Napoleon's Victories

Napoleon's Victories

A Poem by Joseph C Ogbonna

A poem about Napoleon Bonaparte's historic conquest of Europe and half of the globe.

At Austerlitz I two nations vanquished;
making me historically distinguished.
At Marengo I had Austria subdued;
then I was to honour undoubtedly glued.
At the Pyramids, Mamluks kissed the sands;
then like a French Pharaoh I annexed their lands.
At Jena-Auerstadt, Prussia to her knees fell,
to avoid carnage, and possibly hell.
At Borodino, Kutuzov my boots licked,
as his Russian forces had their arses kicked.
At Ligny, Blucher like a coward fled,
as his smitten forces profusely bled.
At Toulon I first distinguished myself
for a career that would exalt oneself.
Rolica, Leipzig, Waterloo like curses came,
but history will forever my triumphs reclaim.

© 2022 Joseph C Ogbonna

Author's Note

Joseph C Ogbonna
Napoleon Bonaparte's world conquest

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Added on December 4, 2022
Last Updated on December 4, 2022
Tags: Napoleon, Europe, conquest


Joseph C Ogbonna
Joseph C Ogbonna

Enugu, Christianity, Nigeria

I am a high school teacher and a prolific poet. I have been writing ever since I was a kid. Poetry happens to be my expression and my expression is poetry. My name is Joseph C Ogbonna more..
