The little coffee shop

The little coffee shop

A Story by jessylee

short romatic erotica story


Chapter one
The little coffee shop

As he waited for her in the busy little coffee shop He set nervously shifting his feet from side to side under the table, not sure if he should be sitting there at all or if he should have waited outside for her, but the little coffee shop had seem to be extremely popular today and he hadn’t wanted to miss the only free table, it felt like he had been sitting there at the table for hours, days even, but in reality it had only been about half hour, he looked at his watch once more and wondered for the 10th time that morning if she would really turn up, she was now about 15 minutes late, and he thought he would give her another ten more minutes before he left but looking up from his watch he found her walking towards him, she was smiling a friendly smile and he felt a bit taken back by how beautiful she really was, she had looked good in her photos but in realty she look even better, she had long blonde hair that was straighten in a fashionable style that matched the fashionable way in which she was dressed in her blue denim jeans black nee high boots and a black top that showed the top of her full beautiful breasts, although he tried to puss him deep down the little insecure man inside him asked “how could a woman like this possibly be interested in you?”. They said hello to each other, and he asked her how the traffic had been, as she pulled out the chair opposite him and set down she smiled a sparkling smile that dazzled him and answered that the traffic had been busy and that was the reason she had been late, as they chatted the waitress approached and he ordered another hot chocolate and she asked for a coke, the pretty young waitress went off and got their order and came back and served them and all the time the conversation flowed, she seems so easy to talk to and best of all she laughed at all his jokes, they seem to share the same sense of humour and both laughed a lot but sometimes the conversation become more serious and he realized this beautiful woman laughing at his jokes was just as deep as he had thought she was and not the dumb blonde many people seem to take her for, they talked about the people they both knew and the time seem to be flying by, as they chatted and laughed he was conscious of the fact that her leg was touching against his under the table, he couldn’t help himself from brushing his leg against hers and a shiver of excitement rushed threw him, just the feel of her leg against his was enough to fill him with feelings he hadn’t felt for a long time and to this extent, he wasn’t sure if he ever had.
He found himself teasing her about the way she talked and he joked that she sounded like Liza Doolittle from the film my fair lady, it was true his voice was much softer and more posh sounding then her common cockney accent, and to be fair to anyone viewing them they appeared to be so different and it was true they were and yet they seem to share so many of the same thoughts and values in life and just seem to get on so well, he knew it felt “right” and part of him felt she was feeling the same way!
They had chattered in the little coffee shop for hours now and the manger had started to look over at them with a look that said “how much longer can you make a coke and hot chocolate last”, so he decide to pay the bill and she agreed to give him a lift home but stopping at the park near him on the way to chat for a little longer. They parked in the park car park but it was cold so they didn’t get out of the car they just looked at the beautiful view and chatted some more, “so do ya wonnna give me that kiss you said ya was gonna?” she cheekily asked blushing a little red as she said her words, he smiled at her feeling excited by the thought, “if you want me to” he answered trying to sound more sure of himself then he really was, the truth was he was so excited by the thought of kissing this beautiful woman that his manhood had started to rise, she took off her seat belt and lent across to meet him as he lent across to her, their lips met his kiss was soft and gentle, while hers was more passionate and demanding, the kiss felt a little miss matched and yet so right! As they kissed a thought slowly creep it to his mind and he thought (dare I?) dare I ask her?) he pulled back from her and with new found confidence in himself he asked “ so am I going to get to feel what fake b***s feel like ?” he smiled a cheeky smile at her his laughing blue eyes twinkling, “ you did say i would…once we meet” ..She gave him an equally cheeky smile has she blushed a little red, “well I did say ya could I guess dint I “ she laughed and he joined her but felt even more excited that he was going to get to touch her beautiful breasts, she lent close and he put his hands out touching her black top and cupping her soft beautifully large breasts he rubbed gentle, feeling the blood rush to his manhood and filling him with a lustful longing, they kissed again and she whispered “do you wonna feel in side my top?” he whispered his answer back, “yes please!” she reached down took one of his hands and lifted it up under her top and on to her bra, he rubbed the top of her bra as they kissed. and he wasn’t sure if it was lust or longing that gave him the confidence all he knew was he found himself pulling down the bra cup and taking her soft large beautiful breast in his hand, he heard her give a little moan of pleasure as he pinched her very hard n****e, and his manhood become so hard he knew with the slightest stimulation he would cum, he reached up and took her other breast in his other hand (he wanted to f**k her hard so badly!) he felt her tremble (she feels it to?)all of a sudden she backed away from him, she pulled her bra cups back up and sorted out her top and tried to gain some composure, he was worried he had gone to far as the little insecure man inside him said (you have f***d it up now!) .”I’m sorry” he said looking down at his hands “don’t be…I enjoyed it” she giggled and turning to look at her he could see she was smiling at him flushed and obviously still a little excited, the little insecure man was gone now and he beamed at her and winked his eye and she giggled again, “I have to go now she said” he’s face dropped, he didn’t want her to go they had had a perfect morning and afternoon and he wasn’t ready for it to end, it was like she read his mind because she said looking disappointed “I don’t want to go but its 2.30 the children will be coming out of school soon” they both looked at the car clock and he wished it said 11 or 12 instead of 2.30, she started the car and drove him the 5 minute journey to his house they set for another 5 minutes just up the top of his road “ when can I see you again” he asked she smiled and looked a little sadly and he noticed for the first time the sadness in her eyes (why hadn’t he seen that befor?) “I don’t know” she said turning her head to look out of the window, “I will be seeing you again?” he asked the little insecure man back again, she turn back smiling at him again and said, “ arrange a room meet and I will come” ..”You promise?” he asked ...”yes” she said as she turned and put a soft gentle butterfly kiss on the top of his nose and he had the urge to pull her again in to his arms but instead he got out of the car and waved her good buy as she drove off, he took his phone out of his pocket and was going to write her a fb pm but then he noticed the time on his phone it was not even 2 yet the clocks had gone back last night the clock in the car had been a hour wrong he turned and run to the top of his road hoping by some miracle she would still be there and he could tell her they still had time but the car was gone and so was she, his beautiful jessy.

