The morning has dismissed my slumber once again,
Laden with emotion, I retreat from the surface of rest.
Poisoned with thoughts, I stroll to the mirror,
Simply to view the state life has left me in.
As I indulge in the act of perceiving myself
so much ushers me to walk away.
Disugst, Envy, Doubt, Uncertainty.
This wall ridden piece of illusive decor insists
that what is witnessed within its seeming innocence is but an image.
Its stainless perfection forces the belief that "what you see is what you get"
What I view is nothing of an image.
This reflective harlot shows not what all would see,
but everything none can!
It displays a being, conditioned to live with the burdensome circumstances,
Only to cover up these painful sores with dismissive statements!
It is said, the mirror can only execute its function in the pressence of light.
How then can it reflect the life of one where light is absent?
Where hopes are only dreams, happiness is a mystery and love a curse?
Devious artists.
Constructing presentations lacking sincerity.
As a mother holds back some truth to better the esteem of a child,
So the mirror conveys only what the viewer may want to see.
In my displaced rage I cast the device to the floor
In desperate hopes that what it showed may be removed.
But as I kneel to gather the pieces,
This manipulative device has now significantly multiplied the false images!
As life, the mirror rebells when the attempt to gain control is undergone.
As water courses through the grasp of a strong man, so joy eludes the grasp of all who seek.
Sorrow guides me once again to the place of rest,
Disappointment accompanies me to the place of disregard.
There I consider the paths of destiny,
Where in the mean time, i give thought on my place,
In this un-winnable race called, life.