I love the wordsmithing, but I question the tenet. As one of "the broken ones", I can tell you that you never recover all the pieces. Maybe one, two or even three breaks are okay. But man ... you reach a point where you wish you had all your parts.
I love this poem. After reading this poem it feels that the hard times are worth it. The poeple who are afraid of life never live..they simply exist. It's like the people who are too afraid of getting hurt to take a chance on love. They have to live alone.
That was nice and very clever,
See the broken ones ,how they lived,their torment ,tattered lives,worries and pains
how lively they are,how they could tell you long stories of life for they have lived it all
The whole ones ,the safe,the kiss with eyes open..they have never danced in the rain
So they never lived,spent all time ,in pretty well wrapped cases..they never lived
I can tell you so much about this..I ve lived always on the line..seen so much sorrow
So much death..so I love life lots ,and I love death like I never feel afraid..he is a friend..a close friend
lovely write..
Playful and eager to explore new styles of writing, and to hone my skills. i'm reaching a point now where i can write a poem and be able to say that it is something i really like. I'm an avid reader, .. more..