![]() Calmer WatersA Story by Jaybee23![]() A dark and genuine tale, of hope and desperation.![]() Calmer Waters
Epilogue Second Mate “ A fisherman casting on the side of the island found this. Captain you might want to read this.”
Day 1 It's a beautiful day to fly. The plane carrying 150 people: crew included was headed to London. In the plane there were people of all races and nationalities: no discrimination between age and gender either. I'm so excited, my friend and I are starting our invasion of Europe as he likes to call it. My friend and I have grown up together, we've known each other since we were little kids. Our mothers were best-friends growing up so it was only destined that we would become friends. This is a much needed vacation, after a year of grueling tests and exams. What better way to celebrate graduating and a new life than to travel the world? We have the entire summer to explore Europe: first, it's England, then France followed by Germany. I'm recording everyday in my personal journal so I can remember this trip for the rest of my life. The flight should take between 8-12 hours. I'm going to sleep for a little while, that's if I can even go to sleep, I'm so excited!! I am awoken by a violent shaking. “This is your captain speaking, we are experiencing some slight turbulence, this is normal, nothing to be alarmed over.” I HATE PLANES. Every since September 11th I'm always anxious about flying in them. The captain broke in,“There is a weather system forming off of the coast of Florida so in order to stay on schedule we will making a detour through the Caribbean islands.” “I wonder what it's like the live on an island.” a small child with a speech impediment asked. His question lingered in the air. I went back to sleep. I woke up to screams and shouts. Looks of terror filled faces were on all of the passengers. Baggage was thrown from the receptacles. “What's happening?” I asked my friend Emory. “Didn't you hear the Captain? Crash is imminent.” The emergency lights ignited. I grabbed the oxygen mask in desperation. I don't remember exactly what was running through my mind as we spiraled downward, but it wasn't pleasant. I had been in car accidents before and this was far more enduring. Before impact the pilot managed to straighten the plane. I doubt anyone would have survived a head on collision. Following the crash, we discovered none of the three stewardesses survived, the co-pilot had been viciously thrown from his seat and the captain was in his dying moments. The steering wheel had been thrusted into his stomach, at such velocity that there was no separation between the two.“There is food and supplies in the back of the plane. God help us.” he said whilst coughing up blood. All around us was dense undergrowth, and above us lay the canopy of tall, rain forest-esque trees where the co-pilot now dangled like a marionette. Women and children were crying even a few of the men were in tears. Damage control was impossible. “The fuel-cell lodge,” an intuitive passenger screamed, is on fire!!” It was a ticking time bomb: any second it could have blown up. With no time to think, in a race against time: we gathered all the supplies and memorabilia we could. I located one of my suit cases, I only prayed that it was the one that held my journal. There was a stubborn man who tried to gather more than he could.“Get out of there!” someone screamed. “I just need to grab one more thing!!” The plane burst into flames, off all its contents were destroyed. The man payed for his greed meeting his ultimate demise. Gathered together, next to the plane,“Once things return to normal...” an optimistic man went on. I chuckled on the inside. The word normal had lost it's meaning. It had been stripped out of our vocabulary along with the other wreckage in the remnants of the crash. Dead... Destroyed... Like the many vacant bodies scattered across the luscious green earth. There was no returning to normal, not after what we have witnessed.-loved ones burnt to a crisp: while the “lucky” ones were found dead on impact. A headcount was made of the remaining passengers-99 dead out of 145. We rallied together and introduced ourselves. We each took turns saying what our jobs were back at home. There are people of every profession, doctors, lawyers, law enforcement, teachers, you name it... Fresh out of school I had no time to find a job, so I just said student. We devised specific roles to the population of survivors. The more able men would gather wood for fires. The more nimble of the bunch were scouts, seeking any type of food and water source, and the women were to stay behind and tend to the children. I was a scout. We may end up killing each other if we don't die from drinking the water that's encapsulating us.
