the devils graveyard part 2

the devils graveyard part 2

A Poem by jennifer little

Another dark horror poem

     first version       
You were warned,
You were warned not to go there,
You decided to go there at midnight,
On a full moon,
You didn't believe me,
I warned you, 
I told you not to go to the devils graveyard,
Its cursed,
Who shall go there,
Who shall reap,
Who shall go there will parish,
You'll die a slow painful death,
The devils strong,
He will torture you,
You will bleed,
You will scream,
You'll be tormented,
No one will here you,
There's no turning back now,
Once you go there you'll never come back,
Your famed to hell,
So say your good bye now,
Good by my dear friend,
And welcome to the gates of hell.
second version 
 the devils graveyard part 2 
 you were warned, 
you were warned not to go there, 
you decided to go anyways, 
on a full moon in the midnight sky, 
walking through the graveyard, 
you were warned not to go, 
that the place was cursed, 
the devil's graveyard, 
it's cursed, 
who shall go, 
who shall stay, 
there's no escape once entered, 
all that go shall perish, 
you will die a slow painful death, 
the devil's strong, 
he will torture you,
you will bleed, 
you'll scream, 
full of tormented souls, 
no one will here your cries, 
there's no turning back now, 
once you go there you'll never come back, 
your stuck in hell, 
so say good by, 
good by my dear friend, 
enter if you dare, 
and welcome to the gates of hell 

© 2022 jennifer little

Author's Note

jennifer little
Tell me what you think
first version or second version which one do you like better

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It is like the words of a Death, laughing at the audacity of the human for crossing paths with him, ignorant of the price.

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

jen this sounds like he making of a good book or short story
read both

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 9 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on February 4, 2015
Last Updated on January 17, 2022


jennifer little
jennifer little

jackson, MI

hi im jen i am a single mother of one daughter . i struggle from ptsd depression and anxiety . from being in abusive realationships . i enjoy the outdoors , nature swimming fishing camping boat.. more..
