A Story by jennifer little

Just a stoire i wrote from that poem i wrote


 I was walking through a great forest. The sounds of birds chirping. The wind blowing. It was an amazing forest. I was taking pictures. Then all of a sudden i had fallen into a hole. The hole just kept going on and on. The hole just wouldn't stop. There were clocks falling, chairs falling. This whole had to be 400 feet down. Then i finally touched the ground. I started walking around. Didn't see any doors anywhere. I looked all over then i finally seen a little tiny door that i couldn't fit through. I look over on door. I had seen a table. A table that had two potions on it. I drank one and i began to grow really big. I wouldn't stop growing till i was to big my head all crunched up. Then i grabbed the other one and drank that one. I started shrinking and shrinking till i was as small as a rabbit. Then i went over to open the door. The door was locked. I found a key that happened to fall unto the floor. I opened the door. Looked out it and there were so many trees so many colorful things. I seen a bridge so i decided to go over it. The bridge was shaped very weird. It was wavy looking. There were also weird looking vines. They were shaped kind of funny. Then i had seen a bunny appear out of no where. It was hopping and hopping across the bridge. SO i followed him. But as i was walking across the bridge i had seen a weird looking mushroom. I went to go take a closer look. I went real close up to it. It was a house mushroom as if there were little people living in it. The top of the house looked like a spaceship. I got even closer to look at it. Then" boom" out popped a little blue and hot pink creature. I jumped back and i had fallen into the river. I was getting sucked under the water. It was a whorl pool. I thought i was going to drowned and die.  "But" As i came up something pulled me out of the water. It was a funny looking man. He was really tall Pale skin. He wore a really tall and really bright Hot pink hat. His cloths was really cool looking. But weird at the same time. He was wearing a sweater vest with a suit. His pants were torn up. The colors he had on were rainbow colors. He really looked funny. I wanted to laugh but that would of been rude to do that since he saved my life. He looked at me and said in a squeaky high pitched voice," Hello my name is Tolalou. This is my town. It is called Hickory dock. Whats your name if i may ask. I said," Well my name is Alissa." Tolalou said," Well nice to meet you Alissa. Now come with me and go through the forest i will show you around." SO i followed him. Everything was beautiful in this forest. IT was so colorful. As we walked. Everything kept changing. The shapes the sizes of stuff, and even the colors. WE just kept on walking and walking. Then out of no where out popped a beautiful white horse. Tolalou said," Alissa that's your horse if you stay here." I looked at him and i looked around and said," I don't know if i can. What about my own home? What am i gonna do about where i'm originally from? Tolalou said," Come , come with me. See some more of the village. The castle that you will be living in. Also your prince charming." I said," OK I'll follow you and see the village." We walked for a long time seemed like hours. Then we finally reached the village. Tolalou said," Come with me. I'll introduce you to the prince." So i followed him. "BUT" once i seen the prince i said,"hmmm i think i'll stay."  The prince was handsome. He was tall and new how to dress. He had silky black hair and brown eyes. I really liked him a lot. Tolalou said," Good now we will prepare a wedding ceremony so you guys can be married. The white horse is yours his name is lightening." Everyone was off to prepare the wedding. Bells were ringing. Birds were singing. It was so much joy. Everyone was happy that i was going to be their princess. Days went by all the decorations were up. All the invitations were sent out. It was the day of the wedding. I had my wedding dress on. My cute high heels. And i was ready to get married to my prince. The world was sure to change. Horns were going off. Trumpets and Bells. This wedding was a really big wedding. Then we were married. The prince and I were so happy. We rode off into the deep forest to a cabin for our honeymoon. And we lived happily ever after. 

     THE END.................

© 2014 jennifer little

Author's Note

jennifer little
let me know what you think of this storie ! i turned my poem into a storie

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I think it's very cute. It's a tale we all like to hear, the prince & the princess and I see your innocence and childhood dreams still intact. For me to say this is really ironic, you have some grammar errors that I saw, and if I did, people that CAN write will too. Other than that, it was fun. Thank you.

Posted 9 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on October 29, 2014
Last Updated on October 29, 2014


jennifer little
jennifer little

jackson, MI

hi im jen i am a single mother of one daughter . i struggle from ptsd depression and anxiety . from being in abusive realationships . i enjoy the outdoors , nature swimming fishing camping boat.. more..
