There was a time when I believed that you too,loved me,
You came to my life like an undimming light always guiding in my moments of confusion and despair.
I craved your love,your cares,your gentle ways.You gave me the divine feeling of being inlove and being loved by someone as wonderful as you,
But just like a dream,I woke up to find that time has taken you away from me.Just like an evening star,your love faded away with the coming of the dawn.
Now I'm left alone with only the memory of love you've never really felt,with the sweet lies you never meant. I'm left alone with the love that you left me,which will forever glow glow in my heart,undying,unceasing..........
Very strong write filled with emotion. I think at some point we have been through this as well.
Posted 12 Years Ago
12 Years Ago
:)yeah,I have been through this a year ago,and now,moving on for me is a damn suicide,,,i can't help.. read more:)yeah,I have been through this a year ago,and now,moving on for me is a damn suicide,,,i can't help to remember those happy moments we've shared,,so by means of writing,it enables me to ease the pain>.
Came looking for something new on this site and what a pleasant surprise. This is amazing. The flow of it is like water trickling through the leaves after a gentle storm. Well done.
Ah, I feel your pain, the ending of a love story. It's tragic to say the least, especially when it's one sided. Memories are good to keep, if you still feel the love inside.
True love never dies. Problem is we encounter too much love with conditions: I love you if; I love you because; I love you when; and so on. The only true love is: I love you unconditionally. Thus we have 'your love faded away with the coming dawn.' How sad, so unfulfilling, so shelfish, so not love.
Your story is so typical of false love prevalent in society. Why? I believe it's because some are afraid of commitment. They want the benefits of love but are unable to trust love and so it fades away. Then there are the people who knowingly use false love to gain some benefit without commitment.
I love your fresh take on the subject and giving it life once again.
I'm not certain I could ever appreciate the left over feelings you've let 'glow in my heart, undying, unceasing.......' To me that's unhealthy desparation. I applaude your true love for someone who cannot return it in the hopes that he will someday wake up and return with true love and fulfill your aching heart's desire.
Great writing. I love the sensitivity and honesty. Even though I would be unwilling to give the second chance; I'm certain that in some cases it's worth the wait.
Thank you for sharing this lovely poem.
Posted 12 Years Ago
12 Years Ago
thanks for the honest review Cecil:))yeah you're definitely right..And I'm looking forward to experi.. read morethanks for the honest review Cecil:))yeah you're definitely right..And I'm looking forward to experience that unconditional love you're saying,for the person whom I want to entrust my life forever:)
you made a good piece and it carried away my feelings.
love is eternal, it is infinite and you know you can find your own love that GOD will give you.