You can’t see him again she told her self over and over again but as she thought the words she knew she would! and as soon as was possible, she knew what she was doing wrong but she had been so unhappy for so long now, and he seem so perfect, no one had ever made her laugh so much, and when she talked the way he listen, like he was really interested in what she had to say, he had looked deeply in her eyes like he was looking right in to her very soul, and when he had touched her, her body had come alive feeling, feelings she hadn’t felt for years (did she ever feel that way?) it was wrong so wrong!, and yet being with him had felt so right, she knew this wasn’t just about sex, that she could walk away from but they had connected in a far deeper way then that, this line of thinking came to a holt as she suddenly said out loud to her self “I still don’t know his real name” he had told her on line once they met he would tell her his real name as neither his chat nick name or face book name were his real name, but she had been so caught up in the enjoyment of talking and being with him she had forgot to ask, and he hadn’t said, she giggled a little as she thought about it and thought I will ask him later to night, she smiled at the thought that she would be talking to him again soon, (how wonderful was it that he had not only been everything he appeared to be on line but so much more! He was just as funny sweet caring and cheekily sexy, oh he made her feel so happy, but where could this go, as she looked in to the rear view mirror her reflexion seem to say to her “nowhere” she stuck her tongue out at her reflexion like the girl inside she truly still was,  

