![]() [untitled #1]A Story by Jessie![]() A short story written by me. It is a little bit old and was part of a school project in english. I'm open for title suggestions and i apologize for the typos that may be present, I write too fast for my own good and I lost the edited copy I made ><![]()
The tennis ball bounced out the window as Jake launched it at the wall in fury. He had been having an extremely hard time to go through life day to day since he had been put in his foster home. It was now the time of the year when the weathers starts to cool down, when school starts and the outside world begins to lose life. Jake's fifteenth birthday had just recently passed, yet the day passed just like any other; the cold wind was sibilant amongst the trees, not a conversation was carried past hello, and no one was aware of anything in his life besides his name. As the tennis ball went on its way, it managed to hit a child who was on his bike turning to cross the street, a car was careening his way from the other corner. As the child's body fell to the middle of the road, the car had to make an amazing turn to avoid splattering his body down the street. The car made a sharp turn, and the wheels screeched as the car flew of the road into the ditch. Jake was in the window of his foster home watching the incident with a blank expression as the noise sent his brain into the past.
It was three years ago. It was mid-summer and Jake was twelve and he was back in his own home, with his parents, his girlfriend, and his three best friends. It was one of the best times of his life, he was alive, all the people he needed in life were there at his house. They were watching their usual Saturday night scary movies, an activity they all thought together and vowed to dedicate their Saturdays to hang out and watch movies, or just listen to music. On this night a sudden freak storm had them all inside and watching jeepers creepers, for their hundredth time at least, they could pretty much say the lines as they came up, but it was still a good classic to sit back and relax to. Around halfway through the movie, Jake's parents had decided to bring his girlfriend and his other friends home before the snowstorm stopped them from getting out later. When they were all getting ready to leave, Jake got sick and threw up a few times and his parents told him to stay home so he wouldn't puke in the new minivan. Outside the storm was vicious, the wind was whipping against them as they struggled to get to the van without stumbling, the hardest part trying to load his father in since he was paralyzed from a malignant tumor that had spread through his brain. Jake had went to the window to blow a kiss to his girlfriend since he wouldn't see her till Monday at school. He was thinking about how well things were going for him, and they were all supposed to go on a vacation together in the summer. The roads outside were bad, Jake's parents started up the van and pulled out of the driveway at the same time as a fully loaded 18-wheeler had lost control and hit the side of the van directly. Jake closed his eyes and screamed as he heard wheels screeching and the smashing of metal on metal. The back of the transport detached itself from the rig and flew down his driveway, leveling half his house instantly. Jake ran out the house as the rest of it collapsed around him. The van lay overturned and twisted in the ditch a few hundred feet away from the end of the driveway. He ran furiously over to the wreckage, pleading in his head for a miracle, but in vain. The van was almost completely unrecognizable. There was bits and pieces of twisted carnage everywhere. He looked in the back window. It was smashed out, and leaning out the window was his girlfriend with a crushed skull hanging out the window. He threw up and passed out. He snapped back to reality, startled, and he wiped his nose and curled up on his bed and cried quietly. He was in the hospital, lying in the bed and smelling of vomit. He snapped to consciousness immediately and ran to the front desk and demanded to see his parents, tears already starting to pour from his eyes. The nurse gave him a look of sympathy and told him, “ I'm sorry to be the one to bring bad news, but the four people in the car that were your age had died almost immediately. Your father's neck was broken by the collision and he suffocated before the ambulance could help him. Your mother is currently on life support. Her back was broken in three places, and shes leaking body fluids. Sadly, she doesn't have much time left.” He asked to have some time to speak with her before she passed and left him with nothing. The nurse directed him to her room and shut the door as she left. Jake ran to his mothers side and comforted her. She smiled when she saw his face and was glad that he wasn't in the van at the time. He hugged her and started crying and pleading for her to not leave him alone. She told him to stop and that he would be fine and just make sure to go through life, no matter how difficult it gets. The last thing she said as she passed was “i love you” and her heart rate stopped and it was over. Jake woke up, sweat beads forming on his forehead, he has had that dream every night since the accident occurred. His foster parents tried to get him to see a therapist to help him through his ordeal, but Jake refused to have any contact with another human being. He went to the bathroom and threw up a few times and went back to bed, now tired since it was 11:30 pm. Jake was now in his old house, and it was now mid-spring three years ago, and his mom had just arrived from the hospital with tears in her eyes. She called him to her side and sat him down. She explained that she didn't know how to break the news to him, but she had been diagnosed with cancer since she has been a chain smoker for seventeen years. His father, had also been diagnosed with a fatal illness, but his was a malignant tumor in his brain, giving him a