![]() Copper B***hA Poem by Jay M. JonesCopper B***h
JMJ2008© You can see her standing out there in the harbor. Ever vigalent, and watchful. Her eyes are made of copper, so she does not blink. and she holds high above her head a torch to show us how high we have to climb to achieve any measure of security in this "land of the free" If you stare at her long enough, you can see remnants of what she use to represent. Oh, what those weary travelers must have felt when they saw her for the first time. Those throngs of immigrants. My ancestors, your ancestors. Oh what a relief her long robes must have been, sheltering them from the cold. But I ask you this: What of her now? Does she shelter children from neglect? Does her torch light the way for the kids out on those streets, voiceless children without faces? What about the woman raped while waiting for the A train? Do her assailants see that spiked copper crown and run off? The man who begs to eat his next meal... Is there a sandwhich in her robes with which to feed him? We are led by that torch into battle with our "enemies" And by that torch we die, one at a time. She stands out there in the harbor. Her face does not twitch. she is a f*****g copper b***h. ![]() © 2008 Jay M. Jones |
Added on August 10, 2008 Author