Innocence and The Loss Of It
A Story by Jheart
a Writing from 9/11/2001 
Innocence and The Loss Of It
I was watching my grand daughter sleep during the night, and it occurred to me there are still many things she hasn't seen at 3 years old.......thankfully
She knows Big Bird and Barney but not Bin Laden,
She knows what a tricycle is, and toys, but not terrorism or taliban,
She knows Gramma & Grampa, but not grief and suffering,
She will always know love, and I pray she will never know loneliness like so many surviving children from the WTC
When she goes to preschool, they teach her to share and be friends.... not to fight
Sometimes she cries when she falls down, but there is always someone there to pick her up.... and to kiss her and make it all better.... There are many children that don't have that luxury any more.
She goes to bed with her Teddy Bear at night.... and feels safe with him.... Why in the world should she feel any different?
Any child should feel safe..... every day, every night.... Safe in the knowledge that Mommy and Daddy will always be there to protect them. Safe in the knowledge that no one from another country would try to inflict mass destruction. Children dont know any better at three years old, and I dont want her to know any different<3
One thing she will find out about as soon as she's old enough to understand? Heroes....
Original by Jheart © (All rights reserved) 2001
These mist covered mountains Are a home now for me But my home is the lowlands And always will be Some day you'll return to Your valleys and your farms And you'll no longer burn To be brothers in arms
Through these fields of destruction Baptism of fire I've watched all your suffering As the battles raged higher And though they did hurt me so bad In the fear and alarm You did not desert me My brothers in arms
There's so many different worlds So many different suns And we have just one world But we live in different ones
Now the sun's gone to hell And the moon's riding high Let me bid you farewell Every man has to die But it's written in the starlight And every line on your palm We're fools to make war On our brothers in arms
Decoy Brothers In Arms
© 2010 Jheart
Author's Note
This was written a couple days after 9/11/ grand daughter was visiting and I could not help but notice how nice she was playing, and didnt know anything about what hyad happened......thankfully.
Added on September 6, 2010
Last Updated on September 11, 2010
JheartBuffalo Area, NY
Late 50's, only started writing when I was in my late 40's-never too old to start I guess. Have my own book of poetry published. "In So Many Words".... more..