Day 2 I saw a kid lose his life in front of me today. He couldn't have been much older than 5. “Somebody do something he's drowning!!” the mother pleaded. “That's impossible, the water is much too shallow.”my friend urged. a few tense moments passed by as we looked on helplessly. “Shark!!” a girl shrieked. One brave man, his father I assumed, jumped in the water trying to save him. He wrestled with the shark in a vicious tug-of-war. The man came out of the water distraught, clutching something close. It was a tiny arm, the only thing recovered from his son's miniature body. The mother collapsed to her knees clutching the sand. I felt deep sympathy for her loss. It was a cruel reminder that life is vicious: the cycle never stops... it won't stop... it can't stop... Seeing that young kid drown brought me back to when I was younger and almost died at the wave pool. I was playing in kiddie section and I wandered into the wave pool. My parents were out of earshot. I kept trekking deeper and deeper until I had to tread water just to stay afloat. The waves started rolling in and before I knew it was in over my head-struggling just as the kid had, in a life or death battle. Miraculously, before losing consciousness, I was pulled out by a woman I didn't know. It didn't dawn on me at the time that she had just saved my life until I was older. Unfortunately, for the boy he wasn't as lucky.
Day 3 The children don't even realize the situation, this is just another vacation to them. They are off playing in the forest. I wish I had that mentality. There I was: Alone, On my knees, with my head down and my face buried in my hands. I had just about given up all hope: when...out at sea... I notice a cruise vessel skirting off the coast of the island. From the looks it was a vacation cruise liner -it looked more like a floating sanctuary- I quickly notified the others. We couldn't believe our eyes. Our one savior from this decrepit island, this desolate wasteland is drifting merrily off into the sea. We begin to wave our hands and call out for help-one girl even wrote in large letters HELP in the sand. Useless...The ship didn't even hesitate to change it's course. We could have kept trying but they would just ignore us. At least the people aboard waved..Following this treacherous denial of salvation; some people tried swimming off the island and escaping, but they only tired themselves as they resisted the tide and ended up right where they started. Pointless...
Day 4 The island is beautiful, filled with luscious green tropical trees that kiss the sky and white sand that blankets the beach. Given different circumstances, this would be and ideal vacation spot. There is quaint, quiet spot along a cliff-side where I do most of my writing. It's away from my peers, I find comfort in solitude ironically. There is shouting going on I'm going to see what the whole fuss is about. My horrific prediction came true: two men fought over dinner mints. The loser had his head crushed by a large rock. His blood washed away into the sea, like it never even happened. How did it ever get to that point?
Day 5 A grown man broke down in tears before me, I tried consoling him but it was no use. He was crying-emotions that I had already mastered and bottle up deep inside of me. Like a flip of a switch: he went from full blown hysteria, to overtly calm. He started, “It's funny this feeling that's inside of me. I've accepted my fate, I'm tired of dreaming of being rescued, it's no use. I don't even know if I want to return to my real life; a life filled spending my days monotonously at a dead-end job. I could see his point. The same man later killed himself by jumping off the cliffs where I'm writing this.
Day 6 I need to find a new spot to jot down my thoughts, I'm haunted by that man's deaths, I hear his screams in the crashing of the waves. Through scouting, I have found a quaint little spot nestled beneath the canopy of the trees. Isolated from my fellow survivors-devoid of sunlight, devoid of hope. The final words that the erratic man spoke keep ringing inside my head. I am determined to see that I make it home.
Day 7 Last night I had a dream I was back home. I can't get the image of that child out of my head. I folded all of the previous papers into a glass bottle I've been hoarding since the crash. I told my friend that if anything were to happen to me to cast this out to sea. The world needs to hear our story, they need to know everything that happened on this damned island. There's a young girl on the island, I find her very attractive, I will try to pursue her romantically. I'll keep you posted.
Day 8 “ My name is Sarah,” The young girl, about my age, said while doodling in the sand. What are you drawing I asked. “It's a phoenix, it's my favorite animal. It's not really an animal, it's more like a mythical creature. The phoenix lives it's life in isolation; free from the confines of the world. When it's time to die it bursts into a ball of flame and starts anew.” She spoke with such passion that for a brief moment it was my favorite creature as well. She looked at me with a vibrant smile, forcing a smile out of me. “You should try.” doodling, I thought: how childish, until I tried it. A bitter man looked in disgust. She was the happiest person here. I was perplexed, I was almost certain that she had lost her entire family in the crash. I asked her how do you remain so positive given the circumstances? “Life is about perspective: here we are-trapped on an island-dying, starving even, and yet; there is still somebody more miserable in the world. The man who had been watching interrupted. The man looked around in an exaggerated manner. “Show me that person, because they sure the hell aren't here now.” Sarah just smiled. I think I like Sarah, I'll give it some time and see where things go.
Day 9 We have combed the island for the past week and a half. There are no animals on the island that we are aware of.
