I won’t be able too.’

  It’s good to see that we have our priorities straight.

   ’Sebastian, how am I going to, I don’t know, make a army, keep Gloria alive and govern a province all at the same time. And if all that wasn’t enough worry about,

I have to keep the Council from killing me. How do I trust you? How do I know you’re not working for them? Do you see my worry?’

   ’Conner there’s nothing I can say that can make you trust me, but you need not worry about the rest. War has been my business for four thousand years. If I wanted to kill you or Gloria I would have done it by now, our survival depends on your family. I will do what I can to help you, and in time you will trust me. But it is wise of you not to trust anyone.

   ’But I’ll take a load off of your mind. I don’t believe if you kill Cline the Council will be able to come after you, though they would want too. For one if you’re strong enough to kill Cline, the Council will not want risk their strength with you.

You are in a unique position; a vampire outside of the East will stand defiant to the will of the Council and live to tell the tale. But know because of it, the Council will never will be an ally and they will always fear your ambitions.’

   ’Okay, kill Cline, don’t trust the Council. Fear the East. Keep Gloria alive, and you’ll help me build my strength. Did I miss anything?’     

   ’I think that’s about it, I can’t think of anything we’ve missed.’

   ’Tabitha.’ Gloria added.

  I just reached up and grabbed two handfuls of my hair.

   ’Who’s Tabitha?’ asked Sebastian.

   ’Our next door neighbor Sebastian. She found out what we are and she wants us to make her one of us.’ Gloria explained.

   ’With the current way of things I think it would be unwise to grant her wish.’

   ’I agree.’ I couldn’t agree more with Sebastian.

  Throwing Tabitha into the middle of a war was not my ideal of good friendship.

   ’Gloria I guess we could consider it after all this craziness is finished. Tabitha doesn’t need this.’

  We were probably all going to die anyways, so I didn’t worry too much about making a promise I wasn’t planning on keeping.



   ’Do you think John Barleycorn will be around when we get to your home in the new world?’

   ’I don’t know Sebastian, probably. Why do you ask?’

   ’John Barleycorn and I are old friends.’ Sebastian asked with a sly grin.

  The way that Sebastian had asked that made me suspicious. Whatever, if there was trouble it didn’t have anything to do with me.

   ’Sebastian, how did Roberto know we were coming? Did John Barleycorn tell him?’

   ’It would be safe to assume so, don’t worry, that will be my number one priority once we get to the new world. Silencing the Council’s spies and cutting off information to Roberto is paramount to our survival right now. Finding John would make things a whole lot easier.’

  Our pilots were human, so we stayed the night in New York. We chose to stay on the plane during our layover. During the night I gave Gloria the whole download of what had happened. In the quite hours of night, Emma had opened herself up to us and told us her story.

  Emma was fourteen when Augustus and Ava had kidnapped her, she was vacationing in France. I was surprised to hear that Emma was actually American.

She was from of all places Eureka California. A small coastal city in northern California. Eureka sat in the back yard of the Redwood National Forest. I was surprised to find out that Emma was four years older then I.

  Cline had had her as a prisoner for close to twenty one years. She did not share the brutality she endured in her captivity, but I could tell it had been severe.

   Emma had given me a glimpse into the wicked workings of Cline’s witches’ mind. Emma said over the course of her imprisonment she had seen Ava torture human and vampire alike and Augustus’s taste for ravaging human women. Cline would come to Ava’s chambers to witness these horrors. After several hours of listening to Emma, the Council be damned, I would eradicate the House of Cline.

  Sebastian had told me that Cline was the wickedest vampire he had ever known and that I could always trust him in his hatred of Cline. I started to understand Cline’s sick fascination with Gloria. Cline’s sick mind fascinated on seeing Gloria suffer. It was her beauty that drove his madness.

  How could the Council even chance Cline winning a throne? I had asked

Sebastian that. He merely shrugged and said that the Council hunger for power was as unquenchable as Cline’s lust for causing pain. Perhaps we were the abomination that Horatio said we were, Sebastian had said he didn’t know. But what he did know was, if the fate of our world was to be saved, it was going to be saved because of Gloria’s strange love for me. A love that had changed me and possibly made me strong enough to stand against all odds. What a strange love. A killer’s love.

  By the time we got back to Seattle we had been gone almost five days. By far the longest five days I had ever been through. We did not land at SeaTac Airport, we had landed in south Seattle’s Boeing Field. Boeing was so kind as to have a car waiting for us. Sebastian loaded our bags into the car, I had the car take us to

SeaTac Airport so I could retrieve the Excursion. I was grateful that we only lived forty five minutes from the airport. As we pulled onto Gloria’s and my cul-de-sac

I felt the weight of the world falling off my shoulders. Like the nightmare of the last few days was truly over. Here, in Gloria’s and my home we could regroup.            



© 2010 John A. Hill

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Added on July 25, 2010
Last Updated on July 25, 2010


John A. Hill
John A. Hill


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A Chapter by John A. Hill