brief six to eight months to live. His mothers fate was just as short. Jake still in shock started to bawl and clutched his mother saying that they can't both him so suddenly. He would be an outcast at school, even more so than he already was. His mother only tried to calm him down, to make him understand that he had to live on anyways. But he couldn't. He spent the next three days mopping around the house (he had dropped out of school for the year to enjoy his last moments with his parents). On that Friday Jake's mom had called him to talk to her and he went, still sniveling occasionally as his mom gave him another lecture. She told him that he was going to have to be a big boy once they left this world. Jake nodded, realizing that to argue against it would obviously be futile. She told him that he would have to be able to move on and do things in life, and not to hang back lamenting over the past. Jake was losing focus feeling faint after having only slept three hours combined in the past four nights, and his mothers word seem to reverberate inside his head, without being taken in. By the time he started taking the words in, his mother was in the final part of her talk. She told him “don't ever forget that i will always love you, no matter how far away i am, or seem to be, I will always be a part of you. Your father and i love you very much, and we wish that we didn't have to leave you so abruptly..” Jake had started to cry and feel very happy at the same time and he feel asleep in his mothers arms before she finished. She put him to bed and wrapped him up and planting a kiss on his forehead, she left the room. Jake woke up panting with sweat beads forming on his forehead, like always. He squinted to check the time on his digital alarm clock. It said 6:28 am. He realized he had to get ready for another day of hell at school. He grunted as he got out of bed and groped around his room while wiping his eye and scratching himself at the same time. His mouth was dry and his hair was stuck to his face, which made it look like one side of his head was ironed flat. The bus ride was the same as usual, but he felt somewhat different inside. He had a feeling that today would be different than normal. He wasn't sure if it would be good or bad. He wasn't even sure if something was really different, but it kept his mind wondering on if something was really going to turn out right for once since his bad luck had started. He looked out the window and watched the world whiz by which sent his brain into itself once more. He was back in his room, way back, even before his parents were diagnosed with their illnesses. He was sitting in front of his laptop and sniveling since he was sick and was inside for the first day in a few months. This was back when he was a normal child, he had a blur pair of jeans and a tie-dye shirt on. His hair was a buzz cut, and he was at the time in possession of nothing black. He was listening to eminem and it was his favorite signer at the time. He had very good fortune at the time, he would find money everywhere and he had actually found over twenty dollars in change on the ground in the past three months. His parents were very wealthy (they experienced a stock collapse when his father was diagnosed with his tumor). He had gotten everything he wanted and he felt like he was the luckiest kid on earth. There was this girl he was talking to. Her name was Amber, for whom he had much respect for her intellect but he had feelings for her too. So he gathered the courage to ask her out, and when he did she told him to never talk to her again and that he was a repulsive waste of oxygen. He was so hurt by that that he didn't talk to anyone but his parents for three weeks, and he never wore colored clothes again, and with that, the rap influence left him and he got into metals of every kind. He snapped back to earth, with his flashback still stirring in his mind. Amber had moved about two weeks after his parents were killed, and before she had left she told him that he had deserved it and she wished him hell through the years. Jake put his head in his hands and started to sob, he hated her so much, and wished he could have revenge for how she acted, but he tried to forget about it as the bus pulled into the parking lot of his school. He went inside the school, just like a normal day, where no one talked to him, no one seemed to care and even the guidance counselor didn't talk to him because his friends and him told her off one day and she is very firm on grudges. He went and sat in his usual corner like always and started listening to music, but while he did so a girl that he had an eye on walked by with her friends and she looked and smiled at him. He smiled back. The girls name was Emily, but everyone in the school called her emmi because she preferred it. She was a very persuasive girl. She was someone that could have almost anyone do her bidding because she had a way with words, and her striking appearance spellbounds any guy who converses with her. She was a kind person, very intelligent and a good writer/drawer. Jake had seen some of her works hung in the halls and he was very drawn to them in a spiritual way. They seemed to call him out when he walked by, and they sort of took away his emotions as he stared at them and just let the world inside the painting flow through him. At that moment he decided to ask her out since he didn't really have much to lose. He had a crush on her for a few months but took all that time to gather up his courage to walk up to her without faltering. She was never alone because all the guys had admired her and the girls all cluster around her like a shadow following her everywhere. He decided he would go talk to her at the end of lunch, hopefully when she doesn't have to big of a group around her because everyone else seemed to hate him. Near the last ten minutes of lunch he saw her with three of her close friends which is a much smaller group than