Day 10 last night an old man died in his sleep. Lucky b*****d. The people are deciding what to do with his body. He has no surviving family members. A doctor of all people suggested that they shouldn't let his body go to waste and that they should instead feast upon it. I immediately rejected the idea, as did a vast majority of the group of castaways. We voted on the idea, and the consensus was against eating our own. It was determined that it was unethical. However a select few disobeyed this command and vowed to start their own tribe.
Day 11 I can't wait to see Sarah again, I'm off on another damn scouting mission that will surely be futile.
Day 12 I caught Sarah alone looking at the sky tonight. “Sometimes, at night, I like to gaze at the stars. I'm reminded of how insignificant this life we live is. You should try it sometime.” “I would like that, we should do that sometime.” “How tomorrow tonight?” “Let me check my schedule...” I looked at an imaginary watch. “..Looks like I'm free.” I smiled.
Day 13 I have a date with Sarah tonight, it should be fun. Something to get my mind off of things.
Day 14 I can't stop thinking about Sarah. Everyone is saying that a young woman with auburn hair has gone missing. The only girl I could think that matched that description is Sarah. My group is suggesting that she was kidnapped by the others. I hope she's alright.
Day15 Sarah was seen leaving with another member of our group. There appears to be a snake in our mist. I don't know who to trust anymore... It appears that on this island we hold hands with our enemies and fight with friends, all while we bask in our sins, under the unrelenting sun that only intensifies as the days go by.
Day 16 The weather has granted us mercy today, there is a slight overcast cooling us off. I don't know what it is but when the night time comes, everyone loses whatever sanity they have. The moon casts some type of spell and they shift into survival mode. We are slowly becoming creatures of the night-we come more alive and dance our eternal dance in front of a fleeting flame-this is the life we live.
Day 17 The woman who led Sarah to the cannibals finally spoke up, I guess out of guilt. “I only did it for my survival.” the woman pleaded. She was executed promptly.
Day 18 One of the cannibals made contact with us today. Apparently he's the one who dismembers the bodies so that's there's no connection while you're eating them. “I saw that I was about to dismember my wife and I lost it and just snapped.” he went on. “But you had no trouble chopping up the other half a dozen people.” Emory retorted “Listen, I know what we do ain't right, but it's the only way that we know.” The leader of our group stabbed in right in the gut. “I'm sorry.” he uttered as he collapsed to the ground.
Day 19 We were wrong... There are animals on the island. We are them. Caged in on this God forsaken piece of hell. We are them.
Day 20 Our numbers are dwindling- there is only a handful of us remaining: including myself and Emory-and tensions are boiling. I feel like utter chaos is about to unleash. My group is talking about retaliating against the cannibals. This is no longer a democracy, this feels like a dictatorship. Emory and I have decided to sneak off during the night, we're finding another place to hold out, before we die.
Day 21 My friend and I have discovered a little cove off the side of the island, away from whoever may be lurking above. Alone by he sea, the moon my sole companion, I was enclosed in my thoughts. I had seen shows like Lost but these shows only trivialized the truth. It's not until you are faced with the decision of eating your ailing and family that your true colors shine. Back at home we were on a TV show, it's just the veil had pulled over our eyes. Naked and afraid- just like the United States, a country fueled by lust and suppressed by fear and to make matters worse the media is just like the salt water that surrounds us only making us want more. Maybe they're the one's who need saving. Following this epiphany I was overcome by a sleepy feeling, I haven't had a good night's sleep in awhile, maybe that will change tonight.
Day 22 My friend and I decided to trek to the surface today. Dead bodies everywhere. The others destroyed themselves in angry fit of rage. Our only protection from the sun, the trees were lost in the process. Our sins are now visible for the world to see. We hesitantly pushed forward. Standing in the once vibrant forest, now loathsome death pit. I saw something I can never unsee. The woman had given birth and the baby was found crucified to a makeshift cross. What kind of monster does such a thing? Whoever did this has a special place reserved for them wherever the hell we go after dying. Amidst the ashes and destruction, the undergrowth gave birth to a flower bud. Beside the flower I saw the charred remains of a corpse. The body had been burnt to a smolder, incinerated beyond recognition. The extremities were the only discernible characteristics. I saw feminine qualities: a frail, slender wrist, with long fiery, red nails. One detail stood out to me. I closed my eyes from trepidation. Her sweet soul is finally at peace. I turned to face Emory, “I don't want to talk about it right now” Emory said brusquely. I thought I had all of my emotions under control. Seeing her lifeless body resonated deeply within me. It unraveled pieces of me, like yarn falling off into a bottomless pit. My heart can't handle any more. Later that night, I was feeling more alone than usual. The circuits in my brain had been disconnected. I was no longer myself. In a zombie like trance the night carried me away. Standing on the cliff, I thought aboutt ending it all. Subconsciously, I looked up at the beautiful sky one last time. A shooting star pierced the veil of darkness. It was her, she was calling out to me. As Sarah's supernova burnt on, into the boundless darkness of infinity:I found myself bawling like a baby, cradling myself until I fell asleep.
