Something Interesting to say today.A Story by james nuzzelloA' short story about my dream---to tell, the' future.Henry Bituro: Not-too funny, and when are you going to invite me, so I can visualize; Mount Kilimanjaro? Smell's good to me from America, but-is this volcano ready to erupt yet? Well my friend. I want-to write a great story; titled---Man 2024. Its about me. I was sitting on a beach, my legs where crossed like an, Indian Chief. just sitting there on the beach sand looking over this ocean. Than, all of-a' sudden. The water got so calm. It was like a dream I was having. But this thin came-the water started bubbling like a ripple. I was looking, and there appeared this being. It stood tall. And this person was there. He rose up from a whirl-pool of water, just standing on water. It was like, he walked on water. Plus this man-looked me straight into my eyes, as if he knew me. then, he walked right towards me--and said. "I am, Man 2024" I couldn't believe my eyes. Plus, than; I thought this person was here just to mean something, or to meet me, or who knows what? And there he was. The person, just like that-he turned to me and said. "I'll meet you in another life again some day". I didn't know what to think, plus thinking is my hobby. But this was one of the most unusual dreams I have ever had. Then, he turned his back on me. I could see-he was buck naked. This person had a bare a*s...with what looked like black leather-he had long black hair, and finally disappeared. The way he did this-is exactly hoe he came to me. He turned around, showing me his butt. walked back on water-he turned. The water started bursting again, plus rippling from the center, just as it did, when he appeared to me. Then, his body sunk into this ripple, as if he disappear into the ocean. I'll never forget this as long as I live. So, what do you think about that s**t. I have many great stories to tell you. But in the mean-time my friend. Some da, some hoe-we will meet. Your friend, Jimmy Nuzz. ' Be immune to rumor' Adios Amigo. I wrote this-to a pen pal of mine living in, Africa, Tanzania-to be exact. And I always waned to visit, Mount Kilimanjaro. any-who, or any way. believe me---anyone can do this, but-if I strike it rich and become wealthy beyond our wildest imagination--we to can do this. Because. Ever hear this saying, AN EXPRESSION TO US AS IS... 'The' can does can do miracles' Remember me---remember this short phrase; live as if. Together we can do almost anything we set our minds to accomplish; you better believe its true. oh, well. Adios Amigo for now. And also think of this, my aphorism-is. Be immune to rumor Jimmy Nuzz
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Want to advertise here? Get started for as little as $5 StatsAuthorjames nuzzelloEast Haven, CTAboutI have been an aspiring writer for years. I tried to work on myself at every chance I had while writing. I should be saying, I still am. Wanting dearly to become a good writer... Studied publishing at.. more..Writing