![]() BetraylA Chapter by Jitsun![]() Jitsun finds out the truth of his family, but is it something he wants to know?![]() 2 Betrayal
Jitsun and Thera arrived at a snow covered opening to see Merato in a puddle of blood and two strange men wearing headbands. The snowy opening was surrounded by buildings on one side and trees on the other. One of the men was above average height, about six foot seven inches, and wore a white cloak that was blood-stained with a hood. You could see he had a large muscle tone. The other wore a purple, leather jacket with a blue undershirt. He was towered by the other but he still stood around six feet. He was wearing a black, leather belt which held up his black, baggy jeans. The one in the leather jacket had long, brown hair, had a goatee and wore a Crucifix around his neck. He had a large gold belt buckle and blue tinted sunglasses. The one in the white cloak’s face was covered by the shadow of his hood. “I’m Ternort, nice to meet you. And for the lady, hey there hot stu-,” Thera’s fist was plowed into the face of the one with the leather jacket. “And I’m Nistoji,” said the man in the white cloak. “I’m ready to kick their a*s,” whispered Jitsun. “Be careful, don’t jump into things,” warned Thera “Look. What has our friend done?” asked Jitsun “Nothing,” answered Nistoji. “Okay, well-,” started Thera “Shut the hell up!,” warned Ternort. “Umm…no,” replied Thera. “You’re out numbered,” warned Ternort. “Well, obviously someone failed math,” laughed Jitsun. “Myk!” screamed Nistoji “Zankuha!” yelled Ternort Two more jumped out. One of the men had a white tee-shirt and loose jeans while the other work a black cloak and carried two katanas. The one in the tee shirt had long red hair and seemed very laid back. He stood about five foot nine inches. The one in the black cloak seemed much more up tight and had black spiky hair with one long lock that went over his face. He towered over Ternort but still was nowhere near as tall as Nistoji. “Please, let’s talk it out,” pleaded Thera. “Screw it! They want a fight I’ll give it to them. Wind Blade!” exclaimed Jitsun. “Jitsun! No!” screamed Thera, but it was too late, the big guy’s katana was already in his chest; entering from the shoulder. Jitsun dropped to the ground. His shoulder had a huge gouge in it. Slowly blood started to collect below him. Pretty soon he was laying in a puddle of blood. “Nooooo!” screamed Thera. Body numb, thought Jitsun. Vision blurring good… good bye. A high pitched voice pierced through Jitsun’s mind like a bullet piercing the skin. Thera! Jitsun opened his eyes to see Ternort take out a A glove appeared on Ternort’s right hand with a line of Energy going from the glove to the handle of the Blood hit the ground. Jitsun charged Ternort and hit him in the gut with his Wind Blade. “One down,” The laid back guy grabbed Jitsun from behind and Nistoji pulled out a kunai. “Ready? We’re going to have plenty of fun here.” Nistoji threw the kunai and hit Jitsun’s upper right leg. “Let the other two leave,” begged Jitsun clenching his fist in pain. He clenched so hard it drew blood. His Nails were digging into his skin. Blood got behind his finger nails. A drop of blood splashed onto the ground. “Fine,” agreed the one in the black cloak. “But Zankuha-” questioned the laid back guy. “Don’t question me Myk. We aren’t here for the others, we’re here to test this boy’s strength.” Yelled the man in the black cloak. “Yes sir,” replied Myk. “Jitsun, no!” screamed Thera. “Thera!” yelled Jitsun. “Save Merato! I would rather be dead than be stuck in this City and hated.” “No! They don’t hate you, they just fear the murderous Zakua clan,” explained Thera. “What?” wondered Jitsun. “Yeah, the Zakua clan killed many people until they were all killed except-” started Myk. “My parents who fled to “You can rot in hell with the rest of your clan!” exclaimed Myk, stabbing both arms with kunais. “Ungh! Thera! Run!” ordered Jitsun “… F… Fine,” answered Thera grabbed Merato, but got hit in the back with a kunai. “THERA!” Screamed