For a 12 year old you are tackling some deep subjects indeed. I hope you have a trusted adult to share these feelings with? If not make an effort to find one... Just remember there is lots of time later to act on those feelings in adult ways... enjoy your time as a 'little girl'- soon you would wish you could be young again. lol.
Now about the poem. I like the way you did the two first verses...
working with "blind, not seeing, and then tying in a visual ending reffernce to 'something being in front of you'. You follow the same with the 2nd verse...curious, mind being lost etc.
In the 3rd and 4th verse you stray as if you ran out of association with your first lines then added a second first line... (maybe im forgetful,...maybe im not listining,) If you work them a bit more you could end up with a few more verses and cover all the "first lines / ideas, the way you so skillfully did in v.1 and v. 2 !. Unattentive goes well with 'not listening... and inactive.' "Forgetful" you'll have to associate something else with...
maybe im not listining,
my ears are inactive
being unatentive.
(i dont hear ??? (my heart))
Something like that... then run with the
maybe im forgetful line .
Have fun using this poem that I am sure was written in a moment of passion, to create something even better, a masterpiece!
I like this poem a lot, thanks for sharing.
P.S. If you have any questions feel free to message me, I'll try to explain a bit more.