Honorable Mr Prime minister Narendra Modi Ji, I have below ideas to be implemented for a successful India with self-reliance in its own make and sell of Indian products and invoking the nationality in every individual.
- National scout service in every school/college mandatory for every student so that feeling of one ness and respect and responsibility towards the country develops, with a sense of discipline, which will help them over the run.
- Real time projects solving real time problems should be the qualification/mandatory for the attainment of degree in every bachelors/masters/High school graduation. Even school students should have exposure and training to projects right from kindergarten itself. So that they know the importance of it and how to work on it.
- Yoga as part of honing the self-discipline and concentration for the studies should be implemented/mandatory with different types of yoga’s.
- Campus selection should be made available mandatory for all the students in every graduate college, Arts/Science/Engineering/Medical/History, so that a student should feel confident that he will get job somewhere and he focuses on it right from when he joined the college
- Part time job should be offered mandatory in preference with reserved jobs for house wives, military, old retired persons.
- Cleanliness should be maintained mandatory by every individual with tickets/fines issued for misbehavior of throwing trash on roads/ public parks.
- Underground drainage should be developed mandatory as much as roadways.
- Villages should be self-reliant with all trades in place, agriculture given the highest priority, goods and services to be developed with all facilities, a village development is the back bone of country development.
- A vision with a plan for next 5 years should be worked on to save the people from suffering, without minimum facilities.
- Health/life insurances for every individual made available mandatory with the job selection itself.
- Crime rate should be reduced mandatory with latest technology tools and services.