I believe we have two choices also. The good road or the bad. I believe the God of choice will ask what good did you do in your life? If you did nothing. Could be a bad ending? I believe being kind and trying to help a few people will lead you to a good place. A strong ending to a outstanding poem.
It's a nice poem, reflecting on the choices we all face and our ultimate responsibility. Personally, I think I would like the poem more if you didn't use archaic King James-type language. But, some people do like 'thees' and 'thous', perhaps thinking this is more 'religious' language. True spirituality does not depend on any particular language or word choices. What counts is what's in our heart, our attitude and viewpoint. It's a nice poem.
hi im jen i am a single mother of one daughter .
i struggle from ptsd depression and anxiety .
from being in abusive realationships .
i enjoy the outdoors , nature swimming fishing camping boat.. more..