  • Chapter two

    Once home the chores of every day life made her dream world disappear for a while
    And she was back in the realty of feeding and bathing children and then putting them to bed, as jessy lent over her young son and kissed him good night she knew she couldn’t do it again, no matter how much she liked him it had to stop here because only heartbreak and tears could come from it, better to cry a river of tears herself then to have her beautiful children hurt, she decided not to go on line that night and that she would have an early night, it was only just gone 9 when she got in to bed and she tossed and turned, reliving every memory of the day they had spent together smiling and hugging herself when she remembered something funny or sweet he had said but feeling shivers of lust when she thought about the way he touched her. It was about 11 o’clock when she heard the bedroom door open, she lay still and pretended to be asleep, she felt the covers lift and Adam lay down beside her, his necked body pressed against hers and she could feel his hard on pressed up against her back, his hand reached over and his fingers found her vagina, she reached down and took his hand and pushed it away, “no Adam” she snapped, “ahh come on jessy” he said in a winey pleading way, “I don’t feel like it” jessy said sternly, but he didn’t listen and his hands carried on wondering, she turn round grabbed his hand and pushed it away again which made him set up in bed and he started shouting at her, asking her what good was she to him if she wouldn’t even let him have it when he wanted it, ( is that all I am? a body to have! ) she thought, she lay still she didn’t feel like rowing to night and she hoped if she didn’t say anything he would stop, but he didn’t he just got louder and she started to worry he would wake the children, when he reached over and his fingers touched her vagina again. she decided it was easier just to give in and let him take what he wanted, so she lay there letting him do what he wanted to her body his fingers touched her as his hard on pushed up and down against her leg not once did he kiss her and she knew it was going to be another f*****g without any kissing, as he climbed over on to her body she let her mind wonder away from him to a man that had laughing blue eyes that twinkled and it was all ok for it was him touching and caressing her and not Adam, she floated away in a lustful dream and it felt good, when it was over adam turned over and almost instantly fell asleep and as his loud snoring filled up the night jessy climbed out of bed and went to her laptop. She sign in to her msn but he wasn’t there then she sign in to her face book but he wasn’t there either but in her inbox there were messages, (you looked so beautiful today XX) the second message read ( your not on line where are you? Xxx) and the last message showed he had been waiting for her( I waited for you night my love, I hope to talk soon! xxxx) ..her heart soared. This man was so wonderful! ..she typed him an answer ( chat soon sexy xxx) ..she looked at the screen of her laptop and wondered should she find some friends to chat to on line or go back to bed, she knew it was late but she still didn’t feel tired but she had to be up early to get the kids ready for school so she decided she would go back to bed and try and sleep, as she entered the bedroom she could hear adam still snoring and she had the urge to place a pillow over his head and push down hard!, She felt so irritated by him, a strong guilty feeling suddenly tighten in her stomach, she was the one that was wrong, she had no right to feel this way, she looked at adams face, he looks so old, she thought, the boy she had once known was long gone, as she stood there looking it was like he sensed her there because he stirred and looked at her sleepily and asked “ what are you doing jessy? Come back to bed” jessy didn’t say anything just did as he asked and climbed in to bed next to him and he reached over and hugged her to him and she felt full up with guilt, as she heard him start to snore again she gently started to weep soft tears of frustration, sadness, and guilt., she lay weeping until tiredness sweep over her and as she drifted off in to dreamland, her last thoughts where, how would he feel if he knew the truth? Would he still want to see me again? …

    After jessy had left the rest of his day had been filled with thoughts of her. It had been a while since he had met someone he felt he truly “clicked” with, there had been dates since his split with Amy, even a one night stand, which he didn’t feel proud of himself for, but no one had effected him like meeting jessy had, in fact he could honestly say it was one of the best first dates he had ever had, she was most defiantly the best looking woman he had taken out in a long while. He knew there was a down side to being with her though, to start with there was her children, he had never dated a woman with children before, but then he was no longer in his 20.s and most women in their 30’s had children, which in most cases meant ex husbands or boyfriends that would still be around, and judging by what jessy had told him he guessed her ex was still around more then he should be. Jessy was also older then him by a few years even if she didn’t look it, she certainly didn’t act it, he laughed when he thought about how girly she could be at times, he found it kind of cute, it was like he was the one that was older he chuckled to himself again, he thought maybe the biggest problem would be the difference in their cultures, over the last few weeks since they had become more close on line he had read all he could to find out more about her culture and beliefs and he had to admit that some of it all seem very strange and the unknown always seems a bit frightening
    Oh did it really matter? her age?, the children?, her ex?, even her culture?, no!, he answered himself, at the end of the day he thought, all them things had made her what she was, which was a sweet, caring, kind, sexy woman that laughed at his jokes and when they had been together it had felt so right and he knew he wanted a relationship with this woman! He chuckled to himself again and told himself) slow down mucker you have only just met the woman!) One date one little date that’s all you have had) and the little insecure man in side him piped up with (she didn’t even come on line tonight. I doubt she’s even interested) he pushed the little man down and all the negative thoughts and just went back to thinking about the lovely day they had, and of cause being a man his thoughts drifted to her body and how wonderful her breasts had felt in his hands and before long he was hard and needing release, so he pleasured himself while he allowed himself a fantasy, in which they did more then just touch and kiss,

