![]() ArrivalA Chapter by Jitsun![]() An arrival of a young man named Justin stirs up the town he came across.![]()
1 Arrival It was a dark, snowy night with trees swaying in the wind. A shadowy figure stumbled through an ominous city. The city wasn’t very modern. The buildings were built in an ancient Japanese style. The doors and walls of the houses were made of rice paper screens. The city was quiet. No lights lit up the road for night travelers. You could hear the wind blow a piece of paper through the lanes. Standing alone in this dark city would frighten any normal person. A rat scurried down an alley. It was engulfed by the creeping darkness of the long shadows. Each foot step the shadowy figure took echoed through the city like an avalanche. A cloud of dust lifted with each step. The figure collapsed in the front of a flower shop owned by a young woman named Yanta. The silhouette of a woman shone through the rice paper walls of the flower shop. The women sat rocking in a chair, while arranging a vase of flowers. She seemed to jump when a loud crash came from outside her shop. She slowly rose out of her chair and crept over to the door. She pulled a long object from the sleeve of her kimono. The door slid open an inch and a sliver of light shot across the dark road. It suddenly shut again. The shadow of Yanta crawled to the far side of the room. A moment later the light went out. Once again the door slid open an inch. Slowly it opened another inch. It was opening even more when it squeaked and then froze. Slowly Yanta walked out of her home and noticed the boy laying there. Yanta was a young blonde women. Her hair was held in a ponytail with to chopsticks. She wore a Black kimono and was holding a long knife called a kunai. The kunai had a skinny handle and the blade was shaped like an elongated diamond. At the other end of the handle was a metal loop. “Hmm, he’s cute.” She was looking down at the boy lying outside her shop. The boy had had short spiky black hair with a stripe of red that ran across his bangs. He wore an unbuttoned black button up shirt with a white tank top underneath. A pair of earphones was strung from his waist, up and around his shoulders so they laid on his chest. He had loose black jeans covering his legs. On his feet was a pair of Japanese sandals called zori. “I don’t want to do this…” Yanta hesitated for a moment but then walked over and started nudging him with her foot. “Move! Get out of here!” “Yanta stop, he’s about to die!” screamed Kayla. Kayla was a young woman as well. She wore a small red skirt with a tight black shirt. Her pink hair was held up by a red hair band. “If you don’t want him there then help me bring him in my house.” “What!?” exclaimed Yanta. “You don’t even know him and you’re allowing him into your house?” “Well yeah. He’s cold, hurt, and we’ll make him leave in the morning. I can’t just leave a lone boy lying in the snow. He could die,” explained Kayla. “Plus, he looks like he’s only eighteen, same as us, what could he do? Rape us?” “Maybe,” answered Yanta. “I am a ninja remember? I could easily kill him before anything happens. The energies of this world are on my side,” “Okay…” Yanta moaned, helping Kayla get him through the door. Kayla and Yanta dragged the man up the stairs. When they got to Kayla’s room they placed him on the bed and wrapped him up in a big blanket. Kayla’s room wasn’t very extravagant. The floors were wood and there was only a dresser and a bed. The dresser was a type of dark wood matching Kayla’s headboard. Her bed was made up of simple black pillows and a black comforter. “Ungh,” Moaned the boy. “He’s cute!” muttered Yanta while taking off her wet zori. The boy opened his eyes and slightly sat up. He saw the two girls sitting at his side. “Hello, I’m J-Justin Za-Zak-ungh!” “Justin? What kind of name is that? That’s the kind of name he’ll get screwed with for. It’s too… too… American,” laughed Yanta. “Then let’s call him…Jitsun. It’s Justin mixed around,” offered Kayla. “That’s too obvious,” complained Yanta. “That’s only because