Masked Zombies 🧟‍♀️

Masked Zombies 🧟‍♀️

A Poem by Jeyanthi

Zombies 🧟‍♀️ haunting

Just like another day,
walking on my way.
Under dry hot sun,
no room for fun.

On second thought,
Am nearing to strange face,
packed in grumpy mask.

On passing by,
Heard-deadly tales start to linger
But anxiety adrenalin tries to hinder.

On curious turn,
The masking disguise disappears.
all turns to zombie in my vision,
just like in fiction.

Running for my dear life.
There stands my only savior,
immediately I become tree-huger!

With one shrug,
they transfiguring into zombie creeps,
they are not trees.

Nothing going on well,
sure, now found way to hell.

On loud thud,

fall off from bed,
blaming my zombie dreams.

© 2024 Jeyanthi

Author's Note

If this makes you smile 😃 means please leave the comments for me to know.. one of my very old poem.. written long back for word prompt "nightmare "...

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As you suggested, this was written quite some ago; when you were even less experienced. Your zombies here, aren't even really described; although you mentioned a bit about one of them. There are various points, when the rhythm and choice of words don't quite work out. On this occasion, the spelling seems to be OK; unless I missed something. In english, when running for one's life; we tend to say "dear" life rather than "dearly life". We use dearly in different contexts, to dear. If a couple are getting married, then one of the two persons could be referred to as "dearly beloved"; for example. I have noticed elsewhere too, that you miss out the words which link other words together; occasionally. A teacher once told me, that they're known as "joining words". By reading lots of novels, people usually learn how to avoid that flaw; without even having to think about it. On a more positive note, this dainty write; still made me smile (just!). And, it's both light-hearted and presumably tongue-in-cheek. I liked your idea, of the trees; seeming to turn into zombies. That might be taken literally, even. But, if standing motionless in the dark; a naive young woman may easily become frightened and panic. So, this read from that perspective, of a woman feeling vulnerable and chased down by an unknown terror (which just happened to be zombies in this scenario); works quite well for me. The idea of a grumpy mask on a zombie, also amused me. Or, was this just a reference to how the zombie's face looked distorted? You may send other read requests to me, Jeyanthi.

Posted 2 Weeks Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


1 Week Ago

Thanks for the feedback. I try to write in rhyme most of the times. I'll change "dearly life". The p.. read more

1 Week Ago

Well, it's good that you liked my review; and explained about your motivations when writing this. Yo.. read more


As you suggested, this was written quite some ago; when you were even less experienced. Your zombies here, aren't even really described; although you mentioned a bit about one of them. There are various points, when the rhythm and choice of words don't quite work out. On this occasion, the spelling seems to be OK; unless I missed something. In english, when running for one's life; we tend to say "dear" life rather than "dearly life". We use dearly in different contexts, to dear. If a couple are getting married, then one of the two persons could be referred to as "dearly beloved"; for example. I have noticed elsewhere too, that you miss out the words which link other words together; occasionally. A teacher once told me, that they're known as "joining words". By reading lots of novels, people usually learn how to avoid that flaw; without even having to think about it. On a more positive note, this dainty write; still made me smile (just!). And, it's both light-hearted and presumably tongue-in-cheek. I liked your idea, of the trees; seeming to turn into zombies. That might be taken literally, even. But, if standing motionless in the dark; a naive young woman may easily become frightened and panic. So, this read from that perspective, of a woman feeling vulnerable and chased down by an unknown terror (which just happened to be zombies in this scenario); works quite well for me. The idea of a grumpy mask on a zombie, also amused me. Or, was this just a reference to how the zombie's face looked distorted? You may send other read requests to me, Jeyanthi.

Posted 2 Weeks Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


1 Week Ago

Thanks for the feedback. I try to write in rhyme most of the times. I'll change "dearly life". The p.. read more

1 Week Ago

Well, it's good that you liked my review; and explained about your motivations when writing this. Yo.. read more

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1 Review
Added on October 1, 2024
Last Updated on October 5, 2024
Tags: Zombie, humor, silly




Writing heals me. If you correct my grammatical mistakes,than I will be thankful for it. It gives some sense to my writings and makes it something readable. The pictures in my writings doesn't own.. more..

Solitary Solitary

A Poem by Jeyanthi