Ode to the Universe

Ode to the Universe

A Poem by Beemo

This poem can be kinda confusing, so sorry if you get confused. But, I can be very sure that when you reach the end, you will see what I'm trying to convey


Earth is filled with billions,

Earth is our home,

Yet in this universe,

It is technically alone,


Earth is the only planet with life,

Yet we all cause it distress and strife,

I’m no physicist, scientist or evolutionist,

But to all I do write this,


Earth is filled with billions,

Earth is our home,

Yet in this universe,

We believe to have come about on our own,


If evolution is taking place,

Then what is the problem with this human race,

Earth is filled with intelligent life so very diverse,

Yet the only planet with life in which evolution is taking place in reverse.

© 2019 Beemo

Author's Note


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I enjoy the use of rhyme and that the fact that this poem speaks to today's current events

Posted 11 Years Ago

I like the way you express the very reality of life itself. The irony of being the most intelligent when it seems all progress is drifting backwards.
A beautiful piece!

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Thank you very much!
I never learned to love poetry when I was in school, many years ago. But I'm finding that I like it now. This is a good one, pertinent to the times. Thanks.

Posted 11 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on February 25, 2013
Last Updated on October 11, 2019
Tags: word, lesson, poem, wise