    The next day jessy woke to a cold but bright sunny day and she decided she would go shopping after dropping the kids off at school, she wanted to buy something to wear for tonight because her best friend and husband were coming over and they were all going out to the local pub, it was karaoke night and jessy was looking forward to it she had decided not to think about laughing blue eyes that twinkled for a while because she just wanted to get the day over so this evening she could enjoy being with her friend, but although she tried, a few times since she had woke this morning he had popped in to her head, only while shopping had she managed to put him to the back of her mind completely, but then she could put most things to the back of her mind while doing her favourite pastime (ahhh shopping… her retail therapy),
    after spending all day shopping jessy finally manage to find a black low cut top that she knew showed her b***s off in just the right way, jessy had so many hang ups about her body and her breasts were the only part she really liked, ironic really seeing as they were the only part of her body that wasn’t really hers, she had decided a few years ago to have breast in plants, a rushed decision, luckily she didn’t regret.
    she picked the children up on the way home from town and once home she cooked for them all then got the children ready for bed before getting ready to go out herself. she was still straitening her hair when her best friend arrived, they laughed and joked as jessy finished getting ready both were a little excited and looking forward to their night out, jessy’s best friend Beth had brought a bottle of vodka with her so they had a couple of vodkas and cokes before they left.
    The karaoke was busy like it always was, the pub its self had reopen a few months ago with a new landlord and landlady who had decided a karaoke was the way to get the punters back in, and their plan had seem to have worked because every Friday night the place was bussing with people wanting to show off their karaoke talents, jessy, adam, beth and her husband among them. The night was a success and they all had a good time, each of them taking turns on the karaoke, but jessy was still glad when the night came to a end and it was time to go home, it was gone 11 o’clock when they got back, and jessy felt really irritated with adam when he asked her to make them all something to eat, she just wanted them all to go to bed, but she did what was asked of her and made them all sandwiches, by the time they had all finished and gone to bed it was gone 12 o’clock and jessy was almost sure she had missed him, she could hear adam snoring from the bedroom when she signed in to her msn, the biggest smile spread across her face, he was there!, and before she could type a thing he typed *hello* (he had been waiting for her?) * Hello* u still didn’t tell me ur name! lol* she typed to him, she wanted to know the name of the man that had laughing blue eyes that twinkled.
    -------* you didn’t ask! Lol*He typed
    Jessy *I’m asking now! Lol*
    -------*maybe I will tell you next time we meet lol*
    Jessy* I wonna know now *
    ------* awww do you? Lol *
    Jessy *YES! Lol*
    -------* tut tut…caps!*
    Jessy * pleaseeeee tell me!
    -------* hrmmm*
    -------* I’m not sure I can remember mind go’s a bit blank this late!*
    _____* lol*
    Jessy * grrrrr TELL ME!
    ------* lol tut tut.. caps again!*
    Jessy * I guess if ya aint gonna tell me I may as well go! *
    ------* jessy…*
    Jessy *what ?*
    ------* don’t go *
    Jessy * tell me ur name then! Lol
    ------* Leo*
    Jessy * hello leo *
    Leo * lol hello jessy*
    Jessy * I’ve been out *
    Leo * you have?*
    Jessy * yeah to a karaoke. I been singing.. if ya can call it that lmao!*
    Leo * does that mean you’re a little tipsy? Lol
    Jessy * nope.. hick! Hick! Lmao*
    Leo * lol thought so! Lol
    Leo * and I’ve been sitting here lonely waiting for you *
    Jessy * have you really been waiting for me?*
    Leo * yes…*
    Leo * for two nights! Lol*
    Jessy * awww I’m sorry sexy*
    Leo * you’re the sexy one! ;)*
    jessy * not as sexy as you hot stuff lmao*
    leo * I really enjoyed meeting you jessy*
    jessy * did I look like my pic? lol*
    leo * no*
    leo *…you look better!*
    jessy * i.m a sexy chick! Lolol*
    leo * huhuh ..”rolls eyes”*
    jessy * lolol*
    jessy * leo*
    leo * yes?*
    jessy * I wonna be ur gf *
    jessy typed with out even thinking, (god what was she saying…how could she be anyone girlfriend. .this was crazy! She was crazy! ..But he made her feel so happy .and .it had been so long since she had felt happy, she just didn’t want to be lonely any more
    leo * you do?...we have only met once lol )
    jessy * don’t you feel the same *
    leo * its not that…I’m just a bit worried we are rushing things*
    jessy * *
    leo * are you sure this is what you really want jessy?*
    jessy * YES! Lol*
    leo * ok*
    jessy* does that mean we are in a relationship now? Lol
    leo * if that’s what you still want tomorrow when you are sober ..Then yes! *

