the devils graveyard part 1

the devils graveyard part 1

A Poem by jennifer little

Just a dark horror poem

     first version 

  As I walk through the night,
Everything is calm, 
No worries,
Till I come across a graveyard,
There's a narrow path, 
So I walk further,
As I keep going I see a big black creature,
A creature so evil,
A creature with wings and horns,
He has a tail with a spike in it,
Oh no it's the devil,
I try to run,
He screams,
 He say's you can't go anywhere,
Your doomed,
Doomed to the darkness of hell,
You can't escape,
I was frightened,
I was scared,
I tried to run,
But I would end up at the same spot every time ,
The walls are closing in,
Oh no!
Help me,
I'm dead,
Good by.

second version 

 the devil's graveyard part 1 

  As i walk the night, 
everything seems calm, 
no worries, 
till i come across a graveyard, 
there's a narrow path, 
so i walk further, 
as i keep going i see a big black creature to meet me, 
a creature oh so evil, 
creature with wings and horns, 
he has a tail with a sharp spike, 
oh no, 
oh my, 
it's the devil, 
i try to run, 
he screams, 
he says you cant escape, 
you are doomed to hell, 
the darkness awaits you, 
you cannot escape, 
you try to run, 
but can not, 
everytime you try to escape, 
you end right up where you began, 
the walls were closing in, 
oh no, 
i'm doomed, 
help me please, 
i just want out, 
but there's no escape, 
for it's to late, 
the devil steals your soul


© 2022 jennifer little

Author's Note

jennifer little
Hope you liked it
let me know if you like the first version or the second version better

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Added on February 4, 2015
Last Updated on January 17, 2022


jennifer little
jennifer little

jackson, MI

hi im jen i am a single mother of one daughter . i struggle from ptsd depression and anxiety . from being in abusive realationships . i enjoy the outdoors , nature swimming fishing camping boat.. more..
