from a SURVEY OF AVERAGE AMERICANSA Story by Christopher G. Starlinga SURVEY was given to AVERAGE AMERICANS. This one is from Bill, a white, 38-year old, tow-truck driver from Buffalo, Texas. He was given several statements in which he had to fill in the blanks: "guns are" "the right to" "Stephe
Guns are_______________. the most important part of any family unit. Guns protect the family and this makes them invaluable. Guns also shoot things for food, and perhaps you have heard already that there was a time when this was a most wonderful and natural thing, not only fun and a convenience of shooting stuff, animals mostly. Point blank: guns are great for life. The right to_______________. discipline and punish your wife should most certainly be added to the constitution of this great nation we call Stephen King is_______________. a scary writer, isn't he? Didn't he write "Men in Black" or something? Oh, that one movie where the guy goes crazy and tells his wife: "I'm just gonna bash your f*****g brains in!" I was like, "Yeah, get that b***h!" That was pretty cool. I learned a lot about women from that film. Republicans are_______________. probably the only decent Americans left these days. There used to be some okay Democrats, but now they're just sissies and f**s, scared to go out there and get those commie Muslim motherfucking terrorist a******s. P*****s. F**k, give me a gun. I'll go shoot 'em myself.
© 2008 Christopher G. StarlingAuthor's Note
2 Reviews Added on March 8, 2008 AuthorChristopher G. Starlingtucson, AZAboutraised in very south Louisiana, deep in the marsh of fascism and and vengeance. reaching my limit, i moved from city to city across the southern u.s. and am now currently experiencing the southwest i.. more..Writing