Age of Conquest

Age of Conquest

A Poem by Beemo

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The drums of them growing ever near,

Striking the weak and the cowardly with fear,

The sheer sharpness of their swords alone,

Are the swords cutting through skin and bone,

The sadness brought upon by those in pain,

Makes this tactic seem so very vain,

For instance,

I see in the distance,

Those being executed for their vain resistance,

I see the skulls of those who failed,

And heard the cries of those who wailed,

I know I might die,

Over that I do cry,

They are just over the sandy hills,

Now my body is filled with chills,

For instance,

I see in the distance,

Those being taken captive after another failed resistance,

This will be a bloody day,

In the middle of this bloody day,

The deserts shall run red with blood before the day is out,

The victory I’ve seen is filled with a scream and a shout,

We shall remain firm and not fail like the rest,

For this, is the Age of Conquest.

-Jerome L. Kidd Jr.

© 2013 Beemo

Author's Note

With this piece I was making an attempt to capture the storm just over the horizon, and also the final words of a soldier before he puts his life one the line,

My Review

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Well I like the flow and verse - drilling down more closely there are a few lines that I could make call outs or questions on.
You mention the act of conquest is vain as well as vain resistance. I ma not sure that I follow the vanity in resisting you death - can you tell me your thoughts here?

Also this line seems to flow less then the others - it feels like a typo - is it?
In the middle of the day May

Welcome to the Young Adult Genre writers group!

Posted 11 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on February 25, 2013
Last Updated on November 19, 2013
Tags: age, of, conquest, war, battle, poem