Jitsun “Nistoji! We agreed to let her go! I only wanted this punk. You know we were only here to test this Zakua’s strength. The other guy was just to draw him out,” scolded Zankuha. “Oops!” laughed Nistoji. The black of Jitsun’s pupil started spreading to his iris, leaving behind a red pupil. “I remember… I remember the legend of the Zakua warrior with the strongest eye as my mother would say. I feel the power… the power of the… Ta-getto Boushi!” The black of the iris spread to the rest leaving only five lines of black in the iris and the rep pupil spread to the iris leaving a black star shaped pupil line from each point. “Ta-getto Boushi: the targeting eye!” Jitsun pulled out shuriken and from what Jitsun saw using his Ta-getto Boushi Nistoji had a circle around him even when he moved it was right there. “What power!” Jitsun threw some shuriken but they missed. “Nice targeti- ungh!” The shuriken had spun around and flew right through Nistoji. “I won- I can’t miss. I’ll give you one chance. Leave! Now!” warned Jitsun. “Let’s go Myk. Grab Ternort and Nistoji,” ordered Zankuha. Myk rolled his eyes. “Yes master,” He walked over to Ternort and draped him over one shoulder. Next he walked over to Nistoji and pulled out the shuriken. Blood spluttered onto the ground. Myk looked at the bloody weapons for a second and then threw them into the ground. “Don’t think we’re done with you Zakua!” “The name is Jitsun Zakua!” growled Jitsun. Myk and Zankuha jumped into the air. As they were leaving, Myk threw a kunai which hit Jitsun. The kunai went in Jitsun’s back and came out his chest, dropping him to the ground as a puddle of blood started to form. Thera was the only still conscious with that slipping away. She tried to pull herself over to Jitsun. She clawed at the ground. The ice crystals that laid upon the ground, tore at her clothes. They cut into her skin and continued to rip jagged wounds into her. Her fingers started to go numb. She couldn’t move any longer. “Hey! Shiro, there’s some people over here.” Called a shadowy figure. At that, Thera passed out. Her head hit the ground only three feet away from Jitsun. Jitsun woke up on a hospital bed. The bed was lumpy and hard. The blanket was thin and felt like plastic. The floor of the room was tiled white. A white, plastic curtain surrounded his bed. “Ho- Ungh! How di-did I survive? What does that matter… at least they didn’t kill The- THERA!” “I’m alright, just rest up.” Comforted Thera. “You know, I don’t know much about you. What’s your story?” asked Jitsun. “Well… nothing really ever happened to me. I’ve always been a boring girl in a boring life. The most exciting thing to happen to me was probably last night. Actually it might have been when I first saw you.” Smiled Thera. Jitsun smiled. “What’s your family like?” “That’s not important at this moment though, you’re hurt. Some guy in a black cloak is a great healer, he looks oddly familiar though. He must be a doctor because Kayla’s injuries are gone. He even agreed to heal you,” informed Thera. “I was worried you got in to far.” Zankuha stepped through the door and looked right into Jitsun’s eyes. “Hello there. Nice to meet you. I’m Zankuha,” “You stupid two face b*****d!” exclaimed Jitsun spitting in Zankuha’s face. “Stop, you stupid brat. I’m only doing this for Kayla,” whispered Zankuha. “You want to get in her pants!” exclaimed Jitsun “What?” asked Thera. “Screw you!” whispered Zankuha. “Fine, just heal me!” sneered Jitsun. “You want to get in that girl’s pants, don’t you?” asked Zankuha, referring to Thera. “I wish no such thing…at this moment,” Jitsun rose fiercely, but suddenly winced in pain. “Why the hell did you have to damage me so badly?” growled Jitsun. “Sorry,” smirked Zankuha, while starting to heal Jitsun. His hand started glowing as it passed over Jitsun’s wounds the wounds closed up. “You should be.” Growled Jitsun. “I should kick your God damned a*s!” “We all saw how that turned out last night.” laughed Zankuha. “I mean a one on one you a*****e!” yelled Jitsun. “This is