Discovering your a vampire!

Discovering your a vampire!

A Poem by jennifer little

now I don't know how good this is but I hope you like it


   first version 

   The blood dripping down my face,

I have no idea what's going on,

I have no memory of what happened,

I don't know who I am,

All hope is lost,

I'm cold,

I feel as if I have no soul,

I have no heart beat,

The dark inside of me has awaken,

I don't know where I'm going,

I have discovered that I am a vampire,

I'm a evil creature,

That lurks the night,

I don't want to believe it,

But it's true,

I cant stop myself from being a vampire and feasting upon the night.

   second version 

   discovering your a vampire

blood dripping down my face, 

i have no idea whats going on, 

i have no memory of what happened, 

don't know who i am, 

all hope is lost, 

i'm cold, 

i feel as if i have no soul, 

there's no heart beat, 

the darkness inside of me has awaken, 

don't know where i'm going, 

for i have discovered that i am a creature of the night, 

an evil creature, 

that lurks the night, 

i don't want to believe it, 

but it's true, 

i cant stop myself from being a vampire and feasting upon the night

© 2022 jennifer little

Author's Note

jennifer little
hope you like it
let me know if you like the first version or the second version better

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The discovery of a bloodthirsty creature and to discover this is you, yourself, must be devastating. I wonder what will follow...maybe in a next poem. Well done. :)

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 9 Years Ago

I love your vampire works, Jen! Keep them up!

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 9 Years Ago

I'm a evil creature,
That lurks the night,
I don't want to belive it,
But it's true,
I cant stop myself from being a vampire and feasting upon the night.

A lovely piece of characterization here. A fan of the vampire genre myself, I am always loved the moment where the hero was changed and must now truly face their darker side. I do enjoy your writes, Jen.

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 9 Years Ago

"I'm cold,
I feel as if I have no soul,
I have no heart beat,
The dark inside of me has awaken,"

I like this. Discovering after the fact. I hope you do don't go now ravaging but go on ravishing...Excellent...:)...........

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 9 Years Ago

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6 Reviews
Added on November 25, 2014
Last Updated on January 17, 2022


jennifer little
jennifer little

jackson, MI

hi im jen i am a single mother of one daughter . i struggle from ptsd depression and anxiety . from being in abusive realationships . i enjoy the outdoors , nature swimming fishing camping boat.. more..


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