Day 23 I twisted my ankle returning to our hideaway. I think it's broken.
Day 24 The days are slipping away. I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing, I guess I'll have to wait and see. I'm beginning to lose the image of my family and loved ones. Once vivid images, now foggy recollections. I wonder if they miss me.
Day 25 Remembering, back to our date beneath the stars; which I didn't journal because I thought I too personal. Since being on the island I had never seen calmer waters. “What do you think happens when we die?”she said nonchalantly, as if the thought had been on her mind already. I recited my catholic school teachings, not truly believing them: “If you're good you go to heaven and if you're bad...well...then...” “You go here?” she joked. I couldn't help but laugh. I didn't ask her what she thought, she just started, “We are spiritual entities in a physical body experiencing a human life. This illusion called life never ends. You could die today and wake up like nothing happened. That waking up is just another dimension of reality.” I was speechless, I wasn't anticipating such a response. I didn't add anything, not that I could if I wanted to. “With my luck, I'd probably end right back here.” I smirked. she flashed a tattoo that was on her wrist. “Then you're not so different than the phoenix.” she said through pearly white teeth, easing the tension. Awe stricken, in that instant I fell in love with her. It was bitter sweet because I knew it would end there. Maybe a different place or another time; where this world ends and the next begins we would love eachother. But, not here, not now, not like this. Basking beneath the magical full moon; everything felt right with the world. No longer did it feel like I was trapped on an island but, instead, floating on a cloud of pure ecstasy. I forgot about my trivialities- time and space lost their meaning. the hunger pangs in my stomach transformed in fluttering butterflies. She rekindled something inside of me, a feeling I had when I was younger and my life was teeming with excitement and wonder. We smiled relishing the moment. I should have kissed her... I like Sarah that was an inevitable truth, she might just the one that saves me.
Day 26 My ankle is definitely broken. It's beginning to swell up with bruises. I try to conceal how much pain I'm in, but I think Emory can sense it. When I'm not in pain, I reminisce of all the good times in my life, All of my hopes and aspirations. I'm in so much pain. I woke up crying today. It wasn't from my leg either. I remembered what Sarah had said. Life is about perspective, although I'm in pain, at least I'm alive right? I sometimes wish that pain would take me away and I'd slip away into the dead of the night. The words God I don't want to be here anymore are scratched out. The ink is smeared and the page is soggy.
Day 27 Time keeps rolling by. I remember like it was yesterday leaving the wreckage of the airplane. I'm glad I have Emory here to keep me company. It sheds a dim light on my desolate world. There isn't much to do for enjoyment so me and Emory play tic-tac-toe in the sand. I always lose.
Day 28 I've seen the darker side of humanity and what happens when we're up against the wall. I've grown numb to all emotions. A hollow coconut, that's been battered yielding no nutrients on the inside, except there are no coconuts on this island. There's no one left besides me and Emory. I tried to speak to him about what we saw. I keep reminding myself that this is just a test and I will preserve but with every breaking wave it's eroded away.
Day 29 My leg is starting to heal, I guess that's a good thing. My friend has been acting differently lately, he's lost his lovable personality. I guess the enormity of the situation is getting to him. I'm running on fumes, I'm going to go to sleep. I have a feeling tomorrow is going to be a great day.
Day 30 It's a beautiful day today. I awoke to the sunlight peering through our little piece of paradise. I hear birds chirping in the distance. I love... the last page is soaked in blood.
Prologue Captain, “Oh my god...” Second Mate,“I guess they weren't pirates after all.” “No just people... with families... and lives... just like you and me.” the Captain swallowed in regret. © 2016 Jaybee23Author's Note
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StatsAuthor![]() Jaybee23LAAboutI'm a writer just starting off with a burning passion to make the world a better place. I believe I can do so by giving people something to read and escape to. I mostly write action and adventure, mos.. more..Writing