a hospital! Shut up and just let me finish. After Zankuha was done he left without saying anything. Jitsun just glared at him without saying even as much as thanks. “Hey Kayla, you want me to heal Merato right?... Okay see you tonight,” flirted Zankuha outside the door. “Thera, I’m sorry you got hurt last night.” apologized Jitsun. “I’m stronger than you think Jitsun. I’m sorry, I have to go. I’ll come check on you later,” informed Thera, kissing Jitsun good-bye. Thera then left Jitsun alone to get rest. Jitsun laid in his bed. He stared at a dot on the ceiling. He couldn’t look away from the dot. He shook his head and started to twiddle his thumbs. “Damn… this is boring,” Jitsun took his head phones from around his neck and put them in his ears. He started to pat a beat on his legs. “Screw this… I’m done with the hospital,” laughed Jitsun. He slid open the window and jumped out. After Jitsun left, Merato ran through the door. “Thanks for saving me Jitsu- Hey! Where is he?” exclaimed Merato walking over to the open window. Jitsun leapt onto a tree branch. He dove onto another. He stopped for a second. He cracked his knuckles and his neck. Jitsun then continued on his way. He jumped and grabbed a branch with one hand. He swung himself into a flip and landed on a tree branch. Suddenly He was hit back. He slid across the ground. “You need to stay in the hospital,” ordered a shadowy figure. Jitsun slowly rose. “Who the hell ar-” Jitsun was cut off by a kiss. “We’ll finish later, if you stay in the hospital,” compromised Thera. “Oookaayy!” agreed Jitsun. He walked down a path that was cleared of snow. On his way to his room he saw a little boy. The boy had spiky red hair and a huge smile. He wore a blue tee shirt and a pair of jeans. “Mommy! Mommy! Look at the cool ninja!” “Misumi! Stay away! He is a Zakua.” Called a lady who stood near the boy. “Listen, mam, I don’t fight unless another person starts it, and I won’t kill unless it would be harmful not to. I had never even known my family members were murderers or I would have deserted them,” Jitsun tried to explain. “You evil Zakua b*****d! Don’t look at me with that cursed eye!” ordered the mother. She went to slap Jitsun. Jitsun caught the lady’s wrist. “Go to Hell!” He released her and walked away. For the next week, Jitsun started hearing people talk about avoiding him. Everywhere he went people would back away from him. He couldn’t even run to the market for Kishin. At the sight of him people would close up there shops and hide in there homes. Eventually there was talk to drive him out of Mori, and eventually to kill him. People hated him so intensely and it was only because he was from the Zakua family. None of them even known he was “Zakua the King of Fangs.” Even Kishin hated Jitsun. He even went as far as to kick him out. Jitsun had to sleep at Thera’s house. Even that was a pain in the a*s because Thera lived with her parents and as unbelievable as it is they hated him. He had to climb through the window and sleep under a pile of Thera’s old stuffed animals. After that week, Zankuha and his team were all getting ready to depart from Mori on a mission. They stood in an area cleared of snow. A lone tree stood in the middle. There was a path leading into a forest on one side and Mori one the other side. “Kayla…” Zankuha stated and then kissed her. “It’s time for me to leave. I’ll return right after this mission, I swear,” he kissed her again and turned to leave. “Wait!” yelped two voices, one was Kayla’s the other was Jitsun’s. “Take me with you!” Kayla insisted. “You must let me leave with you,” requested Jitsun. “Fine, I’ll take you Kayla but, why do you want to come, Zakua?” If I don’t, I’ll just end up dead,” answered Jitsun. “I… I want to leave this City for good. I want to leave this City and… and… everyone in it.” Thera went to check on Jitsun, but no one was there. When she checked his part of the room it was missing all of his clothes, weapons, and his mp3 player. She saw a note where he would keep his pocket knife. It read: