![]() The Queen's Bishop and her Rook Part 2A Story by Jennifer Ryan![]() This is the seond installment![]() Part 2 – Let the game begin! It had been a month since the queen had gone out on her journey. Bishop Mir paced in the courtyard making a strange L shaped trail in the dirt. It had only been a week since the gilded beast he had sent the queen packing on wandered into the borders of the kingdom rider-less. His son Leegan had spotted it on a hunting trip and led it back to the stable. “Isn’t this Golden Wire, father?” he asked. He was a kind boy, and smart as a whip. He knew the horse belonged to the The old Bishop had been shoeing a horse when his son had galloped in and as the name of the missing equine uttered from his son’s lips he exhaled deeply. Then his suspicions were correct. Something had happed to the queen. He moaned slightly and straightened his rickety spine. How would he respond in a way that would not to tee off his own flesh and blood? The boys had been by his side since birth and they all shared a special bond. “So it is,” he said quietly. It really wasn’t his way to speak loudly, however his tone was a little softer than normal. “She must have gotten away. Well don’t just stand there boy put her up in a stall and see to it that she gets some proper nourishment.” Leegan stayed his course and stared at his father vapidly. He could tell his father was hiding something, but what? “Father you know these horses better than anyone. Surely if anyone would know if one was missing it would be you.” The old man sighed walking up to his son and placed his hand on his shoulder. “Son, I’m old. These things happen,” then he was off to do what he wished he didn’t have to do. With the queen absent, and the king incapacitated the next person in line of command was the left hand of the king. Sir Tieran, Knight Errant to the King. Sir Tieran was a no nonsense type of fellow who took his vows of service seriously and with equivocation. He also felt a failure since the king’s bewitching and had scads of doctors, chemists, and even a self proclaimed psychic or two on the case. His single minded purpose was to break the spell on the king and restore order to the kingdom. As Bishop Mir approached the throne he could see Sir Tieran bent before the king whispering. Tieran felt that even though the king could not respond he deserved to know the status of his subjects. Tieran also wondered at the absence of the queen and was most suspicious of her mysterious jaunts. This being the longest of them all, he wondered if the rumors were true and their erst-while queen had abandoned them. “Sir Tieran,” Bishop Mir said quietly wringing his large, rough hands. “I wish to speak to you if I could.” Sir Tieran sighed loudly. “Want not my lord. I will return,” then he placed his hand over the king’s and kissed his ring. “I don’t care to be bothered during my daily conferences, Bishop, but you know that.” Sir Tieran was a tall, stout man with a shock of blonde hair outlying his rugged features. His father and his father before him had served the king for many years. His forefathers before him also shared the sense of loyalty and pride that came in being a Knight to the “You’re right, however this is of much more importance I am afraid.” “I wouldn’t be so presumptuous Bishop Mir. Let me be the judge.” His words had a bite but his tone was gentle. “It’s about the queen Sir Tieran,” Bishop said wringing his hand even further. He didn’t want to allude to his involvement, although he saw no other way. “What about her?” asked Sir Tieran. His patience in her absence was running thin. “I believe something has befallen her. A little over a month ago I gave her a horse to take out on one of her trips. The horse has returned to the stable rider less.” “You gave it to her?” Sir Tieran’s tone was accusatory. “Yes,” Bishop Mir said raising his eyes to meet those of Sir Tieran. “Yes I did. She is the queen and I was following orders.” “Do you know of where she went?” “No, sir I do not. I am never privy to that information. She asks for a stead and I give it to her.” Sir Tieran crossed his arms across his face and began to do a pace diagonally across the room completing an x pattern in the sawdust. He only did this when we most vexed. “Tell me something Bishop Mir, why would she ask you and not your son whom she has been bedding?” Bishop Mir felt his breath catch in his throat. “I know not of what you speak of,” he felt the lie rolling off his tongue much too easily. “Oh, but you do Bishop.” Tieran eyed him warily. “I have had Sir Quincelet questioning your son about his involvement with the queen as we speak. Sir Quincelet had followed the queen on many a night as she stole out to your stables. Being her left hand it is only proper he would know where his charge is. Now, it was not completely clear what it was that was going on, however as much of a love the queen declared for the equestrian we highly doubted it would keep her coming back night after night.” Bishop Mir hung his head. Oh what disgrace that boy was bringing to their family. He had told him often keep it put away or lest he find himself in a most compromising situation. Of course he never imagined it would be the king’s wife. Lir had a zest for life that made his decisions somewhat impetuous and in this particular instance dangerous. “What is to become of him,” Bishop Mir asked his tone hanging low. Sir Tieran’s face softened visibly. Placing his own hand on the old man’s shoulder he said “I am so sorry my old friend. The law must be upheld. As soon as the queen’s whereabouts are determined, he and the queen will