usual. He took a deep breath and walked up to her as calmly as possible. She saw him coming a little in advance so she stopped talking with her friends as her got closer. He looked in her eyes and almost lost himself in their eternal glare. It had been a good three years since someone had looked him in the eyes. He had forgotten what it was like. Finding himself he stuttered, “hey emmi, i was just thinking, i love your paintings. They captivate me from the inside and i really enjoy just taking them in”. Emmi replied “thanks, thats the nicest compliment I've ever heard about my painting, i see you really understand their deeper meaning”. “yeah”, Jake said, “what I've really come here to say is, I really respect you, and I was wondering if you would like to date or something.” He blushed as he asked and he looked down and rubbed his foot on the ground side to side. Emmi's friends looked at her and started giggling out of surprise, then when she looked like she didn't know what to say her friends gave her a stern look and she said “I'm sorry, but i don't go out with losers like you, now get the hell out of here before I get someone to stab you.” Jake was shocked and the bell rang at the same time and he rushed to the next class and kept his head down for the class and cried, and feeling so grateful that Emmi wasn't in his class to see him cry. Emmi who had a secret crush on Jake for a month or so which no one knew about felt awful for saying that to Jake, but she didn't want her friends to all hate her if she told the truth, but now that she had done that she didn't care what her friends though of anymore. So during her forth period class she wrote a note explaining the situation and telling him that of course she would date him. The note had said this: Dear Jake, I'm sorry for what i did. It's just my friends are mean and they don't understand everything you've went through a few years ago. I respect you for living through that, and I've sort of had a crush on you for a month or so(draws a blushing face thats smiling), and I hope that you forgive me for what I've done because I don't care what my friends think anymore. I can just hang out with you instead and they'll have to just deal with it. She folded up the note and wrote in big readable letters: TO JAKE with FROM EMMI written underneath it. She waited for the bell to ring and as soon as it did she rushed out of the class before he friends saw her and taped the note to his locker and ran to her next class. She didn't see Jake but he only left the class after she had gotten in her next one. He was so down and instable about everything. A couple of Emmi's friends were walking by Jakes locker at the time and saw the note sticking to it. They saw her name written on it and snatched the note before Jake got to his locker and ran to their last class. The girls sat in their next class giggling and mad at Emmi for keeping that away from them, so they took a new piece of paper and started their own note to Jake. It read: Dear Jake, I can't believe you would show your ugly face to me and in front of my friends. I was the laughing stock of the afternoon after you came. Your just lucky you only got what you did, I almost kicked you in the teeth but I didn't want to embarrass you farther that i already had. I never want you to talk to me again, and i don't want to catch you looking at me or my paintings, it freaks me out to hear that you gawk at my work everyday the way you do. Better yet, why don't you just go kill yourself, that way you;ll get a whole page of celebration in the year book. Hell, they might even make it a holiday. Now do us all a favor and die already. You already look like it, so why don't you take another step and actually be dead. P.S...I hate you!!!! The girls giggled as they finished up the note. Then they folded it up as Emmi had done and wrote TO JAKE in big letters and forged her signature underneath it. One of the girls left the class saying she was sick and stuck the note to Jake's locker as she passed and went back to class and waited for the bell to ring. The bell rang and Jake went to his locker in haste wanting to get out of school without having to see Emmi's face. He saw the note with her name on it and he took it and read it as he walked home. After he had read it he had already lost his mind and decided to end it all. He went to the hardware store and the flower shop to buy a half dozen roses and two feet of pulley rope. Emmi got home and right as she did the phone rang. It was her friend that had stuck the note she wrote to Jake's locker. She told Emmi that she found the note, and told her what she had done. Emmi just screamed and started running to find Jake. On her way to Jake's house she passed the cemetery and saw six tombstones with roses on the graves, and a massive dead tree in front of them. In the tree was Jake, with a noose on his neck he was just tying the rope to the tree and Emmi started sprinting and screaming his name saying “NO Jake, I didn't write that note” and Jake stopped what he was doing and looked at her with a clear glaze in his eyes. She told him everything. She told him that she really loved him and it was because of her friends that she said that, but she didn't care what they thought anymore. She pleaded with him to come down and she would go out with him. He took it all into consideration and he believed her and was overjoyed to finally have everything work out for him. But, as he was untying the rope from the tree the branch underneath his feet snapped and he fell until the rope reached its end and snapped his neck instantly. Emmi just stared in shock then started to scream and ran for help, but all in vain. He was already dead. © 2008 JessieAuthor's Note
Added on July 31, 2008 Author![]() JessieMoncton, New Brunswick, CanadaAboutI am 17 years old. I am male. I enjoy writing. I am not linguistic....so i lack the certain qualities of a linguistic brain. Comment me please? more..Writing