you know the truth.” Kayla rolled her eyes and kicked off her zori. “What ever, I’m tired, do you mind if I crash at your place for tonight?” explained Yanta. “Um…that’s um… kinda what I originally planned.” shrugged Kayla. “Okay, good night then,” chuckled Yanta. “Good Night!” exclaimed Kayla. She laid in her bed, careful not to disturb Jitsun. She was trying to think of what she had done, but her eyes refused to stay open. As Yanta and Kayla slept Jitsun awoke wondering where he was, but with a jolt of pain, fell down immediately unconscious. His head hit the bed with a thump. His eyes were shut tight and his teeth were bared. He let out a moan of pain through clenched teeth. The night passed on slowly. Snow continued drifting through the sky and collecting on the ground. Ice was sheeted across the window and bits of ail would occasionally smack against it. The next morning Kayla woke slowly. When she finally was awake she noticed Yanta and Jitsun were talking. “Hey! Welcome to the city of “Um… that’s very kind… I like it,” mumble Jitsun. “Really! Well then, how much do you like me?” Yanta batted her eyes and put her hand on Jitsun’s thigh. “Um… I’m sorry, but I’m really not into you,” answered Jitsun. “How dare you call me an ugly wore who should never leave my house again!” screamed Yanta. She went to slap Jitsun. “He didn’t say any of that!” exclaimed Kayla, while grabbing Yanta’s wrist. “Who cares? He’s just a punk a*s kid! Put him out on the streets,” protested Yanta. “You said you would!” “He’ll be killed!” argued Kayla “You said you would yesterday and anyway, why do you care, he’s a stupid American.” yelled Yanta. “I dare you to say that again.” Kayla took out a kunai. “He’s… a… stupid… Amer-” started Yanta. “Gagh!” yelled Kayla, jumping on Yanta. “I’m an American too!” Jitsun pulled out a skinny, sharp pocket knife flipping it open. Kayla put the kunai to Yanta’s throat, but Jitsun’s blade was already at Kayla’s throat. “Stop! Break this up, I’ll leave if I’m causing a problem but if you kill her I won’t hesitate to do the same to you,” informed Jitsun. “Good, get outta here!” exclaimed Yanta. “If you truly want to, at least allow me to help you get your feet down in this city. My friend-” started Kayla. “Boy friend!” Yanta interrupted. “Go to hell! Anyway he lives down the road and is looking for a roommate, you probably could find him at Dasteno’s Beef shop. His name is Kishin. He has spiky red hair, always has this goofy look on his face, and wears just a pair of jeans and a tee shirt,” helped Kayla. “Fine,” Jitsun jumped out of the window, onto the roof. “Wait! Don’t you need a jacket!” called Kayla. Jitsun stumbled down the road. He placed his foot wrong only once and slipped on some ice. He fell to the ground and smashed his skull against the ice. Blood started spreading across the ice and stained the small layer of snow on top red. A pile of snow collapsed from on top of a roof above. The snow crashed on top of him, burying him. Jitsun got his head out of the snow, seeing a sign that read Dasteno’s Beef over his head. “Kayla said I would find Kishin here.” Jitsun got himself out of the snow. Frost still hung from his hair and his clothes were covered in snow. Blood still dripped from the side of his head. He stumbled as he walked. His sight wasn’t focused or straight. Slowly he walked into the beef shop. There were only two people in there. One looked like Kishin, and the other was what looked like a traditional ninja. He had a black outfit that was a v-cut at the neck and had fishnet underneath. He also had wrist bands, ankle bands, and a cloth belt which were all white. “Um, are you Kishin?” asked Jitsun. “Yes…” answered the one in jeans. “Well, I just got here from Ameri- far away and I met this girl-” started Jitsun. “Don’t bore us with your life story,” complained the one in the ninja suit. “We’re trying to eat,” “And, who are you?” asked Jitsun. “I’m Shukun, Kishin’s old sensei,” “Then I’ll get to the point, this girl Kayla told me about you, Kishin, and said you were looking for a roommate. Is