Love it. To poor bear, it might be far from over, like Woody from Toy story 3! Questionary inserted in the poem and divided them into multiple parts and pieces them together, Cool.
Left-over people and things. How many things have we tossed away? The poem made the reader think and ponder many things. I raised-up four children and I have three grandchildren. Many left-over bears, toys and shoes. I keep them. Thank you Wyrn for sharing your amazing words and thoughts.
One time you were the greatest of friends
Bear should be brought into the warm with a quiet place to sit and recall his younger days when your were friends and shared his life
If this is how you treat us older people who do not work
I wonder would I be like 'Poor Bear' cast out into the cold wet wind ????
I don't think it's weird and creepy like my writings. And I enjoyed it.
Thanks buddy for sharing.
Waiting to see your profile picture with another girl. 😁
No, must disagree, 'this' isn't weird and creepy. Yes, It has a strong sense of been there, i think but don't ever want to go back. However, seems to suggest a life or place that imposes its will on your needs, your hopes, your way of thinking. ' .. Thems in the trees, - hanging on with thin ropes, - devoid of hopes and dreams - Empty behind barren black eyes.' Has a loss of self, somehow.. yet tender.. gently querying. You've walked into and written about a somewhere place, and seem numb, perhaps..
An intriguing post that holds a mess of tangents, in fine phrasing.
Creepy maybe, haunting yes, but paints some very vivid imagery. This is a well constructed poem I enjoyed thoroughly. I can see many issues you touch on here, and consumerism stands very prevalent, thanks for a great read