There is something about the world
A world of uncertainty and discourd.
A chosen path is never the guaranteed path.
The stars can guide us,
They have for thousands of years.
The Christian Savior was discovered by one single star.
Yet with all the stars in heaven,
I can't see mine.
As I stare off into the heavens these days,
All I see is the cloudy grayness of my life.
Where are those stars that have guided me so
Well in the past?
Lying for hours beneath the stars
I would play dot-to-dot
With my fingers touching the heavens.
These days one can feel all hope is lost.
Like a time when there was just one soldier on the battlefield.
Times when darkness envelopes us
Not because we choose it but because it is our only choice.
Cascades of fear run through our chests
As we realize the inevitable
But there is something in this world that won't give in
That will see more to the situation than there really is.
That, my friend, is free-will.
Free-will is the power to create choice.
To give to you something that doesn't exist.
Not to say free-will doesn't come without chance
Because choice is chance.
But with this power
We won't have to always see the stars.