Thera… I love you but… I can’t stay here… I just can’t live like this. Don’t Think it was because of You. I just wanted to let You know… Good Bye. A tear dropped on the page, ripping a hole through the word “bye.” “I must get to Jitsun,” cried Thera, jumping out the window. “He can’t become an outlaw. He just can’t.” Thera got to them as they were leaving. “Jitsun please don’t leave, please.” “Oh, just let the pathetic b*****d go,” laughed Merato. “If he doesn’t leave, I’ll just kill him like I was hired to.” He was walking up behind Thera. “You son of a… son of a… screw you!” screamed Thera, spinning around with a kunai. She threw it. It flew into Merato’s stomach. “You- You b***h. Gaugh!” Merato coughed a little blood. “Go to hell!” screamed Thera, kicking Merato in the face, knocking him backwards, jumping on him, and repeatedly punching him in the face. “You call yourself a man when you abandon your teammates like that?” With that she took out a kunai and stabbed him in the crotch. “Now try and call yourself a man.” Thera was about to stab Merato in the chest when Jitsun hit her in the neck knocking her out. “Leave her,” ordered Zankuha when Jitsun went to pick her up. “Fine,” said Jitsun with a cold face. They started to leave after knocking out Merato. Zankuha stopped and held back Kayla. “Tie her up,” whispered Zankuha to Kayla “Yes, anything for you,” agreed Kayla. “I love you,” kissed Zankuha. “Come on, let’s just go,” insisted Jitsun. Ternort, Myk, and Nistoji all started to follow Jitsun. Zankuha was right behind Jitsun. After they left, Kayla tied up Thera after stripping her to her bra and panties. “Sorry my student,” laughed Kayla spitting in her face. Then she caught up to the group. “Sorry I tripped.” They traveled for over three days until Zankuha suddenly stopped and put his hand up to his face. “Illusion release!” Suddenly a city started to appear. “The City of The City was carved into the trees. On the outskirts of Town were some real buildings made of rice paper walls. Even though the City was heavily cover, snow still littered the ground. Zankuha took a step forward. Suddenly, a string of Energy formed around Jitsun. It formed into a chain and tightened on Jitsun. “Who the Hell are you!” screamed Jitsun. “I was going to ask you the same thing!” laughed a hideous voice. “Hello, I’m Raykon. “Screw! YOU! LET ME GO!” screamed Jitsun. Energy seeped out of the chain, taking the shape of spikes and solidified into metal, stabbing Jitsun up and down his body. “Scr-crew you,” Jitsun pulled his arm out, shattering the chain. It turned it back to Energy. “How did you do that.” “W- With the steady release of wind Energy. God, a little brat should be able to do that,” “Really? Sorry, I don’t know many others skills. I guess I can’t hold back this much. About um… well, I’ll go from snore fest to beat you in my sleep,” taunted Raykon as the chain started to reform. “Plus, even if you usually would take more effort then that, you’re still ungodly cut!” “Wh-what the hell ab-ab-about i-i-it?” “Nothing. Just saying how path-ungh!” Jitsun’s Wind Blade passed through Raykon’s stomach. “You cheap-shoting b*****d!” “Whatever,” panted Jitsun. Raykon’s chain wrapped around Jitsun’s arm while more strings formed to fill the empty space on his arms that it didn’t cover. The strings formed into chains. Suddenly, spikes emerged from the chains, digging into his arm until they reached the bone. “Did that hurt, you cold-face b***h?” The chains tightened and Jitsun winced in pain. “Oh, you’re showing emotion now,” tantalized Raykon. Ice started creeping up the chain but before it got to Jitsun’s arm it stopped. “Damn it…” I’m out of Energy, thought Raykon. I have to return the chain before he breaks it. Can’t give him this damn handicap next time. Raykon pulled his arm, ripping the blood-stained chain out of Jitsun’s arm, splattering the ground with blood. “DIE!” “Let’s go now,” ordered Zankuha. Kayla, Nistoji, and Zankuha turned to leave. “Come on Myk. You too Ternort,” “No, he is part of our team and