![]() Chapter OneA Chapter by Jennika has a short attention span :P![]() Woo! Finally Chapter One is up! :D![]() Abigail's POV:
"And this is the kitchen, if the boys get hungry. If you need anything, my cell number's on the fridge. I'm sorry about this springing this on you so soon, I don't trust my oldest son to babysit without killing them. I appreciate your help so much but I have to go" Mrs. Johnson says, then grabs her purse and leaves me to the wolves. Gulp. "Hi, my name is Derrick" one of the boys say that've been staring at me through the whole five minute tour, "I'm fifteen, how old are you?" "I'm seventeen, it's nice to meet you Derrick." I replied. "My name's Max, and I'm eight. Who are you? Are you going to be our new babysitter and protect us from Frank?" Max asked. "My name's Abigail. Um, I don't know. I hope so, I need a job" I shrugged. "Well then, you're cool in our book Abigail." Derrick smiled. "Um, thanks I guess" I said and put the baby that was resting on my hip in the walker in the livingroom. "Do you guys need anything?" "No, but I have something cool to show you" Max says and grabs my arm, leading me to the kitchen. He picks up some papers from the table and hands them to me. "They're dragons, I drew them all by myself" "Wow, pretty impressive, how old are you again?" I teased. "Eight" he beamed as I handed him back his drawings. I heard the front door slam and footsteps on the stairs. "He's back" Derrick said in a creepy voice. "Who is?" I asked as we run into the oldest son, Frank, in the livingroom. "Where's mom?" Oh god, he's here? Why? Now he can pick on me after school too. Great, just great. "This is my older brother, Frank. Sometimes he gets scary" Max said. "You wanna see me play my drums?" "Yeah sure" I said as I followed him upstairs and into his Star Wars themed room. "Sweet room" "Thanks" he smiled and sat behind the drums. I stood in the doorway as he played a solo. He's actually not that bad. He'll be an amazing drummer when he's older. "That was amazing! How long have you been playing?" I asked. "Since I was two" he said proudly and walked out to the hallway where Derrick was waiting. "Drums are cool, but piano's cooler" he said then walked down the hallway where he entered a room near the end. "He's really good, you should hear him play" Max said. "Okay then, let's go" Again, I stood in the doorway, waiting for him to play. He played the Super Mario theme song which earned a smile from me. I'm a sucker for Mario. It was amazing. These are some talented kids right there. "Does your momma feed ya'll talent for breakfast?" I asked. "Psht, oh yeah" Derrick said and started playing Mary Had a Little Lamb. "Want anything to eat?" "Yeah, I'm starving. There's some noodles in the cabinet that you can mircowave" "Sweet" I said and walked out into the hallway and ended up running into a solid object. A solid, shirtless Frank. "Watch where you're going, freak" Woo-hoo! I get paid to get called names. I walked downstairs and into the kitchen. I found the noodles and got a can opener out. I microwaved it, then poured the soup into individual bowls for the boys. "Boys! Food's ready!" I shout to them then went to check on Craig, the baby Johnson. He was fast asleep in his walker, so I picked him up out of it, and layed him down in his playpen. I grabbed my book and sat in front of one of the chairs and started to read. A few minutes later, Max grabs a book and sat beside me. He turned the pages when I did, and looked at Craig's playpen when I did. It was funny how he was mocking me. Little kids. Ah, I miss those days. The door opens and in comes a tired looking Mrs. Johnson as Max and I sit our books down. "I finished my book just like you!" Max said. "Really? That's awesome! Was it cool?" I asked him. "The awesomest!" Max replied. "Oh, hey mom" Derrick said from the couch. "Hey sweetie. How were the boys Abigail?" "They were perfect angels" "Really. Oh! You managed to get poor Craig to bed without a hustle? You're a miracle worker!" Mrs. Johnson exclaimed. Frank walks downstairs, still shirtless. "I see you've met all my boys. He didn't give you any trouble, did he?" Mrs. Johnson said sobering up a little from her happy moment. "No ma'am. Well, goodnight" I said and walked towards the door. "Oh, here's for looking after my boys. I'm sure they were a handful" "No, that's okay, I don't mind, and they really were sweethearts, ma'am" Mrs. Johnson firmly folded my hands over the money. "Take it. A youngun like yourself muust want something to buy" "Thank you. Goodnight" I said and closed the door behind me. I walked across their lawn and over to my house. Man, I'm not sure if that job's worth it.
Mrs. Johnson's POV:
"Well? What did you boys think?" I asked my sons. "She said I was smart for reading a book in one day!" Max smiled. "She said my piano playing was pretty" Derrick beamed. "She also liked my drumming. I told her Frank says it's noise, and she said don't listen to him, he's just jealous of my skills" Max bragged. "That's because it is noise" Frank said. "Frank, what did you think about her?" I asked hoping maybe she made him a not be such a big pain in everyone's neck. "Other than the fact that she's a quiet nerd? I don't like her" "Well that's too bad seeing how she's your brother's new babysitter" Hopefully this miracle worker can work on him too. God, please help me. © 2011 Jennika has a short attention span :PAuthor's Note
2 Reviews Added on July 8, 2011 Last Updated on July 8, 2011 Author![]() Jennika has a short attention span :PBoringsville, ARAboutBlah blah blah. :P I am no one but MYSELF. var wp_user="Jennika";var wp_size=1; Facebook page!(: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1219060186#!/pages/The-Nerd-Herd-D/112234605461716 M.. more..Writing