You°Øve been struggling so long
Yet nothing is going right
You keep waiting for things to change
Even though inside,
You know they never will
Is all you see
Is all you°Øll ever need
You try to dig out
You try to scream for help
But there is no one there
No one is coming for you.
Well, that°Øs what he wants you to believe.
He wants to torment you
To rip you from limb to limb
To split open your back
Tearing out your insides
Breaking your bones
Spilling all of your blood
Burning your flesh
Yet, keeping you alive
Taking everything you°Øve ever done wrong
And dangling it in your face
Like a bone to a dog
Making you beg for mercy
For the pain to end
Even though you know it won°Øt.
But it can.
HE is stonger
HE can take the pain
Wear it like a cloak
Stripping the anguish from you
You don°Øt have to fight
When HE is at your side
There°Øs no one else
To save you
No one else
Who can do what HE does
Not your friends
Not your family
No one can heal you
Not one.
Except HIM.
Run as fast as you like
But if you run away from HIM
You°Øll never stand a chance
HE is your protector
HE deserves your hand.