this true?” explained Jitsun. “Yeah. Why? Are you interested?” asked Kishin. “Yeah,” answered Jitsun. “Fine, you can have the room,” agreed Kishin. “Hell you don’t even have to pay rent. Just buy the food and never! I mean never eat MY beef!” “Since he’s going to be staying with you, why don’t you train him?” offered Shukun. “It’ll be a good lesson for you!” “Okay, Shukun Sensei!” approved Kishin. “That sounds like a good idea,” Jitsun’s hearing started to fade in and out. Kishin and Shukun kept going on about something, but all Jitsun herd was mumbling. The world around him started to fade into darkness. He lost his balance and fell into the empty plane of unconsciousness. “KID!” exclaimed Shukun. “Ungh! This guy is sooooo heavy!’ complained Kishin. He walked through an alley. Jitsun hung over his shoulder. “Let go of me,” argued Jitsun when he woke. “I can walk on my own I don’t need you dragging me!” “Okay!” said Kishin, letting go of Jitsun. Jitsun fell to the ground and winced in pain. “B*****d,” Jitsun slowly stood up. “Jitsun! follow me!” Kishin escorted Jitsun to a simple, small home. Jitsun was taken to an empty room. It had rice screen walls and a wood floor. The only thing in the room was a sleeping bag. “This is your room,” explained Kishin. “Hey…do you mind me asking? Why does it seem like this town is so… so…primitive?” asked Jitsun. “I’ll answer you if you answer me. How did you end up here?” questioned Kishin. “Hehe… well I was failing my final year of high school. My mom wanted me to raise my grades, so she decided she would ship me away from all of my distractions of my gang wars. Since “It’s my turn isn’t it? Well, here we don’t need the things you have elsewhere, the technology we need we do have. Basically, we’re so primitive because we chose to be. A good example is that blade you got there,” Kishin motion to the knife that was hanging on Jitsun’s pocket. “Why don’t you have a gun?” “True…” smiled Jitsun. A week went by with nothing of importance happening. The snow didn’t cease. It just continued to build. Then, one day Kishin brought Jitsun out to an open field. The field was covered in snow that went up to about Jitsun’s knees. Around the field was a snow covered forest. “I’m training you to become a ninja,” announced Kishin. “Okaaay…” dragged on Jitsun. “Do you mean like the assassin, hide in shadows, and walk on water ninja?” “Um…no, it’s a term referring to the few people that can control the energy around them,” answered Kishin. “We’re the reasons that technology here isn’t needed.” “I guess I’ll just find out from experience,” shrugged Jitsun. “Yes, you can count on that.” Kishin smiled. “Now, I want you to concentrate. Don’t think about one thing. I want you to concentrate on everything as a whole.” “What?” exclaimed Jitsun. “I want you to concentrate, but not on one thing. I want you to concentrate on everything. Feel the Energy around you. Feel the energy radiating from everything,” Explained Kishin. “Okay…” Jitsun closed his eyes. He placed his hands together as if he was clapping. He slowly inhaled. His lungs were filled to their maximum with air. “When you first begin even talking can destroy your concentration so when you feel the Energy just nod. Jitsun slowly exhaled the air, little by little through closed lips. His hands started to get pulled apart. Even with all his strength Jitsun couldn’t keep them together. His arms drifted to his sides and his hands were held slightly closed. A tingling sensation crept up Jitsun’s spine. What felt like the wind blew through Jitsun’s hair. A smirk crept across his face and he, with caution, started to nod. Kishin smiled. “That took ten minutes flat. That’s simply amazing. My first time it took me an entire month just to feel the slightest sensation,” Kishin started to clap. “Now, try and concentrate on the energy and while doing this try and concentrate it in one area,” Jitsun’s knees buckled. He fell to the ground on his hands and knees. He raised and fell as he breathed heavily. “It’s alright kid, I know that it takes a toll