    They talked for a couple of hours typing away at their computers both of them talking happily about the day they had together, both of them agreeing it had been a perfect day, Leo teasing jessy some more about her voice and about everything else too, it was clear he loved to tease her and oh how jessy loved to be teased, but she didn’t let him be the only one that teased, she teased him a little too, flirting and being a little cheekily rude, she liked cheekily rude, as long as it didn’t become crude, with Leo she didn’t have to worry about that because he never tried to push things beyond cheekily rude or flirty, he was a good man, jessy knew that from the bottom of her heart and he was looking for more then to just get nasty and crude with someone, leo was looking for his soul mate just as jessy was looking for hers, (she was crazy!!. She knew her thoughts where crazy. And wrong!..but never the less it was the truth. She wanted to love and be loved by someone she could talk to and listen to that talked and listen to her, someone to share her thoughts with someone to laugh with, someone to share the very being that was her, who would share the very being that was him
    And in Leo she saw all these things that she had longed for, the things she had wanted since way back when she was a girl, that accepted a man wanting them things but being to young to understand she hadn’t found them in the man she was making her husband until it was to late. She had made a mistake but she didn’t regret it because how could she regret something that had given her, her beautiful children.
    Jessy shut down her computer a big smile on her face because she had agreed to meet him again next week, she couldn’t wait to look in to his laughing blue eyes again, she wished tomorrow was Monday instead of Saturday she thought as she walked to her bed room, she open the door and undressed almost in a dream, it was only when she pulled back the covers to get in bed and saw a sleeping Adam that guilt tighten in her stomach and filled her with self loathing.

    Chapter 3

    Although she talk to Leo on line every chance she got, the weekend still seem to pass slowly and Monday seem to take for ever to come around, Sunday night she could hardly sleep because she was so excited, and when she woke Monday morning it was very early but that was good because it gave her time to get ready, she spent 3 hours getting ready, she must have tried on 20 outfits before she finally decided on a black pair of trousers and pink jane Norman jumper that was new, when she was ready she thought she would take one last look at herself in the mirror before she left, and it was true she wasn’t completely happy with what she saw but she thought it would have to do!
    That morning she didn’t have to worry about dropping the children off because Adam was working somewhere that meant he would need to pass the school so he had said he would drop them off.
    Jessy felt full of nerves and excitement when she finally got to the car park where they had agreed to meet, she wasn’t sure why but she felt a little shy when she saw him working towards the car, she felt her face blushing red and thought about how yuk she would look with red cheeks


© 2012 jessylee

Author's Note

my grammar and spelling needs work this i already know lol but this is just my first draft and all i really want is feed back about my story and writting for which i will be really greatfull! thanks

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This looks interesting...I'll be reading it in my free time!

Posted 12 Years Ago

Cool great work

Posted 12 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on August 1, 2012
Last Updated on August 1, 2012
Tags: romance, erotica, internet love, ethnic



tonbridge, kent, United Kingdom

i am a romany gypsy traveller and growing up we travelled so i'm afraid that i didnt get to have much of an educatsion,i was in my late teens before i learned how to read and even now my spelling and .. more..