you are now his master,” preached Myk. “So?” laughed Zankuha. “And you call yourself a ninja?” questioned Myk. “I am” smiled Zankuha. “Shut up! I’m tired of you treating us like slaves,” “You are my slaves,” “I’m your other teammate. You know, not the one that got captured and you threatened to kill me if I went after him,” preached Myk. “Brotunso was weak and useless,” defended Zankuha. “If he couldn’t stop himself from being captured, then we didn’t need him.” “Die!” Ternort jumped at Zankuha, but Zankuha’s katana was through Ternort’s stomach. Only a palm was touching Zankuha’s chest but that was enough. A hidden blade clicked open stabbing Zankuha in the chest. The blade Was a long slightly, curved dagger. It had a curved piece metal to guard Ternort’s fingers. Zankuha turned his blade. “Think! Why would Jitsun want to come on a weapon delivery mission?” asked Zankuha. “To-” started Myk. “To abandon The City of Mori!” interrupted Zankuha, removing his blade and resheathing it. “It’s better he dies here instead of at the village.” With that, Myk screamed. “You little b***h!” He grabbed Ternort and jumped into the village with Zankuha not far behind. Jitsun charged at Raykon “Wind Blade Technique!” Jitsun was about to slash Raykon’s neck when the chains went through Jitsun and spread apart, ripping open his stomach. Jitsun felt himself slipping away so he struck Raykon in the temple. Raykon dropped immediately. Jitsun was about to strike the final blow when he collapsed. He was caught by an unclear figure. “Jitsun? Are you awake?” asked a familiar voice. “Let the idiots sleep,” Stated another familiar voice. “Don’t call Jitsun an idiot” insisted the first voice. “He is! Always jumping into action,” said a third. “You’re one to talk, Ternort,” laughed the second. “Ternort, Myk, please let me and Jitsun be alone for the moment,” insisted the first voice. “Sure, Ternort, you should rest too,” agreed Myk. “Yeah... I guess you’re right,” Ternort and Myk walked out of the room. The room was dimly lit. The walls where oddly made of wood. It resembled an American home. “Th-Thera. Is th- that you?” stuttered Jitsun. “Yeah,” answered Thera. “You stab wounds are healed except for your right arm but now they are only minor wounds, and… for the possibly fatal wou-” Jitsun grabbed Thera, kissing her. “I’m sorry…, I’m so stupid I should have stayed… I’m-I’m-” “Quiet! It’s okay, just as long as you’re safe,” kissed Thera. “You need your rest.” Thera walked out. “I hope he survives.” After she left Jitsun, closed his eyes and fell asleep. His head hit the soft pillow. Suddenly his left eye (the black one with a red pupil) opened. A black mark started to form under his eye. It moved down his neck, across his chest, and to the wound through his stomach. Once it reached the wound, the wound started to heal up. The next morning, Thera burst out of Jitsun’s room. “Where the hell is Jitsun!” “Wh-what the hell!” screamed Ternort. “Jitsun’s in the shower,” explained Myk. “That idiot.” Thera stormed into the bathroom. The Bathroom was tiled blue and the walls were painted white. “Who just came in!” screamed Jitsun. “Calm down, you health-rushing moron,” answered Thera stripping to nothing and getting into the shower. Water hit her soft skin. Her wet body glistened in the light. “I’m fine. The wound is fine.” Insisted Jitsun. “It’s a huge gaping ho- what the hell!?” answered Thera, looking down at what used to be the wound. “Umm… what happened?” “I don’t know. I thought you healed it while I was asleep,” explained Jitsun. “Umm…no,” answered Thera confused. She pushed Jitsun against the wall of the shower. “Jitsun… I… I… I want you.” She pressed her breast against Jitsun’s chest. “Ooooo… Thera… this is not the time,” moaned Jitsun. “Okay, See ya then!” Thera got out, grabbed Jitsun’s towel and started to dry off. She wrapped the towel around her body and walked out. “HEY! I need that!” called Jitsun. “What?” laughed Thera. “Screw you!” mumbled Jitsun. Thera just laughed. “Hey! Come on! Bring that back!” pleaded