stand trial. The punishment for both is death, but if we can release the king from his spell maybe he can give leniency.” Bishop Mir raised his eyes to that of the ever present staring king’s. His once red beard was now completely white and his eyes were beginning to film over the once vibrant blue. He was wasting away before their very eyes and not even Sir Tieran could save him. What ever were they to do? * Back at the As he charged through the castle keep, his cloak billowing out behind him, he could feel the anger rising up. He clenched and unclenched his fists. Many a foot soldier and scullery maid had felt his wrath when the anger was uncontrolled. Of course the maids were often more fun. As he stalked the corridors and searched the rooms he saw the subjects flinching and hiding to get out of his way. “Yes that is wise my little pets. Very wise. Let me save this for my daughter.” With no where else left to look he started down the stairs to the dungeon. At the door was the ever present Maven. “Out of my way boy!” the older growled. “I’ll not have any of your tricks today. She will talk to me or I shall bust the door down. If you happen to be in front of it so be it.” Maven glared up at the old man staying his place. “Bloody hell let him in,” his daughter called through the door. “He won’t be gone until you do.” Maven moved aside reluctantly. “I would have like to have you seen you try,” he said to A’Moran. “I’m not as faint as you think.” “Nor am I young pup,” A’Moran said heaving the door open. Back at her ever present post A’Lira was staring into her basin. “I demand to know why you are holding her prisoner, and why wasn’t I consulted first,” he roared not wasting time with pleasantries. Without looking up from the she replied, “There wasn’t time. I had to make a move. She was threatening to go Oliris with the information of my involvement.” “So let her,” her father boomed. “She will get no more attentive an ear than she does from her own husband.” A’Lira ignored him knowing if she overlooked his petulance and feigned out rage he would move on. “What do the waters portell child?” her father asked feeling his anger dissipate at the sight of his only child. She had a way about her to calm even the fiercest of beasts. “They are aware she is missing. Her horse has returned just as I knew it would. I can’t tell if they intend to send a scouting party.” “As most assuredly they will,” A’Moran said sliding up next to her. The plan had changed some, but he was catching up none the less. “We have to get them to come out and play if we wish to make our next move.” He slid his hand up her back, making small circles on her back. A’Lira slid away from his ministrations vehemently. “What is it that you want? What is so important that you must barrage my staff with insults and threats to gain entry?” Her eyes flashed with anger and defiance. Her father must be put into his place, and soon. “What has happened that a daughter would talk to her own father with such impudence?” he asked shock and denial lacing his voice. A’Lira had never spoken harshly to him before. Either she was becoming too big for her corset or some other treachery was afoot. “You have to understand,” she said turning her back to him so he wouldn’t see her duplicity. “I am just trying to go forth with your plan. I want the same things as you; however you have to trust me. You do trust me?” she asked whipping around to face him again. “Why wouldn’t I?” he asked spreading his hands out before her. Moving to embrace her, he enfolded her small body against his. “You are my dark diamond, my inspiration. I have no reason to think anything but the best of you.” A’Lira smiled darkly, manically to herself. “I am so warmed to hear you say that.” She stepped back looking deeply into his eyes. “I want you to do something for me Father. I want you to make the first move. I want you to deliver a message to the “A’Lira my darling,” he purred “Wouldn’t a task of that nature better be served by someone of lower echelon then myself?” “Oh no Father,” she said putting her finger to his lips. “I won’t have anyone else. I want them to know we are most serious in our quest. A man of your stature will enforce this belief.” “And what do I seek to gain from such a maneuver?” A’Lira smiled slyly. “I will give you something you have wished to have for quite some time.” Then she allowed her gown to fall from her body, rendering her bare. Her father licked his lips and let his eyes rove over her curves voraciously. “Yes, yes indeed it is something I have sought.” Moving over to her quickly lest she change her mind, he cupped her left breast into his hand. “Ah, ah” she said. “Only when you return.” A’Moran stood quietly feeling the lust watering his mind and slipping to the floor. “So be it,” he declared and rushed from the room. Meanwhile, above in her tower prison, Yasmina watched the rider streak to the East on his stallion. Her jailers had been less than kind leaving her with little food and drink. She could feel the child grow and swell in her belly. Oh how she wished she had told Lir how she really felt for him. How she would have left the kingdom in shame just to be with him. Alas there was nothing that could be done. The Hillside of Expressions of Midnight had made their first move.
© 2008 Jennifer RyanAuthor's Note
1 Review Added on September 21, 2008 Author![]() Jennifer RyanIndianapolis, INAboutI'm a 34 year old mother of one and husband to one. I don't think I could handle more than one man to be honest. He drives me nuts as it is. My son is 12 and the joy of my life when I'm not reading or.. more..Writing