That Sound, Those WordsA Poem by kurama247I poem about how what someone says can affect your whole life.What was that? That he just said? As I hold the phone to my ear and he speaks so casually
The thought of his words make me wish that I were deaf to all the world but him
So many times I have fallen and couldn't get up engulfed by fear by anger and hate
And when the sea of my hear fights with all it's furry That is when he speaks so calm and clear
My hate fades to peace.
His words, his encouragement, his belief in me calmed the storm, giving the sea new balance
Why does he always do this? Always without hesitation like my guardian Angel like my hope
But through this I do not know how to interpret that which he said when we talked that night
So what was that? That which he said that evening? Does he know? Do I?
My mind swims in the emotion Not able to be written Not known to anyone Not even to me © 2009 kurama247Author's Note
1 Review Added on January 27, 2009 Last Updated on January 27, 2009 Previous Versions Author