"'snow kiss,always gives me so bliss,
when u kiss my lips,without disssmiss,
silver & silver makes loke so cold wind,
always makes me so happy to kiss u's a god gift,
when ur's hairs went through ur's face's & flows like a mint,
silver & snow on mine hands,gives me fresh air, due to kiss on ur's lips.....''''
I like the idea of the silver in the snow. That establishes a very nice contrast with the color of the speaker's hair and lips in this poem. I thought of the repetition of the word silver almost as a representation of the falling snow. The third stanza was my favorite because of the tone; I could really imagine that one.
Posted 12 Years Ago
12 Years Ago
I didn't think of silver like that before. I like that!
With the repeating word of "silver," I imagine a shimmering and glowing scene of snow in my mind. This poem lingers a soft sense of sweetness long after the moment has past. I love the sense of wistfulness and memory in this. Very pretty.
I'm 19 from Long Island.
Poetry is my muse, my best friend,
and where I feel most myself.
When I finish a poem, I feel like I've put a shining star down on paper. more..