in this gay-straight world,
i miss having a friend to talk to,
calling someone I love, beautiful.
i miss sharing an ice cream,
bathing in the swimming pool learning
to read poetry and understanding punk,
i miss calling collect and serving the opportunity,
hoping she’ll say yes or possibly maybe.
i miss singing and dancing in the street
with my torn umbrella, my shoes wet
i miss drawing her eyebrows,
kissing her chin or laughing with her grin
i miss thinking of how cool
it would be to rent a boat afterschool
i miss diaries and dailies murmuring and daisies
thinking of mobility and being free to decide
what’s best for one, three or five.
i miss being in duos, fours or eights.
with balloons crashing on dance floor dates
i miss holding her hand and thinking
what better plans we could lay down tonight
walking by the sea or drinking candle light tea.