on you the first couple times. Let’s get you home.” The next morning Jitsun and Kishin were back in the field. “How about we just fight?” offered Jitsun. “Be careful what you wish for,” Kishin stood in a ready stance. Jitsun chuckled a bit. “I guess you’re not used to how we do it in Kishin went to punch Jitsun. Jitsun hit the ground and slid through the snow. He spun himself, tripping Kishin. Kishin fell backwards. Jitsun jumped to his feet and stomped on Kishin. He knelt down on Kishin’s chest and started punching him in the face. Kishin grabbed Jitsun’s fist. Jitsun pulled his arm away and stepped back. Kishin pulled out a kunai. Jitsun took his earphones off of his neck. They hung from his hand. Kishin ran at Jitsun. Jitsun kicked some snow up into Kishin’s face. He spun his earphones and whipped them at Kishin. The earphones hit Kishin in the face. He flinched. Jitsun took the moment and whipped the earphones again. This time the earphones wrapped around Kishin’s neck. Jitsun pulled the wire of the earphones. Kishin was pulled to his knees. Jitsun flipped his knife open and put the blade to Kishin’s throat. “You lose,” “Good job kid, but we’re here to turn you into a ninja not a cheating street fighter,” complimented Kishin. Jitsun smiled. “Well I was the leader of my gang, The Fang Road. Zakua King of Fangs.” “Oh sorry. I forgot you really were a cheating street fighter,” laughed Kishin. “S**t… I forgot you don’t have things like earphones here.” Exclaimed Jitsun. “So?” asked Kishin. “Fighting like that usually breaks my earphones,” explained Jitsun. “Ah,” understood Kishin. Yea… well, thankfully, these didn’t break,” Jitsun took the earphones and fed the up his shirt and over his shoulder. They hung out of his collar and laid on his chest. “There. Now they won’t fly around to much.” “Whatever works,” laughed Kishin. Three weeks later Jitsun stood in the middle of the training filed. Kishin ran up. “What the hell is wrong with you? This is serious stuff. If you strain your body too much you’ll die,” “Yeah… but look…” Jitsun concentrated for just a moment’s time. “HA!” A wave of energy was released from Jitsun’s body. The strength of the attack was so strong it knocked Kishin backwards. Cuts opened across his body. He smiled. “So… you have the wind. Tomorrow I want you to go somewhere for me,” Jitsun jumped through the city. He leapt from building. One time he landed onto a window and it shattered inwards. A young lady wrapped in a towel stuck her head out. “Hey! Watch where you’re going!” Jitsun landed on a wall and his momentum allowed him to run for a moment until he bounded off towards a tree. He landed on a branch and looked at the building that stood before him. It resembled an old Japanese temple. “I hope this is the school Kishin was talking about.” A bell rang inside the building. Students were walking out when Jitsun spotted one girl in particular and stopped to watch the brown haired girl that wore a purple kimono with a gold sash and trim. She looked about the age of seventeen or eighteen. “Thera, come on, let’s go to my house!” called a girl, and then the girl that Jitsun was watching walked away. Startled Jitsun fell on a rock below. He laid across a grassy ground, wincing in pain. “Damn-oww-that hurts like hell!” Who was that, thought Jitsun. “I see you spotted some eye candy. Although… I wouldn’t pick her. Whatever floats your boat. Oh, her name’s Thera by the way,” explained Kishin. “How do you know what I’m thinking and when did you get here?” demanded Jitsun. “I don’t know, I was guessing your thoughts and don’t worry about when I got here, it doesn’t matter. What matters is that you’re screwing around,” “Fine, I’ll hurry,” muttered Jitsun, jumping through the school door. Jitsun jumped into a room that had rows of desks and a wide open area up front. The floor was wood and the walls were wood. Weapons such as kunai, Japanese swords called katanas, throwing stars called shuriken, and small handheld scythes called Kamas hung from the walls. In the front of the room stood a man. “Are you