Hi Jennifer,
I think both versions are good with exception of a few typos on the first version, its good. Its an expression of an experience you're sharing, that's powerful because it take a strong person to be able to share such an experience. God bless you, I am happy He is by your side. :)
Good poem. It's easy to lose our way thinking we have it all planned out...til God reminds us that he had the master plan all along... thanks for sharing..
Each has its merits. The honesty in both is powerful. But perhaps.. V2. Everyone is entitled to a chance at redemption. Our Father gives us that. Beautiful words, Jennifer.
Powerful,strong and worthwhile words shared dear Jennifer.
"god is with me,
by myside,
he changed me,
im living free,
so much better,
no more pain,
nomore fear,
thank you God"
The above lines. I did like. Thank you for sharing the amazing poetry and your thoughts.
What's in it for the reader? What is there in the line, and those that follow, that will make the reader react emotionally? The unknown narrator informs the reader that their life flashed before their eyes, at some unknown time, and in response to an unknown stimulus. How can that be meaningful to someone who doesn't know why, or the smallest thing about that life? What can they say, but, "Uh-huh? Yes, you clarify later, but the reader needs context as-they-read. There can be no second first-impression, remember.
Look at it this way: Suppose someone ran into the room where you are, and said, "Did you hear that someone was hit by a car at the corner? How would you react? You would probably ask who it was. You might say, "Oh no...are they okay? But the emotional jolt isn't there because there's no personal connection..
But...suppose that same person ran in saying, "Did you hear? Your mom was hit by a car at the corner?" Compare your reaction to the first version. This one is infinitely more personal, and as an emotional kick way higher than the first version.
My point? You need to give the reader that strong a reason to care. Fail that and it's just data—words in a row. And who reads poetry for facts?
INVOLVE the reader. Make THEM react. Hit them with red meat, not an info-dump. Make them react with laughter, tears, anger, and more. Make them CARE.
And the wavy margins? Poetry is designed to be read aloud. And speech has no margins.
hi im jen i am a single mother of one daughter .
i struggle from ptsd depression and anxiety .
from being in abusive realationships .
i enjoy the outdoors , nature swimming fishing camping boat.. more..