First Day on the Job

First Day on the Job

A Chapter by Jmjulius15

Roger is a yellow lab. He lives in Care City. A city know for having the best hospitals and taking care of all the citizens. Roger has never had a job. Roger lives in a apartment with his owner Michael. Michael is a doctor at Care City Hospital. One night Roger was sitting on his couch in his apartment, watching his favorite TV show, World's Sexiest yellow labs. As Roger was watching TV. there was a knock at the door. Roger walked over to the door and opened it.

It was Roger's ex wife Melody. Roger was surprised and said "Well, look who came crawling back to me."

Melody said ''Shut up, Roger! I just came over to tell you the divorce is final and I have full custody of Roger Jr." Also I need you to start paying doggie support."

"Doggie Support. I don't have a job."

"Well, you better find one, I'm moving to Florida tomorrow to become a swimsuit model."

Roger laughed "Swimsuit model! Dogs don't wear swimsuits." Melody was a very beautiful yellow lab with long golden fur. "Goodbye forever, Roger." Melody slammed the door shut.

Roger became very upset. He didn't know what to do. Then Roger's owner Michael came home and he said ''Hey Roger, great news I got you a job as a therapy dog at the hospital you start tomorrow." Roger starting balling his eyes out and Said,'' This is the worst day ever. My wife leaves me and now I have to work." The next Morning Roger was sound asleep. Michael Said,'' Rise and Shine Roger you have a big day today." Roger didn't want to wake up. Michael had to literally throw Roger in the car. As Michael was driving, he Said,'' Don't worry Roger you will like your job and meet all new dogs."

Roger was sitting up front in the passenger seat and stuck his head out of the window. Roger said to Michael "I hate you so much right now." When Roger and Michael got to the hospital. Michael parked the car. Roger didn't want to get out of the car, so Michael had to drag Roger by his leash into the hospital. Once inside the hospital. Michael took Roger's leash off and said ''Ok Roger, I'll leave you alone so you could meet the other therapy dogs."

Roger looked around and saw a yellow lab wearing glasses. Roger walked toward the yellow lab and said "Hi! I'm Roger the new therapy dog."

The yellow lab said ''Hi! Roger I'm Marvin your boss. Welcome to Care City Hospital home of the world's greatest therapy dogs. I'll give you a minute to meet some of the other therapy dogs. "Roger walked around and saw a beautiful female yellow lab wearing red high heel shoes and red lip stick. Roger thought she was the hottest female yellow lab on earth.

Roger walked over to her and Said,'' Hey baby, I'm Roger the new therapy dog. What's your name?"

The yellow lab looked at Roger and said ''Beth."

"Well, Beth today's your lucky day sweet heart I'm single."

"I'm not feeling lucky today." Beth slapped Roger in the face with her paw and walked away. Roger just stood there with tears in his eyes until he heard a therapy dog laughing. Roger looked around and saw a black lab.

Roger said "What's so funny?

The black lab Said,'' It looks like your having problems with the ladies."

"No problems at all. I'm Roger the new therapy dog."

The black lab said ''I'm Harry nice to meet you, Roger."

Harry said  "So Roger what made you want become a therapy dog?

Roger said "Well, my wife just divorced me and I have to start paying doggie support."

Wow that sucks."

"Do you have any problems with the ladies Harry?"

"No! I'm a furry chick magnet. The ladies just cling to me. I once dated a beautiful black lab that I met at a dog park. One day she stole my entire dog bone collection and I never saw her again."

"I'm sorry to hear that Harry."
"Thanks, It has taken me years to find new dog bones for my collection.
Marvin showed up and Said,'' i'm glad you met some of the therapy dogs. I't's time you visited your first patient." Roger had to cheer up a crazy old lady. Roger walked in her room. The crazy old lady was laying in her bed and watching TV. ''

"Hi! I'm Roger the new therapy dog."

The crazy old lady looked at Roger and said ''Son, is that you?"

"No! I'm the new therapy dog." "
Son do you finally have my money?"

"I have no money that's why I have this job."

"Come closer, son."

Roger walked closer to her bed. All of a sudden The crazy old lady started hitting Roger with her wrinkly old hands.

"Ow! What are you doing you, crazy old lady?"

The crazy old lady got out of her bed and jumped out of a open window. When the crazy old lady got to the ground she got on her feet and ran off. Roger asked all the therapy dogs to help him, but none of them wanted to help him, except for Harry. Harry decided to drive one of the ambulances downtown to find the crazy old lady. As Roger and Harry were driving downtown. Roger saw the crazy old lady running around.

Roger shouted "There she is!" Harry drove faster. Harry forgot there was a young women in the back of the ambulance on a stretcher. Harry was driving so fast. The back doors of the ambulance opened and The young women rolled out of the ambulance and into the streets screaming.

Roger said Sorry to the young women.
When Roger and Harry finally caught up to the crazy old lady. Harry got out of the ambulance, tackled the crazy old lady to the ground, and handcuffed her to the ground. Roger Said,

'' Harry where did you get hand cuffs?"'
"I use to be a police dog." Roger and Harry went back to the hospital with the crazy old lady. Marvin said,'' Great job, Roger I think you are going to be a great therapy dog around here."

© 2022 Jmjulius15

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Added on May 11, 2022
Last Updated on May 11, 2022
Tags: Dogs



Youngstown , OH

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