Jitsun. “Fine! I’ll just drip dry!” Jitsun washed his hair and shut off the water. “Thera! How’s Ternort?” questioned Myk. “I’m off to finish my healing on him now!” answered Thera. “Okay,” Replied Myk. “I’m cold!” complained Jitsun. “Are you dry?” taunted Thera. “…” “Silent are you?” chuckled Thera. “Come on plea-” started Jitsun. “Nope!” laughed Thera. She walked into the room Jitsun slept in. There were two dressers, a closet and a king sized bed. Thera opened the top draw of the dresser on the wall with the door. She took out a pair of panties and slipped them on. She continued to get dressed. She left the room and walked down the hall. Thera knocked on the door and then opened it a crack. “Come in,” called Ternort. He laid on his bed, moaning in pain. Thera walked into the room. It was fairly empty. It only had a dresser and a bed. Thera walked over to Ternort. I’m going to heal you but to pass the time I want you to tell me something,” Informed Thera. She started to heal Ternort. “So…how did you get here?” “Are you sure you want to hear my life story?” asked Ternort. “Yeah, I like to know about people,” smiled Thera. “Well, I was born in the southernmost parts of Areno. When I was young my father, Gunjiteki, was drafted for war, leaving me to be raised by my mother, Sukai. I lived by the rules of the streets, making my money by hustling and selling almost anything I could find that had reasonable value. “Soon, I learned that his father died. From that day on, I decided to dedicate my life to be a great ninja like my father. I trained myself with some of the most deadly weapons I could find, bombs. “I spent most of my life back on the streets with other members of my clan, getting into fights with those who tried to stop my clan from giving Areno a bad name. The Waihon clan was a large clan that was notorious for being all over Areno and being able to sell almost anything, even if it was illegal. I felt that my clan were the only people I could trust due to how almost everyone else who got involved with the Waihon’s plans were usually spies or snitches. This caused me to use the term, ‘Live life like a p***y then that’s probably what you die like.’ I would tell my clan members I hung out with that I would live a better life one day; that would make his name as big as Sabure, Leader of Areno. “I said I would have the sexiest woman in Areno all over me. I then found out my mother developed cancer and she might not make it. She told me to leave Areno and find a better life. She told me that I could do anything I could dream. When I left, he kept my mother’s words in his mind, ‘The sky is the limit.’ “Then I met up with Zankuha and the a*****e tricked me. He told me that he would help me get revenge on my fathers killers. I believed him even though he never planned to help me. After that… well… we both see how it ended.” Ternort was mumbling by the end. “Th-Thera, thanks. I really needed to get that out.” “No problem, Ternort. You don’t have anymore wounds,” comforted Thera. “Ternort, can you come here?” asked Myk. “…” “Yeah, it’s okay for you to get up,” informed Thera. “Myk, I’m coming!” Ternort slowly got up and walked out to Myk. Myk sat in a room with a coffee table and a circle of couches around that. “Remember where I got this house from?” asked Myk. “Didn’t Zankuha get it for when we have missions to here?” replied Ternort. “Exactly,” answered Myk. “…S**t…” mumbled Thera. “Thera’s got the point,” smiled Myk. “Don’t worry, so do I,” cursed Ternort. “Nistoji, Kayla, we’re here,” laughed Zankuha. He stood in a snow covered field with scattered trees. In front of him stood a house. “How are you sure?” asked Kayla. “Simple, those two idiots don’t have anywhere else to stay,” explained Zankuha. “Well then,” screamed Nistoji. “Myk! Ternort! Come out here and help me!” Nistoji threw a kunai at Zankuha’s back but Kayla jumped in the way, getting hit in the chest. Blood dyed the snow below red. “Look what you did!” screamed Zankuha looking down at Kayla. Tears started forming making his eyes