for my pleasant waterfall

for my pleasant waterfall

A Poem by jennifer little

just a poem let me know what you think

roses are red, 
violets are blue, 
my climate is so pleasant, 
and so are you, 
orchids are white, 
ghost ones were very rare, 
a beauty is so red, 
and beauty is red, 
as magnolia grows, 
with buds like eggs, 
a curve oh so smooth, 
and so are your legs, 
sunflowers begin to reach upon the skies, 
nuts are hazel, 
just like your eyes, 
fox gloves in hedges, 
surround our farm, 
faces so tanned, 
along with your arms, 
daisies are oh so pretty, 
daffies have style, 
whiteness is dazzling, 
and so is your beautiful smile,
a waterfall is so beautiful, 
just like you, 

© 2022 jennifer little

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Added on January 17, 2022
Last Updated on January 17, 2022


jennifer little
jennifer little

jackson, MI

hi im jen i am a single mother of one daughter . i struggle from ptsd depression and anxiety . from being in abusive realationships . i enjoy the outdoors , nature swimming fishing camping boat.. more..
