Blood of the Ancients: Ch. 2

Blood of the Ancients: Ch. 2

A Chapter by Jeff Jessie

Alone and easily persuaded, Daol Rassi is pulled into a daunting task by a sly shape shifter with a hidden agenda. Will Daol be able to complete this task or will he fall to the power of the Ancients?

There seemed to be a new eeriness in the place Daol called home. He had spoken to no one and had not left his home in the three days since his meeting with the shape shifter. The trading caravans were still in town, but would be leaving soon to venture to a northern town to sell their goods. It was this trip with the caravans that Adley had told Daol to be with if he accepted the job to kill the ancients. A job that Daol was still uneasy about accepting.

Daol had spent the last few days contemplating the request. He didn't like how much Adley seemed to know about him and the hopes he had of over throwing the ancients. how could someone that he had never met, let alone heard of, know so much about him and his hopes. There was something about this Adley that just didn't sit right with Daol, but he couldn't figure out what to do about it, especially considering the prospect of what could happen if he succeeded in killing the ancients.

Finally, he left his home to clear his thoughts and get something to eat. He traveled past the caravans and made his way to the Juddstone tavern down by the docks of the Ococo river. As soon as he entered the tavern he knew it was going to be an interesting day. The inside of the tavern turned and stared as soon as Daol entered. Usually this attention did not bother him, but something told him that the attention today was going to make it a long day. He knew it would start soon enough, so he made his way to the bar for a drink to wet his dry scratchy throat.

" I know you can handle yourself well enough, but there is a nasty lot in here tonight. Your absence the past few days has 'em thinking you've gone weak. Not me own thoughts at all, but thought I would give you a respectful warning."

Daol nodded in thanks to the bartender who had never spoken to him other than to let him know when he was closing. He downed his meade and spun on the gathered crowd. In the faint light, with his blonde hair falling effortlessly over his face, the crowd saw another side of Daol. This new side being shown was the evil killer that Daol rarely showed. Even when he was hired to kill someone, he maintained his composure. It was this killer rage that had cost him his chance of becoming an ancient.

" I know you all think me weak in my absence. So i offer anyone the chance to prove me weakened." Daol said harmoniously.

It was a rare occurrence to hear Daol speak, so for the regulars at the tavern, they knew that he was not weakened at all. They sat down to enjoy the spectacle soon to unfold. Others however, were not as smart and quickly things got very loud as the sound of yelling and metal on metal rang out through the tavern. The first victim was a tall muscular man that Daol had seen working the docks a few seasons ago. The tall man had brought his longsword up above his head with intentions on cleaving Daol in half, but Daol struck first with his trusty dagger and soon the first death was added to his total for the night.

Seeing the quickness in which he dispatched the first victim, the rest of the group broke into small teams and began to advance on Daol. As each new team went in, the bodies were continuously added to the death toll. After about an hour of the fighting the surviving men were worn down, breathing heavy and covered in sweat. Daol however, seemed to have just started fighting. No one knew that Daol was drawing his energy and rejuvenation from each person he killed. It became obvious to the remaining fighters that they would not win this fight, so they withdrew from the tavern. Daol placed his dagger back in its sheath on his belt and sat back to the room at the bar. The normal patrons of the bar began cleaning out the dead bodies and sorting through the chaos that was strewn across the floor.

Tables and chairs were broken, mugs were tipped over, spilling out the tasty meade they contained. Blood was puddling upon the tavern floor and seeping into the wood flooring. It would be hard to clean up, this Daol knew, so he placed a small sack on the bar in front of the bartender. Inside were about eighty small gold coins that were worth enough to build and supply three taverns, but the bartender knew that he wasn't being paid to open any new businesses, but being paid out of respect for the warning he had given. He poured another mug of meade and slid it in front of Daol, who slammed it down in one gulp.

He only drank that one meade after the fighting, but after the adrenaline rush and the dagger rejuvenation wore off, he felt very weak indeed, so he fled the tavern quickly but not enough to cause interest. Now that he was in the alleyways leading to his home, he could barely stand. He limped his way up the steps leading into his home and fell through the door and lay motionless on the floor. When he awoke, he could not tell how long he had been asleep. He stood up for the first time since the tavern fighting, shakingly he made his way to a chair and sat rubbing his temple to try and relieve the massive headache he now had.

After a while of sitting, Daol decided to make his way outside to see if he could determine how long he had been asleep. When he made his way outside he saw that the caravans were putting things together to leave the next day. He had put very little thought back into the decision of whether to leave and pursue the job of trying to kill the ancients.

As Daol walked the streets, he gazed upon what the once thriving, beautiful town had become. With all of the broken down homes and the drunken bodies that covered the sides of the streets, the town now seemed more of an open prison to dirty drunken thieves. Daol had built a reputation on being good at both, but only after everything was taken from him. He had to adapt to survive so he made a living doing what he had to do. With the events of the past week, he was starting to feel like it was time for him to adapt again. So many emotions had come over him in such a short time but he could get over the emotions easily enough.

So with his mind cleared and no worries, Daol packed his bag and hopped on the first carriage leaving in the caravan the next day. He told no one, and had no clue as to where he was going to find his next instructions. All Daol knew was that he was in for a rough task. He really hoped for a quiet ride, mainly because it would alleviate any un-wanted attention, but also because he really just wanted to relax for once. The traders were very able to defend themselves but Daol knew the types of creatures that lingered in the night.

Soon enough night had fallen and the caravan stopped. Daol pulled some food from his pack and sat at the back of the carriage eating by himself. No one had bothered him, and most of the traders were too timid to even look at him. Daol finished his meager meal of vegetable soup and laid back to get some sleep. When morning came, Daol had realized that the caravan had traveled a good distance the previous day and would probably make it to town that night if everything went well.

The caravan was moving at a good pace with a slight breeze to compliment the sunny day they were having. He hoped that he would get some more information about his task when they reached town, but if not then he would continue along because he was too far to turn back now. After all, why go back to fight the local tavern drunks again, when he could fight the biggest group of drunkards he had ever known in the near future.

© 2012 Jeff Jessie

Author's Note

Jeff Jessie
Chapter Two in my ongoing novel craziness. Any feedback graciously accepted. Slam the hammer down. Really want this to be a good novel and having readers opinions is what makes it great. Thanks in advance for any help you give.

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Added on September 9, 2012
Last Updated on September 9, 2012
Tags: Fantasy, Fiction, Magic


Jeff Jessie
Jeff Jessie

Clarksville, TN

My name is Jeff Jessie, I am a 26 year old father of two beautiful girls. Married to my best friend for the past 6 1/2 years and active duty military for the past 8 years. I write as a hobby and it i.. more..
