![]() life of crazy (chapter 1)A Story by jodi sharpA man sat at his desk counting his finger “one two…..three.” The mans name was nick. He had a desk job filling out papers and setting up appointments for some CEO lady on the top floor. This man, nick had a disorder of extreme paranoia. He spent most of his days working hiding under covers and eating astronaut food. He once got a rash from some poison ivy and even though he knew it was poison ivy he thought it was going to spread in till it consumed him alive. He had issues. This mans life centered around a bracelet his first and only love got him. They found each other at a therapist. And most of the time he wished he would find her. He dreamed of it all the time. Nick began counting the letters on the bracelet. “5:20 Lisa loves you” when a man came up to him and put his hand on nicks shoulder. This man was unpleasant he was like a school boy getting his kick picking on the boy with the lisp. His name was Alex. “Hey freak boy what’s up” hu what’s up” “No-thin-g Nick stammered “I’m wondering what’s it like to have no friends, now don’t get me wrong I was just wondering because me and my friends over there were making a bet.” “I have fri-end-s” “Really who”, he said in a condensing tone? “Lisa”, Nick said in a proud tone. “Hey Amanda is it your time of the mouth again is that why you’re being such a prick”, said a new man called john? “The names Alex”, Alex said upset “oh I’m sorry but it’s just so hard to keep the names of people who should be wearing shock collars in order.” Alex just stood up and walked away. “ You ok dude?” “yep I’m fine”, Nick said in a timed voice. “How you come out with me and the guys to night?” “You mea to a……….. bar?” “well yes, as a fellow dude you have been to a bar?” “ug no im to….scared”, he seemed to say in a whisper. “well don’t worry dude we will help you along the way don’t sweat it amigo.” “wellll I guess it will be ok for one night.” “great we are leaving after work be ready dude.” Nick analyzed the situation as he did almost every thing else. John was a good guy he was considered cool he just felt bad for Nick. He was a bit young, but Nick was young to.
© 2008 jodi sharp |
1 Review Added on April 5, 2008 Author![]() jodi sharpNCAbout*thought i start of with some quotes no one who knew me as a child thought i would become a successful adult.--- laurie anderson The work of one author or artist may stimulate another author or arti.. more..Writing