"Does the sun wonder does the moon ponder Do the stars blunder" This was my favorite part of the poem becuase you have a point. These things don't question who or what they are, they just are and they shine regaurdless. They are who they be. I really liked that perspective, because we humans can't seem to be content with that idea. Wonderful poem. Thank you for sharing.
Thought invoking, makes you think, I think. Free thinking is and has been my way of thinking.
I rarely will let you know what Im thinking though. That way I dont make too many blunders.
I love your style !
jesserose, we seldom acknowledge our thoughts, they just sort of happen, there to propel us through the day. The deeper thinkers may describe these thoughts using more words than you or I would, but the thoughts more or less follow a predetermined path, an extension of our life plan. Very nicely penned, jesse; I hope you have a very Happy New Year! take care...dan
"Does the sun wonder does the moon ponder Do the stars blunder" This was my favorite part of the poem becuase you have a point. These things don't question who or what they are, they just are and they shine regaurdless. They are who they be. I really liked that perspective, because we humans can't seem to be content with that idea. Wonderful poem. Thank you for sharing.
Classy as always with a deep meaning.....Nicely balanced and the beauty of your writing is the simplicity you put.....One can always understand and enjoy your poetic power without having a look at dictionary.....Great job mate....
Posted 9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
thank you...I like that...definitely a compliment!
I left a review and for some reason it didn't post. Anyways, this is awesome! If you didn't write it to music, you could easily sing it to some. I hear a song as I read it, wonderful job!
Posted 9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
I was kind of thinking that...I will get the geetar out and give it a go. :)
I think that everyone thinks freely, Jesse.
But its just that some speak freely as well. That is too is a good thing until what they say hurts someone. Would you prefer a world where everyone speaks exactly what he/she thinks?
Posted 9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
oh yes..i totally agree with you Ranbir...I think intent has a lot to do with speaking what one thin.. read moreoh yes..i totally agree with you Ranbir...I think intent has a lot to do with speaking what one thinks and causing true hurt. If someone intends to hurt they often do...when they are just speaking a difference of thought...well that's what makes the world go round. Lovely thoughts Ranbir...makings of another poem somewhere in there.
Thinking is free, but the outcome if not thought through well will lead to a costly mistake. Thanks
I like to suggest critical thinking.
Posted 9 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
9 Years Ago
Thank you Willard...probably a good idea...not something I am too familiar with lol but dang good ad.. read moreThank you Willard...probably a good idea...not something I am too familiar with lol but dang good advice nonetheless!!
This is one of your best. I think with your free thinking you released that something that is repressed when in deep thought, that unleashes wonder and amazement without you understanding why or exactly what or who is in the drivers seat at the time. This happened to me through tiredness when I wrote the abc acrostic and when I looked at what had spilled out after I had a sleep, I couldn't believe that it came so effortlessly. If only we could get to that state of free flowing thought more regularly. I suppose we should just be glad it visits us when it does.
i like the conflict in this...the sweet, and yet the cheap...the wondering, the pondering and yet the blunder...imperfection of the poet...we have galaxies of thought, but not always good, positive or true...
yeah..i wasn't too sure about that blunder but if there is a good word to blunder it's that one...lo.. read moreyeah..i wasn't too sure about that blunder but if there is a good word to blunder it's that one...lol...thank you for your kind review!!
9 Years Ago
i liked "blunder" ....
9 Years Ago
alright...ill go with it Jacob...I respect your opinion :)
I am a tarot reader and numerologist, who loves to write poetry. I also write songs and love to sing and play guitar. I love art too, so clearly I just have a passion for creativity. Also love my dog.. more..