teary. “Oh come on now. I now you’re more heartless then that!” laughed Myk. Zankuha turned and looked at Myk not noticing Ternort jump behind him. “You mother fu-” Ternort’s chain wrapped around Zankuha with the “Wow,” laughed Zankuha. Ternort was stabbed through the cloak but the blade stopped due to Ternort’s armor. “Die!” Ternort pulled the chain but Zankuha disappeared in a flash of light. “Replica?” Zankuha was behind Ternort, about to slash Ternort’s throat. He went to slash but Jitsun’s shoulder and pocket knife were blocking Zankuha’s blade, splattering blood all over Zankuha and Jitsun. “You crazy b*****d.” “Well… I care about other people’s lives.” “Screw you!” screamed Zankuha. “Zankuha, move the blade or all blow all three us out of this life,” bluffed Ternort. “Thanks you inconsiderate basta-” “Shut up Jitsun,” yelled Ternort. “At least Zankuha will die,” Jitsun removed his knife and stabbed Zankuha in the stomach. “Ungh!” “It’s not a replica!” yelled Ternort while throwing up a paper bomb. “Paper Bomb Replication Technique!” Jitsun flipped backwards. He slid to a stop. The bombs started to rain down and when the explosions started, Ternort disappeared in a flash of light as well. Zankuha was blasted into a nearby tree. “Damn you!” Zankuha concentrated for a quick moment. “Earth Chains of Fate Technique!” Four chains of rock burst out of the ground each catching Ternort on one of his limbs. He was lifted out from behind the tree Zankuha was laid against. “So the real you was behind the tree.” chuckled Zankuha. Jitsun ran towards Ternort as Zankuha pulled out his 2 katanas, throwing them at Ternort. “Nooooo!” “Katana Replication Technique,” screamed Zankuha. “You f*****g b*****d,” exclaimed Ternort breathing his last words as the wall of katanas sliced through his body. The stone chains shattered into dust as Ternort’s bloody body fell through the sky. Energy flowed out of his body and was released into the world. His shadow grew darker as his body neared the ground until he slammed down motionless. “TERNORT!” screamed Jitsun. He ran over to Ternort and started shaking him fiercely. “Come on a*****e… you can’t die like this!” “It’s too late, he’s dead,” chuckled Zankuha. “You saw the chains of his fate shatter, which means he’s dead.” Jitsun glared at Zankuha. He removed Ternort’s crucifix off of his chest. Jitsun wrapped the chain around his wrist until it wasn’t loose any longer. “For you Ternort…” mumbled Jitsun. Katanas flew through the air toward Nistoji and Myk. “Hidden Stalagmite Technique!” screamed Zankuha when they went to run. Stalagmite rose out of the ground, trapping Myk and Nistoji. The katanas dropped Myk and Nistoji when they hit, spreading blood across the ground. Thera stood, watching Myk and Nistoji fall. She darted off toward them but was stabbed in the stomach by a falling katana. She fell backwards and laid still. Blood started to collect under her. “I’ll kill you, you son of a b***h!” screamed Jitsun while dropping to his knees. Blood and tears streamed down his face. “Ta-getto Boushi!” Jitsun pulled the katana out of Thera and threw it at Zankuha. The katana flew through the air and stabbed Zankuha in the chest causing him to take a step back. The black mark started to form under Jitsun’s eye. His hair grew out and the red spread through. Thick fur formed on his right arm and his nails sharpened. His teeth grew sharp. Two blood red bird wings sprouted form his back. The mark faded away, leaving the changes. “I don’t have time to waste on you!” mumbled Zankuha, grabbing Kayla. He turned and started to leave the City. “I don’t waste my time when unneeded, but don’t think this is the last of me. You seem like a nice challenge to me.” © 2009 JitsunAuthor's Note
Added on July 30, 2009 Last Updated on July 30, 2009 Author![]() JitsunFlanders, NJAboutI used to be more of an artist by my friends would show me up, every which way, so I decided to try my part in writing. From what my friends tell me I would consider myself fairly decent, but I would .. more..Writing