The number one requirement for any kind of survival is to have control of your mind. Without that you might as well just go out and jump off a cliff and save yourself a whole lot of hard work cause your not going to be successful anyhow.
So let's discuss 'mind' a bit. I have an idea concerning 'mind' that works quite well for me so I'll share it with you knowing full well that ultimately you must use your own facilities of reason and creativity if you have any hope of understanding 'mind' and consequently surviving anything at all. You can listen to others, you can be of 'one mind' with others, but the final decision before you act must always be your own.
Some people argue that the brain created the mind. Some people argue that the mind created the brain. It all depends on how you look at it and how you were taught, but I go decidedly with the latter. Before the brain there existed the mind.
The American Indian called this 'mind' the Great Mystery. The various religions of today call it God. Though I take the American Indians explanation, it's all the same thing, and after about forty years of reading and studying the works of others concerning it, I am of the persuasion that few really know what the hell they are talking about anyways.
The one thing I know as absolute fact is that everybody from the car salesman to the prophet of God is in the act of attempting to steal yours. What's the purpose of any slanted advertisement? To steal your mind. What's the purpose of government spin? To steal your mind. What's the purpose of religious doctrine? To steal your mind. What's the purpose of anyone who tries to convince you of practically anything? To steal your mind. What is seemingly the greatest joy of most people on this planet? To give it up to them.
Because it is a troublesome and huge pain in the a*s to have to reason within yourself and to make your own decisions. It's also quite frightening to realize you and you alone will be held responsible for any decisions you do make. And to make it all the worse, most people in the real world believe themselves inadequate to do the job of policing their own mind. Fearing their own creative capability they most humbly take the advice of others and many times find themselves on a path to nowhere, pissing and moaning all the way over the edge of a cliff.
It doesn't have to be this way. You are a powerful spiritual being in possession of the greatest tool the Mystery/God has for you . . . Your own mind. Don't be afraid of it. Learn to use it. Don't give it up. It's your greatest weapon.
But like all powerful weapons you must be careful how you use it. There are rules. Break them and the price you must pay is very heavy. Follow them and the joy they bring you is beyond measure, in this world and beyond.
A simple explanation for all this would be: The first time you do something evil your conscience throws up a red flag, STOP! You do it anyways. The next time you do the same thing your conscience throws up a red flag, “stop!” . . . the next time, “stop.” . . . the next time “nothing”. Your conscience now compromised, has finally stopped bothering you. It doesn't give up though, it just merely takes another route. The route called, “as you sow so shall you reap” . . . or Karma (same thing) and you have in essence just created a whole lot of hurt for yourself by breaking the rules.
The good news is that the effects of Karma go both ways. And the GREAT news is that once you decide to use your own mind you will soon realize this. By realizing that, you will also realize just how powerful YOU actually are. You will see YOU are a creator in your own right. You have the power to create your future by the thoughts and actions you take today. Misery or joy? You're choice.
It's not just a nice thing to feed the hungry, or help out the old lady down the street, or have compassion on those without by sharing what you have with them. It's not about just getting a bunch of bullshit accolades from the church you attend or your name on some pew.
It's about EVERYTHING you are and EVERYTHING you will ever become. It's all about YOU and how you use your own mind to create either harmony or discord in the world around you.
So as you read the signs of the times and begin to fear the results of losing your “stuff” . . . also begin to realize that this may just be the first time in your life you will be fully alive.