The Blame Of It All

The Blame Of It All

A Poem by Gia

Something we all question at different times......

I came across a question the other day, while I was surfing casually on the internet. No, it did’nt just hit me or hurt me but just came across as a wandering thought. The point where you believe that this thought was meant to provoke something. The question was Am I Still Where I Was 5 or 10 Years Ago? Are we all where we were or have we moved on at some point?
The question really is not that difficult, we can write down some basic pointers, some ideas or ambitions we had back then compare did we achieve them or not and well that’s the end to it. But what suprizingly irritated me was I have not moved on much at all. Physcially, mentally, morally I still am where I was, and that is the sign of someone standing still or stuck in the past. Yes, I do admit I am one person as far as I know who has been standing at one point while everyone else has moved on. I am still stuck in those old values, those old traditions, those old rules that I never realized that this all is holding me back. It’s hard to accept that you are wrong, but it’s not hard for me rather I am shocked that all along I blamed the system, the people, the world changing to an astonishing point while I was the one looking at all this from a completely different angle.
I do not mean to say that the world has come to a good point or that some of the things happened were or are good. But atleast something been done by someone while I am at that one point standing rock solid and thinking why does not anyone see me, why is he/she doing all those things and me able to do nothing. There is a whole new world of thought opening up here for me with this soul revelaing revelation. I am confused and startled and I all of a sudden have this adrealine rush to go and do something that I have wanted to so for such a long time. We all blame someone for something that goes wrong with us, we all can not deny it because we know it’s true. But few of us have the courgae to admit that we ourselves were wrong all along and even fewer have the courgae and the ability to do something once they know they were at fault.
So Who Do You Blame?

© 2012 Gia

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Added on June 16, 2012
Last Updated on June 16, 2012
Tags: age, moving, thought, tradition, angle, blame



Lahore, Islam, Pakistan

I love writing, it has been my passion and obsession since I was very young. Words just flow when I am excited, and they flow best when I am sad. more..

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