It has been 8 months since I had been on my job as a food service worker for Sodexo at the Dover Air Force Base, and let me tell you, it is a great experience that, while you are working, you get to see people enjoying their food that they had ordered for lunch. I see a lot of people walking around the dining facility while I do the work here; and while I really do not know why, I just enjoy the fact that I like to see these Air Force people meeting each other and enjoying their meal as well as having nice, friendly conversations. It somehow makes me happy to see that those people need to see a nice, clean dining facility, as well as the food that the chefs prepare there, so that they can enjoy the food and admire the cleanliness of the place, because that is what I do-Clean every single area of the dining place, and the reason for this is because those dedicated Air Force people do not want to ever see it dirty!
Now, here is something that I would like to share with you, and this is an event that has happened to me recently; I went off to work early one morning, and I went there in the rain, the POURING rain, that is-but I do not care, as long as I can get to Dunkin Donuts (or wait, did that place just got called DUNKIN?!) to have breakfast. By the time I got there, I was already soaked to the skin, even my work pants were wet! And even though it was only June, I WAS FREEZING!! Shivering, moving my mouth! But later on in the morning, the rain finally stopped, and everything on the ground dried up. And yes, it took me a while for my work clothes to get dry, because they had been somewhat damp from my morning in the rain. And much later on in the day, the sun came out again.