Shishou?” asked Jitsun. “Who are you?” asked Shishou. He was dressed in a white flak coat and wore a black jump suit underneath. “Zakua Jitsun,” “Zakua?” stuttered Shishou. “Yes sir,” “I’m Shishou, um, why are you here?” “Kishin told me that I should come see you,” explained Jitsun. “Kishin? Are you a friend of his?” asked Shishou. “More like… student of his,” answered Jitsun. “Student, well that’s amazing because if he told you to come see me he must think you’re ready to join a squad and fight for our City.” “What? I didn’t train to fight for stupid reasons, I actually want to do well with my life now,” exclaimed Jitsun. “Well I think you can do well by helping out this very City.” explained Shishou. “Whatever… what do I have to do?” asked Jitsun. “Just come here tomorrow morning. You’ll be assigned a squad and true teacher.” Informed Kishin. “I would usually test you, but I trust Kishin’s judgement,” “How do you know Kishin?” asked Jitsun. “Before Shukun, he was a student of mine.” Answered Shishou. The next morning Jitsun went to the academy. Every desk was full so Jitsun stood in the back. In the desk in front of him were Merato, who wore a black cloak with a red design on the front and a mask which went over his head with a red headband, and Thera. “Thera have you ever seen him before,” asked Merato, while nudging his head towards Jitsun. “No, I haven’t,” answered Thera. “I’m new here, I’ve been training under Kishin,” explained Jitsun. He stuck out his hand in a friendly manner. “Thera, I think he heard us,” whispered Merato. “No s**t!” yelled Thera. “What?” interrogated Shishou. “Nothing sorry sir!” exclaimed Thera. “Well Thera, since you decide to yell out I’ll go ahead and get your squad over with. You shall be answering to Kayla Sensei from now on,” ordered Shishou. After hearing the different Sensei’s everyone was dismissed. When they got outside Jitsun started walking away from Thera and Merato. “Hey Jitsun-kun! Wait! Show me your house,” insisted Thera. Jitsun glanced at her for a second. “Okay this way.” The walk was quiet. The only words spoken were: “So Jitsun… what is your family like?” Jitsun just kept silent. “…I get the point,” said Thera, trying to smile. Not long after that they reached Kishin’s house. Thera waved good bye and turned around. “So, you’re teamed up with Thera,” laughed Kishin. He had just walked out of the house. “What about it!” ordered Jitsun. “Nothing,” answered Kishin. He smiled a goofy smile for a second. His grin stretched from ear to ear and his eyes curved upwards. Jitsun was in his room putting on music and getting dressed for sleep when his window opened and Thera jumped in. “I just thought I’d get to know my teammates,” explained Thera. “How tall are you?” “Around five foot ten, five foot eleven. How about you?” asked Jitsun. “…Five three…” mumbled Thera. She put a piece of gum in her mouth. “Want a piece?” “No, I hate when people chew gum,” “Why?” “It tempts me,” “To do what?” “You don’t want to know,” “Yes I do,” “Fine,” said Jitsun, bringing her face close to his. He held the back of her head softly so he could lock his lips with hers kissing her until she shook away. “You-you pervert,” screamed Thera, slapping him with all her strength sending him onto the floor halfway across the room. “Got your gum,” bragged Jitsun, clenching a piece of gum in between his front teeth. “Err!” “Want to take it back?” asked Jitsun, chewing the gum. With that Thera kicked him in the stomach and jumped out the window. “What ever,” sighed Jitsun. He shut off his light and jumped onto his bed still chewing the gum. The next day Jitsun, Thera, and Merato met on top of some nearby mountains, but Thera refused to even as much as look at Jitsun. He went to go to talk to Thera when Kayla arrived. Kayla appeared right in front of Jitsun. “Okay students my name is Kayla sensei!” she exclaimed. Tell me one thing Kayla… what are you going to do?” asked Jitsun. “I’m going to be leading you on your assignments to help out the City of “I’m outta here. I don’t need to be told what to do. I do as I