I'd love to meet a alien!

I'd love to meet a alien!

A Poem by jennifer little

just a cute fun kids poem

   first version 

    I'd love to meet a alien, 
A alien in a spaceship,
A alien who has a fish to drive the spaceship, 
I'd love to meet a alien, 
Oh how it would be so cool, 
Oh how i would ask so many questions, 
I'd love to meet a alien, 
One who is oh so great, 
One who likes to have fun, 
One who likes to dance, 
I'd love to meet a alien, 
One that is blue, 
One that is pink, 
One that is bright green, 
One that's yellow, 
One that's orange, 
One that's red, 
Oh how i'd love to meet a alien. 
   second version 

oh how i'd love to meet an alien 

  have you ever wondered what it would be like to meet and alien, 
i have, 
i'd love to meet an alien, 
a tall alien in a spaceship, 
i'd love to meet an alien, 
a laien who'd have a fish to drive the spaceship, 
i'd love to meet an alien, 
one who is oh so great, 
one of many colors, 
one who likes to have fun, 
a friendly alien, 
one who likes to dance, 
i'd love to meet an alien, 
one that is blue, 
mabe even pink, 
or even red, 
oh how i'd like to meet an alien 

© 2022 jennifer little

Author's Note

jennifer little
let me know what you think
i changed the name for the second version
do you like the first version or second one better

My Review

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people always depict aliens as bad but i guess they could also be fun, like superman!
well written!!
sweet innocent poem!
i liked it!!!
quick query : shouldn't it be 'an alien' instead of 'a alien'.

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 9 Years Ago

jennifer little

9 Years Ago

well thanks for the review well i did it as a kids poem but im sure if there are real aliens and th.. read more
Pushkar Prabhat

9 Years Ago

you are welcome........there is a kid in all of us!! :) :)

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1 Review
Added on November 4, 2014
Last Updated on January 17, 2022


jennifer little
jennifer little

jackson, MI

hi im jen i am a single mother of one daughter . i struggle from ptsd depression and anxiety . from being in abusive realationships . i enjoy the outdoors , nature swimming fishing camping boat.. more..