please,” mumbled Jitsun. “What are you talking about?” asked Thera. “I’m done. I want to do as I please and actually try and do something good with my life. Oh and sorry for last night,” Jitsun jumped down the mountain landing on his feet. “Screw you in hell!” screamed Thera. “Name the time!” replied Jitsun. “Err!” growled Thera. “All you do is sit around and growl, isn’t it?” taunted Jitsun. With that, Thera jumped down, landing one foot on his face. “We need to talk,” whispered Thera. “Wait, what!” exclaimed Jitsun, on the ground writhing in pain. “Shhh,” ordered Thera. “Get up here! I am your sensei!” yelled Kayla. “No,” answered Jitsun flipping the bird in her direction as Thera jumped back up to Kayla. “What did he mean sorry for last night?” demanded Kayla. “He kissed me,” answered Thera. “Specifics?” questioned Kayla. “…He tricked me,” replied Thera. “He’s dead,” growled Kayla. “Kayla sensei, it’s okay,” insisted Thera as Kayla jumped down the mountain. “Jitsun! Run!” “No!” answered Jitsun as Kayla landed behind him. “Wind Blade!” Jitsun concentrated a moment and his right hand had the middle finger and index finger extended. Visible energy flowed, taking the shape of a blade around his two fingers and turned to wind. “WHAT!” exclaimed Kayla. Jitsun spun and slashed at Kayla hitting her arm digging halfway in, blood splattering, staining the snow covered ground. Kayla fell to the ground gripping her arm. “You-you psychopath,” “Screw you! You pink haired b***h!” screamed Jitsun stabbing Kayla through the left side of her chest. The Wind sliced through her skin, ripped past the muscle, and continued through to the other side. Blood spilled from Kayla’s chest. She let out a yelp of pain. She seemed to be calling out in such a way it makes you feel sorry for her. “Merato, get Kayla sensei to a hospital!” ordered Thera. As the two of them jumped down the mountain. “Right away!” Merato grabbed Kayla and draped her over his shoulder. He threw Jitsun a dirty look and jumped away. “Jitsun, I’m sorry for how I acted last night…and today…” mumbled Thera. “We’re teammates, we can’t hate each other.” “You’re sorry for how you acted? I should be the one who’s sorry,” replied Jitsun. “How about we start over our relationship?” offered Thera. “Okay.” agreed Jitsun. “See you tonight.” Smiled Thera. “O-kay…” mumbled Jitsun. Thera just laughed and walked away. Later that night Jitsun was sitting up late waiting for Thera. He got up and went into the kitchen and was returning with a drink. “She’s not coming. That stupid shrew,” With that he got punched to the ground and while getting up fell back down with the shock of lips touching his. When tongue was slipped in he opened his eyes seeing Thera’s beautiful blue eyes and light brown hair. “Hi, Mine name is Thera.” “Hehe. Mine’s Jitsun.” “I know,” Said Thera pushing him onto the bed, jumping on top of him and kissing him some more. Jitsun rolled her over and she started taking off his button up shirt when he suddenly froze,” “What? Are you nervous?” “No!” exclaimed Jitsun. He grabbed Thera’s head and started to kiss her. Thera rubbed her hands on Jitsun’s chest. Jitsun’s lips met with Thera’s. Thera’s tongue pushed through Jitsun’s lips. Jitsun pulled Thera close to him and started to cores her shoulders. “MERATO!” screamed Jitsun. “He won’t mind!” insisted Thera, pulling Jitsun into another kiss. Jitsun pulled away. “It’s not that it’s… I think he’s dead! I can’t feel his energy,” mumbled Jitsun. “Guess we have to go.” muttered Thera. “Too bad. I was really enjoying myself.” Jitsun ran out the door, followed by Thera. The night was old, dark, and ominous. The dark clouds covered the sky. Shadows were stretched across the road
© 2009 JitsunAuthor's Note
Featured Review
1 Review Added on July 9, 2009 Last Updated on July 30, 2009 Author![]() JitsunFlanders, NJAboutI used to be more of an artist by my friends would show me up, every which way, so I decided to try my part in writing. From what my friends tell me I would consider myself fairly decent, but I would .. more..Writing